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The Retaliatory Order Of Jeff Davis

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Ailjutaut and [■pactor Gneral's Office, ) lliuluuond, Aug. iO, 186á. J GEN'EKaL'.KDHíS KO. 59. fI7i(V(YZi, Iiif'i iPiMtit iuri hut) been re oei ved t bal cm tuin peuueuble eitizens il tlie Oonfoderate Stat havo boen 'L'izeil umi put t doiilh ty order l (ten Pitch. ominandinjj ihe Army of tha Uüi od Staten hioh hild itivuded ftfa 8ta'o ut' Arkmi-us, bpoij the ■jroiuiil thiil one t ttiü t;i'u inv.'ing muy had been simt h.v Niuie unlci mi persen, wlio, w.utcviM' liis cniiilitio'i, had au uiMiiitirtiiuuille ridt ti ilefoil) Iiïh home; und uhereos. inqi.iry has Neen iiihIl' ot ihe (■Joveniiveiit ol ibe Uuilfd .States íis to thu correct iiess of ti íc'h rilfirmatión, md vvhuther the a;tiun ol (ieiu-l-al Pitch liad the HHliCtio'h ut tho Siiid (Toveriiiiient, to vvliich in quirv tlit" iUthorities of iha United .iii w have i-ffii-ed to insw. r, und iv'ierens. o'ur Govoi iiuient is ihereby drivon tu ; 1 etttlintory Bwasurei" as ihe olilv rnéaim to protect the livos of the peaiieahlü ciÜZeiis ot the Ciinledwitti Strttt vih 'iny tiill inio tne hand- "f (ietu-ral Fitcli, or aiiy persons ualing under liis uuttiurity. lt ir hereby orderod that flencral offii-i'rs iniiiuiVdiBi tpmipn of the Con fedérate nliall forhwith nscertain and report Í the Prexidenf wheth er itooh noli have Iioti oinmittui'l and Üfdll hoiiifX cici'litiud thereot, -hú l'r'ii with eet apirt, hv lot, trom aumng anv piionet-H tuketl f'om the i-ommUlld ot Gen. Fitcli, u mimlx.ii" fif offi ets equal in numhtrr to te persnns who have heen put t.i deaih m alrcwaic), and place thein i(i idosu oonfintMiient for exi-xution, at Wjoh tiirus therealtiT aw niay bo o'de.'ed lv Pi-cs'don, and nhal! rjjfirrd the ssiid Geii.Fitch, ifeaptmed, not as it pnsoner of War, hut pUce hiin in close cnnfinement hs 11 feloi), until the fiii''liMr orders ot the Prtsidöiit, Bv cr'fr, S. COOPBH, Adj. aud Insp. Gen. L?T Tlie new frignte Tronsides, that left'piiiludulphia la' week, is indesd a moiistor su h as wa liever sent to pea b-fore Slio is iron plnted, ourrie Hva hundred men, and is armer) with ninnstrms "200 phu"d riflud Pirrott guns ca pablo ff throwing goud Bhot and nhell gix miles. It ia uot yot kaown wbero he is btraud.


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