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Chicago loo-k Tiadc. TA o l'lace -to Buy Seiool Êooke. WHOI,KSAL,E ííook & Stntionery Huttaft. S. C, GR1GÜS & CO, f-UBLISH Sfvadors Progressive Heacters, r.lcctro'.vpttl. -vul, acv aud ordinal Uluawnli r, Lre thu no4t buautiful H-i vvl! ' i ÜM tjeat booki xtaav L íiu-ÍM' Aíyliuljct Cíirds, fiinftjet, 8 i II, ËfttHfern' Prlraat Seh! Chart, 9 oh 4 cárth, 1 tn III tHufcdw' 1'nnií.rv SyeltiDft Bult, U IV Sí.hd-rs' New Sjífilor ín.] Uí-flncr .,., )4 V. StDÓit.s' Anuyan of Euglfiib WuiOs, 0, fio VI Sfiuür'ij Hcti nai Priraur, (boandj 1TC Vil Sanders' iira:n néKluUftb I'rlmer '10 VI2I. i:ia(3fr3' Hi Pit K-o.icr 15 IX Sander Nw Bccond BiHiimm. í,# X ñíni'3ers'Nw TIjjïü r.widrr, m Xí. Stndera' XvW Kaurtb KíAilor t, Xlí. i-urnierV -■■■ Hflh Koo'"t 7K XXII. Sanrtert' Higli-tícbrO! H-h-ler, e :. cr3 Vons Ladic.s' ÍUsaíT, .....-,.. 9 Xvr. LftnderiScbooT8piik.-, ) XVI. Sün'ÍKr.s' nocutiotüirj' t'bhit, ,.,..... 2 9 ceftders tre Ustingnfatbd fo? shir iiririt pro ffrêtmvt charactiT and practical n'ÍPiíntioito ikuü. Tln'v hare bten received with uiipri-tedcnied Inr sní b nocíais mtiro fftvorallj tlmn ƒ l'rattical Tnieíití wiiw have ioateti tln-ir mri it u tbo dchuol rocni. R.obinson's Course of Mathematica. T;Y UOiUTlü N. ROBXNSOX, IX D. Eftt Profegor of Matiicmatic.- in the U. 3. yvy I Rvbtmob'l rrogrcEi-ivel'r'mrrj A rit 3 -melk, il f', timón' Proiu-s-sive iDtvlJfctual Arith. 1U Rabínsoa's Rudiment oi written Ajith.. 4 IV. KobiíMuu'A rrurvaive Pr.ictk:íil Ariih. d V Uübimu'b Ky to Prnclical Arithmvtlc, M VI. RoUin-íoii'í'Tr gv"iuv Uighcr AriiLmitlg, 74 "'II. Rjbin-inn fi Kiv lo EUghvr Ar.iíimttic, ?é VUI. Kobiiutoa'i flfctw tl. ii]Dt.ry AJgvbm, T4 IX, K binson's K'-y ti EtmDiu-y Algebra, 7 X. KobinsonV Univrriy Aictbrá, 1 2i XI. )l'b'.nsütjVj Ky to Unive.'sit; Algebra, 1 LO X'T H -liinsoiiN (Jpunwiirv and irigoiM-inciry, 1 frü X!;l Uobí[;.-.O:.'s ífuvvi.-;, iiv nial Kimirtiiun " v XJV Kü)i DfQü'rt Aaalj'tical Geoattr nd (,'onla rctíons, r i gj XV Roblasou'sfíiwiential r.tjd Integral CaloultLfil I XVI Robiuaon'a Klrmt-utary Aslron'y, 7J X'li Iínb:isoi]'s UnWenH) Autnmoaqi, i "ft XVtfl Robioaon'a Ufttbai8ikl Operatu-a. % C XIX Ilob nr.'.-: K-') fu Algebra, üwisvlrf, SurForming a l'VLL MAT1IEMA1 TAL CÜCRSÏ, tubracing 4rithmet!c and Text Bwck id the Higbei Mthcraatíc. Kor ex+.ent of research, fac;lit_v end aptnrAS at tlUiKtmtíf n. p.nd practica] unelulnss, tlie uutliur oí tiái. series issurpased by no mathiicatical writcr I11 tí.U coutetry. Ttiis series huí bun recumnwnded br th U% MatiivicaUciMn. ie all Mtttuxu ol tUu cuimtiy . Gray's Series of Botanies, six booka. Hituhcock's School Anutomy uud ology, SI. ílitchcock's Geology, one book. Vvcli's Gríimmars. two books WelPfl Scicntiíic Series, including ÍJhemietrj, PLilosophv, etc Three books. V íleon 's Series of Historici, five book. Fnsqueliu's Frcncb Series, eight bookv Woodbury's