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PftlflTWNtí OF ALL KINDS ( ' Neatly Executed AT THE A11GUS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPaRED TO F1LL ALL I OUDERS IX THE LINE OF PRINTING AT TUK MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have rccently purehascd s H,TJC3-C3-XjE3 ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have ml led the lnt'st tylei of Cnrd Type, wliich cnables us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. n the nenteat stylfs. and ns cheap as any tther house in the State. We aro aUo prepartd to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, DiLL nEADS,1 CIRCTDLATIS, PAMPITLETS fee, BOOK BINDERY ii in charge of aFIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOÜRNALS, HOTEL1ÍEGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Jlanufacturcd in bmt sttlk at New York Prlces, Fcriodicals of all kinds BOÜND IN ANY STYLE. Old IBooks RerBound. All Work warrantcd to give entire satisfaction. E. B. pond, Propr. Office and Bindery, cor. Mnin b Huron Sts. Conway Pire Insurance Co., Of Conway, MasB. Capirnl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), 269,96312 Linbilities. ... 16,44003 D. C. Hogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar. Pretident. DIRECTORS. J 8. WHITNEY. L. 3ODMAN, W. EI.LIOTT. S HOV I,ND,D r. McGII.VKAr, K.D. VURRAN WAIT BK.MKNT. JOStAH I.I.I9. A.H BH'-I.KN W.U.DICKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D.C.ROOKlt. Ann Arbor Rrfrrencea: Or. E. WEI.1.S, L. JAMKS I.. OOTlGE, BNOCHJAMES. f!APT. f!.S. OOODRICH J. W. KN1 GUT. Acent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mo ney Wanted. V h o w i 1 1 L. e u 1 M o ïi e y 1 ÍAM REQÜKSTED BY SEVEBAI. l'ERSONS to obtain money fur thetn at Ten Per Cent riterest, (Or More.) t'or any one williiiff td lpnl, I can at nnce in vent on faod uiipncumbered abumlant RKAL BQVATB Necurii y Jiiiv unís of money aud ee that thetitle andficcurity ■irPALL RIOUT, tar Tti borro ter payiag ftllexpenies. inclulingrcordinf?. W. MORGAN, Ana Arbor, Gct. 7. 1860. 7l5tf OpposiLo the i iT r ARKNOWOPEN'INO, D1KËCT FlïOM PÜBUSHTO? AN1 ÍÍJiniifctuifrv, a New auil Complete stock o J,AW & MEDICAL UOOKS, School Booki, Múcelkncous Booftt, Blank Booki. dan STATIOETEHY! V!l and WUirUr.ï Fnper, Drawiny id Sfatlitmaticaliiixtriiments, lusic. Juveiiiltt -ibniií, !Jijtlü[jfn( luUit uAÉ Chiüs. Ey t! "" " ■'"■' - . - '■ ■■ ■ ': "--"'-" '.Z- yli all o7er c'nh of Pens and Pcncih Wiiulow Cornice, hhdüa and Fixturt , POCKET CUTLERY! luduvcrything portalniug tn tho trade, a ml more to trhlehthoy would Invite the attemion ol thü couotrj. In conflucting our bisinpsx, we fiUall d all ttiat can p(luno,so tliut uu rCiihOiiublü m;t;.it tvuiiia'j or cliiW ■'han ml muy fnuH. We KMMM fiic'Utiea wïiicU will enablc us to supply itrntoiBn at the Lowest Possiblo Figures, We prpose to sell fnr RBADV TAV, ata .v.nAïl aï ranee. Ve expecta proflt unour good, but Cash Sales will Admit of low FIGUEES. The "EamaKBoOK Store,11 is manfisd by agood 'crew nrt thtty will nhviiys beloond on tlio "quartr deck," eatly and wllHog l uttend to all wiüi pleasura, wlio will avur thuni witii n oaU liemember the "JEmpire Bnok Store.'1 JAMES. R. WEHSTER & Co Aun Albor. Ma,v,1860. ?J AKOÏHER A ARRIVAL AT THE öf OLD AND RELIA BLE B CLOTHIWt EMPOEIUMü na-M,3Sr O. S phcbnix block:, MAIN STREET. m - O hasjust retamod fmm tho Eastern Citie-s, with a Iarg and ie8irable ?.tück of FALL AND WINTER wkicb h is now oiTering at unusually 3Cj3X7V PRIOES! Among bis Asuortnient may be found BROADC LOTUS, OASSIEETIER, DOESK1XS, & VEST1KGS, öf aMdescriptiotii, epfrciftlly for FALL AND WINTER WEARI whicli he i cutting aml tn.iklng to order, in tlielaWit anc' bent t}-les, tngelher with a auiienor assurlment of RE AD Y MADE CLOTIUNG! TRUNKS CARPEI BAüS, t;MBREI.I,AS, and Gentlcmen's Furnishing Goods, witli niimcrous otber nrt-'cles usuully found in siraüa: MtebÜBbmenta. Aa ANEMPOPIUM OFFASÏÏION, ttiesilbsoribcrflattershimself. that hi? lonjj pprlencc and sceuf ra. auowwiwiïl eiublé litm t" give the greates'. wtiafoelion toall wbo may trimt himin the way ut hmufart.rl,.Bg.nn.UUtuuri. WM. WAOyER. ÜTííe Factor"yl A. J. SÜTHERLAND HAPreinovefhlGunShopt(ithcNw Block-nHutomtret south ..llhf Cuui t III use.oi tneiecond floor, whert hc is preparcd to r'urnisb Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Ponches Game Bags, and Evcij otlier article in liis Line. On Ibe miBtr08onablr lertríe.flndto do al) kindt o REPAIRING I the éborteat notice.and in tho beat mannel f ill mnrtmüitalway Kv "nhend.ond madeto order BOOTS $c SHÖËS MOOKE & LOOMIS Are now rccoiving a Inrge assortmtat of Bcots and Shoes and :r,tt:b:b:e:r,si Whicli tliey propOBe to sel! 50 per e7)í belowformer pricetfor cash. Men's good Kip Boots, from $1,".O to $3,00 Men'ggood Thick Boots, from 2 00 to 3.00 Men' good Cftlf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Cnlf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaiters, from 44 to 125 Ladies' Morocco Bootees, frora 75 to 1,25 And an cudleaa variety of tíuiíil Shoes from Fancy Bahnorats to Infanta' Creeping Shoos. AVc ore ftlgoManufncturlngall kludsof WAERANTED BOOTS & SUOES. Mens Fine Frenen Calf Boots Pegged and Sewed. So Kíve tin r Cfill lwforí1 purrliftsiníf elsewhero, as warc lx.un 1 t.. b andersold. BKI"AlRIN'e DONK UN SHuET NOTICE.Sr MiK)RE & LOOMIS Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. S20lf TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. fJlHK UNHKRSIl;NKP, Hntell'rnprifltoríin tilia city ol J. Ann Arbor. renppctfull.y nnnnunce to tlie public, on aniluftfr tiic dratdaj f Jiiunary, 18 3, TEN CENTS