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O Tliose having a tendency towards consnmption sliould not negkct to keep a bottle of HOOFLAKD'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL nearthrrn. Kend the adverlisement in nnother column. í@- Sec a ■■ornan, in anothor column, picking Sambuei Gmpes (or ípeee's Wine. It is an adminible article, used in hoapitals and by first-elnss fomilíea in Paris, London, ind New York, in preferente to oíd pott wino. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfaction. A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. UUP0.WS GOLDEN TILLS FOR FEMALES. lüiallible iu correctin, reí;u!atin and removing all obslructiuDH, iivm whateTtT ctu,-e. imd always succetiíful as a prüvcutive. The enmbination üf ingrodients iu Dr. Duponco's GoMeu Pilla fer Femalea are perfectly harmiiss. Thcy have been used inlhe private practice of Dr. Duponeo over LO)ears,and thouMinds of ladiea can testify to their great and never faiüng success in alrncst every case in correcthig irreularitiee, relieving painful and dístresing menstriiatiün, particuhirly at tlie change of life. From Qve to tea pilla wiH cure that coromon yet drcadful complaiut, the Whites Kearly every female in the laúd -sufiers fr( m tliia complaint. The above Pili has permanently cured thou.sanrU, and they will cure ,ou if you use them. They can not haim yon; on the cnnJrary. they remove all ol-stiuctious, re store nature to its proper chance], and inrigorute the whoU syatcm. Ladics whose he&ltb WfU not permit an increase of fmnMy, wil] find pills a successful preventive. Ladies peculiaily situated, or those supposing thi'mselve.sfio, sbould not u.-e these l'ills during the first three munths, as they are certain to preduce miscarriagt, "after which admoniticn" tlie propnetor mes no responsibiüty, altl-ough their mild ness will prevent au injury to haalt n. The ïngredients composing the above Pilla are uiade kn uvn to erery Agent, and Uiey will teil you they are eafe and will perform all chunud lor thein. Price $1 per box old in AXN ARLOR, by PTEBBINSA; WIL80N. Druigisis W. A.llü'Ni'.llruggist. Ladies living at a Afntniio by sending them $1,00 through the Aun Arbor PosiofÏÏcci, can havo the Pills sent (confldentially) by mail, to any p:trt of the country f ree of poettge. N. ït. - Beware of n base. countefeit of tkeee. Pills Yon can buy the coumeritit article at aiiy price f rom '.5 tu 7fi cents ;i box fdear at that). I.adiks your liv and healtn are of tor much wlue ti Lp trifled wilh, besides being im posad upm witli a woTthleu art cle. Therefore any une oíÍLT.njyou iheae I'ilUfür Icks than SI % box' avoid tb em au yua wodld poison. They re bogun None aiegenuiue úntela the name of 8, D. HOWK Is m cvery bux wbich has coently twen added, on account of tlie J'ills bein couterfeltcd. Öóld also, by K.NNE& 3MrTH, Ypsilanll. BLU?d & ütJCBKJackson, and by one drugpist in cvery viltflge and city in the United Mates, audby FAItHANI), bHLKLLY & CO.. General Late Agtuts, bétroit. S. Ü HOWE, SüleProprietor. 867yra2 New Vork. Tlie Doughus Memorial. The diploma of membership of the Douglas Monument ■ Association, bautifully engravcd on steel, about nlne by twelve inches io dimensiens is now ready for distribution to the Bubscr.bersto the monament fond. To all persuna forw.rding to the AsKociatic;n ünc iJoilar or more will oe sent one of these Diplomas, properly executed. To conlrihutors in the sum of TWO Dollars or more will b furnishfc'J gratituously, bcsidea the Diploma, a beautilui imperial size PTEEL ENGRAVING OF JÜDGE DOUGLAS, 21 ''y 17 inehes, p.tblisbed by Marsh, Rowe & Co. Contributor? in the sum of ooe dollar will bocome Ufe momb-Ts of the Douglas Monument AssociatUm ; in the sura of t'Venty dollars, honorary life mtmlers; and in i the Rum of one hundred dollarn, honorary life members of tbe lïoard of Trasteeg. Local reoeivers and soltcitors for contributions are be ingauthorizfcd in theloyal States. Pamphlets and cir culars coDtaining the Orgamzatfon, Constilution, By Law-, aafltheAppeftl of the Associatioa, will be sent to all who will fiiward their address. Communicatiomi should be directed to the :iSe-.retary D. M. ss'n, Chica go, 111." All editors -who -wïll Nwwrt tbis card ín their daily ■weekly or tn-weckly íseuos threc raonths, with an occa sional notice to advance the object in view, will have for warded to thm immediafcly Diplomas a Honorary Life Mernbers cf tMs Afüsociation, also a cayy of the above Portrail, upon the ree i pt by the Encif;ty of a copy o their paper c.Btain:ng this announcjnppt. WALTEH B. SCATES, Prtlldat 3vr. o k. Passenger trains dow luave Detroit and the eeveral Stationa m thisCuunty,a3 foilotvy. Trains ilo not stop at stations where figur are orcitted in the ui. o. OOIÜO WEST. Mail Er. Jack. Ac. NightEx. Detroit. 