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THE MARKETS. OFFICK OF TilF. MlCHICAN ARGUH Jfji AKBUB. Aug 1, 1S62. ƒ The follownigare the Bellia pnces of the principa, rticles of produce olïereed in uur market. Vlieat red.bu. .... ]00 11 white bu. 105 arley,cwt. ..... iqq om, ehelled, ... - -Jo '; ear, ----- 40 uekwheat, bu, ... . - dO ats,bu. cö Flour, rcd.bbl, ..... 4,50 " white, ..... 6,00 " rei, KOlbs, .... 2,50 " white, .... 2,75 Rye flour, ..... 2,25 Corn Mcal... -91 ttuckwheat flour, - 1.25 1,50 Bau% ..... 75 1,00 Flax Seed, 1b, - - - - 03 Timothy Heedbu. .... 2,2500 Clover Seed, bu. .... -3,54,00 Hay, ton, .... 6,00 10,00 Vood, per oord, - . - - -2,003 00 - - ■ 1,50 2, CO Ueel, hindqr. .... 03 (M " fore qr. - - - - 02 03 Pork Jressed owt -3,00 3,00 Hut ton, lb. - - . - 02 03 ■ - 07 08 C'ulckenn. .... 05 Oü Fiïgs, doz. ..... 9 - . 06 07 ..... as Tllow, lb. - - . - 7 8 ..... 8 10 Potatoes, per ba .... 75 Orjions, per bu. G2 b Turnlps, ..... 20 Apploi, ffretn, - - - - - 50 C2 " dried, - - . - 1,C5 Peaches, dried, lb. ..... 12 1VC. O. R,. R Paosenger traína now leavc Detroit ani the 6everal BtatíotU in l'ou:iLy .is follows. Traini do not ftop at statious wbqre figures are oroitted in the table. G O 1 N O WEST. Mail Ex. Jaek.Ae. NightEi Detroit. 8.01 A.M. 5.00 P.M. S 00 P. M Vpsilanti, 9.20 " 0.10 " Í1.10 " Aun Albor, 9.40 " 6.65 ' 9.T0 lt Drxtcr, 1 1 05 " 1.89 " 955 " Chelsea, Jtl.23 " 7.53 " 10.10 " Ar. Chicago, 8.15 P.M. 8.15 A.M. G O I S G F, A S T . WghtSx. Jaek.Ae. MailKl. Chflseii, 5.45 a. H. 4L5p m. Oejter, 6.05 I' 4.40 ' n!i Albur, .lli,l, " 5.05 " ■'pnünnti, 5.55 " 7.0Ü '■ 5.Í5 " Ar. at Detroit, 7. f6 " 8.35 " 6.40 a fi Bes a woraan, in another column, picking Snmbuci Grupea (or ípeke's Win, It is nn ftdmirable article, iiscd in hospitals (ind by first-clft6S fnmilies in Paris, London, and New Vork, in preforence to old poit wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satiafaction. D For caats of cmergency, keeo always 1 bottle of Hoofland's Balsamic Coediai in the liuuse. It may save tlie life of tomo odo dear to you. Riad lhe advei-tiseruont in anotber oolnmn. IMPORTAN i" t tmL ' PILIS v THEHEALTIÍ AND LCFEOFWOMAK la continually ín peril ff sbc Ií maJ eoouffh to negltct or maltreat those sexual iriegularitiefl to wbich twothirda nf her sex Rre mort or kas subject. DR. CIIEESEMAN'.S FIUJ3, prepare I from the same formula wliich the inrentor. f'ORVELlUS L. CULESEKUf , M. D.,of Xew-foik, has for twenty reara useil ccessfulíy nan extended iri?íitpprictice - iBüortlatrly reliare without pain, n.!l disturbaacfl of the poriodicRl (lisciinree, wliether ansing' froin rtUXfitlon or auppresaion. Thpy nct líko n clidrm inremoving the pains that accnnpnny hfficiilt or imraoderate me struatiop, ftud are the f)nly safesnfl rullablí remedy for FluAles, Piek ïlendache. Pníii? in the Loini, fïack and S!dM, Pnlpitntion of the Re&rt Nvrvcuo TremófS, Hysterirs, Ppnsnm, (ïroken lep and otnéi1 unplcasant and dan(renua cfTects of an uanatural conditioa f the Sxn&1 funcfons ïn the vrorit casts of Fluor Albutoi Whites, they ellect a speedy cure. To WIVKS and MATEONS. n:i.CIIF.ESKfAN'SPII.Inrc(Ti!rcilHS tlie only safe meaos of reuewinpinicrruptcd menstruat;on, bul. I..DIBS MUST BRAJt IN MI.VD There ia oneroiiriiriov of the femtitc syrtcm in which tht Pilt r.avtolbe talccn ici-kmit prnducir.g a PECULIAR R ESÜL T. Tktumillion rtferrcd to i PJ EQKA f'CY- the ru!(, MISCSRR1AGE. Snch U tke irrsiistiblc trndrncy of the medicine to rt.stors the serval fwctions ta a vormnl contlition . that eren the reproductive poteer of itatnre cavñnt rezist it. Erpticit directiont stating tchen, and tchen they tho-uld oí 6e used, with e.ich Flux, - tlio Vrice Out Dullar each Bcrz, rintainbig 50 PUI f. A vaKiable Pft nplilet. to bo had free of the Agcots. Pilis gent bu mail promptly, h? cnclosin? pnce to Rn Agent. Suld b Druggisi general J. R. B. HÜTOH1NG8, Propretcr. 20 Cedar-St., A'tw York For' Palo by 1IATNARD STKBBIN'S & WII-SON , aad SRKNVnXE & HJI.I.ER. auq.i,JÍaaiíseiesa or sfetc j3lLf-aal, which might be cheaked ivith, a simple remedy, if negleeted, often terminales senously. Few are aware of the importanoe cf stopping a ,(autjh er gfliq.h.t ffécLd. in, its jïrst stage , ufiloh in Lhe beginning would yield to o, mild remedy, if not attended to, coon attaaks ihe lungs. were firL introd'.ícel claven, years ago. It hos prouei that ihey are fi hrzt articte before the publio for fL&ULma., ïa.ia'ti, th. Hxcking Coiíijh in an.