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Letter From The Michigan 14th

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[We are perinitted to extract the fullowing from a private letter received by one of our - Ed. Aiious.f lllh KsclMBXT UlCHKUM iKF.lKïnv, 1 TusctMELA, AU., July '.9, 'Si. I Dear Bp.otder : One week ago yesterdriy we left tlio abades of Cuinp Big Springs, near Corinlh, and after fiv dnys of vory fatiguhig maroh, through dust, and undai' the intense mys of a southern bun, wo arvivt;d hei-e, our destination. After we left Tishaaiingo county we struck a beautiful and fertile country. - This bcgan as we came within thu lioe of Alubama, nnireliing through a valky of oeurly tyo inile3 in breadtli, with uiountuhiuus Lilis observable oi either side. - It is witLin this valley that splcndid plautations are to be seeu, cultitratcd witb all the care and interest which is manifested by our uorthern Horti-andAgriculturists. 'Their m:nn staple of produots tilia season are cotton aud cern. I s;iw oue üald of cotton contaiiung 1500 acres. It I canassure you was a beautiful sight, growing as this was with all the luxuriauce usually characterizing such fields. Coru üelds of 1000 acres we passed by, showing mavked indieations of extreme industry, as uot a weed could be aeeu. These plautations nll disp!ayed fine residences, fur superior to any that can bc four.d in our own State, being at the same time well stocked with "niggers," somo having ovcr one hundred in uuiuber, all well c'.otheA and fcd, and much more contented aud happier than most of the whites in the nottli. There is a matter conncoted with these )lantatious whi'.;h to me is a mystery, as 'ar as military rule and iaw is eancerned. t is th3 : invariably tha larga land ïolders, nud those possessing the largest amouuis of growing produc'g, hesitate not at all in proolaiming thoir seeession iroclivities ; aud this even in the faeo of oar Generala. Notwithstauding such iromulgatiuns, guards aro placed around heir door 3'ards aud orchards, and the oldier is not even allowed to piek a )each or applo for fcar of buing placed under arrest, and ïf we purchaso any 'ruit of these wretchcd offeaders, it is by saying esorbitantly for the same. Wliy do tot, undcr cueh circuinstuneos, the military authorities eoufiscate the propetty, &c , and usa it iii part toivard defi'jyiug our own war expenses, instead of lening it to nourish and feed the rebel aroy, which no doubt this uuusual yi4d of corn is atended for. Our peo pie ia this particular, I raust pqufeas, arevjo merciful. Iü this uity, Tuscuiu bia, i place which in time of peaee bas neaiSOOQ inliabitants, (now only about 600 rinain, the absent ones bqing ia the Ccnfatrate army), it is a common thing to see isemblcd together a conference cf secessicists, expressing publiolv mei'ts olly of a gouuine Confoioto. The propnetor of the largo hotel dtíares that he will liever take tho oath i alle-'iance, but will conduot hls basios from (Jay to day, without any inolestOn whatever, charging onl}$2 per dafor board, aad not much to eat at that. Tuscumbis a beautiful place, boing situatcd wit two and a half miles of the TennesseBiver, through which the Tusoumbia Ipr runs. Cold springs) water clear acrystal, are numerous, furnishing watto make a small sized rivor, and if tho NortU would Sake anothcr Sarttoresort. The water from these spriugs iery healthy, containiug as it does manheuiic;il salts. We allow our nien to uk freely from them, as we consider water uot in the least injurious. An jntere natural cave is to be visitcd hero the city. It is said by residenta to ve its origin from the Tennessee 11', and empties into the Tuscumbia. .s you enter it and proceed a littlef in the right hand cave, you may lia to the rapid flow of water, Enter your left and all is dry excapt tho stura which uaturally arises from tbü and rocks. Thero arny fine buildings hero. - Places of hèsÉ are closod with but few cxoepti I listened to a churchbell last Svy for the first tiirio lcaviii" Wgitn, and attendcd the p.-csbytm-iliuroh. ïuscuuibia 3 full of ïuilitaryioh makes it quite pleasant. VP enouniped on tbo F;iii'ground, w'ho other rogimeuts of our bri"ade P' leoth Mieliigan. - Six comp3 f t0 latter are soattored fiftccn in'ut frorn town aud four are ín the to We ' f inany skirmishes eas't of us and our men nro bmng taken prisoberMj' The rumor to-day is tliat suif '!o Thii-d Michigan Cavairy wel'6 al'd taken prisoners. - WlUi M1 ca"tíl ün Ine last Satur■ dny. las beeu promotcd from Serceaut-? to Second Lieutenant ; he is remri 7'" Pobably both come ' tnext ïonth or raonth after i,cst, jiocl wa are not all taken prisoneis,'1 I should not bo sarprised if wo wc1 tl) o rebels aio within sis miles !si located in the mmitain?, and éJ porpetrating great liavoc. Li6tlrd"y tbey burnod a bridas üi'toets cast ' us oa 1'1C ' ■ anj fbLon Railroad,and it is report ed t'agg 's ö 'n l'ie samo diroction wit'.POO troops. Mue'a anxiety ir felt.nrd t0 Colonel Dickinson of the Tcuiohigan, as we fear that Lo will 0 iprisoner. He wont off in com': ma Úio "six oompaniea of Cclonel i jj-.-tígíment, and not.lilng lias boc-n heard of him sinoe. Tho field aud staff officers of the Tentli Michigan are qaartering in town. Major ScARRRTT is Provost Marshal of Tustumbia, ssisted by Lieutcnnnt DümriiY. (laptain DuMINö lias returned, leaving Mrs. D. behind. He does not )Tpt resume ooaiinaud of liis company. Last r.ig'it vo had 512 men out on dress parad;. The hcalt'a of the regiment is inereasin;.', wo now having only two patients in our regiméutal hospital. Al.


Old News
Michigan Argus