8.01 . M. 6.00 P. M. 8.00 r. a ypsilanti, 9.S0 " 6.U) " 9.10 ' AnnArbor, 9.40 " O.f5 " 9.M ■ Dexter, ' 1 05 " 7.S0 ' SI 55 " Uhelsea, 10.23 " 7.55 " 10.10 " Ar. Chicago, 8.16 P. M. 8.15 A. M. GOINO EAST. NightEx. Jack. Ac. MillJtx. 3holscjl, 5.15 . M. 4.Í5P M. Uixtcr, .05 " 4.4') " Inn Arbcr, 6.35 A, ÏI C M " 0 05 " fpiil.nti, 5.65 " 7.00 " 6.E5 " Ar. at Detroit, -7.00 " 8.35 " 6.40 " " THE HEALTH AND UFE OF WOMAN Iscontinually inperil if she is ma1 enoufih to oeglect or maltreat tliose sexual inegularitie; to which t.votllirds of her sex are moro or leas subject. DR. CHEESKMAN'.S l'II.l.S. prepare.! from the same formula which the inventor. ''ORNEUÜS CHSESKM1N M. n.,of .Vew-fork, has fnr twentv years ubciI successfnüy in an ex tended privatt'prsctíce - im medí tel y relieve without pain, all disturbancea of the periodical flischiirirc. whether fin.'iing from relaxation or auppref. sion. They act lilie a cbarm in re7noving the pains that accempnny diflicult orimmoderate me struahon, and are the only safe and roliable reinedy for Flushes, Sick lïeadache, Paiu= in the Loins. lia ck and Sidps, Palpita tion of the Heart terrona Tremors, Hysterics, Ppwims, Proken Slep nni otiier unpleasant and daiifferous efTects nf an adnataral conditlon nf the sexual functions In the worat ca.ïes of Fluor Albus or Wbites, thoy eilect a speedy cure. To WIVES and MATROISTSDS.OHEE-KM X'P FIIJ.. are i.fTe'ed as the only safe mvaBI 1J' rf-nL wiüiuicrrupied mL-nstruat.on, but. LAWIES MUST BRAR IN MIXD Títere in mie rovdniov of the femalt sytfevr ;'?.' whicfr tht PUI rMniiot be 'nkcv ei hovt n. l'ECULTAR RESVLT. Thrcvidïwvrefnredto üPFKCfANCY- the rrtnlt, MISCA HUI AGE. Sch 11 ths irrexialiltr tfndfncy ff the medicine toreslors the straal fn'Clionn tn a normal cowitioi . lho.1 eren the reproducttve power of nature cavünt rwist 0. F.tplicit directians slnling icltcn, and when tkey shouïd nol be uaed, wtlh eich Box,lh9 Price Out Dollar cack Bot, rintrAiibig 60 PUU. A v;itii-ihle Pil nphlet to be had free of the Agents. Ps srnl b) mail promptly, ly euclosin? pnce to any Aeent. Sok! by Druggisia seucral y. R. B. HLUTCiilN'GP, Propr:ctor. 20 Ccdar-St., A'cm York. For Palo by MAYVARD STEBBIKS 4 WII.SON , and 'JKKXVin.E k iUt.I.IR. #A Slight Cold, or gfefe Dlif-ccLt, which might b chechea, vjith. a simple remedy, ifneglected, cften seno'j,sly. Few are aware of the importance of a faurt-fh or gflLQ-lit f@aLd in üs Jïrst stage , thixt xu'xvah in Lhe beginning wouid yield to a mild remedy, if not attended to, socn attacks the lungs. J&tawLn! s.I$-tan.di.La.LgJt-ach.e.& luere firt inlroduoel eleven yeari ago. H has bren prevei that Ihey ar? the hr:t ar'.iole befjre the pablio for ?Litais, @aLds., tancLLÍLa, jfts.Lh.rrLa, aiattli., th? Hidang Cough in féansumiLiirL, and n'imerous affeations cf the ,27iaa.i, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers if Singcrs will Jind them effentaai for clearing and strengthenmg the ioice. Sold by all Qruggisba and (Dealers in Jisdxoine, at SS cents per box. A CARD TO THE SUFFEEiWG. The Rew Villum Cosgbovk, laboríug as a Missonary in.Japan, was cure' of Consumption, when all ther means had failed by a recipe obtained from a earned physician residing in the great City ofjeddo. ,'iiis recipe has cured great nuir.bcr who were suffering rom Consumption, BruDchilis, ore Thrtiat.Coughs and olds, and the debility and nerveus depression causee by hese disorders . Desiroua of benefitting others, I will sencl this recipe, which I have brought houie with me, to all wLo ueedit ree of charge. Address Rkv.WM. COSGROVE. 823yl 439 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn K. Y. 1862 "Ï8627 - or new - SPEING AND SUMfYSER GOODS ! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'S. We are now receiving a gplendid stock of DKESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. Por tíaO 21iLxclieí3Fine French Cassimeres, and Coating?, For the Gentlemen. CARPETS, D0ME8TI0 GUODS, FINE NEW TEAS Andoihev Choice Family Groceries, For Everybody. AT THB LOWEST CASH PRICES, Oall ScO. C H. miLLEN h CO May, 1862. 854ti


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