&iunitan., and n-nnercus affeations cf Ihe, giving immediata relief. Public SpcaUers Sf Singcrs xvill Jind ihem effeztual for clearing and streng-thenmr? the voxce. Sold by all (XriL(rgisls ani (Dealers in J.ftdicine, at 35 cents per boz. A CARD TO THE SUFFEEirfG. Tlie I'.ev. Willi.L'J Cusgiiove, lnljcring as a Missiunary inJupiin, was cuied oi' Consumí tion, whbfi uil other means had i'ailed. by a recipe obrained frora a Icaruud plysictAO teaidiDg ii tbc gitut City of Jt-ddü. Tina recipe has curyd grcat uuir.beri who were suUtring fi-oni UonsumptiOD, üi-oqchitis, Sure Tíiioat; Cüugbd and Colds, aud tke dubility ímduirrvcus depresión cuusvt: by thcoe disordtre. Dcsirous uf bt'ncíittiugr ollu-rs, I will send this recipo, wblub I llave bruught bonie with me, ta i:ü wl.o Leed it f ree of sbftrga. Address Rev.TVM. CO3CR0VE, 8'JSyl 439 Fultou iv.,iiuí, Brooklyn N. Y. Howard j&sscciation, PlilLADELPHIA. For the relief of the Stek and Ditresrttdy affiictedvoUh Vtruh.nï and Ckronic Piteases, and especially for tht Cure of Distases of the Sexual Organtt, MEÜ1CAL ADVICE givta gratie, by the Acting SurgeoD. VALUADLE REPORTS ou Spermut orrhcea.and othor Distases of the Sexual Drganfl, and oa the NKW KKMGI)IES empluyed in tlie Dispensar)', sent in se&Ied Lettsi sarelopen, free of charge. Tiro or thret btamps ioi postagcacceptable. Adáren, Dr. J. SKILL1N HUUUHTON, lloward Assuciution, N"o 2 S. Ninth St., I'lnladolphia.l'a. ÖfiOvl 18621862. " - OF N'EW - 8PEING AND summER goods ! AT C H. MTLLEN & CO'á. We ara now receiving a eplendid stock of DKESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. IPox the XjacU.esFine French Cassimeres, and Coatings, For tlie Gentlemen. CARPETS, DOMESTIC GUÜDS, FINE NEW TEAS Andother Choice Family Groceries, Fox Everybody. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Cali ancl Seo. C H. HULLEN h COMay, 1862. 854tt iJr. Wm.B , HttfC DENTAL REMEDIES ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSCRING FI1E TEETH & A SWEET BREATÏÏ, AND CuringToothacliO & Neuralgia. Do ycu wibh tobo blesacl trith and ftdrairei for Pr.r' LT Wuift aud iouiiü 'U.LTÜ? Uap Dr. W B. iiCRu'S L'NKIViLLEDTUUTH FOWDEft, w.irran cd fret? frctü acid,ntkli, ur miy ïnjuriuua ubsluutft. l'rict-9 iiU 3„ Bowar of tlie ordiaarjr chïnp Tooih I'ovJcrs wiiich whiitn bui daátroy. i Do you wUh to bc cortain th?.t 3 -our Drrath ia pnro, 1 swcct, au ngieeablc tu buKbmid ur wile, loTfr or Crienda? Use Dr. UUtiü'ó CfcLKüUA'itJJ MuL'TH SVAbii. l'rice, 33 cccU per bot t Ie, I This tifitriiigrnt vanli i nlao tho best remfdv tn the j nurJd tor C-UNKLü, Cid UkEaTB, Ül.EtííAü úLÍí.í, COl;K ïiociE, vWi It iiKs cured huiidj,'fetls Do vou, yo!ir childrcn auGer f:om ToOTa.C7K? Cot Dr. llL'Kti'd MAUIC TO'jIUACHIl DKÚI4. frico, 16 cents ptr butilu. AreyouailTcted with KEUHALGJA? Gt Dr W. C. HU-D'-SiNLCHALGlA PL8TUb9, ïiü maat cüccUve n.ná dcjightful r-!utdy knvW. Í TIic-t do uot ftdhere nor bliater, but sooil:c and cLarm p:tin awny. Irj tlu-ui. l'rice, 1; n.ud 7 cüiits.-- Muiicd ou reccipt ol j rice. Do vou wIsB a oom pi te iet of DENTAL RKMÜDIE-S and a TUUTKX O 1 KUtfKBVlAU TSKTJa? Ctt Dr. HUKD'd LKNTAL TRKASÜRy. iho ncut,-t aud luot raïiubla pmscut thftt oneiricnd eau 1 uuullier. I'nce, il ."ii-ut by uiu il Ou rvcftlpt of pvice. Fur salo al üll the best stores throuhout the country. Caction.- A.s there aro ddnlra wlio take ailraiUaff of our adverUsfiuom.i tu impuse upon tbeir cuatomen iufeiior prejntratiüu.i, il la DuCfiUHLry t'J UiSiat upüLi liy'iüg v.iiat you cali lr, and you vriil oist hjü dbut, ti.orougiy los'0'1, Li.nd prepur.d by hu exparicüced ana icicatlflc DtDtist, íica.uier cf theNew YoiLbiute Loatlstr ? j suciatioo, uuá Vic Jrldeut of tUe New Y-rk City Dental ífocivty. A Id rea a WM. B. HURD & CO , Ksw York. iL5 Dr. Hiir.Vs Dental Remedies aro for Mie in Ann Arbur uy t'TUBmuiá & Wttatut, ElMUUUtdl St Oo. , aud GMliTXUJ & l-CLiKn. . 66iïtf THE HOUSEKEEPKlt'S NEW IÜMITURE POLISH Prepare! frooi an linproved recipe by the proprletor of ths "Iïrotülb Jo.natiian 1'OLitK," is certified by all the lird'ling New York Kurniture Déniers and Pinin;Korte Maktru tu te the beat iuttie wortd for lU-moving gcratcLel, tfarks, aud Uifi, and restoring a high luí Ift&ling Lilu.-. lo al kiiidd ui" V&roiribeü woik, from Furuiture to l.e;ithcr. It i.s cheaper aud better than Varni.-h, drie immediatetyfltn i ia easily appliod. W.ih a p'ilch of Cantón Fl.innel nud a mi a bottle ui' two üt' thla i ff FrRsmIïl Ponan, a IIou.-ekft.-pcr can work m.igic ín the lurniture of a liyuse andkeep it Looking liku Duw. Nuw i.-i tlm timo to ''ahine up" your Tablea, Chuirs, Desks, Pianos, Frames. Carriages, etc., a ad m.iUü th-'m look 5Q cnt. better. ïbia ia tnie ecunomy. Fur t-ale by urnKure Dealers &ü 1 lo:'pers gcnerUy. - l'rice 2Í5 and 30 cents a bottle. Dop.jt No. I Spruce St , New YoÉ. apöcial Agenta Wunted. Addresa, Dos 1ÍC2, N'ovv Vork P. O The Houkeepef Td New Furaltare Polbh is for balu at Aan Arbur by G-reat Books in Press. THRILLINÖ INCIDENTS OF TüE GREAT REBELLION; OR The Heroism of our Soldiere &Sailors; lvoLjiargc 12 ?o. Price, $1.25. The critica and the public aro rigbt ín predicf ing thit thirf will tiurians,in grapbic narrativo, excitinc Interact, a-d exianiivfl populanty, ail other tiifltoriea of the War for the Union, lts tbi-iuc will be the heioic daring, palien t auiïer;ngg,anii baii-breadtb e.