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OF ALL KÜ'-DS i Meatly Executed Í AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. WE LRE 1'REPAilEn TO F1IX M.L ORDERS IN THE LINK OF Pil INT ING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. Wo have recently purchased & ROTARY CARD PRESS, and Imve dded the Int'st tylei of Card Type, which enablea u lo print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in tlje neatest stylen, and as cheap a any other house ïu the State. We aro also prepared to print TOSTERS, HAA'DBILLS, BLAXKS, lilLL I1EADS,1 CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS c, THB ABGUS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of FÍRST CLASS WORKMA-N, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RNA LS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad in best sttle at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IK ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warrantcd to give cntiro satisfaction. E. B. POND, Propr, Office and Bindery, cor. líain fe Hurón Sts. Coiiway FIre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital pakl np, . $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilitiea. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WHITNEV, L. SODMAN, W ELLIOTT ASAUOM.AND,D C. McfilI.VHA Y,E D MOHGAM VVAIT BEMENT, JO8IAH AM.IS A II BI'M.EN W.H.D1CK1NSON, W.T. CLAPP, D.C. HOGERS. Alm Arbor nefprences: dp. e. wki.i.s, l. jamks. l. nonoE BNOCIIJAMES. CPT. O R. OOODKIUIl' J. W. KNIGHT, AKent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Money Wanted. Who will JLeTid M o n e y 1 T AMREliCESTEDBYSEVKlUL l'ERSOXS tu obtain l for tiiem at Ten Por Cent Iatorest, (OrMore.) t'ranyono williujf talend,] can nt onco invest on jjood unencunibf-ri'd atmixlant. KivAl, KSTATE security iny uin of monoy aud ee that the titlo and sccuiitr ■ in, J tO The borrower paylng all eipenjeB, mcluding r. iwanwt. E. w. morcan, Ann Arhir, C-ct. 7.1869. T-'f i ■.? ,■■■■' ■ ifp book sToaE8 m : J. R. WEBSTER WÊ t RK NOW OPEN1XG, 01 I w;ni.lViLFU:: i AXJJ Münuf;,., :i " w , . ,. utock ol liAff & MEDICAL 1IOOKS, School Bookt, Misctïïancous Books, Blank Books. dan Walluud Win.Jo.r Paper, JJl'HVlli;; !;!; f.T tl).-m;i tii'M I ïlislrumön t, Jurenilc Ubtajfcs, Kurdopiu, luía Mid O'nivli. GOLD And all otíer liinds.of Pens and Penáis V.'irhlo'.v Comice, yliade.-í aml i-'ixtun, POCKET CU.TLE11Y! Andevcrythincr ptrtnining to t lie trade, and more to whtchthey rimld uvjte the tUtcntiou al ihc cii.iitiT. ín i'oufjuctinjf onr bosiaes, iy uluüldo all that can liüií. no rcospa&ble mita, womas or cbild ihall fiad kuy fftult. Wo poóse-t fiioilííies which will us to iujjplj ourdtomers at tbe Lowcst Poafeible Figures. W propose tosellfor EtEADY PAY, ataamalladranco. Wfcxpi-cta proflt onourgüOs, but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGUSES. The "EmpjrfBoox Stork," ís mannod by ,TKod 'crow.' tn they will alvrays befounO on th "quartor deok," ready and wiliitijr to attcnU to all witli {il&üsure, wUo will favor them with a cali. Uemcmbor the (tEtiípire Book Store." JAMES R. WBBST.SB & CV Aun Albor, M:iy,186O. 71a ANOTHER A A UBI V AI AT THE pOLDAND RELIA BLE CLOÍKI?ÍC I R i ■■' EMPORIUMÜ Ioe-IÍbT O. S MAIN STREET. TTVxsa. 