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Don't Scold

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I was making a dresa for my littlo ar oíd Pttony, and would navi ished it lust evoniü.'f lust for the luck üf just oiia half a yard of tnmmiiig. "Tóo bad,1 said I, iu a tune of impatience, loitiug my hands fall upon h.y too bad?" :ikcd my Lusband in bis ■. . glahcing up froni : ik lie wáa "2Jy trimming is gliort just half s yard, and I ean't firiish tlii.s dress to niglit. It is so provoking! Í was sure five yards wouidu't bo eneagh, but Mrs. S'.ade said slie only usted tour and a half on her Piuky's frock, and insistcd that I sliouldut buy any more. I wisli peoplo would mi'.id tliüir oytn business." I was really out of humor, a;,d ania remark iiïj in a lHttish wny. He ,;iiJ rjothing furtlier, but kopt on wiih his reiidiftg, w'mio 1 i Myself in a iiiin;i bá un■ ss, and mude niysIC, L aui ashamed to say, quite uuhappy aboüt it. On the nes! morriing, aftet breakfast, as my luisband stoód witli Fanny in hls arras roeeiving Lis roodbye Iiulí and, 1 callea ou. to liim froin thu dining room- ' Slop a minuto Iie.nry. I want you to eet me a v;;id uf that tritnminif. ít won't be imicli out of your way to go .welk. Ju-a wait until I run up stairs and get a pieoe oí' it for a sample. :1 "Now yon wont forget?" I raid, hauding hini the sample of triinmiug wrappod up nicely. "Of course not," he replied, with a plcasant laugh. "Oh, but you are so forgetful, Ilenry." I liad my reasons for doubüng the iidelity of his memory - lie is not al way s faithfal in the performance of my trifling commissions ; and no wonder, for he has a world of business cares aud perplexities on his mind. "Never fear, you shall have your trim ming. Dó you tiiink I'd forget anything that was tor iny liule Ianny," and ha hugged the darling close to his bosom, nearly siuothering her witli kisses. lu tho next minute he was in the Street. My husband's business is away down town, ncarly two miles from our dwelling, and he is usually absent from morning tiil night. ïweuty times during the day I had Fanny's new dress in my hand - it was a delicate blue merino, just suiting her fair complexion - and every time I wished for the trimmintr that I luight give the finishing touch. As evening approaehed, and the time for husbaud to return drew uear, my thoughts dwelt more intently on the triinming. - "How fuolisby ' said I, mentally, "to let my mind become so absorbed ia a trifle.:' Datkncss carne down ; the gas was lighted ; and I Bat, with Faany ni a little chair by my side, awaiting the moment when my husb:md should come in. II is ksyrattïed in the door, and Funny, starting to her feet, went flying down stairs. I sat still bjr my workstand, on whieh the blue merino dress was lying readv for the deticieut trimmiiig. 1 heard Fanny's laügkjng cry of joy as ;he sprang into her father's arms; the sound of well known steps cauie up the sïaii'c, and in a moment ai'ter my husba:id on tere d the room, his face all aglow with pleasure, hearing his preoious buiden, The child was fiis idol, and Pánrí'j lovod him wilh an ardor that made me nt times feel almost jealous. "Have you got the triinming?" I asked, forgettjing to press forward and put up my lips for the aecu.stomed kiss. "Now that íh too bad!" he exclaimed, a shadow falling over his face. "It hasu't once crossed my mind since I left tho house this morning. I have had suoh a busy day, and so many tbings to Oecupy my mind." My heartguve an inl.'guant bound; the blood i uahed to my fai.-e; I was disapi pointed aud angry. ' It is too bad!" I replied sharply. "Too bad that my huscao't a tend ia tíij most trifling t. It will bo a. long time bcfoie 1 askjiim to do auythnig more for me." "I am veiy siuiy," he replied in a tono of ie. But 1 wmild take uo apology; the negvoraeJ so inexcusable. He h:nl { pass Maxwell's in going and returuing, and it wouldu't have taken five minutes to match tlie trimming. I don't remember uil that I said ; but I must havo spoken in a very unwifely marmer. My iiiis'umd, aftcr escusing hüuself, made no further reply, hut looked grieved and huvt. Ftinny made a. movcment to get down from his arms, and hc set her oi the Moor. As aoon as she was reli sho came qöioWy across tho room, t where I was ritting, drew down my head and lifting her teaiülled oyes to my face l whisjiered, through quivenng lips, thi EOtitence, whieii went rcbuku"lv to m licart : "Duii't seold papa !- hu'sdood I" 1 couldu't staiiu that. Yes, he vva kind and good, thouglitful and loving; and for that one act of forgetfulncss, ín the uudst of a busy, and, for all I knew, pcrplexed and anxious da)-, I bad aa him witb harsh wordn on the instant he èroMed the tnreïboïd of hie homo. "Yes, darlin& papa ig good,': I wliispered bnc!;, as I kissed iny precious litt.lo monitor, "and I'llnover scold bim again." Repen tan t tears wero iu my eyes as 1 rose and crossed t!ie roora. "Forgive me, dear," I said, as I iaid my lipa on ]s olowded forebsad. "It was a iBomont of f'orgelfuluc&s. Tlio trimming is of no consoqncncc. I sliall bj out to-morrow and wiil gut it mvself." "I ain serry aboút i'," bc aoswen d.- "It was a linio tliing, and I should liavo remeriibered it. ín tho futuro I wül be mnre thouglitful." "And so wíl] I," was my penitent And I trust t'iat I have been. Dear littlu F.umy I Can I ever forget her look and tone, when she saíd: "Don't scold papa 1 - lio is dood I' No never.


Old News
Michigan Argus