F A RE. wíll bo flirirjo I to puch nd VT6TV ii pfim carrifd tonnd ('rom t'.c cars, to tho respective llotelti, by the OmniV un J.ine. P.COOK.Cook' lintel. II IH ItSTUW , t'ranklin IIouno. Aon Arbnr, De. S4tli, 1801 . S2tr JSTOTICB. SrHOOI. Inspfctors' and Pirectors' ninnks Iiavo ben rccrive'lat thisoffice. ani are rearty for di-tribution. To-wuship Clerkuare. requested to nendin theiroriier. R. J. BARRY.Qerk. Ano Arbor, Jupo 1C,1S2: 856tf NEW CxOODS. BACH $c PSERSOSy Uavo jast oponed iliuir SECOND SPRING STOCK and offer a CHOICE SELECTION Of Seasonablc Goods3 iucluding all The Newest Sljles of LADIES'DRESSGOODS, Cloths, Domestica, Staples, QROCERIES, cScO-3 We Bought for Cash and hü! sell FOB CASH OR HEAD Y PA Y, at very IjO-w Figures, OALL .AD SEE! BACÍI fc PIEIU'ON. Ann Albor, My 15, lfC2. SCHOFF & MIL LEK t RESTILLOXIUNü at theiruM StanJ, No. 2, Franklin Elock, ivitli tlic most complete tissortrceut of Bocks and Stationery, PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, ' SIIADES, ROLLÈES, CO1ÏDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCKS, CÜRTAINS, [IOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Market ! and tl.ey would guggest tothose in pursuit Lfanytlnngin SANTA CL A US' LINE that can iccure % . Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaning from tlii stock, ai each purcliaser goti an ddiliuna! iir.-rnt üf Jewt'lry , &c. . llanging invaluo iroin 50 ots. to $50. 43" Thivtrust thftt theirlonff exparience ín selecting giioiisful tli'is marVet, anl Htrict atteiltlnn lü tlie wants oiCuftoniorti, may eutitle tbt'm to a Hbcralfihart oj I'atronajïe. Ann Arbur.DM. 5. 1SC0 ÏTttf LÏFH IPVSlJKAiNCK. Tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranca Company. Accumulated Capital, - 63,500,000. rTTILLINSCBK LTVES foi any amnunt not ev; ling VV $ J. JtA " " : tlio Vholfl term of Life or for a terra of veáis, on the most favorable trnu. N'. li Tho Company Is purely mutual aad tlie pnlicy get all the surplus over tl.e exact cost of usurance lt accomoilaies tho ntnrel in the settli-inent of their premluDia ON l.IFK PUUCIES, f .lesireil, ly taking anote.turoae half the amount, beariug intticst at siit por cent, perannüm, DividcnJs are Declarad Annually! and since they now amount to kifty per cent on the premium 3a-0i aiivl notf , and are mcreasing they may bt applled to cancel the notes. ffif The ratcs of premiums are as low as any other respcnsitle Company ftndthe large accuïnulatefl fuirl of $,000,000 is securely invesietl, as may be pen by refereuco to the statement made aceonliiifí tu luw, on file in theoffleoof the County C' Ann Arbor.-fi. JAMES GüODWIN, l'rest. CCY R. PiiKLPSjSecy . Forpaiticularsajiply to JAMES C. WATSOX, 7G31 Agcpt at Ann Arbor -Micli. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKft & CO.'S Standard Machines . IVell known to be the Best for Manujacturing l'urposc. No. 1, Standard Stintlle Machino, fornierly sold at $90, redueéd to $70. No. 2. f sume kind uf Machine, for inerly sold at $100, roducod to $75. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the world for Fnmi!v Setring a ml r.lght Msnufiw turing I'tiriJOBes : (witn Hemmer,) and bfüutifuii.v óróanráted í5t. The Nos. 1 and '2 MftobiaeH are of great capacity and appilcaüon for nwaafactarlng pui-pu. UurNo. 3 Machines are cspecinlly adapted to all kinds of light and heavy Leither Vork, in Catrinee ïïimming, Bont and Slim1 M;ikin;i HarneaB Makinr,etcM etc. They ut exra slZ6, and willi r.n arm long enough to cake undi-r it and Btltcta the largext si ze ttashes. There i.s carct--ly utiy pait ol n Tri minor ' Kt i te hing that cannot be better done with them tlmn by band ; o, too, tito sa ving of time añil labor íh ve-y gretft. Thetableof tbese uiücli.iit! U 24 inciies long, addrhesbattle will hold mx tiuu'Kthe usual quantity'of tiiread. The largo machina vork aa Cutas roiall onest WtMvouIil iiKk tor our 1. citer A Machinen, ipeciai attention of Wvt tf&kerx nd Dresa Uakera and all tbOM who want Macliiner' for HgW mimttfuetur ing purpMOf. Tliy emborty tlm prtdolples of tlie Btandard maehtnftB, mukint; Ilk6 1 !n m the in!t'i'lfckf il sitch, hik! are dentined to be ueelebr&teri for Pamilt skwixo tt ligkt manulacturiiiif pDrpOSOfl as Jour standard machinen are for manuüaoturing in general. We have a'iwttvsmi lmnd, hrmmin cai(íks.pii.kttíst I.INKN AHD OUTTOfJ 'lilKKAD, O W'OOLS, UKSJ' M.C1HNK (JlL in bottleo, etc, etc. - manufacturo our own Xeedh's.aad would wurn alt perwons oslng nnr maehlnea nottobuy anyothew. We know tbftt therc are oeedlm Rotd ƒ tkf viost inferior aualifij t hlghor oriou t!i;tn weobaru I tor the best. Tin: nt'filles ïtold by u are manufacturea pecialïy for oor ma 1 iiuíj, A bad needie.may rendtr tht iêvi machine almost nsi-lts. Our custonierm may r.t a(surcl that ati 'ar Hranch Ofticesarefurniriheil witlithe4 genuino acti.d " In cast of umull parobanes, the munft} may bii sent in pos tape sta m p, o r link notes. 