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Stonewall Jackson's Operations

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White IIousk, Juno 28. Two dierturs lYom Jaukagn's urniy caine into within a inile and a half of tlie White House, and delivered thomselvos up to a couplo of Gen. Stonumau's videttes, who were posU'd in the woods to the right of the White House. They had luft Jackson's anny early oa Satur day moriiing ncar Uaines' Mili. One was a Lieutenant belonging to a North Carolina Ueginient, named James Ev. ans. Hu had been in the service sinco the first breaking out of the rebellion, and had participated at Buil lluu and the late batÜe at Fair Oaka Lieuteuant Evans states that or. the Tuesiiay following the battle at Fair Üaks, orders v.'ere receivod fot his regi ment. wüii six others, throe baítiries o fiuld pitees and three ïegimciits of caví' alry, to join the foroes of Stonev.alJackson, in the Yallcy of the Shenanl douh. They left Kiohiuoid on Tuegday iiight, in the cars for Gordonsville, at ♦vhich pkice they were to report. Stonewaü Jackson, alter tlieir arrival at Gordonsville, ordered them tu iriove forward witli all possiblü dispatch to Staunton, where they wtro to reniain, lor the purpose, hé supposed, of oheoktDg the army of Gen. Fremont. They reniained at Stauuton two weeks, when they were ordered baek to Gordonsville with all possible baste. Some of thu regimeuta - as many as tlie Virginia Central KaUroad eould take - went by the ears, aud the remaiuiug portion lnarched by three different roada. Among ihe latter was Evans. Fnr miles aluug the road the rebel Soldiers were importunfed by the civüiaos along the route to show thein Stoitewall Jaoksotn Thej seein to a parfecfc reverente lur hun, and would wiiiiiigly risk theil ifcrea to do hiw the BÜgbtest service. juckson, he sap, nevcr allowec! his soldiers to iuquire the name of uiy town or vil lage wiieu passing througli on a march ; aud he has been known to deal mest snuitiKirily with several soldbrs and officors wLo havo disobqjed lus orders in this respect. Jackson'a force, with the reinforoements whieh he reeeived i'ioin l{ielinio:id after the battlu ot' F.iir Oaks, exoeeded 55,000. His euvalry ioree he cstimates at 7,000, Col. Wade ILiiiiptün s Legión bejug uwtng the uumber. Of field artillury, lie had fifty pieces, rilled, of the mest approved calibre. Jackse.i left Gordoiisville íateatnigUt on last Tue=da_v, a week ago, UklBg part of hia troops ou the ca;s tpwaxd itiehmond, aud arrunging fir the bulante to go by ro;;ds t. certaiu paints near Ashland. Arheti about tuenty miles froju Gordousvilh', the troop turned iVom the railroad acros's swanips and thiek woodland btriking up country roads occasionally, in u direct linu to Ashland, whero they waiied for their other foj oe to come np. Their average maieuiug tne wug tweuty miles a day. Ou Wednesday they rcaehod a positiouon the noith mcIj of the Ckiolw honiiny about tvvo uiika from Mechaniesville. Pai t of Jacksou!S anaj vr the l hickaliominy and causo u ou otir fiüiit at leehaniesvillo. líe Wcts wi.h the anny at Gaines' Mili und theü ucd to dcsert tho scivico. While a portion oí Jacksou's foi'uo was eugagiug lVter, bo eseaped, aud with a pnvatu, Wiu. M. Hilton, of the Sixth Vugiuia, eamo into our camp safely. After the succesn, aa he vfas !cascJ lo tuna Ihe lato rebel ïaid arúiuid oui' li::us by General Stuurt, he suys that Stuart and Jolmstun urged Jdii' Davis to oid'.T Jaekson to go in oü rear or attaek our right flank. A moveuient of this kind was called foï by the neeessi of their positiou, and was deeiued of mero inportMiieo atlhis critica! juuuturu of the Confedérate cause than a dozoti victories in tho Shmianduah Valloy - Unk'ss they lield possession of ltichuiOüd the ind of the rebellioii was certuin - Stuurt said the Confedérales liad better lose evory State than surrender one brick belonginif to lïicluuond. it was through tbcse eounsels Jcff. Davis ordei'ed Jaekgoa to the raat of the Cbickahominy ; besides, oursjpplies at the White House und the rwlroad stat ou wore nu"ded by the rubel troops. Flom and bief stitute their daily ratum.s, and oaly fhrco pounds of salt is giveu to ouo hundivd and tjfteea men each week. Hinco tha advent of Jacksou's ariny in VVes'teni Virginia Ij is troops subsiated on half ra tious. Tbey are ragged and filthy, and made to fight only by their lïeaperat condition. Our depots of supplies ara held up to their famisiied viious, and bonntiful sup plios of every luxury is promisud if tlu-y defcat us The rebel suldiers are mere machines; whatever spirit and indopendenee they once possessed has been effeótually crushed uut. Alter beiiiíí driven in the swamps on his front, Juokson rest.ed till flarly on Friday Morning, when he again cinninenecd the assault on the front and flank of l'orter. ■ The forco of Jaekson, outuumboring J'orterV two to one, rendored ït fiecessary to withdraw, and make an cffort to cmss tho Ghiekahoininy, botvvuen Mcehanicsvillo and liottom's i Bridge, wliich they suceeedcd in doipg latu ,on SalurdiiV. Ii was u v 11 !;nowii fact that Oen. Mcijleilan was anxious the rebels to wake a demonstraron like this on his right, but had nut, if conrse, anticipated the coiicentrtun ol so large a rebel furee as that under Jaokson. I omkted to state that the rebel Lieutenant mfornied me the tho plan of attack had been nrraiiged iu this ïnantuT .- As soon as Jacksou attaeked ourright it was agrecd that bo shculd make the battle last all lay - success or del'eat was inmaterial. Tha day following: Johnstoii was to assail our'lel't, and lire day altor, Leo our centra. By fchiu plan tho rebels supposed vo vvould bo coinpelled to keep i our whole üue undï anus. not kn.uwing what part the rebels iutended assauliiiiL' uext, and so fatigue our army to sueh a degree tbat figbtiug would bo impussible. Gen. Jacksou dresscs in a priïale's uniform, is much torn and worn a3 the meanest suldier's. l:n battle ho is never seftted apon i, but invariably stands with a nmsket, or among the xoldieis. - It is impossible fur sharp-shootars to piek l;:m o(ï, this reason. Ho is fiieatly feared, but very popular with bis meö.


Old News
Michigan Argus