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ff pen! jato. : The Douglas Mtinorial. The diploma of membership of the Douglas Monument : Association, beautifülly engia ved ou steel, about ulnc hy twelve inches in dimeusious is now ready für distribution to tlie subscriben f the monument fuud. ïo all persons forwerdin to the Asyociation One Dollar or more will be sent one of these Diulom-is, properljr executed. To contritutoroin the sutn of TWO Dollars or more ' 11 be furnishe'J grautuoual , besides the Diploma, beautiful imperial n STEEL EXGRAVING OF JÜÜGE TOÜGLAS, 21 ly 17 indios, piiblished by Marsh , Rowe & Co. Cuntributors in the smn of one dollar will becomp Wk membars of tlie Douglas Monument Asaociation ; in tho sum of twenty dollars, lionorary lile mc-mlers; and in the sum of one hundriid dollars, honorary. life members of the Board of Trustiii. Local receivfvs and solicitors for contributionsare beingauthorized in the loyal States. I'umphlets and circulara containing the Organization, Constilutioll, ByLawJ, and the Appeal of the Asnociation, will bc sent to all who will furward their address. Cummunicatious should be directed to tlie "Se-;retary D. M. Ass'n, Chicago, ni." AU editors wlio will insert tliis card in their daily, weekly or tri-weekly issues three months, with an occasional notice to advancc the object in view, will have for warded tu thein mmedialely Diplomas art Honorary Life Alembers cf this Associ.ition, also a copy of the above Portrail, upon the recpipt by the socieiy of a copy of their paper contaiuinir thia announcement. W.Ü.TEK B. SCATES, President. Leonabd W. Volk, Secretary. É?56m3 Seeawoman, n another column, picking Snmbuci örapes for Speeb's Wine. It is'an admirable article, uaed in hospitals nnd byfirst-clasB families in Paris, London, and New York, in preference to old pott wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. J If you wish a good Tonic, free from alcoholic stimulants, get HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Read the advertisement in anotiier column. A CARD TO THE SUFFEEiriG. The Rev. Willijm CosGKOvr., while laboring as a Missionary in. Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had failed. by a recipe obtnined from a learned physician residing in the great City ofJeddo. This recipe has cured great nucbers who were sudering from Uonsumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat,Cou(;hs and Colds, and the debilityand nervous depression causee by these disorders . Desirous of benefitting othcrx, I will senil this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all v.-Lo ueed it free of charge. Address Bit.WM. COSGROVE. g23yl 439 Fulton avenue, Iïrooklyn N. Y. Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN' HARVEY, having for upward of twenty vears devoted bis professional V-me xclusively to the treatment of Female Diflioulties, and having succeeded in thousands of cases in restoring the afflicted to sound health, bas now entire confidence in offering publicly his "GRBAT AMERICAN REMBDY," ÜH. HABVET'S CHRONO-THEKMAL FEMALE PILLS. Which have never yet failed (when the directions have been strictly followed,) in removing difficultiesaritjing from Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or in re&toring the dystern to perfect health, when suf fering from Spi.val Aftkctio.ns, I'bolapsus Utïbi, tui Wuitbs, or other weakne-ss of the Utejline Obganr. AIko in all cases of Dkbility orNebvoüs Trostratios, Hystbbics, PALPiTATiONa, &c, &c. , which are'the forerunners of more serious disease. tj, These Pilla are ptrfeetly harmltfs on the coiistitution, and may be taken by tl c most delicate femále without causbtg distress; at the same time tbey act likb a charm t y strengthening, invigorating,and restoring the system to a healthy conöit'on, and by bringing on the monthly period with rcgularity, no matter from what cause theobstructions raay arise. Thuy should, however, not be taken during the first three or four months of preguancy, though safe at aoy other time, as miscarriae would be the result. Each box contains CO Pilis. Príce One Dollar, and when ilesired will be sent by mail prepaid by any advertised Agent, on ieceipt of the rooney. tiold by DruggiKts in Ann Arbor. J. BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y., General Agent. H. k L. SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. 8O6tf New Medical Discovery. For the speedy and permanent euro of Gonnorhea, Gleet, TTrethal Discharges Gravel, Strlcture, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder} which has been used by upwards of ONE HUNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, in their private practice, with entire success, ünpcpsedingCcRKBS, CopAiiiA, Capsules, orany.compoundhitherBELL'S SPECIFIO PILLS, are Bpeedy in actïon, often effecting a cure in a few days, and wheu acure is effected it is They are prepared from vegetable extract that are harmless on the system , and never nauseate the stomach or imprégnate the breath ; and teinz supar-coated, all naseous taste is avoided. Vo change of dict is neeessary ichilst using tham ; nor does their action interfeie with businesspursuits. Each boxcontains kíx dozen Pilis. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, and will besent by mail pos-1-paid by any advertiaed Agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by Druggists in Ann Arbor. Nonegpnuine without my signature on the wrapper. J BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y. , General Agent. H. & T.. SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale AgenU íor Michigan, 8OCtf MPO RTANTto FEMA LES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOMAN Iscontioually inperil if sbe is mad enough to neglect nr maltreat those sexual rTegularities to which twothirds of hersex are more or lesR subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'SI'IU.S, preparel from the name formula wliich the inventor, flORNEMUS L. CHEE8EMANj M. D,,of New-fork, hns for twenty years uwerl fiuccessfuüy in an extended private practice - mmediately relieve without pain, all disturbanccs of the periodical discharge, whether anwing frotn relaxation or supprfission. They iet like a cbarm in removing the pains tliat acccmpany difficult or iinnanderate mecstruation, and are the only safe and reïiable remedy for FItttliM, Blek Headacbe, Paius nthe Loias, Bnck and Sirtes, Palpitation of the Heart Nervous Tremors, Hypterics, Ppasms, Üroken Slop and othor unpleasant aud danj?eroufi effect of an unnatural condition of fcbo sexual functions Tn the worst case of Fluor Albus or Wlütes, effect & speedy cure. To WIVES and IVEATIOISrS DK.CHEESEMAN'SPIUareofferedas the only lafe means of rencwing;mterrupted menstiuation, but, LAD1ES MUST BR AR IN MI.VI) Thcre is onerovdiiiov of the femnle. system Ín whiktht Pillt cavvotbe taken wi' hout productn& a PECVKfAR RKSULT. Thecnndition rcferrerf to {$ PRF.GNANCY- thé reeult, MISCAT11UAGE. Such is the irresintibU tendtney of the mndicinr. tarestors thn sttual fuction$ to a normal eondition, tiai even the reproductive power of nature canftot resist it. Kxplicit directions stating when, and tohen thetj should not ht, utrd, ivith oach Box,- the Price Out Dollar each nox„rdntaiving 50 Pili. . A valuable Pa. uphlet. to bo had free of the Agents. Tilla tent bij mail promptly, by enclosing pnco to aqy Aeren!. Sotf hy DruggiaisReupral y. b R. B. HUTCH1VGS, Proprletrr. 20 Ctdar-St., Wae York. Tnr' Pale by HAYNAnP STFBP1XF t WT! OK . aad qxsmEÏ & fffLÍxt.


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