'nr]('sioiidcn! will pleafte write their nanio? distincty . It in ail IDpAftant w} shotild, ia eacli cast1, kiin tlio l'ost Uflice, ('ounty, and State. A.l jhorsoijH n-qiiiriiiii infinn:itin abont 8ting tfaohinH thei" diz, Drieën, vrorktnc eapaoltien, and tfiu best metbodsof Fnrobaalnpr, oanobtalmt by semiingto uAfOrany of our BraachOfflcMfpr aoppy f I. W. Slager & Co.V Gazetto, Whieh b a beanilfüi Pfetorial Paper entlrely dototed to the subject- It toüi bc sent gratie, We havo made the itbuve KEDHrTION IN PRICE3 wit li the two-foM view of benefit i hr the public and on rel ves. The public have been swtndtcd bv Mpnrtoofl machines marie in ïmitation of otir.. T.e metal inthfin, from the ron casting to the smallefit pt'ice, is oí peor qiirtlity. Tlu-ir maken have not themeans to do their work weil. They are hul nway in oevet places, where it would be Imponible to Imve at their commanii the proper mechanical appliancf. It is only bv doing a prettt Imsitu'-s , aii-l bavlng t'xtpnsive manufacturmg establitihmenttt, that eood machines can be made at moderatprioea. ffhe bost de-iigned nuicliinea, HAD1.Y AlAUK, are aiways liable to get out of order, and aresure to cowt considerable troublaand monov (o keepthem in rep re The qualities to be lortked for in a Machinoare : cttainty of correct actiën at all rates of speed, simplicity of construction, great durjibi'ity, nndraiidity of operat ion, with the Inst labor. Machines to cmbine these esííontial qualitie, , initht be nadeof tht best me: al and finihd to perft etion. We huve theway and means,o i ti grnnd Rcale, to do thin. The pnrehamrsof miieMnw, whose4ally brend it nmy concern, will ftnd thal those liavintr tlio abovcqualitics not only wovk vcll at raptd ;is wcll i1 fttrti ratWcf f-H-t'tl,l)tit laai longor in tht (inert t pnulble wovk ing order. Our maeliinpK, au made by us, wil] oarn more monoy sritfa ten labor thunany otbftrfl irhetber in Imltatfon o' ourHornot. Infitct, thoyareoln-itnerthiin anv otlier machineBaHagift. 1. M.-ÏNGKFï k CO-, 45S Hroadway New York. JE3" Detroit Oflice, 58 Woodwarü Aveniif, (Merrill Dlock.) filltf M. II, GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. 5 W.MOKGAN, Agent for Mutual UfelasuranceCompany, New York. ApoamnUt+dAsseU, .... $5,350,000. the leadincr Ufe Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker Life Insurance ('ompany , New York, - a first clasw 5rtCo. - term reasonubïe. Huinboldi Fire Insurance Company, New York. Gapital, witli alarbe surplus, $200,000. Peoria Marine & Fire Insui-anceCo., Peoria IU. - hotV % No. I Firc Insurance Co'i. YOTtf Capital. ■ $500,000; IIÜRACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 .1 Iï r o d w a y , N w Y o r k Publlshvr of Miitlc nfl Mnslc Uuok AM MtALBIt IX Pianos, Melocjuons, Aleximdre Orgnns Organ Accordeons, Mfirtin's uelobrated and other Guitars, Violins, ïunor Viols, Viulincellos, Accordeon, Flutinas, Pinte, Files, Triangli-sClnri inett., Timing Vvi kaPipeé andHammer, Violin Bowa, bcwtltalian Btringp, Iass Instrumenta for Hands, Piano Stoolf, anr] covers, nnd ill kinds of Musical Instrumento. JS la. o o t 1VT -lx S 1 o, (tóm all the publtshera in tlie !'. S., Borl-ni' Ituntin's, and Sïmlörnticuool, and all kinds of Inslrnction UooU fnr tl., .lïi'ive instrumentó; CUurch Musir Bnókd: Musie wlegandy buund; Uo&iO paper, ttuü all ïtiudd of Muaic MercUaiidlM, At t hcLowest Prices. New riainis, At $175, (200, $-'-.rï1 $, hiid up to $SU0. Second lUmU'iüimri Tufin $S5 Op t $160; NVv Hv torteo n, $45 460, $75, $10(1, and ip to $ü00; llnnd Melbdtonti frono iU tu WO; Uwndi Oigan, wiiti Nvéfttnpii, $lt;o, ulneatnpK, Í18S and S526; thirttan stops, $L50, 27fi nul $300; iliU-rii stops, f 20 and 'i7 " ; A Lita ral ú lo ClergymeD, hurcUet. Sabbath Scbools. Semioárjea añil Teachers. The Traae taippliud at the usual trade dUoounts Testimoniáis of tUc Hornee Water Planos 1.1-c1 Mcloclcotí. John Hewott, nf Cartbam, New Yofk wlio han ]mí onf of Üm fionceWttc Ptanut, writesasfollows; - 'A fiitfii'l of naipe wishcw mo topprohvw a piano for ber. Siíe likoa the oa you apld fne iu Decfimbar, L866. My pimío is Decoimng popubir iu Aúé jíLicc, hii'1 1 tbjok I oan Introduce onc or tw diotoj ihoy ill hu úñon popal lar thau auv otlier roako." Ve híWlwof v.i.t.-r.-;1 Pianos n uso in owBeml nary, une of wliidi bu-been Wfttf tosted lor thra vc:irs. :mil we c;ui tetify tu thfttr ffood ]ii:ility and durabiiity." - Wood & Uregory, Mount Carroll, III, "il, VTaters, Bsq. - Ijkak .it: Baring u-el onoof your Pianofortes rortrwoyearftpat. I bare fonud it a very superior Instrument. ALQXZO (;:.vy. Principal Brook?yn Kr$h(a Sr.ntr:ary. "T'no Plañó I reccived from yon continúes to give ).tIsfactloo. 1 regard il an one of lúe bí'sl n trunienta ín thc place." JAMBS U CLARK, Cfiarlrttotí, Va. 'ïhe Hetodeoo lins s:ifely arrivttd. I ChI obligelto you Oiry ur liberal thVoouut." Rev. J. M. UcCOBlOGfe. YaraueniOcS. C. "llie [iia no waa ! i!y rjeível, [team [nexcollent conilitum, and is very mucli admtrcx) by my mimerout f;imily. Accept mv thaHltu for yrtur promptuesa."- EtDHKKT C4K)pke, WArrfnham, Brafijoe.d Co. Pa. "Your piano peaftes us wll. Ií the bot une in our ( ,:;iti ■. .''-ÏHOMaS A. IATIIAH, CnmphcUlO, Gtl. llWe e vi'i much obligó to yon for harina seut BOfch a fino iu%trument for $-50." - I1i:axk,1Iki.I) s f'o., Bitjfalo Demccrat. "Tlu1 llorace Waters Pianonareknown asamong tln very best W aro enabied to ppak of tliese ii-ir i menta witli confidenoe, frona personal knowledge of thelt ffi-ll-iit tone uní ilnrn ble quality," - -V. Y. Ennnsrdtet. 'We cau spt?:ik tt ihc meritti of the Horaco Waters piannsfroni perxona! knowledne, iw ljing the very [imrt qunl ty-"- Christian InttUigrnccr. t'To'e Horace Wtffl planos sre oüfM "f tha bont an-t most [hoinu'-ílily aeaoned material' W# haTO no doubj ! thatbuypra can do as wclLperhapu btt =it thisthan at anv fttbOrUou8fi in tlie Union," - Advocate, ad Journal. Vaters1 pjauos ■-i- qaolodoonfl chnlenge cumparitton witli Hip fiuest malo anywhere in the country." - fióme Jo urna I "Horace Waters Piano Fortes art of fulT, rich and eren powerfiiV- N. Y. f"siml Reo'ew. 