-caiies of our soldicrs and sailors, :.nil itü Ineideota wilJ ferjn tbc thtine oi'conversa'.i;,p at innunu-rablt! firesides for years to c(;mt. It will contain. in additioii tu t -i t-tining "details, the philomphlcal Analjgia of the Causes of the War, by Júq.v LoTHRüf moTLiiY, LL. D , Author of "Tlie Kise of tht Dutch Republic,'1 etc, the dates uf all the important fents froin the Jol.n Bruwn raid, and an accurate .iud revised account of the priucipal battlcs, wllfa engraOns t!iiid tho proceeds of allSubscriptioni Bent dirct to Ui will be givon ïor the Relief ot Diabled Öok'.it.s, and Bil persona who wish a copy of the work, un íhü tJ bunefit the stliïie s.nhould teud Iheir c;;ine and addresti ut once. Aïso, any ( fficer er privad, ur person in auy Fectiun of the couniry, haviug of a heroic act or atirrinj incidtqt, will ubliije U3 by seuding ua au acvouatuf it. Bookst-1'er, Piisïmastersnd Canvassing Agtnts will be furnished with a tíubscriptiuns Prospectus un applícation to the PublisLcrs. 43, A liberal cnmmÍ8Sicngivn to soldiers desirinj to actas agent in taking subacrijtionj, ii. THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANUFACTUKES, from 1608 to 1860. By Dr. J.Leandkr Bishop. 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I, now rady, Vol II. nearly ready. This is probably the largest anJ most important work uow in the American pre.8. We have just publishcd new editioní oí tha íollowing useful and popular books : The Business Man's Legal Adviser; Or, Howto Money, by Conducting Business accordiiigtnlaw as expounded by tbc líeot and Latt Authoritiea. 400 pp , fahcep, Price SI. OPPORTUNITIES for INDUSTEY ; or, A Thousand Chances to Make Money. Cloth, $1 This has been republished iu England. Every tuiiui'ssnianand cleik should have tliese books. TIilv will p;ty the buycr a huadred fold. Evcry parcat should get taem ior their ons. All tho-ft books are mailed, postpaid, on recei(it of price. We pay particulnr attention to mailing bookó, Mrappin Ihem caiefully, and will procure aud scnd, postpaid, auy book anywhtre, on roceipt ol pubüshcro' irice. Addrcss FREEUL.EY & CO., 861tf Tribuno BuiWing, Now York. 1)ERSOXrf who wiab to buy a Piano of thu beat makers . will be Khown how thoy c;in na vea hauünome mim in ihe parchase i f t!ity addrew PlAwn, caro Jov, Coe Si Uo„ Pubíiflherd' Agenta, Nsw York P.O. Sültf MANHOOD ; HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Üealed Eritelope. Priói Siz Cents. A LECTL'RE ON THK NATURE. TREATMEN'T AND RATICAL CUHE OF Sl'KRMATUiRH(EA or femn.] Weakr.ess, Involuntiry Emission, Sexmtl DebiMty, ami Impedimeots to Marriago geneialiy, Nervoun'iss. onFumption, Kpilfipsy ni Kit ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, r"ulting from Belf-Abuu, fcc By IiOBT. J CrLVERWiXL, M. Ü-, Autl.or of the Qr$m Book, &c. The world renowned author, in tb tu admirable Ijectui-o, clearly prove from hia on expeiíennce that the awful cunseqnencea of Selfabuwp may be effeetually remoït'il without medicine and without flaogerouis surgical operüttoiu, bougies, iustrument8,riDcrs. or cnrdiala pointing out a mode of cure at oucecertaia andefffctual, by which nvery sufff-rt-F, n matter what bis eondttlon niíty le, may cure himself cheftply privately, and radically. Thift lecture will prove a boou to thoubands acd tboupaudK. Sent un Ier soal, in a plain cnvelope, to any address, od the receift of Bx ceDí6,or two poíitage a4diesÉing, Dr. Cffifl J. C. KLINK, 127 Bowery,Now York, Po&t OfQce Box,45P6 3STOTICE. SCI3OOL Iosyii-ctnrs' aad Directors' Blanltii hav been reclved at tblRofBce. and are ready for di-tribotioa. Townebip ClerUHare requeeted io Fendin their nrAetf . B. J. BARRV, ricrk. Ann Arbor, Jan? IC, 1$S?. 8&6tf " t3 " . i CC a - Q lo o 5 c 'os g r_-i H K_j o , . e- r H 0, 'S 'S &. . HO O LJ I ir í s p S H S -3 L rt I ps ft Q ir : a t, , V C ! iat THE RBBELLïOr? ON Í1IGH PRICES FOR CLOTIIING. ÜASCOMMESCEDATTÜE OLD & RELIABLE CLÖTHfNC EMPOEIUM ! No. 3 PIIGENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. JAM dow opening alargo a tul varied assortment of 8Piuf aadSutamtrGoad, d ía view of the rubellton m high priöfla gaaeralty, vil! oflér tbcm to my frlendi andca-stuin r= ut the vi-ry Lowast BxurM 6r Casli.