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The Rebels Invade Kentucky

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l.ui tu ipoüü August 17. Reliable ;.ik1 tl ustwor'.hy ititelligenee ck-IumI ti 10, s!:',v in j tlio long :. ti invasión cl' Kentucky ! hus ouirimenCuiJ. ïne rebels have ::- tl,:1 S:::l(! ::!. suvul ui [h int. Somui'tfut is i:;ipnn:i! and in Iheir possecfiort. They are tnovingco Glasgow, and threaten Bowling Greo:i. Kirby Üuiith, rilh ubiirt l5,00i) men tui'iitv i'our ptocea oftutüjery, idld up adequate fofcfe ut' ("hvattyj is rnrwitig ' from ivi.-l 'l'unitussoe. lo i-ut ufl' tlio kupp!iM.4tf ; r men ut (Jiiinbui Lw:d üap, and coinpel its evacuatiti'n j und sidvani1.: furcea il Ilia coüjiiiupd havo (tli'uudy taken póscéssiön öi Öómbr'iet liod 'luiuiccüo. Tlie tonner poijit tbrentetts our oomnninication s.i'iously. (ron. Mcrgjtn Ims rciir.' ( ,n ot ma iuicu to Burlioui'tsviüc to in!J tliej.hxcq and usk for re-ifltorcumelits. Morgan is Btill in tl.u vicinily i)i Giiilutiil, iiud had.di'iyeo ff the hand.s aj ffork on the tunnel sud Drökén the Land cnrs. Foilei' flnd SvOaraa au c.jcülcd to join liiin. It is fea red thnt thoy rvi'l ent off GiMiurui Jliirgun'a truin for Cumberland Gap and giiin hisreiiV. Thoy areaíso áaid to h;ivo a iorce ol 2,;"iiio in Soott county, Tunn. ïwo hundred rebel csvalry :;ie at M.ontict)llo,&l)d ai'o snjifiosud to be th odvnnce guord of the epeiny. The cmitr i ttfujy alarming and Go'v. Morton i.s putting ibrth alt liis ensrgies to meet it. ïwo ifginients havo beun sent today and al least eoven aro espectod to Ie ai e to-morrow. 'J'h --v ill go amptv prepnred iu all but discipline for any col: tliut. (jcniral T. liocria who won thü WetetWo Virginia oatnpaign, wili eo'mI one regimont; General Lew. Wallacë wil! coiornand a'nóthér. (Jihern i!l be undor the command ol Gen. DoVnont, Gen; Bcj'nold, Gen. Jyrivé nnd IJeut. Coi. Kingoftho lOíh Itegnlar.". Id Ine absence of experienoad offi■■ rs to take pennanent oi mmand c ! the regimenté, Governor Horton h:.s hit'upon tbe bappy txpedieht of putting them teü.jior.irily, lor (i,is c:.a'igency, undor the eoinmnnd of these thstingu'shed officors, and the officers willinjfly aiui eothusiastiualiv ncöéde to hii wishes. These fli -.e s wil romain iti com. irand a.s loitg as tnay bo neeesüary, Th ei r places üfè hol al! ceitainly abtigt.d vet ; b.iLt at present the intentín is to give ihem rcgimenU as lows : Gel!. T. A. JfriiTs :!I Cake COüimatul oí ihu GTiii r?gimen; ut Madison; pa] Heyixilda tak os tho 76iJa regu iiï;n t at Wafonah ; í-íen. Laño taKes ilia Tlst regi;üt;nt ;it Turro i' : Gou. Wallaue Lukes Üie CGili regiment at New AlbaiH ; General JV tu'tios iha T'l reyittient in tbia erfy. LieutenaiH Culoiiel ivi::;, of the 19lh Ki.'ííuiais, takus prububdy iha 73'1 rogitnuijt at tío u th Bond. Ges. . gnes to NÜW Albaliy to nighl, lo tnku uomrnand ui his rgi(i)eiit. The rest will lullow as iust ta ihu ruil-ioad eau iiike the;:. 1. TEU. Ge. Kirby SraitK hustaken Lon]on ilio róai" óf Gen. Morgan, and will cloubllo.-s ;,ii;:d; hilli in li'iint íiihI ruar. Gun. liuull is out Dit', mul it is feareO tliat, liu is in u precui'ióus situution. Uaii)Q:uiicalion .-; vut otF, UötWeeü Kuiituck)' and Naihviljo. iiridüs on UicIOiJgi.iii.-ia tona wero Lun:uü IjsI nigl.t. 'i he rebels must have coitoluded tt ubundon Kast Tenncbsuo, on ttiey have a v iv laj-go forca ut Ohutanoi oilnii i.u r.vnity tivo ihousuii'j wiuüI hardiy bo uiilidrawn i'or ilio iuvuwH of lven!iu:!;y. An alt. cl. on Ña-ljvilltí is liaily espuctcd. It ir.av liavu beu'! mude yusicr.[:iv. Tl;o Fodeial juüs wcro tl'lntul mi t i i o ci;y rt-nciy to 'lestiy it in OLlU Ol UQ aliliCk.


Old News
Michigan Argus