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liüllACE WATERS, A G Ji iï T 3 3 3 Broadway; N v v Y o r li Publlslur anfl Afasie liooks AM" lU.U.Mü in Pinnos, MoludeoiKs, Alexandro Organa Or-gun Accordeons, Mariin's cek'bruted unduther Guitars, Viólïna, Tenor VuftSf vïrilinoellos, Accordeon, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifös, Triangiepr'(.')ar iihíUh, Tuning Foi ks.Pipee andHammcrft, Yioiiu Bows, bestllalian Strin, ];iss Instrument tor Uands, Piano Styolrt, umi covvrgj and all kinds of Musical Instrument 8. JS 33. o o t 3V2I xx S 1 o, ('rom nll thö publiahers in '. E , BerknI'ji Eiuattn'e, mul Mi]-rn Su-hi i' l , uu) ;ill kinds of ltixti'netim liookft fot tic above n luimen!; Chuireh Hustc Books: M.i-io etegantly buunü; Mu.-ic paper, tuid tiU kbula of Mu.iii: At t ti c L owest Price s. New Planos, At $175, $390, i#5,'$250,andup t $800. Secoq ll;.i]. Píanos froin 'i5up to160; íew Mftndeonü, $45,' t60, $75,l(K,ind tip to $200; Kccoiid Hnud Utodeons ttoiú $:0 to $80; iles ( willi five tnps, tl 60, i)inetop, $165 anti $226; thirtocmttopa, $V50, )í75 nud (300; ftftcón stop .tSSOand $876: A liberal dl ■ ■ , i hui -hé, Bnbbath Schoola. Spmïtmrtès nnti Tciielicis. Thfl iniUo iappUd althuusuul tnule liscounts Testimoniáis of li llorare Waters Pin i. os Ktrü !Uloiton;, Jnhn Bewett, of Pnrthng, KOp York, who has had ui the ih'i:ictA;Ucis i'ÏAOOB, wrjiCfjRil follows; - "A friend of mint1 wtshoauie tn pmcliast n piano rov her. Sho 1 ; iW me lp DtencCTyiiï53, Mv piano la becöaiiag popul&ï In ' pltiöft, ahd [ thfi.k ) oa'n introduce one or iwn more; thpy ■vül bo popular tli:in uny other makü." ' Wii to-ve twto "t" Watera Pin nos in use in ourSemi n,i rv, oné of vbkfa has been Bevftrpjy tcstcil rir tlure yc.ii1.. and wé con itstii'y t'1 thelr goon 'icilüy aiid durahilii ,. ' - Vood . Ururftry, Mount Carroll, III. "II, Watpn, K.i. - [Irak Pir: DaTÍng ned ortPof vmir Piano Forlea Por Iwo ycars pá"st. l liavj ftrtad ft a tferj êUpertftt m:ti -umi.rt. '■ WZA GB.TT, Prtnripal Brnnhtyv Reights Stminary, "The Piano ! reeen o1 frnhi vt u contliuxit to gtve stfsfactloo. 1 regard :t a one ol lltp N--! instrumenta in tiu p::i;''-. ' l LAliKK, ( harlrulun. Va. "Tl ie Mi'i.nU-ni hiü salV.v nrri ert. I fe:'l obVjtfd tn ynu t'nry (mr Ijbtrnl discount. : Kcv. .1. ,I. .]( CoBUlCfc, YarqneêvillLÜ C. ■'The jini fros duiy rerciveii. ïtcorap ín excellent i-mm ', ftnd i.s vt'i-y mm-h ;i-lmin.l hy my nin liuuilvi Accopt mv thnnlca fftr your nrotnptnftss." - KoMKItT Coni'BR, lí'árrfi'iam, Hro'ifnet Co. l'.i. llYour [.i.M-.i. ■ I, M i-; tltí be( imo in out COUflty'TlIrfStftS A. I.ATHAM. CfimpheHlOll, Ct. "Wc ai f v'-rv' rhudi oblïgert" to yoíi for liavinp; soul - ;.