'Our friends will Ond at Mr. Water' store the very besi AHortmeni of Musió and of Piano? to be found in the linilfi'l Statefand ve ur;o our ftoutbern and wettU i o fr'ends to üivf liim a cali whtutver they go to Xew York." - Graham'é Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ool Bell, 1OO .O()) Issred In ten Montlig. Tlie unprecr!entoil sale of tbisbook lias imlucpd the publiher to al'l some 30 now tañen and hvmn tu ts present si, without Bïtni chirge, oxcept 011 el-:, ;. ■■ :- tion Ani'ü.r tiidlnany bttiutifn! tunes and hymns a'l'ied bo fimnil:- "I oiigUt to lov my mouier1 "0 1'll be a good chiW. indeed i mil." Tiieíe ;i"'l liíílit othm frnin tbc Fk-ïl, were nunjr at the ?uii'lay fiöhool Anpiversarv of tlie M. E. Churcliat the Aoailemj r Únale, ;ii great applause The Bell coitalnn nexny ÍOO taso nd hymns,anii is nne of tlie best collocíi'ni ever issuoil. l'ríce 13c; $10 Jer lmnrtred. pnstacc 4c Elegutltly oobim. embosüad gilt, 26fi, $-0 ppr 100 ít bas been ritruducetl nln many of tlie Tublic Pe' tc T1k e i pabliBhed in i-intill numberii entltled Annlversary and Suiiflay Síhool Musió Books, No. 1.-, y, - 4, in ortierto accoinmodale the million; price ?2 & $."í por h'mulii'd No. 5 wlll soonb lmed- commeaeemrat ol annther book. Also, Hevivnl Hiuio Boofc, N'o. 1 fc 'i. priei' SI k $2 per 100. postado le. thrt.i 300,000 copias of tlie above bimks hiive been issuel the past etghteen nionths, aaü tho ilcmand is rapidly acrt'a.aiuf l'ublished br II0RAC1-: WATERS, Agent, 33 Uri.aJway.X. V. 3STr-W IWCusio. Publieed by Horace "Waters No. 333 Rroadivay, Wciv York. Vocal "Kind Words cfin neverdie;" "Tf.e Angels told me so;" "V:Mí of ie Wrst;" "Thoughts of God;'1 (íiv.-) me bnck ii;v &foiintafn llnme;' "luy Preums:" ■ c.i,l; Robín:" Tin wltn tliee BtiHj'PetMmes;" "There'Min ilrilnKlike mine;" "Nuali J im I-ce;""Kv. er of thee:'" "I'm lesiving theo in 8orrow;M llIÍn'. i.f lieaiity;" ''Home of our birth;" ''firave f Kosabcl,' and 'W.iki', l:i-iv, wake, ' price '2íc each. lswriii'MKXTAi.- "I'nlacc Carden, or Pinuing Bird Polka. 4oc: k'Swingíng BchottíscUe;" "Mirabel íchottisch;" Thomas öaker'n Schottisehe;" "Ptceoloniüi! Polka 35 cents each. The above piece-shavcbeautiful Vignettee "Wp'.raer Polka;" "Arabian Wai cry Marcli." the vervlast; "Vawovfamna Doniellft Maaurka; fiRe&.1' invr Polk" "Crinoline Wnltz." anti "Lancers' Qua drïlle,"25c each. "The Emptre of Relch" Quadrille;" a new dance, and "Tbe Hibernlan QaadilUe," 86oech. Many of tlieae pieces are played by Hakor's Mlebratcl orohest. ra with great Mailed free. A largelot of Foreign Music at half prioe. Piano, Melmlpnim stirt Organs. Tlie Hnrace Waters Pianos and Molodeons, for depth, pui-üv of tone And iWnbUItjr, are nnearpaúed. Prlcet vry iow Seeond Hond PluQOfl anrt Uelpdeoosfrom $'25 to $151). Muic andilutiicel Intnicliou of all kindK,atthe luwest pnces. IIOIIACK WATERS, Agent, Nr. 333 Bmadway, N. Y. Tkstimosiaijs; - "The Ilorftfe Wiiterp I'i.iiu.s are known as amollé theverv bwt.' -Fvanjrelttt. "Weean speak of their merita from personal knowledge." - Clirislion híUUtgcvcer. 'NVithinpat tde Fair Jisplaycd greater excellence -" - Ctiitrrhvitni. Watora' Pianoa and lleloüeoae challengecompaii-nn with tli" ínest made anvwherein the country.''- Home JimnuU. ' 719tf LOOMIS &TMPP, SuccürfsorH to Chapín A LoomiR.aiulChdpin. Tripp A Loomis IIHEabOTñ nrm of Lootfln ft Trlpp baring purchaset the cntire interent of tbe former CAUkpanlM wil continiu' the buInaa at theold r tandil, wKera thy wil! be r.'ady, oo the shortent notice, to fill all orders in tlu line M Castings and MacMnery, la the most workmanlikw manner, and on ns libera terma anyothsrfthop in the State. Among the vari ou8 irtidefinanufactured bv uu, we wou ld enumérate STE A MENG IN ES of all kinds; Mili Gearing and Kixturos, wroupht nnd CBRt; allthe variouf casting for makin rul repatring Ilorse Powers & Tbresliing Macliines sucb as aro at present, or have formevly bfipn ín use in tliip part of the State, as wel] M all the nrlonfl kinds [ eaftingp and machina work called for by farmers , and mechanica inthis ction of the ennn ry. of all the varioiiH paUrrns, itp Ín sizesand pricefi. will be keptcoDstantly on hand, got the most modern and intprovpd Btyl6M TlmnkTiil for f(rner patronage to the otd firms, we wnnlri K'ilicit a continuanco froin "Id friendii, and a trial by all wisliiuK foraoythinc in our line of busini-Hs. L003O3 & TRlPr. Ann Arbor,Mav 18th. 1859. 697lf ïliRESiSNG MACHÍÑIs". r 1TF.XTED AND MAXL'KACÏUIiED UY Nichols & Sheppard7 iïutMc Creek, Micli. Improvedfor the Season of 1862 In this Pepirator the gnin ssepamtd frm tlio itmw by mean of liAio&flngert, that t(s the fitraw up and ■ i . i w i wiih ii Budden mot ion ivm Uio time it leave ''.■■ cvlimk-r untü it pftHSW to the staoker, min the (rrnin faliu througb ft Oottom mfldaof lat, ctearOrom iho ttwiw. Thi juirts cnntahiicg these fingern and the 1ij(ht gratn bottpm :ire madg to víbrate r swing bacltwuni and forwai-d, which work the btraw to tlte etuckor und the grainmthe BieviB The supenority of this machine ovi-r all others conaiatfi in (t4 IVifi'cr .-nnitimition of i.'niwi ' rom Straw, tirrat ímplicity. hav'nji no pieker or boater to cli(f tip. and lt!'S niachineiy ih.m inj othor much.uo Dow m;n!f. Gmt OflOftdtTj ns it w:ll not waste when crowded. Perfect cleaner, haring larrcr ei ves thao my otbtr, Ëusv iratt, bcitiT con.-tructed, Minplc and durable. Pcnnsylvania Iron Ilorse Power. Wrrftii(ed to 1-e the bral II tbí1 l'ower in use. Madfl with woud oí irn Tr.unM ir prcfcried Pannen and TbresheH ii Michlfran Í We oftVr you t'.io HKT MArMINK I' USK. Bel ter than i'i la', Hall'.Kowlcrville. urany muuhine built op thetr prioofplea If vm in in 1 bu"inj; a machino of any kind get n paicpbletof ua oj uur Agent, and niti yonrtelf, - l'iimphtat sent f;eo. Cali nd spe, nrjtdlresR NICHOia AFHKPPARU, Batt' CriTk, Michigan. Or M. TïOER'i, or MYtfO KASH, Agtrntn. Ann Arbrjr; dr I. V. Wakkmav, ffent, Iexter. 