- Tboaein tvtat oí r; Bnperioi article oí Clotha, CaaiSeady-Made Olothing, -will cali onWIV2. WAGSIER, i % wlio has juat rcturned from tho East, with a large aMortuwnt &f SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which Lavebten purchased atthe lato LOW PKICES! and eau offer them at a lon-cr figure than evtr bfort?. Ainongïur Assortiaent UttJ bu fuund BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOESKTN8, VESTINGS of tiU dcicriptions, toeth'r wilh a sujc-rior assortuieüt oí Ueady-dlule Clotlilng, iM'IWtN-S -vTr.U.NKt;, CARI'ET BAO, fjgraJLJjJ UMBRELLA9, and C3rOC3XíBr, with numeious other articled usuallj found in similor wt ibllnunt . As un EMPORIUM OF FASHION, tbe subsoriber fiatterí himself, tlmt bú loug experienco and general succoss.iviU ouabíü him to give the gr-íatt'.st saÜBÍaction to ali whu ma.v truat him iu tilo wai ul t Mauufacturing Garmeuts to order. ÏÏM. WAGS'ER. AnnArbor, Api il9tb 1302. Siilf GLORIOtTS News from "Dixiel" The Rebeliion about C'rushed ! A. & C. LOEB, OF TIIE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE RctU'U their sincere thaiika to their numerous FRIEJXÜS AIVD PATROiVS, For tbe liberal marnier la wbich they havo hcretotofuro patronizetl tliem, and beg leavt) tu auuounce that they aie AGA1N ON HAND With a Largo and well selectcd Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHIN&! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hals, Caps & Trunks, vrbich they valí teil at Astonishing Low Prïces ! For further particuïars Oall and íS o e for yourstlvea, and you will not goawity di.ssatisfied, A. & C. LOEB, Hurón Street, a f(w tloors west of Cuok's H(.tol. Aan Arbor, Mny, 1862. :im85l Fruit and Ornamental T Pt E E S , jPT X.O-W" PBIGES. rilUKSUBSCRIBERri are now prepartd to r'ceivO or, X dersforall kinds of Fruit and Of;anientul Tree, Shrubs, I'lautt!, Flowevs aud Vwiea of every d(j&criptiou aud variety. for tbeFall of 18')2 and Spring of lSö;i Wc lave a litrge stock nuw cjrüwing, aiui inteud to mnke lurge importations from time to time as tlie wants of the country demund. Weinvite the peopla to make themselves acquainted wltboar facilities for doiugbtisincss, before purchasiug elsonhore. We wartntull v;irioties to bn trim to n'ituc, and to be viorous and healtliy spcimeu . Aücomraiimcation.s Tfill be promptly responded Oar nllice is in Hugos' Agricultura! Store, Detroit st., Ann Ar hor, Mich. DüBOIS, CARE & CO. Ann Arhor, June 24, 18C2. SJStf Tlie Last Cnll. ALL thnRcinilobtid to tbe late firm of Wïnes & Knipht aro requested to pay tho fiame before thw first d, y of July next, as all demanfi 't ben remaining uupaid w;jj be leit witü ao uflccr i'oi collectiou. W. W.WINE, J.W.KNIGHT, Ann Arfeor, Jane 19, 1853. 563 jSTotioePÏÏEBE A. ANXABLE begK leave to inform tb public tbat she ban dur.ngtlie last four yparR traded to tbe nrmous amountuf boiween 40 and 50 doUar In tbat 1imi on htr busband'E account WIFK OF IIAIÏVY AKNAJRJ SbarnD, June 4ib, 1862ntrZÜè M' F. Kit 'S SAMBÜCI WINE, PCRE, AND rOL'R TKJJtt OLD, Of Choire Oporto iftuftj roR piirsiciANS' use, for FEMALSS. WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALID3. Kvery famüv, at tbis neaso, sLculd uas the SAMBl'CI "WINE, Cefobrttcdla EuofLorlta medicino I nnd beneficia! qu.ilitic u ft gentie fc?tJmulmt,,TonJc, Liurit'c tt4 Sa at 'tifio, Liglily cutecnseñ by cm i rent pl vicjods, used :n JJuropCTii nnd AmcricriD rin?pitiiln , ai;d by ecqc of the ftrr.t í'riOíiiics oí turóle taa Aidm1 c. A? A TOXIC, It lias no equal. causing: nn aj:pe!fïo ftïrf buildinjí up of the j=tom bclng enür'.-iy a pure wine oí e, niost vuiaítbiu fi uit. as a purntTir, It iroparts a healtliy letlon to the Glandsand KiJnejs, and Urinai y Organs, vcry beueficial iu lh-opnyt Guut,an4 Klieuinktic fcQbctlooS, BPEER'S WIÉfK ís not a mixture crmanufactured sríicle, but is pure, fiora tbe juict üf tli? Portugal tfambttcui, cultivated Ín Xew Jt r.íey.rct-üintntndetl by CnnMaH an-1 Pbysicínn.T aa poflsesaiDx medical prpcrt'ts siipi?ricr to an7 otlier Wine in use, nnd s.. xccllsut artiulc fot all iveak and üebiiiialt'd pcTBOtis, tiiid tbo nod aud hifino, iniprovnL thc sppetite, nd beneüáng la ii-s.- and cliildieu. A I.AI3IE3 WIXE, Becíius it will not Ustoxteate aa other icet ss ii containn no mixture of spiriia or Uüuora. and is arlmired forltsrlch, peculiar flaTor, and Dutritíre propertloa, impíirtlup a íitaltlij tone to tlie digestivo ng-}ius,iiud a blooming;, íjoft and nealU'y si:in ani complexión. VE REFLB TO A ftrw wel i kuova gíntlcmc-n aadphvsician?, v-}-,o liavc iricd tija Winc:- Gen. WmñeU.-cott, U.3. A. Di'.Wilíonl h :t., H. Y. Gqv. foían, N.Y. ."tale Dr. Warü, Nwnrk, X. J, Dr.J R. CUÜtrta.N. y.Cltj. Jr. ItoñgUertr, " ' D. Parker, N Y. City. ' j Dr. Paiiöb, PlilUdcIptó Drs. Darcj and Kiclio'l, K#vaik, X. J j Anfl mauy uihers too numeraos to publUfc. L5ííonc Rfnutne unlesa tb gTgaature nf "ALFKf-D SI'axR, l':i!iic,K J ," iL over tbc cork of each uoUlü. 