- i .i . ■ u fur $'60." - liic.wK ,1 Iki.i ,v Co;, pnffato Dentccral. "The Horac W torrt WatioBftrc known as anapng the verv besi Wij ■ ■ 'i t( xpeak nf Hiec inntrun ii r w ' , r .:■.'.. nce. i , ■ in pei'ui'naï knowlfdpe of 1 ! tir exc(tlmit tone ;tnl lUirnlile ijnaliiy.' - N. Y. Ènnnff'.Hst. "We c:in st-ik f tin1 morits of ilio Borneo wíifers piinnofrom pOMonal knotvldip, ftsbaing 11. e vrv Bua1 (gu 'Í.-" '■' ■ '■ ' ■ Hitíñ geneer. 'The ll-.r.iiv Watera piaBfta are oalH if the best an:l mo8( Etíorousrhly seauone! material. Vfo hafe nb doubi ' bajera can du ns wcH.perhapH better, ut tb i titan ui Rny ntherhouse in the bnion." - Advócale a id Journal. WateiH1 pianos : i ti i metmteonH challtóge,coihprirton wïtU tli1 Aaeet DÜde anywhoro in the country. ' - iom rHoracé Wátors1 Piano FAries at of and evn tone, and powerful - .V. Y. Aftwcft} Itev'etr: 'Pr fi iendí wlti ftnd af VTater1 Htpw the very o tment ot' Mic and of Piaoon tobe i'-1 ,.■[ Staten, Aod we urge our tüern nad westi m frienda t' ipve liim a cjill wheaeer thcy go to Xt-w York.1' - Grahatiïs Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, IO() .OOO issucd 1 11 ten Moiiths. The unprecedented .alc uf thlsbook has índuced the piibii-hcr to :idl aomo 30 now tuiit'sand liy nni tqiU preiient .-i.t-, ttitbooi fitti 'pt : tbe cnêap editiim- AninTitr ilii1 mariy beauttful tuntiii ,uid hymns ;'!!■■! mav be f. .i ti !:- íiI pught to love bij noother;" "O I'll be a goñd clifld. Indeed I friil." These and elghtothejrh trom the Belwere Hung&t UiePumlay School Anniversary uf tlie M. K. Churcli at the Aeudemy of Haute, wiib Kivitt ajiphiusp The Bell coteinti oeany 20Q ti:. bymnsand is one of 'the tfest colièctföns eter iBsuëü Prlce I3i; H0pprhiiBdr?d,potajrt!4c Eleganily bound, einbfsrd ;ili, ÏÏ6c '-fl iier 100 1 báfl bren introduce) Intomaoyof the PublioSc' .iis. The la pubjished in i muil ntunbvr entïtlejj Anniversni-y aml P;iiiï:iv is-li.iul M usie Bmites, Noft. 1,2, 8, & 4, iu order fco aocoiuroodale the milUon; prlce ï.- fc &t per hundtrd No. 5 wil! boojqJw is-m-i] - eoiñmenfAineni f aiinilii-r bouk. AImj. Kevival Music BoOss, Nu. 1 Í; , SI fc $■ DOF 100, pOHtftge lC. Moiv tha.i 000,001) cupics üf the nbove buokfl uc been iü.sue'l tlie pust eightcen mcmtUs, and the demandisrapldly increauifle PublishtU bv HORACE WATER?, Agent, óS uttdmtjr, N. V. nNTrxr Muslo. Publised by Horaco Waters No,-333 IJroadway, New Vork, Vocn1f"Kini Worils crtii nevt-rdie;'' "Tl.e Angels told faie bo;" "Wü.ls of the W-st;" "Thouehta of God;'' Giv. me b:icU mj Mnuntiiin Home;" '-Itay