850m3 Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES, ST7LK and I'RICpS just recoived and forsale cheapat 5CH0FF & MILLER'6. ISW.Sée.St, T8Ot GREAT.GREATER GREATEST BARGA.1KS EVER ÜFFERKD 1859. Jví85í) Iu tliisCity.are uow beingoffered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jowelry JS-toiOTTITC Subscribir wouMsay to thecitlzflnuof Ann Ar bor. i-i purticuïnr. and the reet of Wmhlennw fïnuniv Inmincriil. thni hchmjust l.MPORl'ED PIRECTI.Y from KUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watchps! Ah of whlch lm binilj hinwrif to ]! CHE4PKB tlmn chd he bouphi wra of New York City. Opnn Face fyliodér Watches trom fG to $]0 ilo do Lever dn do fl to 21 [lunting Cmr Ho do do 14 to 35 do do Oyltnder do do 9 to 2Í (ïolil WatRhcifrow 20 to 150 1 have also ttie CELEBIUTED AMEll'CAN WATCHES, whfch I wlll seïi ttr $35. I-ory Vvatch warranttd to períorm well.orthe motiiy lefunded. Clficlíí. JwcIry, l'ifitcd War, Fnncy Gnort Gold Pen, Musical Instruments and rit fingí, ('utïery, cc. aud in fart n vari w y uf 'Vii-ylhirn; uually kept 'y Jewol'irs csu be hnughtfor tho next uinety daya at vur O W N PRIOES! Pitbotis buyiiiíí aiiything nt this wrll known et.abHtim M rn rrly upnri Ptting gooHs exm-t'y r.s representad, or thfmonpy relucded. Calleaxly nd secure the brst bttreains (ver otterud in City One word in regard to Itepairing : We Brf prrpared to mAhe nny rennirs onfinft or cominori Wulchea, even to riMkinac er the cutiré unlch, f nt-ct'iicnry. Rrpunïinr of ClorlíB "d Jwelry hs usual. Alsuthe mHnufacturlfl? oFKINOS, BROOrlIS or nuytlii'm dralred, rrnm Ci.lil'riiU QoM on hort notlce. EiicrTine in sllits t-rmichiraexceated witlmrnT. neda and diapatcli. J C. W4TTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. Sflth 'f 50. 7S4w Important National Works, rublkhed by I). APPLBTOÑ & 00., 34G AND 348 BROADWA.TKEW YORK The folloTTÍng works are sent to Subcrilnr ín any part of tb : country, (upon recfi]tt of reiuil piice,) hy muil or fxnress, prt; TUK XkU ASIF.RIA.V CVCIjOPASDT A : A Popular Dlctfonry of Gencp] Knqwlodge. Editttd i'v üko. Kii'i-sv aii'l Charles a. [íjuta, aided by a numcmux select corps tof writors in all binnches of kScitmg, AH and Utemtiirft. 'l"n: work i-s bftips publtgjietl in abo ui 15 arzc octavo volitmc.-.f-acli cnotafnmg TSOtwo-column patfes Vols. I., II., III.. IV. V., VI., VIL. VIII. ,& IX. iiiü uow ready, eacb cootaining near 2.00original iri cíes. An ffdítion! volume wttl be puUlshea óttce ín about threfl uontiiA. Price,iaCIotï,.3; Phccp, $3.50; Haíf Russia, $4.50 OACb. The New American Cyclopadia is popular witboal beinc superficial, loaprtpd without böiug pfantic, cmpieheiuivt but suïlieicniiy dotaUod, fraefrom personal piijue nn] party prejudipe, fresh and vet accurate. It is a comptete Btfcteiuent of all tliat is known ujion pvn-y impirtnt topic witïiit) Uu; seopo of huinau ntdlllgBncc. - Kverv iiiijiuitfint nvticle init has been flpocially w ritten for ii pafHbj' men vhri:trf;illtHn ilirn upOD tlielnpic on whiou thcy rpeak. Thcy iro re quired to linnt; tlip MUD.iPCt up to the present moment: to strttt ,just Üow it tanl'. no. All the tatistical informa titn ia from the Initst rpports; the geographicftl accounts koop pAce with the latest exploi'ations; hldtoricAl iniitt-r.-i incltMlu the freshest just riewa; t lio Nographical notlcea oú uk ooi only of thedeai] bui a.soof the living. It is a hbrarj of 'tself AHU1DGRMEXT OP THE DEBATES OF COXCRESS Being ïlitical Ilitory of the United átales, froro thfl organhation of tho fiwt Feden.tCon prestí In 178" to lSöt. ErtitMand compiler! by llon. Thq. Hakt lïKXTox.frum the Official Reoorda of CongroM. Th e wnrk wil! be cocsMeted in 15 royal octavo volunip of 750 uaKC-seuch, 11 of which are now ready. An aaditioafti voiuniL1 will be publúhed once in thref monllis. Cloth,1 $3; Uw Sheep, Half Mor., 4; Hall Calf. $4.50 Mch. A WAT oï PEOCURTKG THECYCLOPDIA OR DEBATÍS Fora !i club of four, and remit the pr ice of fourbooks, and live cupïfs will ba sent at the remitter's oxpDf.for carringe; or for ten subneribcr.-,, etcven copiöh will bc sent at our expense for carriago. To Apn ta. So oilier worl: will so Ubeptlly rew.ird the cxertions of pgeats. An Agbnt WaStkö ruis Cocntv ïerins kpown on ;i pplication t the Publisliers. Aun Arbor. Mareh. ÍB6Ó. 6902a nt iL& Bev Tnoi. "kk;ht( agont at Kinne K Smitlis Book tjtore, VpsilftDtL Blackwood'a Magazine AND THE Tirilish Uevievvs. GREAT 1M)LCEMET SUBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS and REDaCIIOwS. I.. SCOTT & Op., NEW YORK, antimn to puWiah Uit foUowio; leading Briilsli PtroJicuis, 'ui 1 TIIKLON'DOX QUAUTERLf (Consirvative). THE EÜINHUUiïH REVIEW (Wbig), ■ THE NORTH BlUTlíII KKVIEW (Fiee Church). 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BLACKWOOÜ'S EDINBURGB MAGAZINE (Toiy). The prenent ritical state of European affaï-i will renderihese publtcatibn unuavally intereHting Juriug the forthcomin;; yewr. 'Ihey wffl occupy a miiUlte ground betwoen the hasttly writtüii news-it-m-, etuñe speculatioiiB, and ïiyiüii ruinors of tho daity Journn!, and the ponderoufl Tome of the fut ui e historian, wrilttu a'lcr tiie living luteretft and oxciti nie it of the grt-a: polltitel e vent sof the time Miall h&ve. pttUMd ftway. 