Germán Series, seven book. Bryant & Strattón's Series of Buuk-kcepiug, threo books. Spenceriiin System of Penmansbip, nine boofcti. And Many oOicr Valuablc Dook. Wholesale Dealers and Iieiaii Prcliasurs Will flm! at our stoi-p owr Four Thousnd different i: 'atiom-ry and Thrue UuudrKl Tliou.mJ Vidumos of bookn, from whlch to make Ibeir irlrittlg campritiin an ttS9ortineLt not rivaltjd by au otlior biKf house in tlie Uui'cd :rtatt;.s, S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special AgenU for Messrs Harper & Hro'i Publicatiou, " D. Appl. ton & Co'a " " Tieknor & Field's - " Gould & Lineoln's " " J. V. Lippincott & Co' ' And furnUh all thcir Bouka nt Knstcrn pricís for cwiti . Note Papers. Letter Papera, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Book,s, And all kiuJs of STA'JT JXL'RY, st the loneit pric .. Sk WKo ly the duzmol ciue. t3„Stniiii:i'i.'iiil ravt'lcrs risiting diiugo ül flixl it intiTe-t 112 to lintfpr fur an liour umid the;riiiniaW piles of literture ut SÜ und 41 Lake iátrt-ut. S. C. GI11GGS & Co. Asenta Wauted. For all costlj anl vnluable Subscription Woriu, or aij.v nul.le wirk upon Kcligiun, J.iteraturo cieno, oí Art, Iddross b. C. GKlüIJS t CO. ILEASE KEpMBER Tliat there is r.o boukstore in this onuntry kccpiugn Wttur or m ir eiteiisivc assortnient tfcan s a,lwayj runad ai S9aud-ilLahc MrOkt. I EMEJIBEH. Public or Irivato Librarle! c.iu b luppllod wltü ftrst cIhrs ytai dard Works b -S. 0,0. k (.'o. upoo bitter terms than to sond East uní "pay Ireijht ftï'j-Wcïtern Literar; and Professional nien,Teftchrr Scboiius in all departmonts of of the world wf lttera( aro r.vitoa tomate .9 and 41 Lale streut tbelr pl ut resort ïu momentü of loisuro. 9 C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and lictail BookaoUan and Stationers, 89 & 41 Lakc Street, Cliicago. u. c. GKiúus S4S;m3 s. 1 jí.vji. DO YQU WANT WIUSKERS t DO ' OU WANT A MQVSTACHE l If so, parchase 011e boitle of E. E. Chuu.pioa'1 EXCELSIOP. INVIGORATOR The worW r.'uownéd - the ocly article of tha 'tnè ever oüVretl the peuüle of ihe Cmtod States. Táo aiiuv srticle is the onlv one used by tlie Freucb m Laaduq oud Purio it s iu universal aap. THE EXCELSIOR WlilSKER IiWIGORATOR f l Isa Beautiful, Kt-ouomical, Srootln'ng-, vet StimuifttiDj Compound, acting as it by magie upon ihe root.-, cmu ing a beautiful growth ot I.nxuriant Beard. If ap; Iie4 to the Soal;j, t will cure }J.u.iness, and if applted a cording to direction.s, it friilca$eto pHag up fn hul A Kpota a fine gruwth of poft frepu haik Tlie Celebrated EXCELSIOR INVIGORTOR Ijs fl.11 Indispensable Article in evt-rv Ge-nilejjyin's Toil# fcnd a f tor on wci-K's nsti tliey wou ld atít, ior nny cna4eratioa, be with-iut it. Tbc above article wilJ, in froin Tuur to l'.ight Weeks, brillé uut a tliit-k set of WhUKHkj or YousTAaiL. Th ubaribiTs are Üie only Agfimts for the abov trilde ia tho United Statee. Thoy would