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How The Draft Will Be Made

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Adjctast General's Office, ) Wab Departmexï, Washington, Aug.9. ) GENERAL ORDERS No. 99. Regulations for the enrollmont and draft of three hur.dred thousand militia, in pursuanoe of an ordur by the President of tbe United States, hearing date August 4, 1862, whereby it is provided that a draft of tliree bundred thousand militia be immediately oalled into the service of the United States, to serve fur nine tuonths, unlass sooner disoharged, and that the Secretary of "War shall as sign the qnotas to the States and establish regulations for the draft. Also, that if any State shall not, by the 15th of August, furnish its quota of the additional three hundred thousand voluuteers, authorized by law, the defioieooy of voluuteers in that State shall be made up by special draft from ihe militia, and that the Secretary of War shal' cstablish ' regulations for this parpose. It is ordered, lint, The Govcrnors of the respectivo States will proceed forthwith to furnish thtiir respective quotas of the three dred thousand militia called for by the order of tha President, duted the 4th day of August, 1862,which quotas havo been furuished to the Uovernors respeetively by commuuicutlon from this department of this date accnrding to the regulations heneeforth set forth. Secovd, The Governors of the several States are hereby rcquested forthwith to desígnate rendezvoua for the drafted militia of said States, and to appoint com mandants therefor, and to notify the Seo retary of War of the loeations of auch reudezvous and the names of the commandants; and it is important that the rendezvous should bo few in number and locatcd with a view to convcnicnce of transportation. Thiid, The Qovernors of tho respective States will cause anjenrollment to be made forthwith by the Afsessors oí the several countics or by ftüy othcr officers, j to be appointed by sucli Governors, of all the able bodied niale citizena between the ages of eighteon and forty-üve within the respective oountlOT, giving ; the name, nee, aid ocenpation of each, togothcr wil li roinarks showing whether lie is in the soivice of the United States, &c, and in what caacity, or any other faots which may determine liis exemptinn from military duty. All re;isonable aud proper expenses of such enrolliuent and of the drift liereinafter provided, will be reirabursed by the United States, upon vouohera ghowing the detuilvid statement of services performcd and expenses iucurred, appruved by sucli Governors. FourtJi, When no provisión ia made by law in any Stute for carrying into effect the dra ft hereby ordered, or wliero suoh provisions nre in any manner detective, sacli draft shall bo conducted as tollowa : 1. Immediately upon the completion of the enrollmeut, tlie lists of enrollad persons shall be filed in the offices of the Sheriffa of the counties iu w Inch such emollt'd persons reside. 2. The Governors of the several States shall appoint a cominissioner for each county of their respective States, whoso duty it shall be to superinteud the draftins and hear and determine excuses of persons claiming to bc exempt from mil. itary duty. Such commissiouer ehall : oeive a compensation of four dollars per diera for each day lie miy be actually employed in the discharge of his duties as such commissioner. 3. Tbc enrolling offioer shall immediately, upon the filina: of tho enrollmeut lisls, ii'itify said com:nissionor that said Hsts have been so filed. and the coramissioner shall thereupon give nutice by handbills posled in each towuship of liis county of the time and plaee in which claims of exemption will be received aud determined by him, and shall fix tbo time to be speciöed in the order aforesaid withiu teu days of the filing of the enrollment at whioh the draft shall be made, and all persons claiming to be exempt from military duty shall, beforo the day fixed for the draft, make proof of such exemption before said eommis8louer, and if found sufEeient his name shall be strieken from the list by a red line drawn through ït, leaving it still legible. 4. The commissiouer shall in like manner strike from the roll the names of all persons now in tbe military service of the United Statw; all telegraph operators and constructors aetually engaged on August 5, 1862; all eugineers of locomotivos on railroads; the Vice President of the United States, the ofijcorg- judicial and executivo- of the governmeut of tho United States, the membors of both houses of Congress aud their respective officers ; all custom house offiners and their clerks : all post offieers and stage drivers wlio are employed in the care and conveyanee of the mail of the post office of tbe United States; all ferryinen wlio are employed at any ferry or post road; all pilota; all marinera nctually employud m the sea service of any citizen or mcrchaut within the Uuited States; all engineers and pilota of registerud or licensed etcamboats and steamships, and all persons exeraptud by the laws of the respective States frora military duty, on sufficient evidonce or on hls personal knowledgc that saia persons belong to any o f the aforesaid olassea, whether the exeraption is claiined by thein or not. Exemption wUl not be made for dability unless t be of such permanent cliaracter as to ronder the porsou untit for service for a period of thirty days to be certified by a surgoon íppointed by thfl Govcruor in taeh onuiity for this purposo. 