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To The School Officers And Teachers Of Michigan

To The School Officers And Teachers Of Michigan image
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There is danger that the recent large 'avies of soldiers from this State, wül Vnrair the ebaracter and prosperilv oi our public schools. Hundreds of pur best and most experienced teachers have entered tho army. They havo hastened to the cali of patriotlam, tn defend the country which ttieir useful hibors have helped so much to enlighten and bless. But the sch.iols stilt remain. The children wil] Rtill assemble for instruction, and the places of the tnachers who aro goce must be euppüed by others. The dt-ficiency in the number of malo teachors alroadv legins to bc feit. Our cducated nnd patriotic cnuntrvwomon will HU the placeé lef C vacant by tbeir brothers. Bnt tbus a rni'ch groater number than usual, of new and iuexpeiienced leachers must bü intro duced at once intfl the school rooms. There is serious danger that this will cause the schools to retrogade in character. This onght not to be. The good of the children and the good of the State alike demand that the schools shaH be kopt working with the highest attainable efficiency and success. To meet this orisis, and to save the schools from deterioraron, the Super intendent ha preparod, notwithstandng the troublod stato of tho countrv, to hold a larger series of Teachers' Institutos than usual. Seven are already adverüsed as will be eeen by referonce to the advertisement in the Detroit daily papers, and the circulars eent to School Directors. Others may perhapj be added. School officers and teachers are earnestly requesteil to aid in procuring a full atlendanco at theso Institutes, of all who pi'opoee to teach in the winter schools. It is hoped that no young or inexperienced teacher will lail to avail himsolf or berself oí the instructions of the Instituto bofore underíaking the difficult labors and weighty responsibilities of tho school-room. Tho citizens ol tho SOveral towns have gencrously ofïored fo board without charge, the teachers attending tho Institutes in thoso towns. The instruction will be elernentary and practical. l'upers in tho State will confur a public favor by giving this an nsertion. J. M. GRKGORY, euperintendnnt of Public Iustruction. Uniln, A", latli, 1862. J37 Gov. Yates, of Illinois, has issuedan order providing for a drnft. Ths quota of that State to fill up tho ald regiment ia 31,719. ïo meet this they now havo about 15,000 volunteer besides having fillod their quota under l'oth the last cali.


Old News
Michigan Argus