1: u to these Periodlctilfi that readers nut look lor tin only rea 11 3 lütelKfflble anl rehable history ol curun1 event-s. and as sucb in addltloa to tht-ir vtíeatbtilied Literary, sc'er.tiiic. and theological cliHracter, we uige .hem upon thecnlc)ttrationof the reading public. The recefpt of Advaiicc Slutts from the Brttian pubHshern (rtven addllional value to thee Reprint, ÏDfthmui'has they cao now be placed in tlie haudu of sub.scribtMsubiut a.s SOOO U the orijjinal SdillOOB. TËRM8, (Regular Prices ) Per ann, Forany oneof the f mr Reviews, - - $: ftO For %DjtWO ol thefuur Reviews, - - - 5 0 Kor any throo of the fur Keviews, - - 7 ( 0 Forallfourof tlioKeviews, S 00 For fflackwood e M igazine, - - . - 3 0' Kor Blackw( nn-1 iftie Hfview, - - 5 0'ï Por Blaokwooo aod two Kerlvwa, - - - 7 00 For Hlnckwooiland ïliree Fe views, - - 9 00 For Mlackwood and the fourlïeviews, - . 10 00 Money ciar ent in the State tok re issutd totlt be receiced at par. POSTAtíE. The PostAGK to anj jpart of the CTolted Statea wilt bo but Tweniy-four Cvuta n ycar for " Blo kwood," and but Fourtecu Cents a yvur for euch of the Reviews. At the ahove prices the I'eriediealH will be furniftheo1 for 1862. AND ASA Premium to New Subscribers, tl. o N'os of tli e name Periorltc.tls for lSi.0 wilï bcfurmslicü Completo, toHkout dddkkmtU chnrge. L UtiUe the nutrí epbeineral Magazines of the day, these P. indicáis lose little by age. ilence, a full yi-ar of the N'ms, for 1860, may be rvgarded nearly as valuiible as Pop 1882. Subscriben wiflhing alo the Nes. for Iftfiï, will be ■npplied at the toUomng kxtiíkmely lowkatbs. Splcndid Offers lor 1SGO, '61, & '62 Together. For Bbkckwood's MagazEne, the three years, $S 00 Kor a ny one Review , - " " 5lO For any two Revlewa, - - ' M 8 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 'T " fiiO K"i-lüackn-iioi and two Ueviews, " " 12 "0 r..r three Reviews, - - - " " Jl 01 For Blackwood aud Ihree Reviews, " " lr 00 Km Ihf dot t'-ïifii, - - " " 13 0 Kor Ulackwiiort iind the tour Reviews, " 17 00 Anyof the iibove works will RlüO be furnished to New Subtcribergiaz t!ie v hi i!5"'''-', tï. und ïi. At üue Halt' the Rcuhir Subscription Priues. Thus a Neto Subscribir may obtain the Reprints of th FourB&riewfl aiid Blftekwood. Seveu Consecuiive Year f o" $37 ! ! ! Whicli is but little more tljin the price of the original fvorltfl for 'np year. As e í-!ijl!i d6VLC ntin bt likoly tookTiT such induce iis böre iifcntcd Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! lF Homitiances must, m all citers, be m.ulc direct to th Pub iaftrrg, for at theso prices no cummiürtion eau bcaüoweüto a.gciii-s. LEOXARP SCOTT k CO. No, 64 falü street New York Aan Arbor Marble Worfcgi il AS on Iihu'I a fino nssoriiuent of Amencun huú 1TAL1AN MA li B L f. whichheis prepared to manufacture into IIEAU '"" 'JW"""" a SïONES T O M B fflfeS 'f TABMig n ftllthetr TWrtetlM. ttné in a WORKMAKUKE manncr Hftrlnff hl eomddernble experlence In the buMDOiN t(n Qa,ttora hlmnolf thnt he will be abJp to plenst nll wim nasy favor mowltb their orr'er?. Hia price Í7o W AS T TI E LOWEST. hoge wlahln any thing in my l!n nr rwpeetfuli n'itcil to cali 0. BATOBBLDEK. Ann Arlior. May Ï0. 1861. 801 1 1 isrorcicDJES. TITK T'NlrRTC;NI-:n will n sealfl prnposals np to .Tur.r2l, atlO A. H. for the rent of th Ksir fíro.indw Huring the cnniiiiR Horse Lhnw and Sheep Shcarïnar Fcniival foy tlif; cirction r.f Rfreshment ítalls. The Bftle of Alcoholic liquora wilt not be pfrmïtted. B.r.REKN. - B ? SMÏTH, 5 Ma7 22a, 1SS AlfER'S Rfl i CATHARTIO f-Tcc y, jg Í -L J-L iJLjÍá. I _- i' gr1 wÈEêÊ coiiipluiniíig? Are you out oí .EP j JLiífll ordtrr, wltli your ay.-ttein dfi"T7jqp,ÉSH ranged, nml your tH'lluga uu1 h J'Rice'wHIHI comt'ortitljlü? Thirso pympfJMiLWAUKíE'HnV tows are often the pi ilude to W '■ Vi HÍHbi ceríuus i Huesa. Sume lit uf FEMBÉww-I-L ' Lff H Bk-ktn?;s I creeping upotí you, f ''iK Í2 H atK' tioultl Iji' iivertftl by x. f VVJÍflBDi I tilliey "-16 üf tlie r'Bllt wnijj? iBPflffP eb' '1'uUe Ayer's 1'itN, auil i1 "''-'''i''ï'BSÏBr cltíjmao out tliu (liöurdertj huCuX?WBhHH mors - ptirify tlie blootl, and ; ntftiMByifi['!ri. Timi let tho Huid move on unob,: -JJjL HtnirUM ín heallh agaln. 5 ,.;■, j Kff They friiinnlHte the fancÜuDi WhÉL_lBI BP&5 f l'lw body uto vigoro us nc i --WIB" tiviíy, puiil'y tho Hystem from diñase. A coM ittlef goniewliero I tho body, and ob Rtrncta ín natural fimetimt. Tli-s.-, If nol rellered, raid iipon tiit-niHflves iitl tliw surroimdlng orguns, prodadtig tfmerul njíumvaliuii, ttiíToring, nuil disujisg. While Ín tliiM COndltlon, npnxseil b.v Ibu dnuigaioiita, tako Ayor's l'Hl. hihI seo lnvr dlmctly tUey tlm tuUiiraJ nctiüii of tho syftli'in. :iml with it Iho Lmoyant focliii of lienltli agota. VIi:it Ís trnimtnt apparvut i a tliii tiiviul nini cmumon coinphiint, is uleo tino la iii:uiy of tho lee-iWAÍod mul iIongOToirt Altmper. The stme purgütive cffoct oxjk'Is thmn. Oirntutl b sliullnr olMttruolittM anü doniugeiiiniiti oí tlio uatnrtl fnnctiims w tho IkhIv, tticv un ntpMlV] aml muojt of theiu uroiy, cureJ v (boHiiñiuiih-ans. Nom wlm knnw Iku rirtucft of tliuso ; Pilis, will upglcct to eiii;luy Uiuin wliou siitímug frota the disorders ilnv rnrái Stati'iiH'iitH fnilB Iflttdlnf hy I l:ir fu (orne of thtt prlncliKii citiys, auj froui vllier well knowu imblie perOOA. Frtnn a Forwardivg Merchant '■ St. Louis, ft.b. 4, 1856. Drt. A Tí': Yotir Pilis aro thopamgonof nll tliflt fs grout in medicina. ']lh(y huvo cmv'I my littk diiagbter of ulceriiH flotes apon Iwr UantL) nnd ('et tbat luid proved Incunüilfl for yin-ü, Iler nmfeber Ima been long Lrivoiinly ftflllctfld wltli MutclieM and pliypld4Oti her kin amt in lior huir. After o'n'r clitld wi cured, stto ulao triuü your Pilis, and they havo cuted hr. ASA MOltQllIDGE, As a Fnmlly Pliyslc. Fi-om Dr, II. H'. Curttvrújit, J'eiu Orleans. Your l'ills ara tho prlnee of purgas. Thoir excellent qanlItlM surpaen any w psaflm. Tliey aro mild, but raí osrUla wid effectnni In tMr nctlnn on [he Ijov.vN, whkli ni (U'.