6. At the time fixcd as before provided by the commissioner for making the draft, the Sheriff of the county, or iu lúa absenoo such person as the commissioner may appoint, shall, in the prea ence of said commissioner, pubhcly place in a wheel or box of a liko character to such as aro usocl for drawing juïors, separately folded ballots, containing the ñames of all persons remaining on said enrollment lista not strioKen otf aa before provided, and a proper person ap pointed by the eommissioner, and blindfolded, shall thereupon dnw from said box or wliecl a nuinher of ballots equal to the numbcr of drafted men fixed by tbo Governor of each State as the proper quota of such county. 6. A printed or written notice of his cnrollment and draft, and of the place ; of rendezvous of ibe drafted military forc flia'll tluvoupon be eervcd, by a perion to bo appomted by the commis sioncr, upnn cach person o drafied, eitbr by deljvering the same in person, or by l?avÍB ;: st p'-00 reeiienci. 7. Any person so draftcd may offar a ubatitute at the time of the rendotous of the drafted military force, and uch substitute, if he shall be an ablo odied man, between the ages of eigbteen and torty-fivo years, and shall consent ia writing, with the consent of hib parent or guardián, if a minor, tu subject himsolf ;o all the duties and obligatious to wbich lis principal would have bueu subject iiad he parsonally served, shall be aocepted in lieu of such pr ncipal. 8. The persons thus drafted shall aisemble at the couritv seat of their respective counties within five daya aftor the time of drafting, whence transportation will be furnished ihein by tho ernors of tbc scvoral States to the placea of rendezvous. 9. As soon as the draft has boen made and the names raarKed on the enrollmcnt list, tho cnmniissioner will send a copy of tho draft to the commandant of tho rendezvous, and another copy of the saino to the Adjutant General of the State, who will huinediately organize tha drafted men into companies and regimouts of infantry, by assigning 101 men to each company, and ten companies to each regiment, and send a copy of the organization to the commandant of the rendezvous. 10. At the expiration of the time allowed for the drafted men to reach tho rendezvous, the commandant shall proceed to complete tlie orgatiization of the companies and regimental commissioned officers, whioh shall be designated in accordance with the laws of the respective Statc9, the nuruber and grade being tha same as in the volunteer servise, and in case the laws of any State shall provida for an election of offieers they shall be elected under the direction of the raandant of the rendezvous and ba reportcd forthwith to tho Governors of auoh States, in order that they may be commissioned, and tbe non couiinissioned may be appointed either bofcre or after mupter, as the Colonel of the regiment shall decide. 11. As soon as the officcrs of the companies are ciesignated, tho musttr roll (hall be made out under the direetion of the commandant of the rendezvous, and the troops inspccted nnd ruustered into the service of tho United States by the musteriug officer appointed for that purpose. 12. Ia States where onlistments have been made by municipalities and towns, instead of counties, thd Governoia of suoh States are authorized to apply tha foregoing rales of draft to such munioipalitics and towns instead of counties. Fifth, Provost Marshals wiil be nppointed by the War Department in ihs eevcral States, on the nomir.ation of tha Governors thereof, witb such assistants as may be necessary to enforea the attendance of all dratted persons who shall fail to attend at suoh places of rcndezvons. Sixth, In case any Stato shall not by the 15th day of August furoish its quota of additional 300,000 volunteers called for by the President on the 2d day of July, 1802, uuk'ss otherwise ordered, all incomplete regiments shall theu be consuliduted, under the direetion of tho Goveroors of the respeotive States, and an additional draft shall be made, as bet'me provided, sufficient to fill up such quota ; tho number to be drafted frotn eaeh eounty of the State to be fixed bj the Governor thereof. Serenth, From and after the lóth day of August, no new reginients of voluoteera will be organized, but the premium bounty and advauee pay will continuo to be paid to those volunteering to go intQ the old regiments. Lighth," Ordered that in filling all requÍ8Ítiü!is for militia, the quotas of the naveral Sta tea wül be apportioned by the several Governors amo:ig the several counties, and, when practicable, auiong the subdivisions cf counties, so that allowance shall be made to sueh couuiies and subdivisions of cnuuties tbr all voluntecrs heretofore funiishcd by them and mustered into the service of the Uuited States, and whose stipulated teroi of service shall not have expired. J3y order of the Secretary of War,


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