5-1UKK OXE '1KIAL Oï IflIS V.IM:. For Sale hy Miyunitl, Stbbli:x I WiUon, Aun Albur. A. SPEER, Fiopiieter. VINEYAKJ. l'uadaic, Sw Jsriaj 0! FICE, 203 BroRjwiT.N. Y. JOHN LAFOV, Pa;is. ?3!iuö Apeut for Fraoceiind Gerinanr. rïdönThënderso. 2Ï3CEVXTO tlXO IB XT O ÏS. 3 "S" 3S3 GRAIN DRILL) Grass Seed So-.ver, Manufacturod al SpringSe!d( Ohio. 'piiL VKP.Y LATEST IMPROVEMLKI, aad tu'.ür tlian X all othern; adapte to Süw.nor VVuuftt, I'oej Oat, Barley ani Grïa Sccü. 1. 7í as íi Rotary Fcedur. 2d. Wdl süw all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3(7. Never bunches tlie Grain Wh. Nevar Irealcs tha Grain. üth. Sows Grass Sced broadeemt behindthe Drill. QtJi. Has high wheels and long Iloas. 7h. lias long and wide Steel poinís8lh. It has a land mensure or Surve or. 9tA. It has doublé and ingle ranlc drills. IQth. It has a sel 'aJjusli'.ig shut off ilide. It is neatly and substantially made. Thcre is hardly a Drill ofíered in the tnarktt but can boast oí laoie ur lcs FIIiST PREMIUMS?' They are about ns indiscríminately bestowed aa the title uf " Professor," whicli ík soiutitimed ;ipplei to the '■fiddlrr" or bootblack." Tüey cuae tu cunvoy the idea of merit. The Uuckeye Drill has beea on Exhibition fit quite a numbtr of titateond County Fairs, And without heelting favor at the hands of auy Curamitieti, has reeoirtd iU full abare of Premiums. TESTIMONIALS : i AVe give the fullowing oamee of a few Farmera in thU iciuity u-jü have buught and used Ihe Buckcye Driil : GoJfrey Mil'er, " Scio. Jacub Pollicuus " Jacub Treuper, " Thomas Wbite, NortbfleU. JoLn Brokaw, " ChiUtian Kapp, " KJ-.vard Uuylen, WebsterJames Troadwell, AsnArbor. Daii:elO'Hara, " ' John (i. Cook, Iodi. O. A. Marshiill, " L. Ldnun's, Salice. GeorgQ Cropsc-y, Croen Oak, Liv. Co, i Wu are&lso Agenta for tho Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, aoLnowlcdcd t( be the vcry bc-jt in uso. We are jast in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli ve vill sell clieap. ■ Also a large aaaortmt-ut o G-rass, And th.e largest and bost solected Btock of i BENT STUFF i i FOR CAPJ1ÏAGLS ever before offered in thia markot. Wu aiso keep a large and fuÜ NALLS, GLASS, PÜTIY1, l'AINI, and LINgEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TIxWAIIE, AXD EiVE TROCGHSalway oa liand and put up at tho shortest nutico. IUSDON Si fJENDERSO. Ann Arbor, Juno SJtli, 18fi. 859tf i ____ , , i A Card. Mrs. H. O. HARVEY waW inform the citizens of Ann Arlior tlinl slie bas tnken roüms al the residence of Drs Ktllogg, on Ann Street, nnci will be prepsrd t" (fivc instruction to pupils upon the Pinno, Mclodecn, or . Guifcar, after Fridny. June Í27th, Ie62. Anu Arbor, June 20th, 1863. 4w strayedl, FR1M thnhKcniberabout four wecsn ajo a two year nld re!HEIFER. Has a littlo white on bslly. and ÏODjt horas A roadonahle rtwHrd w!ll be paid for iiiformuion ware tho may be fnnnd. CEOME BCBNTCRLB-. Ann Aror,Jaiei:, 19') 857w2 DU. "HOüFLÁND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For tho ppeody euro of Cevght, Caiit, Influenza, Croup, Hnanenes), Bronchitis. Pneumonía, Discase oftht B(melí, ariring from Cold, Incipient Contumption, and for the reliej and f at allposnbie) eure o Fatknlt in odmnced ft a gr 3 of tin alter ailease. rilHEBaUamlc Cordial ia entirely a Vegetable prodooX tion.corab.ningtlieheaüng propenim oi tho Balsam, with tbe inngoraiing qualities oí a Cordial, producinga gombrnaton eo elidapud to tLo psriOM iuteliued, there are but fcw oí ciscos wbk-li will nut, at au sari period, huccumb to lts healiuracd lile giv;iig prdpertieH. Furage,liaa the troalmont of pulmuniry diaeniwi occd). .,.; the fcreaur pertion of H:e attimtion al tht KlrailSe of tbc mfdical crld, but nam icouircd mor emmencv in liin ti ettment ,of dlfmei, tlln the ci-WbmteJ Prussiaa, Dr. llotiflamt, the oMguatoi ol the BmlwmkGordhl. Hllifcir:n (Urtei to the proJction jf rcm'dlca thtt wtuld itenj uorlrnlled H%7ll l,e has ."ucciirfcd, th? American ptopte aro abl' to JudMi rnd wo pruiiirely Ra,crf, thn ao prcpirrtio-s t.nt h:-e mr been ,:atori b?f.;ro thfa, have conferrei j the iam amount 'jf benenu emanrrlni rr ïare elicittd o pianreutmntmteUoiu iroo a! cufies ! of society, as therraedle.toi Ur. HooC-ni Drocared h Dr. C. M..Uiksou Í: Co., of f hiladlpbln. The ii csigaed lor a olas of diícasea mere geuerslaad moie fatal thun i-y othor to which the peojjle of thia cuuntry aio subject- thotp piiniir.ü frota a "tligla ald." Tlmt eminent authorilv, L-r Hell.