7-C3r:Kr:Eï:Et., has :!t re{urnl from thé Eastcrn Cittes, trtth a largí auJ ilcsirable atock of F ALL AISD WINTEK CSr O E X S wUicb Ue is now offering ni uuusually Araonbis Asaortmcnt niity be fuuiid BROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, DOESKIN8, & VESTIKGS. of aMdescríitlionjt, epeclally for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! whích he is cutting an'l makinr; to order, in thelatest aac bcatstylcs, togcther with a Ruperior assortmeat of REA D Y MA DE'CLO TRINO! TRUNES CARrirr BAGS, UMBEEI.I.AS, and Grentlemen's Furni3hing Goods, witii nunierous othcr arí'c!cs usiiülly found ín' bimilís: Bfrtablislutfehts. As ANEMPOKIÜM OFFASBIO, the subíoriber ílattcrs hl melf , that bt? ln (üTtpcriencí: anf genera. accoAS,wÜ] enable hira to give tle reatesí satlsiaction toall wlio may troèi liimm the way ofmanufaeturing garmuut-s to ordor. 7oQtf WM. WAGNÍSat; lïiiïe Factor y! A. J. SUTIÍERLAiVl) HASremovedUis Gun Shoptothe New BlcckonHutonatreet.southofthe CourtHouse.ontnejecond floor, wherohü Í3 prepared to fu riiiah Guns,Pistols, Ammucition Flasks, Pciíihes Game Bags, and Everj otlier artiele ÍO bis Liue. On thcinoatrcníocablc do all feiudí o i the 4hort63t Dottce.and i n the bcsl manncí 3HLE3STflSB!s fulUjsortinent alway kep n hand,ond madoto order. BOOTS % SHOES MOOËE & LOOMIS Are now recoiving a largo assortment of Tïoots and Shoes and IR TJ S B E IEt S 1 Which proposo to sell 50 per cent below former prices for cash. Men 'a good Kip Boota, frora $1,50 to $3,00 Sien' good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 JIcn's gooJ Ca'.f Buota, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calí, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladice' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 Ladios' SloroceoBootece, from 75 to 1,25 Aad an endles varietj of Sml Klioesfrom Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping ; Shoes. We are IsoPIunufacturlug all kliiclsof WARRANTED EOOTS & SHOES. ! Mens Fine Frencli Calf Boots i Peecl and Sewed. Po pivo us a cali before pnrchasinR elsowhere, a we nrc ( bounrt nnt to lir anderaold. j"KliPAIRIG DOXli I OX KUORTNO'l' I MOORE & LOOMIS ', Maio St., Ann Arbor, Hich . 820tf " TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. I onvriisriBTTS f_hb. TFíKrNIMíRSICNKD.IlfitM !'ropvi,torsin thia city of Ann Arbor, rf-fipectfuUy SDIXOUDCQ í tlic lmbltc;ttiat on nnd iffter tlic first iluy of .I.innary, IS S, TEN GENTS F ARE. w w charfel to pnch nn.l overy pfjon rrírrtc! ioand Irom the trar, to the respective Hotels, by the Omitir u.s B.'COOÉ, CooWHotol.' HrBAüSTaW.Frtrfiimá Honse. Ami Arbor, Bm. 84 th. 1861. ' " 8SSir A ., . ' - ■ ti NOTICB. SOrTOOÍ, TiMpectorB and Directora' Bbnk bave Wn received at tbüutffice, nníl are ready for dÏRtrlbuti'on. C Township ('lorhsare rpitií";ted to Bondiu their ordei-a. n. J. H.íP.RV, rierk. .'