Prcrr.ns;'' 'Panily ('ock Kobin;" "I'iu witn thfie stiU ; ■ l-t naim-i;" "ThcivV i!" ilarilmi like mine;" "Haiali J me Lee;: ■■ Kver of the;'1 "i'm lea ving thee In Bonrow;" "Btrdof péauty;" Houw of out birth;" "iïrave t. f Kosabcl,'1 and 'W;ik ldy, w;il;e,.' price '25c each. 1 l.vsTiuv.ic.NT.u. - ' IPalace Uardon, or "ïniring Hird I'olka.' -10c; ''Swïnging Rcbottischí;" "Mirabel Pchot tlflch;M Thoipaa Ifeker's Schot tisdi:1 ( Piccolomini l'ilka, 05 ct'ts t'ju-h. The abovepieceBhavebeauÜful Viincttoc 'VollttOr Polka;" liAr;ibinn Whi i-ry M:ivcb." the very last; "VasKovfaPiüa ÍJootélls Uaxurka; 'Reali iivr Potia;' "Crinoline Waltz." fttiM "!. sneers' Qun drille,'1 2W eacK; "The Empire of Reicfc Quadrille, ' a ih'w dance, and "The Hiberniiin Quadilllf,'1 8iceach. May uf tlieae piecex are pláyod by liaker's oeïebratvl orciie.-%t ra vvith greal ajiplpcwe.fla1 üailtd fre. A larijelotof Foreigü Music ui lm.ll1 price. li-i!io, Meïodf.ons and Organs, The Hnrace Waters PfanOft ainl Milnlt'on, tot dopth, jiuri'.v of tune md durability. ure unaurpassed. Pricic very low iecond Hand I'ianrs an.l Melodeoui fnim $-_l5 to (150. Uuíío audMuirlttl [BfltriiotinnR of all kimla, iitüui lowest priooa. E1OIUCK WATKft?, Agent. N. 333 Broadway, N'. Y. Tbstimomats;- ''The [toracu Waters Pla,uoo are bnowo aBamoug the very bent.' - Vca-ngdtut., "Wê can npeak of thelr merit from pcrswiial knowledge." - Chrmwti Jnt&tugcneer. "Nothm-iHt the Fait Jispluy ed greater excellGnce ' - Cknrrhmnn. Watert' PfaAfta itñd Méloüeohá challenge comparÍKpn witb tbc ftnftftt made auywherein the coüatry." - fióme Jtmrnsl. ; _ ' 719Ü LOOMIS &TRÍÍPP, Suoobdton to Chapín fe Lot)mÍR,niulChapín, Tripp k Loomu ..- - ■■■ rtTHl'. íibnvo finn oí Loutnis & Trlpp havliig purchww I the entïrt iïiiiTfsi nf the frrmer compaa' wil' oontlnup the bualUBW vi theold Rtunils, vhere they wil! rea3y, u the BhoriMt Qotlcei fco lili all orders in tht line (Á Castingsand Machiuery, In the most woricmanlthv manner, and on is libera - Roy tn, the State. Among the vari ñus artfcíefraánufactured by uk, we would enumérate BTEAM ENGtÑf'KS of all Unda; Milt Gearfng and Flxture, vroughttuid cast; alltho various oastinsfor maliiuy and rypiiiring Ilorsü Powers & TJhrefeliing Machinéis siu'li as are alt present, or have forülftrly been in o ■ m thip kv. .i1 si a (f, as well a all the varioufl kfndf i Lince Jinl ma chine Work cftllofl (or by fariudri (ad mechAriloü Inlhls seotlon of the oojin rv. 'M" m O sa '"7" iKie of atl the v;ï.-iinis patterus, up In slzesand prlces. hl be kepi cou jtarttly oii hand, fot the öiost ilhuU rn ;lii1 im próved Btylen. ThÁnkful for ferinêr patronage to the oíd finn.