-.-í Uii'ui iijvuluuble to uü in tho iluily treKtiuent jf dineuse. IIcadncIic,SIckIIea1nc1iefFou1 Stomnch. tyótu ür. lCdw.ndn.njd, ikdUnutre. Pi:rIïi:o. Atukí I canñot answer yon lohut comphiiut I lmvo curcl with ynur Pilis h'-ttt-r iJiiin tn NtJ utttftat ío ever trmt loili apargaUtx invítente. I place Kpt dopendom-e on un plÍHCtunl nitlrutic in my dolly content mtn dlsenaa, únA bvllevlDK M 1 lo your I'íIIk uik.hI us the btdt we li;ive, I ul'cuui.v. valnu tvm highly. PiTTsmmo, Va,. Mav 1, 1855. Dr. .T. C. Arr.n. SIr: T han bePD rftpatHlj cnreil of i the went küuladui any body can havo by a dw or two of yonr l'ills. It --uis to uriñe fu un a foul luinacli, wliich t hcy r!iMii at mico. Youm wltb great respect, ED. W. PURItLl CZcrAr ff Sltamtr Cluri'itK BIlIous Disorders - Tolver ('om pluints. Frmn Dr. Sfanbm lirll, offkw Ibtít ChN-it only aro ynur MlUa ndinlnibiy ndntei1 to Uwlr purpnsu ns un ttpertent, Ï n t I llrul l la-ir (llhflclui rfñ.-cts npotl tho Urer very in.nikfil Imlei. 'l'hry havo in my practico proved uniro uttaüual i T tho cure of biioitt cmptaflU Ihan any oiw reninly I win níet ilion, 1 Ninctri-ly ítjuiru iliot wií huve ut. leiiLLh a puigiUlve wliicli ia wortU Iho couüiiuucu of liii; uruftMtfiuu auu Uio imuj, Dkpaiitmkxt of tjik J.vTKition, ) Wiöhlltgt.m, I). C, 7th Feh., 1850. ƒ 8m: I liavíi 1 your L'ills in my geueral and honpilal practico iivfcr uluce yu made Lbeiutáud cannot lit-Nitutu to say they aro tho bctst. cmtbartk ve enptoj Tlmir icgulaliii RClIuil fu tlio lí ver is ijuií-tí and docidud, cuimeqnuntly ttn-y atu an udiniiHhlu reilttnly tor -j--i nii-tiii-nts üf th:it urgim. Itiili-ud, 1 havo BIUill íuuiul a CMM OÍ btli'ius Uúeate obatiimte that It ilid nut readlly yirld to tlicm. liuU'iiiully yoúirt, AlA.ZU liAI-L, M. J)t Jïiysiciau ij Ihe Marmc iiofyilul, Dysentcry, Dlarrlicca, Itclax, Wormí ' -. J. ü. O'ictit, oVhtatyo, Your Ï ' i ! I -s liuvo hatl a long liiul in my pniftice, nnd I liokl tlicin in etetMii as uno ut' thc imcLapL-ik-nts 1 liuve ever fuund. Tlielr nltarattre eifect upon tbe llfer iunket thuin an ezépUeiit reroedy, wuen giren iu RnuJI doser for biltous tliíciUr and diarrhtzn. 'i luir sugar-cuatiiig mnkes thfin wiy uci-eptuUo aud couvcuiuut fur tho uso Of wointn ;unl childrun. Dyspcpsin, Inipnrlty of tlie RIooci. Fi-orn Lev.J. V. Iunes, l'asüir tf Adcod CUurcIi, IPisOn. Dn. Aykr: I Jinvo uhc'1 your IMIls witli extrenlinary euccets ín my family nml nmoRg Ilion I huí etdleti (o vioit : ín (iif-tifri.-. Ï0 ragiilale Iho organs of digestión and purify the blood, tlu-y ere tin: vviy it-t reinedy I Imve ever known, nuü 1 cau coníidcntly lecomnicnil ilu-m to my iiiüiids. Yuura, J. V. UiMKS. WabSIW, Wyomlng Co., . YM Oct. 2Í, 1S55. T)cn Sin : 1 am iikímk y "ir OAtlmrtlc i'iUs in my pmctici-, and fin. I lliem an excellent parntíve lo ck-uiisu tho VííU'iu und vnrify the fimulatfi -í ( ii't!. " JvlUN ti. MlCACIIAMtM.D. ConstlpnHou, ('(mllvcncss, Siipni'CHKlnn, IMm iimntiMiiit ;iuf, Kcitralglu, I)voj y, Tnriilysls, Fits, etc. Frían Dr. J. I'. Vauyhit, M.ntwt, Gnitula. Too imich Cftiinot bo niid of your l'ills for the curo of &$tiiv.n?ti$, ]f othem of our fraterulty huve (tnind tlu'in : ah fftlcacioitH ;is 1 havt, tlii-y shnuM Join me in proclaimlogitfulr tliü benofltof ih aiulUUuleft vlw suilur from tlüit coihplalnt, whicit, itUbotigli bad t-nongh ín i;?-lC is tho profrt'iiilor of otliers tlntt %n worse. I ln-licvn cu turnias taorígiiMite in tho livur, but your iills affect tbat orau ind curo the disease. Fifiit iírtt A'. Stiutrt, IViysician and MiJicifc, Bnstnn. I Dnd one or lwo laffe doses of yonr l'ills. tukon at the ! proper tinie, ure exct-llcnt pronititivt-n of ti id HaUtrni sacra. Ü'w lilien wlmllyor pnrtiitlly snpprueeéi], aud nlso very j efTuctual to dntuse tho ttMmteh and tapet wnrmt. Tliey ato so nimli tho beat plijrulc wu liare that I recomuicud no othi'r to my patients. Fiom, the. Itcv. Dr. TTawJctíyfrflke Mtlhadíst Epis. Cftnrch. PUI.ASKI IfousR. Fiivnnmili.On.. Jan. 6. 1856. TlnNoKFD Sin: I Bliould luí anffmtefiu for tho rt-lief your fjk.ll li:is broaglit inc if T ilid not report my civte to yon. A coM st'ttk'd iu my Ifinbmtnd bftiriffbt on excrudating waurttlgie jMiust wiiirh ended in durante rltfmna. ihm. NotwitliHtriitiüriL' 1 IÚmI tho le-t of phynú ians. the i8eaa (row woreo nul woroe, itntil by ilie advico of your exf-ellbiit agent In Ualtlihore, Dr. Kfackensleí 1 Iried yonr Élite, 'i lietr efticti were bIow, imt iire. Hy persevunug iu tho use of them, I am uow eutiiely well. Scsate Ciiamdfr, líntnn HotiRp, Ln., 5 Pee. 1S55. Dn. Ayer : T havo been cntirfly cniñad, by yonr Pilis, of Jtíicunt'itic Gout - a pohtful diseae that liad afllictod me for yearí. VINCKNT SUDKLL. Mnnt of (he Pilln in mnrkct contnln ftrnr.r, wliii-h, atthoiigh a vnluaMo ifinedy in nkllfál handt, U daiiRorous in a ptililic pHI, from thu drcadful COneequen-es that freqneiitiy fnll-w íts [iTOAirtloiin nf-e. These contnfn no mercury or minentl Kiibstmtco uhntever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prearo t Lr. J. C. AYKE & CO.. Lor-oll. K ass. Mayaard, Stebbius & Wilson, FARKANIi, SfíEUEY & C0-, Detroit SUOyl J H. BLliKli.L,TravellinKgent. RISDON & HENDEPtSOK'S vaa, TIIE GENUIXE Ëïf STEWüiRT'S STO VE. We wish to cnll the attenlionof the public to tliis cclebrnted COOKINC STOYE! Wlii ïh is ihc only perfect stove made. It, wil do n:oic D8ilieS6 wil ti mie t hird less fu;l tlmn any other STOVE made, From tesümony given by the pereons reftrrcd toïielow.on account of its duiabihty and Fuel Savmg