...i. Afbar, Snm IC, Wï, 6MM C ■ jsnsw aoüDö. i m M JB, 3 a V raa v d rm s 5. m e ;BAQh $ FIERSOPJ I Ilnva jut opened tlicir SECOND SPRING STOCK mij offer a CHOICK SKL;ECTION I ] Of Seasonable Gocds3 iiicluding all j The iVewest Slyles ! LADIES'DllESSGOODS, Cloths, Domestics, Staple3, GROCIRIES, &G-, We Bought-for CJash und will sel! i FOR OASII OR RE AD Y PA Y, at vtiiy CALL AND SEEi BACU 4 PIBRSOJSt, Ann Arbor, May 15, lf G2. SCHOFF & MIlIËTi RE STIL!. O.MMND at tlicirold Stand, No. 2, Frankiin Eicel:, wïtli the most complete assortment of mk Books and Stationery, PERFUMÉELES, EANCY GOODES, WALL AND W1ND0W PAPERS, ' SHADES, UOLLERS, CO11DS, TASS ELS, GIjr COENIOES, gubtainbJI hooks axd pins, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oifered in tliis Market ! would sne-est tothoscin pursuit cfanytMsgin SA NT A OLA US' LI 2s: E that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by piirciiasing from thissfnek, as each purehascr gtts an additional present uf Jeweïry, ie, Ranging invaluë iroi'n 50 ets. to $50. L5T" Tlipytru-st that thofrlong experieuce In selectir; goods fuithis mai'kct, and .striut atlention to the w oííJustouieiSj may eulille tbcxu tu a Ubttralf&ave oj Patronage. Aun Arbor, ïc. 5. 18Í0 TtIXt JL1FK irv$UKAJ3CE. Tho Ccnnecticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Company. Accumulated Capital, - #3,500,000. WILLlNSUlïL LIVES foi any amount not exceetlliig $":0.XK3 :■ : the wholc term of Ltfo or for a toita of years, on the most favorable terftft N. Iï Tho Company is purely mutual and the polici holdrsget aU tlie 3Qrph)Qvec tb exact cqst of insurancé It accomodates the insnred in the settU'menl of their pcemlucutt ON' UFK POUCIEÏ1, f öi ïin d, bj taklnd nute (or utiu half tiio ;inu!i;itj jUcáfillgiaU at -lx. percent, per aununi. Dividends are Declarad Annually! and sinct they uow unptant to Firrv pur cent oil pre niium, cash and note, and are moreostDg they muy be applíod to cancel thenotea. t$& The rates of premiums arcas ow as any of her re spouflitlo Company andtbelarge accumulated fund of 53,500,000 is secuTPly invosteil, as vatty tie Reen by MÊvi enco to tlio statement niEwle accoiilingto law, on file ia the üfiice of the Cuuntv Clerit, iit Ann Avboi JAMES ÜÜODWIN, Prest. to JAMES C. WATSON, 7631 Agent at Ann Arbor, Mïen. Great Seduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well knomn to be the Vest for Manufiicturing l'urposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, forraerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, foi merly syld at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machiue in the world for Family Sewing and [.ight UanufUcturfog Purposes : (witk Hemmerf) and beautifully oiTiamcntvd $50. Tlie N'cjs. 1 iinU 2 Machines are of great capacity aod appiiciitiou tor maDufaetDClng mrposes. Óur No. 3 Macliinos are espociully aciaptcd to all kinds of light and licavv Loather Vork, in Cferriage ïrimoilng, Buot and Sho Uaking, Haruess MaUin-tc, etc '1 hfy ai e of extra size, and with u arm Jong enough to tuke under it and etitch thfi largL-i yï,o dshes. Thert , is scaroely any part of a Trimmers' SutcbJng tbat cannnt be betler done with them than by baad : SO, too, the sftying of time ainl labor is veny great. Tile tablea these maclnnes is 9-i inches long, aqd thösfiuttlo wu holtl six times the usual ctuantityof thread. 'iheiarge ' macliiuo woiks s 1'a.