-, would solit:it a cimtimiancM' Truni oíd tVicmlH, and a trial by all wishïng fgrUnythióg in out Uno of bufilnpw. LOOMIS & TR1PI'. Ann Arbor,Vi.v 18th. 1869. 69Tt.f flIIËSllLXG MACÏÏÏNIS. PvrKXTEÜ AMi MAM FÁCTTRED BY Nichols 8l Sheppard, tfattie Creek, Mich. Improved for the Season cf 1862 Ia thti Sepnitttor tho irr itn ia BeparatN fi'om the straw by mi'am uf lifiïnglhigepB, tlmt t's the ti':iw up and duwo wi. li a sudK'ii uioiiini !iiiu the Unio tl leavo Ihe cy limJor uutil it paws to the siaker, and the grulo fulla tfarougb a Imílom made of lattfj olear from the ttraw. The parta containijg hee ngen and the i i n 1 1 1 grain bottom are njaile t, Ibratfl -r nwlng baokward and torwai-d, whii-h wiel.-, av (o ihe etucfeer and tba ivain 'o tin1 uevfla The sujTèiiorily of tlus mAohipo uvi r :ill utliiT . ei nsisti In t-lrfect i"praitont,ion r Uraln 'romPtra-w, ii.-:it imiHciij hui on no Ukt-is or be atf tb to cl"g up, aod leas macïiiueiy ih.xu uny other nuiuh ñé novr I made. (Jrpt ei pi) rit v, asit w'll not wa-ui whon crnwiled. ]■. . . , . c 'mi-t, ha ving hirgcr vítm ilian nnj nthBf. lüisy drul t, bt'ticr cun-triiCicd, Kimplo itud dunt bic. ronnsylvania Iron Ilorse Power. Wajranted te ■ tlif bst l irse Ppwejf in use. Slafle witli w i ni in d ir.tnv 'is pWetied Farmcrá nnrl Michigan ! V" offer yon tho m-;-T MA'-iiiNi-: IN Usk. Setter than PI t Hall's FofflervlHtf. of any lOHcWno built on thetr pi hicipleii li' v.iu init'inl inning u Diacïtloe of uny kind gel a pamphlet of as or our igtnt, and -.atï-fy youreolf, - Pa in ililjt sent !'■ vo. ('all inl soe, fr iid'lreBfl MCÜO1.S &SÜEPPARD; líait'e CreeK, Hichtgan. 0r ï. RÓ'ÍERá, or MTRON Iïasii, Agtntp, Ann Arbor; r I. V. Wakkman, agent, Bestier. Oval Picture Frames ALL SIZES, StYVSS aud i'RICE-3 just reeefred aad KC1IOFF & MILLER'S. lbtiO.Hec.2;., TSOtf GREAT.GREATER GREATEST I3AKGA1NS EVEJi OFKKRKD iQr,Ü fjfëi ISO lu tli is City, are 110 w boiugoffered at the CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & Jcwelry L3toxO11HiSiibcrllT wonlil,.:iy trl ttv riti7."ns ui Ann Ar bor.i" particular. :imi tb1 rel ol WjMjlp.'iflw ('i. unt' in lir-iHTiil. t.hxl lii'hnsjust ÏMI'OIU'KD DlKKCTI.Y Iroin KUKOPK.a Trcmendous Stock of Wafchcs! Ah of wtatob h blnda hinurlftn wil OH K 4 P Rit tbaa f"Hn lip l'OUL'ht ws' nf Nrw Yoik City. Open Fai-e ("ylirjtier VVmches Irom 86 to 30 fn do Lever di do h to 21 Hnittjng Chmb tin do lo 14 to 33 Ho do Oylindtír Jo do 9 to 2ÍGo]i Watehea fróm 20 to liO I have also tne GELKBRATED AMEll'CAN WAT CUES,; wlilch I wlll pfii Hr $:n, fiveryVatcb wurrantud to ! perfurm wcll, or lbo raönoy 