also annouuce to the public ihat lh :ire agtnt.s fur Napoleoivs Hair Toilet ! The only at ticle over dfiered to theFicnoh neüple % wouii', iría hTKAiGBI HáiR I the abovp Toilet being mnul'acturt'd for the scle bcru'li! o I.iuiis Knjioleon ! wliick nrticie 'S indispensable ii' liis Toilet The Kuhseriber teeling cotiiMenttbat thin Toilet mut necess-u-il y tike the pitreo ofaUotbem ever cffered W the j. uMIe.1 - ire tq esprft)itt their conHdence tn the ar tic! e, gaining it from practical u.e. THE NAPOLEON IIAIB TOILET WiUCüftfc T vigiit IIaih in Roftj SilLen, i'lowing Curia t ,hnt will r;m:iin inshape fnr one day or nno week if dsiti d, ■■:.::■ 1. il' the ilirectiuna are strictly folio we '■■ . ttple ;u:'l catij . Tbïs Iliir T.iüct doert rot in any maDntrmtfrfm witb tbc Natural Softnc t' the Hair. It neither corche noïdyesit ; hative ihe hair a stft, thrifty sppearance. i ffeata the hair fr m fa Hing oü and tUTDÍDg THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Has be$n hcforcthe publc buta sh.-rt time. and hun If.v'.- been tested I Ikouwind pwwul and 1h--y testify that the Nnpoleon Hair Toilet is the grc-nV■ latilitT evi. ■ .■ Aiuc!'ii-;ni penple. To prevent fhiü Toilet !rom beíüg counterfoitod o.t íwr tate i Iiy UDjjpiutp1ed parmnt, -e do not offer .t ftt ah at any Drugjjwtf in tjao l.'niii?'1 Siates Th(ríaí Wk.' in irho rtesïres Soft, ï.nxniao, Wa-ir and Cm Is. ;t :. : ■ rara or Mr.y.jitaiitP, CB procure tlio In vic orator or Toilet, eithfg oav,ioi p dollar enclosud in a letter. wit!i their a-ddrov. AddrsMi C. F. SPFNY& C".t Box 1Ö3, CollinsviHp, Ilartfond Co.., Coan And it wllllie carefully aet b.yraburn mail. General Land Agency. PETISONS waritingfarin8,orresidencpfarn# Anti Ai hor, can by Cüllingon rap eïeiil-om lljtt ofover 1OO TíarmsFor SUI Ofrarioui'slacst rom .1, Cc 13C!)acic?eocb ;( es goodiiaftTinthiíConnty.) Morethaa JSO OweliMsr Honss B'-.hlsCity.frTiTitwo Iiundred to fourthontanc'd!arueach ; and ovñT VOO EtIILDING LOT8I Amviopthcfarms are the Kisbcpirarm , 130Gar9 thn t'otf'r í'nrm, i n Groen Oak, t'"j PUcrfarm , tn I 43)acrP-thcRUndonnnd Jenks farm, f n Whiter; the1 StubS, Michnel Clancy, Newton Baegsn, ndi FallRbn t'nrme. in Ani Arboy; J.Kinsïej'4fapoa. inPittuSotd-thi [Tntoh nd T(ick ('nrmi in i-od! the Patrirlï Clnyn ffirm Ín Fredotn; W. S, T&Wfcon,"B G, Rakr f and Ruok'fl FrniH InSyJvan. Moainf ! tho Anti raauy othors can be divlddto tuit purohB'er' B.wavtaipr. A.nuArbo.i.Jun it , 18.1Í 13 Oval Picture Frames AIXSIZKS, STVLKf and PKa'E? just ret-eirfd and for viJe cheapat iCHOFF & MtLLEK'S. tMfl.0ec.2li, 7fOtf jíToticePTTEFí; A. AWaHLK heg', rnvr. tn in'frrn tb pobï'e thnt sh b ur'n'the !at four fwr tra-d to fh" rn TmonB nm mnt "f bit we n 40 cd 50 dollars In that 1m-í on htr liu bmtí'ii pmwH!, WIFEOFHAJITT A.KVAPÏ.F. ?hrnn. Junr 4th, iffC 8Tiff3 '■" - ■ - ' ' ' Ayeis Sai'gaparüla,


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