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Take Care Of The Lawns

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Uui joiite or know the beaur. lic pi luwii, and yct uothing more to ihs nc:it!0o3 and appearof '■ a ros'.d.-'.w," in eit)1 or country. JTruijuuut uiöwïiig, .opee n forúiigbt or fetoia!-, ii ha pi;ij saving u:liuance. - ■ att: .ifi o:,?ü_v; by ;ui expert with a mon gra seyllie upoa ;i ainull seale, or lawc luuweia erbtre the plot is largor i d.íxj liiso of machine i not considbred. Iioprove the opportuiiHy nftor ;v l:i:ivy ruin to ''rpll úic lawu." A litïla care in m e:i, rollinc, wil! grcatly euliance iis beauty, by t'.i;ckeuiti its sward and giving it a n-heiy appuaiiiüi e, w!ik!i sv ; i I nut bu uitaiuud i-i ;1. o h;i;.li:i7.ird mannr too vuany yarda aro allowtd tü icmain n. Tlicro aru niany v}s fh Whioh a good gfttssed sward ean be nscd to ödvantage aboul cjuut.y places. - Iutroduced aa a praiiioniidc gn.uud where long vvalks, esBecialiy, ü' straight, are doiirublo, tl:ey lüivü a pjf?sii'g effect. Upou eitlnr Vide liavo a border of fiovrers, hose va'ricd l.urs if fijante and blossoms will contrast tinely, and ido of this nguiu an ordiiunj griivol or plituk walk for tiie " lajios" in dimi' weatlur fünn ono of tho ploasautest featurea iu a largo cstat-j wo bave seeu n a loug time. With u.uiü, thcra is nQthing better as a border for flower beds. Seleot urf well swarded and ireo i'roin foul lr.isb,. Wo vo:e oace to much trouhln aml disappointipaot by getting sward that was fiilcd with sorrel Toots, which soan filie J our beds, much to our voxatiou and uo small dogree of libor, bèfore it was exterminated. I'ioparc by cutting i:i strips ten iuclies wido of au even thickness. Spude the ground to a good depth in the dostiued position oí til 3 border. Pulverizo and make level i'siihihe bed. Upon this surfatx p.iaco the sward ; ürst spriukling the samefrom tho watur pot; press it finuly, tf u.-iiiig a mallet tnado t'or the purpose, foruicd i'rom two-itich p!ai;k aud ten ijiches square, with a short handlo at otie sido. A thorough matting with this wil! give th.3 swi'.ra an eveuncss and compaetiêss whioh wiil seoure il against. droitth In no case level the soil up to surfaee oí' border,; bui keep ihe latter above ths bed. This will prevent the grasa roots to a gruat csteiit froni running into the b'ed, and preserve tho uniform width of ; jup Mu.


Old News
Michigan Argus