'retunded, Cloofca, Jewi.lry, Pinted War, Fnncy Gooda Üold P'na, Musical J ristr ti monta ao) ritringa, Outtery. &c and In f act n variiry of evi y limí UniiMly kppt y JcwoLaracao bc bApghtforiira uf-xt ninety Ht VVC OWN i' R [ C E S ! PfTBOTrs bujlng Rbytblnf nt this wil known en tab ! lift h me t r t pan relyupon jetting good exact'y ns rrprftt- 1) , ortlic ni'-ry rHur.dod. PaUnnrly miil ie cure the bst buralua ever otlered in thi '"'ity One word in regard to Repairing : Wi ure pn'pri'H to ranke atty rennirs onfine or common Wiitchca, 'Vt-n to m-Uru' c at thi enth- uatch if riTcBBnry. Ri-pnirins of Hoeks amt JewHrv aè ! usufii. aIpü tHp manofHOturins oi KtNGS, IllïOOCHS or uy'hitie ffoafred, from Cnllf trnia Gold on short notifp. EhffTflTinc Ín allitahranchusoxcented withnent. rn'e and dispnlch. J C WATTS. Anu Ar'nn-, Jr.,.. Oftl n i!). -;c .j w Important National Works, PublUhed by D. Al'lI.KTox t co.t 34G AND J43 BUOADWiVY XKW YORK following workfe are nentto Subscrlers lii any part Of tffj ■■;::y, (upön receípt of rotan prict',) by niail tiik .iw.MKmA c'rci.opJKniA; a Popular Lñctíon ■ Ücn$n:l Knmvledgp, Ëtlitcd )v ííko. Rji'LKV aad Oiarlksa. i,x., aidl by : n ■■■ -,-i ■■■■:; ■ I u.; ■■■ .-■ . II brnnobes of taitnef, Arl ;i 1 l.,! i :iiii'c. 'Dii.-. vark i-. bing publltthfid n ftboul 'i contaitiinjr T-'-( 1 1 v ■ pag ■..!., il., iü.. iv. v., vi., vu., vin are now roady, oacli containing ntur 2.50üoi gin&] ;irt i Bles. Án arfdííinnal roluine v,ül bo publtshed ooce iu tv bout Ulive ritonthf. PriciaUothj S3; Shevp, S3.Ö0; Half Kussüi, $4.50 ( in h. TMb Xi".' AmorJooa Cycloptedia ir populnr vdtïxout beiirj s;ijn':iu-i:i], l';uiu-'l wHhoul btttug pedantic, compre i'-iisiv. hut sumí '■■ - :.i:;i-i!. freefroni . aad party prejurticet rreefe aad yot acpurate. It is & complete --it.-ni'iin'iil of all ilmi is knmvn upon every iinportátil tfipic wiffiin Ihö scope of 'human íntofligenec. - Evpry inïporlnnt noticie intt has be y ivrittpn for i's papas bj tstèn ivhoareauthorïtiea upon tbctrpte nh whicli tbey peok. Tï.cv are requireiVt+i brinj llii tiuOQecl up Ui Ihe présent moment; to stMc lust Iiaw it Rtaudfi 'wv. All the staiisLiciLl [nformatiun s ïVnin the ittttM report; the geographica] nocountn Keep paoe with the latost explora tioi; historica] mattere inoluU the freshest jus! vicivs; the blographiosl notioejiodt ak nt only of tlnidoad but alsouf the livimj. It is a librar v of ucir A'iniDGE3IET OF THE DEBATES OF CONGAK8S Being a PoimcaJ Hbrt ory of the Uuited Btatoa, !;-n' th prgaalzatioo ol ftrst Kertra] L'onKross in 178" to 185Ö. Kditadend compilcd Uy Uon, 1 'u-;. ííaiít BEXTOï,frtiin the