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Rules For The Government Of Schools

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The following Rules nd Regulatton have been adopted by the Board ol Trustees of j School District Ko. 11 of the City and Township of Aun Albor or the government of tho several Schools of said district : OF SUPEltlNTEXDEXT OP SCHOOLS. I. The Principal of thé High School shall be Superintendent ui Schools, and ander the adrice and direction of the Board of Trustees, shall have ihe genera) superintendence of the al scliouls, and of tho school house", and apparatiu baloaging to the district. II. He hall visit the severa] schools as often as lii.s di'.iics wili permit, and símil give personal attention to the classiflcatlon of the pupila in same, ia accurdauca. with the course oi' study prescribed by the Board, and shall sêe that all the rules and rcgulations adopled by the Board are duly eniorced. III. He shall keep the Board constantly infornied of thé condrtión of the severa] schools, and the changea i.iniirtd in the muid He shall keep a record oi hú; proceedingS, which shall at all tinus lic open to the inspeclion of the Board. At the close of eaoh term he shall report the number of pupila atteiiding each school, with the averag? atteudance, and such oiher facts as he niay deem important. - II.' shail also prepare an nnnual report, to be subniilted to the Board, önlbrèting all schoei raatters connected with his snpeiintendency. OF SCHOOLS AXD TEACHERS. I. TLe Schools of the District shaïl be classiiicd uto High School, Grajomar Sehoql, and Wárd Schools. The sessiona in all the schools shall, uniese otherwise ordered by the Board, begin at 'J o'clock, A. M., and continue to 12 M., with i recesa of minutes : in tlie ai'ternoon at l!ó O'clock and continue to 4J, with a Lke recesa. Teachers übaU not dismiss tlieir school-;, nor absent thcmselves therefronr, j :; ni i tule ■vitbout pertnissiou froni the Superintendent ; but in case of o o:, account of sickness, lor a single recitation, tho Principal of tho departnn nt shall supply a substilute and report to theSuparlntendent. II. The teai-lüTs shall each in Ihpir respective rooms be held regponsible for the ehforcenieut of the Hules and Regulations adopted by the Board for the government of the schools, subject to the general direction of the Superintendent. III. Teachers shall be at their respective school rooms at least twaüty minutes before tiie time specified for commcticing school in the morning, and ten j;:: i : . the afteinoon; and open tli ■ roonw for the aijiuission of ]upils and ■ nförce all tho rules of order for school honro. IV. All teachers shall take care that the school buildings, furniture, apparatus, maps, booka loaned to indigeBt pup'ls, as well as t.e out-buildings, felices, and all other school property, be not deiaced or injurod ; and upon diicovwy of any injury ehall report the same to tho Superintendent. V. They shall meet at such time and places out oi' school hours, as the Board may direct, for the purpose of' promoting public school sducatioo in the District. VI. The teacher of the highest grude in ohoo] building .shall eee that the opening and eloaing o!' school, and also the rebe simultaneous in all tho departVII. It shall be the duty of all the teachers in charge of rooms to tile With the Superintendent, within tv.o weeks af ter thccoinmencoment of each term, the ñames, ages, and residences of all the scholars under their charge, together with a Btatement of all the studies which each scholar is pursuing, and shall at the close of each week make a like report of all scholars who may enter during such week. port to the Buperintendent at the close of every week all cases of tardiness and which have oceurred. VIII. The teachers in the High School aad Gnuii school ehall keep an accurate register of the name, age, residence, and time of entrance, of each pupil, with a daily record of his or her echolarabip, deportment, attendance, and tardiness, and shall return it when iilled to the Superintendent, who shall carefully preservo the same. The teacher in ard Schools shall keep registers showing the níune, age, attendance and tardiness of each pupil and return the sanie as above. IX. No text booka Shell bc usod or introducod by any teacher except those prescribed D iird tot their respsetive departments. AU c.ises of indígent pupila not provided with texi. liooks shali be inimediately reporled to the Superintendent, who shall notify the Board of the same. X. Tir.' 8 lea íhall, during the week next before the flnal weck of the term, file wioh the Secretary of the Board a faithful and correct report of a'l absences during school hours, of himself and the several teachers, with the reasona assigned therefor, the length of absecco, aud what provisión was made for substituto, if' any. XI. Tlie beginning and close of the terms, and duration of all vacations, will be deterrniiiC'l by the Board prior to the commenceui'iii ui each school year, and no holidays wHl b allowed by special permission of the Board, OF SCIIOLARS. I. Pupils are expected to commence their atteudancc promptly at the feeginning of each term, and be regular and punctual in their atteudance ; to conform to tlia rcgulations of the school and to obey promptly all the directions of the teachers lo observe good order and propriety of deportmant to be diligent in etudy, respectful to teachers, and kind and obliging to school mates ; to refrain entirely fronj the use of profane or improper language, and to be clean and neat in person and attire. II. Pupils of the Ward Schools are requlred to attend the scliool established in the district where they reside, except wheñ permission to attend elscwhere is given by the Superintendent. III. No pupil preparing bis or her lessons in school shall be allowed to depart before the usual time of closing, except by special written reqnest of parent or guardián or on account of sickness - and pupils permitted to prepar ons out oi' school shall enter at the opening of the sessions or at recess, and leave ia recei or close f i eneion. IV. Any pupil who :■? habituaüy tardy or truant, or guilty i C op n di lobedience or insubordi naüon, or who. indulges in the use of profano or improper language, or who malees use of tobáceo in any fonn duririg school hours, or whose general cor.duet is inJurious, shall be - I 'her to bis or her guardián and to the .Superintendent. The Superintendent shall examine the case without (lelay, and if he deerns it advisable may Buspend the pupil temporarily, and report bis actiop to lije Board. V. Any pupil who sháll wflfuTly injure or deface any school property shall pay all dainages, mil ial)]e to suspension by (he Superintendent. Any pupil suspended ander the operation of this apd tlie preceding rule shall bc admikted oniy Iy the Board oa the recommendaüon of Uk. Bupeiintendent. 1. Bvery pupil in the High .School who shall be absent Jour half daye, and in the Grammar School wlio .shall be absent ñx half days, apd in liie Ward Schools who shall be absent eight h'Mf ï, in iour consecutive . without an excuse Iroin the parent or guardián, given in person or by w ritten note satisfyiug the teacher tl. at the absences were i by bis or her own sickness or by sicki the family-, shall fort'eit his or her seat in tlie school; and tho teacher .shall forthwith notify the parent :iid the Superintendent that the puptt ia ' , No pupil thus sus'1 bo restored to the school prior t the commencément of the ensuring term, uuless the parent pr guardián shall giv'e satisfactory asgurance tQ the Superintendent that the pupil will be punctual iu the future. VII. Other rules for the internal government and discipline of the respective schools, may i and announced by tho teachers thereiu, more eftectually to carry out the rules uad regulaüon preïeribed by the Board. By order of the Board.


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