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The Late&t Special Dispatchi To the citizens of Ann Arbor a Vicinity ! ! INTENSE EXC1TEMENT! Ilundreds waiching the progross of Daily Events ! l The Federal Army again Victoriyua! -The Union must and shall be Preserved !'r " There v:as a man in our iown lie was so wondrous wise," But with all IiU wisdom, ho waR nol io,, as thnt 'other man," who whea ba wanteJ to buy the The cteapesi and lest C L O T H I IS C! in this marjeet always juwjped into G TJITEEMAN'8 IIEAD QÜABTEES For thero lie, knew lie alwnys got his monri, worth. Seeing is bclieving and yju i wish to soe come n and believe. Those tlu can't see can feel, and as we always mah our customers feel good over good bargaii lliey are especially mvited to our anxio seat, tlmt they too may realizo how "gooó it is for tliern to be with uu," aud how rauck pleasuro can be obtained in the enjoymtnt oi SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! "Come all ye that are weary nnd Lcavy ]s. tien" - with üoriis and wc wil] do our bctttu relieve you - giïiug you in return tho Jim kind of Goods al the loiccst figures. Great battles are hourly taking place in th( ClothiDg line - whole regiment of oassiracra, Vestins, tc., are beini; slauglitered by Git! SoNDiiEiM - t.o fit tho great rush of neruiti that are pouring in from every direetion,l unzious to havo their names enrolled for a NEAT AND TASTY SUIT ! - lucli as can Oüly be had at the IleadQuarters of Guiternian cö Co. One of the firm, Mr. 21 Guiterman-, havinr just returned from Europe with s large assor Unen t ofOloths, Cn-simerea, and mecloi of fine Vcstings, also a few piec of &m Beaver for overconts whii h we will nmke un to order in the Htest style, we feel coulident that we can satisfy all. STXJJDE3STTS 1 Wc are happy to greet you nga'n ia ea City, af ter pending your vucatiun witli tbi " 3ear old folks" ut home. Be assured i wisli you a pleasant term, nnd slmll fverbi gl:id to me;t you at the Old flcad-Quarters, INro. 5. O" Our former customers, we fee) mtimd, will culi on us again To you who tome strnngers ive Rould say a few worós, ïe wish you to cali and look at our fine CoaU, PanM, and Vests, we can do better by jou than any other h .use in the City, andif jou cali and examine our goods.and try tlieir fits, you will purcliase nowliere else. DON'T FAIL TO NEW GOODS For the Spring, '1862. o MACK & SCHUD Wou UI respectfully announce to the Citizeniöf "Washtenaw and adjoining Countio tlmt we are now receirlng Direct from ilit Eastern Marktte A full anti complete supply of Staplo X33LC1 Panoy DRY GOODS Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GROCERIES, CKOCKERY, &tPurchase'l by one of .our firm for cash, and notwi1 stitmlicg tho hard times weshail contiuue to And Weekly Additions To our stock in order To Accommodate our Oustcitei With every thing they may need to ask for. Anñ wo will farlher pledgo ourseives to soll t tW AS TIMES "WILLTERMIT and whloh is ahvays as -As Low as tlie Lowest' At tho samf! tïmc we hopo our frienda anl u''j en vilihr;ir in uiind tliat the times cornial ui W our gooits For Cash or Rcady Pay. Ann Arbor, Murch 28, 1F61. S46tf U9iE SARATOGA EMPIRE WATBl FOR In'liestion or HjspepKia, Conftipation, fr IVbüity, I.osa of Appi-tlte, Cnmmon C..1.U. "? of llu I.ungs, llcadacuc, and Fwcrish ste" sv-Jtom. ti.l.l by MAYNAHH, STKBBIN5 i! WlWü' KHKK1IACII .t C., Ann Arbor. 18, General Land Agency PERSONS wanting farm, o r reidence(In of AnnArbor,can by calliugon me oieclfroffl' ofover IOO Farms For Sale! Ofvarlou sizes trom 3, te 13CÍÍ acreFeacb L16 a goodasanvinthisConnty.) Norethan .5O DwcliiiK IIoiirks ,■ nthlCity,froratwr 'ïandred to rourthou" artoach : and ovar Oí B U I Iy D I W G I. O T 9 1 AmonpthcfarmR are t he lUshcpsinnn. irTOO tha I'ottcr farm. In Grenn Ou, t'he Plucf frm' „' 48)crC8,;heRlnn(ionnnd Jnnks farm, In W" th StnhSs, Mlchael Clancy, Newton BPCfi Fallnhai l'ann. In Ann J.KingileJ ',j InPiltadRiil-tho Hitrh nd Tflrk t'arma in l'd i 1'ntrirkClajrnfnrm in Frocdom; W. S. nT"".;. O. Rnker ■ nnd RucV fnrma InSjr''""' , thosp nnd inanjr otbers can be dlvidedto purol""cri ..ioí AnnArboj, Jan lit . 1856 Ayer's Agüe Cure..


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