Ofllciirl EtacordH of Cungrejts; The Work wili becoffijnetod in l.' royal octavo roiutaep of 760 pagMOaoh, ij ofwhich oxv now ready. Ad-h.i1 ilitionul vi-luiin! ll be puMUhcd onúe In three raontha Clotb, SÖ; Uw SUeep, Half Mor., 4; H.ill Qilf. $ ach. A WAV ÜF PROCURïNG Tnia'YCLOIVTiDIA ÖRDÊBATtö Fura :i club'of rour,and remit theprice of fourbooks, ami flve otfpieft wlll be sent al the remlttr'a ex pense for Êacriitgo; n' (öt ton subscribiré eleven copies will b geut at "ur espuse for eai To #i i' ts. No other wojrk wriÜ o Ubuiiiliy rwnnlthe exertions Of tá (kt wami:i. í.-i TWWCOCNTY ïi-rin mwlf MiKffn on appUciition to tiie tublishcm, Ann Arbor. M:u cii . 185Ü. tiüO'Ja.nt -ím ReV ThO. WbhJUT, agent at Kinne fli ÖiolUlJ BoüU Store, YgtftUinti. Blackwood's Magazine AND TIIE Rrilish Reviews. GREAT INDi CEET-SUBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS and REDJC IIOlvS. L.SC0TT &'"., NLW YOKE, eoQtínúfl to pubHh ;}■., followttiy leadiu Brltwk Peiodicttlt vilt 1 THE I.ONüüN QUAKTÜRLi' (Con.sirvativo), TUK KDINBUUCH lït.YlhW (Wbig), THENORTIÏ BRITISH BKVTKW (FieeChurch). TIÏE VFESTUINSTER KEVIEW (Liberal) H r.I.ACKWOOirs EDIKBUBGH MAGAZIMÜ (Tory). Tiie ñWBt critieul stato of Eunipmn niT:t"r - will rentier ihewe pubhontiojig unupftlly lotercatinx during the fortbcoinlüg yr. Thcy wüi uocupy ;i mtddlf gronml bi'lv.fin ihc lumtily wnttvn in-w.-it'-ni', cr.i!' peoqhYttiii)B mui tiyiïJi rumora nf the dairy Jimrnal, iii'l the poDderoui Tome of the fntQi e historian, wrtttêu :irtr tln living tnterent aml excitimeit of the gioat politiottl eventfl of the tima slia.ll hm v paxMd uway. It d to tlwt Beriodfoln tha rendara ma-t lodh for the ' oly rtMtly IfttetHctble nn reiiable liif-fny ol curran' I Brents, aud u auen Inaddltlontothen voXeatabllxliecl ' Hternry, sc'er.tific. and theulugioil chracer, we ui ge .lwni uppn tiiec nWvration of the reading public. The iocelpt of Adlvii Shct-ls fram t!: Briti&li públuherit Rivea aadiilónnl raíue tu these Reprint, inasmuch .i they ,■.■ n qov be plaoad ï r i ilm hiunla ot BUbiCribftm a.b 'iit is sciuii as tb e origiinU eiiJ ons. TER MS. (Regular Priem ) Per aon. l'iiritny one of tbf four Revfewa, - - - $3 (10 For 'uiviivim! th ftwir lïcvicii sT - 501 Tot' Jinv t int'c i.' ilit; oilir Ki'viws, - - 7'0 Korall 0ur ol MfbReviem, 8 00 FurBlackwtiod a Sigastnej 80' Kor Blackwood and one Ken w, - - - 5 0 por Blaok vooa and Iwo Kevtews, - - - "03 For Btaftkwood an-1 ihree i;y views, - 9 00 Kur Blaokwoodand the fourRevlaws, - - 1000 Money cnrrtnt in the SCaie wh re istutcd will be recetvcd iit par. PO STAG E. Thf P08T4OB to iii.v i-art of the l'iited State will bfl but Twctiiy-four Ctnt a yer for " Bla twood." and but Fourtvvii Ccnt4 a year for ench of the Re vlo we. At fcho ftbOTe prtees the PerkkUcals will bo furmshed for 1862. AND A a Premium to Nw Subscribers, the Nos of thsaome Per!odtodi4 föt 18 0 wilt befunushèd complete, without áddilioval ch-irge. Unlike tb ninri e hoimral Mngadnoa ol tlw day, iIh'm1 l'ti n ilii-;ils lust' hti f by ;u-'. 1 . ;i ï'ull yeftr of the Xfw, for 1&00, muy be ivgardvd Jii'aily as vuiuublt as Tor 1862. SubtcHbtrB wishing nlnó tin tícj. fur ISCil, will be BOpÜ'.da1 thC tuüOWIUg KZTKSMBLY LOWRATKS. Rplendid Offers tor 1800, 'Gl,fe '02 TogetLer. Por Blackwond's Mngasiuo, the Ihree yt-rirs , S-r 00 b'.-.r ;in_ imC II '■ v lew, - - " ■' 5-0 For imyt wo Reviews, -. . " " 8 00 Pur Blaokwood aol one Revivir j 'r (i s .o l'(n" l'[:ui,.viiuil aml iwo Ul'VÍív.vs, í' " IJ 00 l'orlliiiN. Kfvipnri, ■' " 110 Km l;iiirl.ul:iii'l (hroo Reviews, " " l.r 00 For Ihe four tfotiew , " " 13 00 Eur i;i:ii-iiw..ini and tbetonr Reviews, " 17 00 Anynf the above vorks will AUo bs furtiisheJ to JVtw ■ '■-.-. . ■■.. ■ - lor tüe v w 18' -i , -". ;u.l '., At Uue llait' tlio lioiisilar Subsuription Price. Thufl ft A"tw Subfc.riher r.i.iy obUin the Reprints of Uit Four Reviesrö aod Ulackwood, Soven Consecütive Year $37 ! ! ! Wbichia but Iit t Ie mort tiiAü the jtriceof the original works finmie yfar, Aswtt :i;tíi oeVer agftin bo llkoly to oQér such iiulucc meutn as ihotw bere prptd. Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! Shp3 Rvulltanoei nnut, in ;iil OMtS] be nude direct to tiu l'ub Uihers, for uL prioea no conimi.saioa eau be alluweil tu ageutít. LE)N ARD 8C0TT & CO. No . 'oi QoW htrcot New York Ann Arbor Marble Worbs. 33a.tcla.ol3Ler I AS uu ha ml n lino aSdortiiK'nt ot' Auiuticun uud I TA LIAN MA II B L Á wliichheia prepaieil to ni.iiiufautui'e into íf ONU lv' ■ $ MENT8. IIEAS ■" titrKA STONES t o M n vflli PifiX r'AI{Ii:s TABLE llypWffB Py TOP-. in alltiielr Tarictic. n(l !n a WRKM.W'UKK inanncr ll;tvin.r lii'l connttlarable experiencu Ia the biumni lio tlalU'i-s liiiii.M-lt lli:it lie vï-iil bp ab!e to pjMM all who èa&J f:vvor me with their on'urp. Ilis pricof l'o w as t ti e lowest. thone wiihlniï aoy thiog In mj l'.ne ir refpeotfnl] n t..l to cali D. C. BATCHEI.UEK. Anu Arhqr. Muy 20.1861. 801t' A Card. Mrs. II. 0. IIARVEY woul.l inform tlie citizens of Ann A.rbór t.lmt slie lins taken rooms a; llie resiüt'ncc of Mrs. Kkllogo, on Ann Street, anc! will be preparad to cive instriiction fcopupils npon tlia Piano, Melodeon, or Guitnr, afterFridfty. June 27th, If62. Ann Arbor, June 20th, 1862. 4w


Old News
Michigan Argus