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The Adventures Of Saunders

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Niaoiaiia Falls, Aug. t!9. Tliere havu been seveial bi ief accounts of the siicces-sful passage accross the Canada Froutier of George N. Sannderp, rebel einiásary to Europe, but the following statement, gathered from thoso who personally witnessed tlie adventure in its various stages, gives the followiug details. SAt'XDEIlS AT TilH BtïIDQÏÏ. A few da)3 ago a man dressod in wellworn woFking clotkul presetitcd liimselfto the United States Provost Marshal on tho Uuited States side of the Suspension Bridge. He wure a pair nf very .[nr' trousers of stiiped Keutueky jean, and a suedy coüt ui the sume quatcriul. A coarse, not over-clean shirt, and a rajrgcd 8traw hat coinpleted the costume. 'i'lie man had no collar or erarat, and his face was apparently greatly taimed bj' expos ure to the weather. llo wanted to go over ttio rivcr, Le s;iid, but had no pass and did not kllDW ttiat any wou'.cl b needed. He siated tllHt he una un E:iiilislnnan, from wall, ana a miiier ü" traue. ue uau uuuu woiking fur gome time in Ponnsylvania, but had lately received a letter frorn bis brother, a Fariijer, cear London, Cacada Wesi, stating that be was short of help, and urging his miner relative to come on to his ussistance, at least till tho harvcst time was over. The miner beid his tools in 0110 hand, and in the other curried an old carpetbag of the black glazed style in comtnon use. The glnzing in many places had come off, and tb outaide was uioreover sputted and soilcd with dirt. ïliis carput bug wus more valaable than the famous one ol John Brown ; lor it (iontaincd tlio papers, dispatchts and money of the rebel emissary Sauxdera. ïue PASSAQt; Aor.oss. The Marshal pondered awhile, but the poor miiier gave such a consistent story, aud seemed so dieappointed at his uuexpsotod trÓuUfl in orossing, that the offi cial's heart was melted a:id he gave him the FtHjuired pass The tull wan f the Saspension Bridge tben demauded i quarter f a dollar toll "Two shilling," said fhe miner ' why I cau't giffl it. l'vc only got O!io shilling." 'J'liis plea of poverty complctely disarmed whntever sliadow of suapicion may havo cxintfcd in regard to tho poor workman; after tho ir. per degtée of liositutioti, the " tcllow" was ullowed to i;ips over at half pricü. Tbaukiug the tull keeper for his überaütv, tho miutT walkud on wearily auruss thebridge. As he eared 'he Cunuda sida liis ati-p becaina lighter- jot as (Jiinsiian (pardon ti:e conipuris n) fult wheii the buiden dropped off liis iick A deeided buiden hud ilropped off Geo N. Saundcrs' mind - as he was safo in Cauada, AT TUE HÖTSt IN' CAKADA. Arriving at the Canada side of tbs ! brid"e, the miner with bis tools and C:ir' pt-bg jumptd iuto the Gliftou House omuibus and was quickly driven to tliat fauious liotul. He went to the dus!( and retristurt'd ou the book tliu iuitiais S. N. G. - liis own initials reversfd. The Olwk l"üked ut tlie MiauDy worKing -'.11:111 a moment, and ilion coldly said : " We cau't givo you a room licre, sir." 'L But I must have a room," said Saun dors. " None to spare to night," replied the olerk. The miner tlirust lus hands in liU pocket and drevr furth a great roll of " green büoks " Herc," said ho to the clerk, " take these as seourily. Put them in your aafe; but give me a room at onue." Of eouiie ïnoney had its effüet in the Clittoti House as everywhere else. Still the elerk hesitated ' Is there anv place here whero I can get a n'Spectubio suit of clothesï" asked the miner, dropping the Curnish dialect. There was no place nearer than the bridge, a mile distaat. So the miner iignin insisted ou having a room, and it was obvioua that " thjngs wre not as ; tj o y setíuiea. iiewasauiiiui munm j :o a suituble apartinent ( IIOW U1S FUIENDS KNEW IT. , A few minitcs afierwards a guest Itrolled out on the puzfca', where I tfovernor Morehead, of Kentucky, was , lltliui. "liytllO! way, Govtínior,'1 said he, " wliat a fiugular old fulluw tliat was i in 'ihe offiuu. He registoieJ bis uame on the book oiily ia initials11 " Good Gd! in init als !'' cried More lie.-'.d, starting up, '; lio's couie, theu," and, i uühing past the astouislied guest, he domanded to be showu to the room of the mysterious S. N. ü. Otlier secessionists alsohastcncd thither. Bauuders was pi-ovidcd with a suit df clothes at once, the elerks and servants altered their deporimeut to the quondam miliei-, and the gucsts had a rure pieoe of gosiip to talk abuut Saunders is by thi tiiue half way aeroas ihf ocoa:], aud, whatuver is tbougUt uf bim pr bis causc ! it is gencrully acuiowledged tliat bis j iournev frora Hiclimond lo Ganada is onu of tlio " cutcst" specimens of rebel "strti?ry" tlio wiir Iihs produced. lt shows tito our btockade is so stringent tiiat a rebel cmifsary profers a long land journey iu diaguise to attempting to break it. Of ooui-se, tho adventure been tlio chief topio of convers;ition in tl)o Niar amljotels; ünd ïnincrs wül henoefortli bu viuwod witli a very profoaud suspioiuu at Suspension Bridge. L=L Childl'fx'd is like ft mirrnr, ' catchmg and refluotir.g magen frmii I uil ur.OHhd. Kêmerhber that nn , ' oiih r prfñp thmiciht, uUered b' tt puront1 lip, m:iy operu'e upon tho fcmng lieert lifc il caiclc-B npray ■ wwter thrown [ipcn ]oli!)ed rtetfj - Md fïiug il wiih i-is; tthioh no scuiuig OUD cthiCO. J Tlie r.fSeinl fonting op of all tbéTappropnaMoi'.s R3'.ao by tbp last 1 gross i# $39.1,000,033.


Old News
Michigan Argus