Quaiiiies, it has proved a saving fram Twelve To Twenty Dollars por yeor. We would reter you to the following list of PERSONS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tüppan Ann Arbor. Söbn F. Mü!?r, Ann Arbor rriii'. tt' I, ' J. Uilber! MnitI " tiot. Wiiicliell, " i.T.Aa'j, " l'rof 1 ;iss, " Joscpii Walts, '( Alpbei: Felob, " T. Wilhinson, " U ui. I!. Martin, " llrs Í. l'cnlon, " Rlch'd Hunner, " O. Hnnkins, " lion.ll F (rangcr," C A.Chnpin. " J. W. Mm-nnid, " Charles Thuyer, " F.I.. Siebblm. " Mm tin Clark, " U. B. Wllmn, " 8. Bófflford. AA.Town. Vr-. O. Woich, " Tbomu Wood, PitöBild. Mr. K T.WIUiaBM," AlveMtnn Drmy, " V. Chapín, " Jacob Pol.ifmus, Pcio. C. II. Wii. .1. " N. C. Goorlale, " JosepU W'. Wood, " Mt. Kuilers, Lharon. We linve on band o lnree assortment of the best kinds of Cooking, l'nrlor and ['LATE SÏOVES, and a general assortment of FIA RD WA RE AND TIN VARE, nnd Bont etufï for Ciirrifige vork. Pnrticulnr dttention pnid tu fitting np Eavi-trough and OonduoMJri and nll kinda of Job vork done ut Ihf Sliortisl Noticc. HISDON HENDE115ONT. Ann Arboi'. It61. rno let. TUK BRICK HOUSE undBarn noir ocoupled by Olney Iluwkins. Esi .. on riütnjit stroctjAna Arbur. poscsionEivi'iKlii' tt nf April. Alioscvcril titoio-i androomx in Buchoz iwek tn -l tea'ly lonaatn at a low reet , romciliate pMM.ngiveu. luquireof L.B.BUrn0Z. Ann Arljnr. M.irch2S, If61. 845tf A.yer'3 Cherry Pectoral The Latest Special Dispatch' To the citizens of Ann Arbor and Vlcinity ! 1 INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Ilundreds vfatching the progresa . Daily Events ! l The Federal Anay again Victoria -'The Union must and slul} be Preserved !" " There was a man in our toxcn He was so wondrous wise," But with all lns wUdorn. ha wan not ao wjt as that 'other man," trho wfcen he wntcd to buy the The cheapest and best CLOTHINC! in i?ds market always jumjped ítUo O ü ITEIi MAN' a HEAD QUARTEB5! For there he knew lie always got hi( raoon't worth. Sfeing is 'jclieving and yJU thtt wisli lo sec come in nnd beüove. Tliosu thu can't bsec can keel. and as we alvrayi mnki our eutomers fl good over good b'aretim they are espeeially mviled to our anxioui seat.that tlicy loo may realize liow "good it is for thein to lie with us," and how auh pleasure can be obtained ia the enjoyment of SPLEWDID BARGAI5ÍS ! 'Come nll ye tliat are wenry and Iisrtt Ij. den" - with 1o-ks and we will do our beitto relieve vou-gninK vou in rei urn tho AafJ( kind of Goode at the lowestfywret. Great bnttlos are hourly taking place in thi C'.otliirgliiie- whi.leregimentsof v'assimerei v't-stinas. te., are being slacghU'red Oen' Sondheih - to fit the great ruuli of recruiti that aré pouring in from every directioo, ll :mxioiis to havo their nauius cnrolled fór NE AT AND TASTY SUIT ! - juch aa can onl3' be liad at the ITcadQuarters of Guitermand Co, Oneoftlic firm, Mr. JI Guiteemax, harin ju8t retnrnpd from Europe with a Jorge 5. sorlment ofClotlis. Ca-simeres and nicelo of tino Vcsi. ngs. also a few piceos of fint Beavcr fnr ovircoat.8 whi h we will make up Us in the 1 .tet style, wo feel confident that we can eatiafy nll. STXJJDE3STTS 1 Wc are happy to greet you aga;n in onr City, ater spending yonr vacation with ih '" deffr old folks' at, home Be assured w wieli vou u pKasnnt term, nnd sliall tvcr b glad to ine;l you at the Old Ilcad-Quarters, Ko, 5. iLj" Our former customers, we feel tsiarei, will calí on us again To vou who couie ai strnngers we irould eay a few words, it wisli you to enll and look nt our fine Co&U, Pants, and Vesis we can do better by yon Umn ar.y other h .uso in the City, and if toï cali añil examine our goods.and try their fin, you will purchuse nowhere else. DON'T FAIL, TO NEW COODS For the Spring, 1862. o HACK & SCHMID WouM rcupectfullj anuounce to the Citiieui of Washtenaw and adjoining Countiea that wo Art now rectir'iBf Direct from the Eastern Markets, A full anü complete supply of Staple and ypa.xk.oy DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GKOCEKIES, CKOCKERY, &c. Puwh:ifMl by one of our firm for cash, and notólastanding tbO hard timet, weshaü continue to Add VTeckly Additions To our stock in order To A ceommodate our Custovurê I wttheverything they majneed to ijk for. Acá wo will farthcr plcdge ourselrcs to 11 ai cUtf AS ÏIMES WILL PEKMIT which is alwajrs ai A.s Low as tlie Lowest. At the samo timo wchopeour friends and custos ■ crs wil.bfiar in niiul iliat tlie timoa compel u to " our guods For Cash or Iïeady Pay. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 28( 1861. 845tf Tj jp5 Tl SARATOQA E M P I K E W A T E 3 FOR Inlijst ion or Pjppcpsia, Conrtipution, NerTO"' Dt'b lity, I.osa of AppetitQ. Common Colds, di" of tho i.iüi.;'-, Ileaaacbe, and Keverish stte oí ti SS Sr MAVNARP, STKÜRIN3 II VtUSOS ' BBEKnAÓII & CU., AnnArbor. h%"- General Land Agency PERSONPwantÍDpfírmi.orreidcpceMDoruá' Ann Vrbor.cao by cnlling on me clecifrom" 'J'1 ufover 1OO KimiuKor SalrJ Ofcariou ii2es trom 3, te íacicrcpaacb "■' ht jjond i? n v i nlhifc Oonnty."i Morrtha O UutIIiil' RodMI nïhUOlty.fromtw 'ïundrerf to fourthouaPaI irioachiand ov' DIMI i; II 1 I, !) I S n I.OTSI monrthrfrmF ATf the Klahcpf rnrtn. 1300e'i hi Pottrr fnr'n, n GrcenOak, th PIacrfarn. ff' tlncrr hrlïlnndnimnii Jrnltp farms, I n VVtbl'p h StnbSs, Ml-hpi CUncy. Nwlon Ben. " inllk3. 'rmi In Anr rbor: J.KIngiley'if'' nr'itfñed-th( Hitti ni Tllck t'arma In ' "dl ' Pntririr„y„rrm in Preedom: W. 8. DítIjob.? O Raker and Bnck's firrn lnSylTtn. Mo"1 her many otbors can be dlldedo " purob-er. B. HO 0t AnuArboJ.JaD llt . 185 " - Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus