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The Orders Far Drafting

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EíKCUTIVE OfFICB, L.dswo, August 2ölli, 18G2. ] In aecordanee witli tlie lawa of Cougress mul orders from the War Departfoent to iiüika a dra ft fïoiu the inilitia of tliia Stilte, to meet the exigentes 01 the pruseut rebelüon, it is hereby or ' dcrud, that tlie assessors in each and every organizeil township, in overy oounty and in each ward in overy city iu tliis State be and are hereby directed to makt: aud oomplete a census of the male citizeii8 between the ages of ighteen and lorty uve, iu their respective townships r wards, according to the priated fonns furnisbed for that parpos?, and to mak e i return of the same to tlie County Clerk of their respectiva eounties on or before the teuth d.iy of September, A. D. 1862. Couimissioners wi.l bo appointed by the Governor in each couüty, whose duty it shall be to gu[erintciid drai'ting and hear and dolermiuu excuses of persons elaiming to be exempt from military duty, and authority wil! ba given to suoh eommissiouers to supurintond the making of such ce.isus md returns, aud to see m ail cases that full and complete returns aro ü.ade. The necesaary blnnks will bc sent to the several Cuunty Cleiks by tho Ailju tant General of the State, and it is hereby made the duty of the County Cleiks cf the respective countie to furui.-h the same to c-ach and every assessor, tri ovéry township or ward of any city iu his enuuty. without dolay. The 8ue oumpensation por dietn will ba allowed to the assessor niakinar the census and return, as is provided by the law (,f tiii.s State for the compensation of suiervisois, and eacb assessor shall ro turn with the census taken by him, a truc account iu duplícate, of the number of days in which ho shall have been ae tualiy eogaged in making such census and return, and which shall be verified by bis oatb thereto. Tlie County Clerks of the respective counties ire hereby roquired to notify the c mimissioners appointed to superintend drufting or the üling of the returns of the assessors. In case any assessor shall bo delayt-d in the making out of such census and return by reason of not recuiving the proper blanks therefor, theu aud in such ca sos ho shal! file the same as soon as possible after such blanks shall be received by him. Any assessor or County Clerk guilty of a violat'on of, or neglect to perform, the duties enjuined in the making of sucli census and return, and the filing thereof, will be punished with the utmost rigor of the law. Military Department, Michihan, Adjutan'ï Güxural's Office. Detboit, August 25, 186Í.) GENERAL Ü1ÍDER No. 108. In accordance with the foregoing order from the Goveruor of the State, aud for the purpose of oarrying the same iuto efl'ect, the iollowing instructions as to the marnier of taking the census anc makiog the return by the assessors, are to be observed. First - No discrclion is given to the assessor, he must return the natnes of al male citiziiiis of his township or ward betweeu the ages of eighteen and forty five, including those who may be tempo rarily absent, and such as may havo ab sented themsidves to avoid the draft. - This shall not be construed to ipply to persoLs absent from the State in actua service in tho army of the United States, nor to regiments orgauized and cucampcd in this State. Second - In such census the name, nge and oceupatiou must be givcn, and ii case any persoo so enrolled by the as sessor is in the cniploy of the Unitei States or of this State, record in wha capacity, und state auy facts which may determine the exernption ciuimed by nv peison so enrolled frorn military duty. Third - The names of all persons of proper age, having lurloughs or a discharge from the United States service, will be rtturned by the assessors. lourtk - The ful) name of eac'i person must be enrolled and plaiuiy wntten, and luitials mustmt be used The apportionmeut of men to bo tiá from cuunties will be mado by towu ísliips and wards, and credit will be givet them for any surplu8 men enlisted eithei iu the oíd or new regiments uudor the cali of the President í'or the three hun dred thousand three year'j volunteer over and above the quota under that cali. This credit will be made from the reeurds n this office of the men enlisted from eiuh township or waid. ïhe quota of townships or wards cannot be dotermined until their returns are made by the eommissiouers and the proper exeniptions made. lnstructions as to the mode of drafting will be prepared and forwarded to tho proper officers previous to the return (f the census lists. The necessary blanks will be sent to the County Clerks on Wednesday the 27th inst., and iu case they shall not re ceive them within a reasonable time, they will report the fact to this office. ASjtho demands of the gnvernuient are Uigent that the draft sliould be made at as early a day as possible the assessors are earnestly requested to loso no time in uccomplishing this duty. Altliougli it has been deemed neccssary to resort to a draft iu this Stato to obtaiu additional force to crush the rebellion, it is not to be reoognized as a lack of patriotism in tbc people nor an evidence that the quota of' this átate could not have been raised without it, bu,t as it might havo been necessary to make a draft in soine States, it was probably deemed by the governraent a uecessity that it should be made general. The men who are drafted and fight in defense of their country need cousider themselves none the less patriota than those who have voluutecrcd to do so, especially in this State, where the uuiuber of voluuteers now in the service exeeed all calis made upou it by the governmeut, cscept for nino month's men. Tbe Commander-in-Chief has confidence in tbe loyalty and patriotism of tho State, and firmly believes that they will cheerfully aid in carrying out the orders of the President, and that this draft of men will bo raised, and put into he field with tho same alacrity that has oharaoterized tho raising of the large 'orce that has already been furnished by he State.


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