üajs: "Ivill notsay that ColiM nrs to oi:r inhabItadti wht tbc fyiii fDd rd!vK Ftrtr are to tbmt oi otber countries; but I c&n r.Tr cotiüdently tbat tbey usher in diieü?B uf greatcr Jcomnlicity and' aorialitr tUan theielatter." Eniirely Vegetable. No AlcoJiolio DR. HJOFLAND'S CEI.KfiRATED GSHMAN BITTERS Trepared by DB. C. il. JACKSON i CU., PhiUdclph!, Pa. ffill ffectually cun UVEU COMPLAINT, DVsPEPSIA JAUNW-'t,Cbron!o or Mnroui Debüüy, Discaseac: the' Kidncjs, nnl all diseasea unaing Itum a discrdeicd Liver er Si'-mach. öucii .ir, Constiparon, Inward Piles. Fulness or Bloed to tü fintr, Ao'ditj of tbe Stoinaeh, Kanr-s, Hart '.Hirn, Iiogust for Fooj, fuInrH er tight n tho Stomacli.iour Lractation,SinkiQgor Fiuttering at ths Pit of th Stomach, Kwimming of theHead, iiurrid and Difficult Bixathing Klu'.lering at the Heart, Choking or Sutfocaticg scrati'-r"-. kB in - ling posture, Dim ueES oí viüioa, Liots of webs beforotíie siglit Ftver ;uid Huil l'nin iu the Hea'J, Delioiency ol Perspiration Vellown! of tbtSklnaod Eyes Pain n the si Ie, 'Back Chest_; Limb.i, &o. Sudde. Flusbeaof Hat. Biirninrin the Kiest). Constant imagtmegs of evil, and great lmprt'üsi'jrs of .Sp-r;id, ntid will posltfvvlv prercut Ykl LOW FKVF.R, BIlilOÜSFKTOl.fto. r.iB Proprie'ür in t-alling the af.ention of the public to t!. ■ pre; - ration, does ao iritfa a feehng f the tttaoat conCiJent-cin it:; v;r-veR sivl aiautction (o tlio ■Ji.eaiti lor v.-hicii it i' recJuaseQdod It is nono and untried artlele, but on% that ;an tood tho test ol a tu-elve ïchi-s' t.-a bífero the aniericon people, and its repntatloa and smo tra oorirolted by nny siniilar preparaliuna oxtaBt. Tho tcstimoliy in its laror givcn uy the most prominent and well-knoivn Physidiiijs tni individuáis In ail partí of the country i-i immciKe, a car ful perjrul of the Almanac, publislied aiinuilly b.y the Proprletor, snd tu b ,aj zratll of ai. y of their Agenta, cannot Oüt atiïfy ta Molt ski"pticf.l tbstth ■?, remeáy ij tttilf dutrriug the Krtat celebrily it has obtaiued Reacl the Evlilenu Irorr. J. iVcic.'in Broten tl. D , Ldi:ar of the Encyiïoped'a of Religión Kvoiclctlgc. uctriisposed to farcr or naoasmod Pator.t Medicines in general, through distrust of their iugredients und eDVct-f,I vet know of no 9üfficieiit reason why unan may not tetilyto the benefit he belierea hitnself to have received frum any simple preparaticn, iii th hope tliat he may thtu coiuributo to the benefit oi othera. lüothistbe more readily in regañí to ''ITooilaDd's Oerman Hitters," prepared by Dr f. tí. Jackson, ot thls city, bficaue I u-a. prejudiced ngaiast them for vear?, ander t!ie impression tbat tliej were chiellv an alèi.hollc mixture. 1 zm iudebted to invfriead iïobert Shoemaker, Kq..fortliLTTuoval of tliis prejudice bv proper tests, and tor eneooTiyemenrto try thrtn, wheü sulfering from rreat and lo;g contin-.ed deb:l:v. Tho use of '.bree bottleaof thoso bitters, at the kwimnaz oí lie uresent year, uaalollowedb.v ovidnut relief, and restoration tua díree. ibodilvand mental vigor which I had uot Kit foriixm uitha before,and had a!m-itt despaired of rfg.-.lnlng. I iherefore tliank God piu! uur friercil 'or dinctlBj uu' t J lue o( tieni . J. SZ.'i ION BliUWN. Rcai hi the eminont Glass Slanufacturer, JOHN' II. WHITAIX, says of the UíI.SAillC CORDIAL. Dr. C M. Jacüsox- Respected Friemi: Having for a long lirae been acqainled with the irtues of thy BV. sainic Cordial m Cou hs. Colda, Inflsmniation (f the Lungs, Sc. I thua frf ely bear testTOony to ia eflicacr Forscvtralyears I liavc nuvur beon without it in my fitmily ltalsogivea me pleasure to state tbat I have used it witlientire sucee?s in the treatmfllt of Bovei Cuuipbiuti. Ihy friend tiulv. JOHN' M. wniTALI., Fifth Mo. ::, 1S53, Eace Kimt, aborc 4lh, l'hila. These medicines are for sale by all respect::ble Drupgiöts nnl deakrs in nn-d cine3 in the United SUte, lintIsh Previne;.-!, and Wetlndies, at 75 cents per bottle - Be surüandget tl-.c gen-:ine, wi'.h the signature oí C. M. Jackson on the wrapper of each bollle; all o'.hers are I'r ucipalOffico and iianufactory, -tlS Arch Street, Philndeipbia, Pa. SJOyl O. BXïISS Ia eow rectiring a Icige and well eïectod a33crtni:nt of Oiccks, Watches, J EWE LR Y, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKET =5 "BCJ TT 3T-J -W32 JBML -3ST RAZORS axo SHEAR3, C3-OX.3D IFEIIXrS, Musical Instruments, Stripgs Sf Books for Instruments, SHEET MXJSIC, COMBS; and a great rariety ot 5T ANISES ONTOTIOITS, SsO. He would cali particular sttentiou to Ui large slock SPECTACLBS, of Qold, Silvcr, Steel, and Plateé, aith PERISCOPE GLASS, i superior articla. Alao Huntington & Flatt's cülctratej CALENDAR CLOCK! mitable for Offices, Countinjr Rooms , Halls or Dwellings. Hiese cloclís are relmble timo keepers and Calendar ;ombued,and requiietha winding of the time move menta on ly, torneare all the reiiuired changes at mid nlght, showing the dy of the weyk the montl. and hy jf the montb, tnclading the ü9th of Febraary of Lsap year. li is goods ave mostly of recent purchase frota Süv York and the manufacturéis, and wttl bo soid to luit the times. Peradas having difiicult watches to fit ivith g!asai'3 can bo accoiuodated. as xny stock iet larn mO complete, P. S. Particular atteution to the sf all kiuJd cffinu Watchet, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Piaious, uifijfi, and Cytindera. Afgo CLOCKS, Sc TE'W'EIL.Da' ipatjy repaived and Varracted, at his old stand eaat Jdt of Mail) Street. C. BLISS. Apn rbor,NoT. 15,1361 826tf D1SSOLÜTION. THE Co-pftitnership lurMofme existirif between the unf ersiiined under tho name and stylc of Spour tt rhon;pflon ns díssolved ly hy mutual consent on the Ï5th ü;i_v of May, inst. ihc busineN3 of tho late fira wil] M Rettled by .