íían sniall ones. We woara aéfefor our l--tttr A Machines, thêïpei cial attent ion of Vest Maken and Press Makers, and ai those who want Machinen for HgHmanufaetwringpuri '■ poses. They embody ïhé pridciplea f the standard ' machine, making iikethem. tbelnterlockedsitch, ani ' arfl destined to be asc-lebrated far Family Sewixg ard ' UgU ma'ñttfaciurinff purposea as [our standard macliinea are for manu fact uring purposes in general. We havy always on hand, humms; OABGes,] ií t'vi-t t UXKN ANIi CLilTO.N TUHEdli, ÜM SCOOIS, UlvST MAL'UJNE UIL in ! bottlea, etc., etc. We i:i:uiuiUctureoiir own Xeedlci,and wotiM warn all pe&odft usinii OOf maciiluüs not to buy any others. Wo kii'iw that there ary needlessold of thé most inferior 1 quoliiy at hfgher juicos tlian weehatttB forthe bmL ' The needles bv tt are manufacturad sspecinlly for our ma hint;. AbadiiecdUmayrcndcr thi bat machine almost usrlesg. Our 0U8tomj# nwiy rest assurcl that al. rur lïranch f Oilices are furnished with tlio 1( enuine actfald " In caso of small parchases, tho nioDey muy bö eent in postapy stam})--, bank notes, Cort-eípofitfentH wiü pitase vfta theírnámefldftLinct. !y. It is all iupnrtaat that we shoultl, m cacü case, know the Posl Uftlee, County, and State, Ail persons roqiHag4nforfnát!on aboutSewinc Maciiines, theiraize, prlces, werking capacitíoB, aud tíie best melhodsof ('urchasin, crtnobtnin it by endingto iis orany of our BranchOiliceslui a copy üf I. BI. Singer & Co.'s ' Gazetto, Which !a n bantiírfl l'icforial Paper tlitirely dcvoLedto tlie subject- It will öesent gratis. 4.J We have noadè the abovo lïKDUCTION IN PRICK3 wit Ii the two-fold view o? oenellting the public andourt 1 seives. The public hare boen swinaled bj spurioaa ■ chmes made In lüiiiition Of oor. ïbe 'moial in tlifin, [Vtmi (].(. [ron casting to the smal lest peicc, ímii pooj (jUdlity. The.ije makers liavo not the meaos tfl do thsir vork woll. Tl:.-y i re bid away En secret places, urhere it wouldbc inipossiblti ia have ai their i-ummam] the prop. ] er mocfaanicai appUancès. Li isoniy by tloinpf a praal ■ manuTaoturins establiah niftits, tht (rood m;u:l)íneíí can be made i prioAS, The bestdesi'nd machines, lï.VDLY HADE, ar b atways Uable uf urUor, and are ure lo ot d consi%leiablo trouJile and monoy to kéni th'.'ra in repaire c Tho qualltiea u be tookedfor m a Machine are : t' taintyof correct actlon at all ratès of speeíl.nfmpifítj Of conntruction", great durabÜity, nndrapidity oV b ratton, with the least tabor. Macliinestn combinó thésf vi Msentlal quaritfes, ratist be madeof thobefltmealtthd g Qnished to perftdton. We have theway and meanft.oa o agTand cale, to do this. Thcpurchaserfiof mnchfnes, whofcëKtif bréafl E mnj concern, will liavinthc aVOYeqUalltief u not only yovk wpll at rápidas well as stow -ates cf n Bpord.jbut Inst longer (nthfl Rnestponslble worfeinffordèri Our machinen, as made by na, will carn more mnncy with loss labor titan any othera whether in fáiltatibn N.' onrsor not. In fact, theyai-pcliranerthnn anv otlur T machlm:tfuri a gift. I, M:?ÍNGER & CO., 453 Dxoadway New Vm-k. &&■ Detroit Oaice, 58 WooJward Atenúe' fMerriU Wock.) 8ttLr w M. IT. GOODlUCir, .: Aent, Ann Arbor. F W. M OEGAN, Agent for Mutual ï.ii'i'Insur.inceCumpany, .Viv. Yi,k. A AccumulaledAüsetR, ■ $5 350 000. - the lerfüIni?Ufelnsnranc(Compaiiyin itt U. s. ' ' KnickerboQkox Fjfe Insuraqco Cfnrt;nv , ütvf Vurk - a flrstclftsHieC'o.- terms rc-istmi!,. ' , Humboldi Pire Insurance Compiiiij; New York. fi", .vilh :uUrtrsur))hn. . ■ . $'00.000. Peoría Mariue JiFireTniurancé Có. , l'eoiia III. - hnti % Uo. i ffrtlninraiice Co's. TOTtf Caj'ital, . OfiO;


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Michigan Argus