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Proclamation By The President

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liiiTii urn umi ii i"i hip"' ■--rrTTi- rrJltillipt arps. Iu pursüanoe of Uu sixih stetionof the act of Congreau, cutitled "Au Act to Suprosa Iutiurroution, to Punían 'i'reasun nnd llobeliion; to Suizo and Confíscate the Propfrty of Rwbels, and ' fir other Purpoues, ' approved July 1G, iS6'2, and which net, and the joint remVlution ex'iunutory thereof, aru herowilh püblished, I, Abraham Lincnln, President ol the Uuited States, di here y procliiira to,anci ivarn all persous wiihin the cunteniplation of eaid eixth sectinii, to cease parüciputiog in, uidinr, uoi ntonuneing, or abetting the e.xi.süng ruheliitiii uguiiist the goveroinent ot tho United State, and t return to theit' copar allogiíinctí lo tho United States, on piin of the fnffei mas und iwis'urei as withio and by said seclioi) j dcd. In tesfimony whernof I have horo unto set my hand and causad tho sutil ot" thö United States W be attixed. Done at the City oí Washington, this 25lh day of July, in ihe year i' oi:i' Lord one thi'UMind [l. s.] eight huridred nnd sixty tVK-f, and of tho inde endence ol' the Uni'.cd Stutes ttie eightysevtnth. ABKAIIAM LINCOLN. I5y the Piesident: Wm. II Ssward, Si'c'y of State. Thu followiog is the section referréd to: Sec 6. And be ie furüier enacted, That if uny person within any Stito or Territory oí the United States, other than tluise nanied as aforesuid, af'.or the paaaaze of this act, buing enftaged in arnied rebellion, shall not, within sixty days ufier public warning and proel amatinn dnly given and nvulo bv the President óf the United Si::tes, "cease to aid, countenance and abefc Biich rebellion. n-nd mturn to bis alegiance to the Uni ed St;i!us, ali tho est ite and prpp.ej.ty, tr.ooeyn, stocks, and orudits of siu;l) person shall li:illo to seizdre as alo.-esaid; and it shall bu the duty oi iho President to scm.c and use tliem as aioresaid, or the proceda thureot. - And all sales, transiei1-, o:-conv3yances oi any suuh propertv aftor tho expiraUob ol the said sixty days froiii tlie date of uuoli wi.rninji und proclamation shall bu nuil and void; and it shall be a Bumcient bar to any suit brought by Btich per son for tho possessiou or the use ol sjcIi property, or any of it, tp allege and prove that he is ono of the peisons deecribed in this soction.


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