ïohn W. Thcmpücn, and the buaineas cou:iuued by C. Spoor, (HAS. SPOOR, JOHN W. OMPEOX. Dated, Kun Arbor, MayCSth, 1862. TTotlec, A IX persons indebtfid to the tnie flrm of Ppoor and ThoDipHon are rcuested o cali at the old stand and make prompt eet Ut ment ol the eanif. JüUX W. TUOMION. A Card. I carried on íttthe old placo of biisinoss ot Spoor & riiompson by tho undpreïned, who soüc'ts the couUnupd patronage of Ihe old customers of th firm, and Ijopos by prompt attonlïon to btihiiichs tn gatd new pa troüg. A Rüiipral Rfrliaent of Harnosw and Ëaddlerj ïlwayson hand. All perbons indbted to mo oïther by aote nr bonk account are rtnuetWd io scttle the i-amt' without öelay. CHAS. SPOOR. Ann Arbor, May 28, 1862. 8ó4wd iVotlce. WHF.REAS my wïfe Phebe A . iB in the babR of rirllnur a bont the coun'rvand ruuning1 racin debt wiíhouf my consent or knowidSB; therefore all persons are 3autioDed acamst tnistinj; b'r on my account, as I sball nav niidpbtsof bercontracting. " 85tm3 HARVFT ANVABIL. 'baron, May 29. 163 Ayer's Cathartic Puls. Chicago Book Traíc. T?ie l'lace lo Buy SeJiool Soüu. WHO1.ESAI.K Book &smtíoiHjy iloncc. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. PCCLIVH Sandara Prosrcssive Readers, tfawlj: Eiectri'yp?-] . wlth r.e ar.d origine; Ü'u5tr:i. re the mtfít Ixautiful a .ve1 a ilw gt Uot nu. I. Sunders' Alj.hsbet '"ardí, 6 B a eet S ' n. "Prtoarj SdKheii, 8 o a c.d,', 1 u iv o !Í" ■ ' r a3i"'" ''"í Bo„k ' ij V. Sande.ii1 ímlrwof Engilsh Wurd, Ki ,:,'■ nder Mete nal Pr m.r, íbouna).'....'".' i2K Vill .New l.rtüeadír { IX Banden X Secnnd Rcadci X. Sandcrs'Xe:? TbW Reader aZ XII. Btndars' Kv Fiftfc Btti'cr Xlil. Sanders' High Schcol Hender','.'.'. '. ". á? XIV. Sanie Voung nclie' Kcactr, '" 8 XV. Sanie' Lr... 'iS i vi. Saailern' Etoeutloiur; Cbhit, ' j ;0 ítanflni pracUcaladapiati,,!. Ikl víur.. byMclassoor.farorabl-tkaubj Practical Tch" whu hav tuíted thelrmerit n tbe scliool rocín. Robinson'3 Course of Math6Matífl. BY HOBATÍO N. ROBIKSCW, LL. D. LaterrofeMorefiTathemaÜcMn the V. 3. U4T, I RInona PmmtinTtinnTr Arittiiaetl II. KobmTCn'a Pi-ogrcsslve Intellectual rilh VS 5oSn!on',!l Jf'iMBt of OTiltei, Ailti. IV. Roiinjcu1 Prograanire Pnetlcal Arii. 3 v. BtoWí.8oa' Ky to PrettiMi Arithmrílc. M ,?,' '!'J,b"1n ? Pr gMrtiTe Higher ArlUaacía. Ï4 5J?-nwnsKy'HSlierArthmetlc, 7 V II. RobionoQ Kew ElimenUry Atecbw , 7 v " ,b:n5:-"'í Ke; to ElementarAli?ta, ís X. Robmtoo'a UüiVrsty Al?rl,r, 5 1 í v-t 5Ja"on',s Kci' to CniTritj Algtbrí, I -a JLJV Kub a.-u= .-. AuItieal Oecnwtrj and Conlo RürC30VB ':i;rera"i!' ntllcspgral Calculo, 1 to vt,J} oWd' Cnivoreltj ArtranoniT, i Ts V, 5ob;I;son'"il!i;h!Ir'rttical Operationn, ï ia XIX Rjb.nson-ó Key tu Alïtbr, CcometCT, Sur. vejing, í.c , i p. Forrainga FUIX MATHEMATICA!. COCRSE, cm brac.nï irlthmslic anü Text B„ck. ie the Uiehe! kotb■attea. for exte.rt of roscare):, faeüity ndastíieís U iljustration and prictleul melulie.,., tb, üulh. - oí tvt stricsiasurpa.-seáby no Batbtnuttlcal wiiter lo tb SUthtmaUcitns Ijj 11 secti..nsof tíie couctij-. Gray's Series of Botanies, sis books. Hitulicock'a School Anatomy and Fhaiology, Si. EHtcbcock's Geclogj', ene boot. VV'ell's Graimaafs, two books Well'í Snifintifie Series, incloding Clismistry, Piüosop!:,j. oto TLrcc books. Wilson s Series of Histories, five books. Fasquellu'a Ffonch Series, cigbt books. Woodbury's Gcniian Series, suven books. Bryant & Stratton'a Serios of 13cok-kceping, tliroe books. Spencerian System of PemDKufcin, niño books. AiidMany cthrr V: laabie Books. Wholesale Dealera and Iietail PurcLaser3 Will and tour tors orcr Foor Thousana diCTerfnt arUclea o atationery. and Threo Uundred TbouuW v". Bmt of books, faas whicb to mkc thelr (rtectlii S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Are Special Agentj fcr Messrs. Harper & Bro's Publicatioua. " D. Appli ton & Go'i m " Ticknor & Field' " Gould & Lincoln's - " J. J5. Lippinoott & Co'a " And furniah all their taotal at Enttorn pricos for cash. Nota Papws, Letter Papers, and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And 11 taid of rtunuxrar, at tl toi orio. sMTLa by tho dozui orease. M.S!ranscrsní travelers vlslting Chicago tri 11 flod lt mtwestingto lingtr fo au honramid the inlermicabl. S. C. GR1GGS & Co. Agenta Wanted. tí-Forallcostlyanl iralunble Subscription Victo, or unolle vvor t ipn Religión, I.itírature, Scieu, oí Art, Vldrtas S. C. UlüüliS a: CO. ' """ PLEASE KEUEMBEIt That Ihtn ia no bockstore in this country kccp'oi ktF.EMEJIiJEE. That Public or Priyate Librariu can be aupplisd wtth fermb' "Wwk.byS.C.O. & Co. "on b.uJÏ toral tban to send Eait anc iaj Ireijht SS-lVesterr. Literary and I'rüfessional men.Teachtrs, Scl!nitu all departmmu of of the wond of itter are .r.vitri to mate .9 ar. 1 41 Lak. airea tLelr p of re3art,ii rametaoí leiaure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Wholesale and Refall Bookwllen and StatioDem DO roï7 II A NT iVIUSKERS -do roe; iK.4;vr,i mqvstacuei If ac.prchaso one bo'.tlo of E. E. Champion' EXCELSIOR ÏSVIGORATOR THE EXCELSIOR WHISKEII INVIOORATOE ! ! Isa Beautiful, Kconcmical, ïoothing, yct Stimu'aiing Compound, actmg as if bv mugio upon ihe roots eau" ing a beautiful groivih oi Luxuriunt Beanl. If an-lid to the Scalp, it vrfll cure Bjhosess, and if applied'' Vcording to directions, it wiU cause to suiinï np in bild spots a toe growtli of son ruSB uair Ia"" Ihe Ci'lobrnted EXCELSIOR INVIOORTOR Ia au mdispousable Articlo in evcry Oentk-mao's Toilet nd atter one wcek's use they would net, or any c.muid tration, be rithout t. Tbc above nrticle will in from or J l VlVtksllri')Souia thick mt of WniaKcai Tht subücriben are the only Agenta for the above articló in the United States. Thoy would also announce to the public that thw are agontsfor Napoleon's Hair Toilet! Tuoonly aiticleoveroETered'o theFicnch ppople that wou!uci-RL srKicilrmiR! ihp abore Toilet being minufacturedfor thesole bpnefito Louis Napoleon I which artiele ''s now indispensable in his ïcilet rurjn. The subscribers leeiïng conll.lent that thi Toilet raust necessarily fükc the place of a) otbera ev,r olftred to tne public, they take jjleasure In expressing their coafi. dencem the artielu, guining it trom practical use THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET W.ll Ccrl straight Bah in Soft, Silten, Flowing Curls, .hat will r.-m;iin In shapc for ono dny or one wek it deBlred, or tny longer pwiod, if the Jirections are strictlr tollnwen . whioh aro simple and eaj . Thl H.iir Toilet does pot In ;my mannerintcrftn with tl.e Hatural Sftuess of the Huir. It neithcr acorche, nordyesit ; but givea 'bc hair a soft, thrifty appearance. It tilso prtrtnts the hair fn ra falliñg ot) aud turninggray. THE NAPOLEON IIATR TOILET las been beforetlie pub(o butR sh. rttime, and has been tested by over one thousand personal and the.v testity th:u the Napoleon Hair Toilet la the reatost lieautilier over oLf. red to the American pecplc. To prevent thia Toilet :r.:ni being eounterfelted or m. itatedby unprincipleri ersons, we do not offer t fursal at any ftruggisti in the l'nitei States. Thprefore anr Lady or Gentleman v.ho iesires Soft, I.uiuriant iislr and Curia, artl Long, Soft Whiskcra or Mnustucie, can procure tho urteorator or Toilet, either one, for osa dollar cnelosgj in o. letter, with their addre.i. Addross, G. F. SPKXY k ro., Box UB, OoUinrrlll, Hartford Co., Conn And it willb" carefully sent bv return mail. ' "Provida for Yo r Fainily." icisriai5:L!K,i3oci5:Eïï, UFE INSURAKCE COMPAÑA Westtra oöicc, Kingab-arj Block, Randoljili t , Chicaga Assets Jan. let, 1862, 8276,223.,. rcllcips are aaued upon the livps of dWon. anri for all business ptirposos, eitlier for life or f'r a term d yeará. oa as Tiivorable terra- as by any oth1 r Ccmpny. Manied ladies m&y ínsinc ihe fires öf tUeir UusJamÏ5t accoid ng lei a law of tljp SLate,fipcuiin;ï theumnuut of the insurftnee to themscives or thfir cMiUvii, fi-e fron thf claims of their liusbBds' ercditor ; aln. marrjMl Iwüm ciin imon their cma Uros for du nac&t cf their cbiUlren or trustees. l'olifies od lires aro issul for any Fum noi exeeedinfr 10.0 0. ' ]!■ the iovins of h. charter, this Company is probiblted paling mo,e tli;ui 7 per eent, :ir:nu;il]j In divMvndR on Ui capital to ] nl it r&ceives that sum in interest for the uso of its capital, the surplus beine diviricd amnng tlifi Mutoal Faituren henee it will appfar th3i it combines the advuntages of a Mutual with thf1 ëocurity of a Ltock ('omp:tnv. W'hcn tho premium amounte to ?40 ar orer i not may be given for four t-Miths "f tbo aauuut. Rat: om law as aoy ether good ccnjpauy, Now Is the time oí s..curo a compfíQcy for yotr faroüy should do.!:1! fiof5. your honae;toad occumberd aud íd volved. KRAÊTUStTHAN, Frvftfde&t. Geo. F,3Ktmor.!(-y T(, C. johDson. Vící1 Prcaideut.aníl Manager of Wc-it ern iiranch oL&ce, thicafro B. B. PONO, Aecnt WM. Win, U. , Me-Ji oal Ssaaj.ner. Ayers Agne Cure.


Old News
Michigan Argus