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iisriíw oooJDs. BACH fcPlERSON I!;ivr IjisJ opened thuir SEC0NDSP1ÜNG STOCK and offer : CMOICE SKLECTION Of Ssasonabls Goods, including all Tlie ftewesi Sfyles LADIES'DRESSGOODS, Clotlis, Domestica, Staples, G3OCEKIZS, &zd-3 We Bought for Cash and wül bell FOR CASH O R READY PAY, flt very CJSJUL, AZNTD SEE! BACH A PIERNÓN. Ann Arbor, May 15, lfGI. SCHÜFF & MIL LEU A RESTII.l. ON'IIAND at tllüirolü Stand, A No. 2, Frar.ldin Elcck, wiíh complete assortir.ent of Books and Stationery, PEIíFUMERIES, F ANC Y GÜODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, KOLLEES, C0EDS, TASSELS, GIJr CORNTOKS, OÜRTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oücred in this Market ! and ti'.cy would suggt'SÍ tOthoseiD puirfuit i.fanyí]iingín S'A lYTA C LA US' LI N E that they can seoure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by piirchaAing from this stock, a iach purchaser Lotf id additional present ol' Jewelry, &o. , J.íangiug iii valué trom 50 ot6. to $50. &-]" Thíytriiit that theirloog etpeneuce in selectlntí gnotls fu-, iliis marVet.and tttrlcl atieation to tbe rauta ot Outomorit, may eiitille Uem t- a Ubosal liare ", Aon Albor, !)"!. 6. 1800 777tf LIFE 1IMSUK,aNCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insaraned Company. Accuuiulated Capital, - Só', 500,000. WlJ.LIN.-fL lïr; LIVK3 for any amouní not exci'pllng S '..-u whole term ofUfe orfur a term of years, on thí moat favorable tei ni . K. Ú The CoiBpany ia purel mutual and the policj holdere gt lü I lie sur plus ovec t!ie exact cnt of inr,i;rsnoe tl accoinodateM the insnrMl i fbe settlemétíl of [iremiuuif ON í.lKK PüUCIE, if denired, by tnfelng a Bote Éwr oue UaLffcUe amuuut, heining iateteat a.L üu pur cent, i't-r minum. Dividendê are Dcclared AnnvnVy! and f-.ince they now nmouiit to kiktv per cnt on the preïvjiiir.). 2asli un.] note, utiíi are mcreasiug they iiKiy bo npp!i60 +o cancel the note. The TiiU-n of premiums nreaalow as auv otber re spoiiMitlc Cono pan? and the üirge itccuniulated fini'l if $0,500,000 U securcly invcíítt'il, ns rüftl be -■■n by rvfercucc lo the stut oinetjt made ftcoordtng tfl lnv, on filo in Utooffloftofthe County Aun . ,i JAMES ;UO1AV1N', Prest. Gcy R. riiKLPS.Pocy. ForpftrtioDiawaprljito JAMi:s r. TATPON, 7Col gent at Aun Arbiir, Mich. Grcat Reduction in the Price of SINGO & CO.'S Standard Machines . W'ell known lo be the Best for Manufactwiny l'urpvsc. No. 1, Slandnird 'Shuttle MachinA forinerly shJ Dt 00, reduceH to 87o. No. 2 it' sume kind of Muchine, for merly so!d at $100, reduced tu 875. SINGER'S LETPER A MACHINE Ia tbe best Machine ii the irorld for Family Sewlng and Llght} tu ring Piuryoaca ; íwitn Hemmerj and beautifully ornameuttd $50. Tho Nüh. ! ;iii'i - Müchínes are of great capaelty and appiioatioa Por man ifactutipg pitrpüfceí, ÜurNu. 3 Machftnw are BÜpecially' a4apted to all k'hida uf liglit tnl hcav} Lethor ork, lo r. rrlae Trini' miof , liont and Sboe Uaklog [íarvvM WaktmCieto,etc. TUey areol extra hz-, and v,lh . n arm loqg euoygh to tabe under it and ititób tha largent ::'-- deslíes. Tbero is sc:iri;'.-ly any part t a Trimmers1 8tltohing cbat eanuot be beítijr done yith thcni tlian by hajnd ; 50, too the Baving ot tiuiü Rd labor i ve-y -ri:it. fbetsbleof :. aebnea ta 91 loches longmand tho shuttle wrill hold mx hmestb usual quantit.v'oi Uiread. Tiielarge workö ai fast&B snuill ul)Q4 Wtí would abk Tór our A MáclSto&t, the iecialatttjntlon of Vest, M.tktTw and Drena Haken and all tbose who want Uaoillnoi for l!fmaitafatíuringpurposen . Thty enibf!y the prídoi)leii uf the ítundard niuchitii-, tnatiiiiLí tike tht w tii' ía(p(Í(t;kC4l líitch, ui-l are di-stined to be as oelóbruted for Famii.y Hi;wi.í; i l liglu manufajBi uring purposes :■- oor Btáooard nincbiiiea fut ntanuittïLiuhig purpasi; In genei .il Wf haye abrftys on hand, hbhhjxg 1 i.-r r.iNt.N ANii etn roa tukbad dm rfooL&, mat voluira on lo Uottlex, etc., ote. We ii]:ui;iüiciuiP our own Mëedlts,aad wouM w;irn all uslog ouímtfohlnea nottoh.iy mv oIIut-í. We kaow tliitt tberu are oeedles soid öf tir most luftrior aualUy at bjgher príces than neclianí 1 tur the best. ïbe ueeiiles suld by un are toan ufa ctu reo 'specíally fnr our ma í.ine. .1 SaSneclcma$ rendir iht bc-it machine almost nsdes. Our outftomoni may rest assurcd that jil. "ur Branch Offices are íurnUhed witb tlio ' genulne activé " Ín ot sniiill purchases, tho mvne) muy bfl scat in po-tufnt fetump, 01 bank notes. ipoüucntti will ptoasí; write t het mames distfnetly. It u ali inpnrtant ve ihould, inoaonoaao, Itno the Post tilico, County, am) State.. ÜST A-l persona requírhig Information ahPutSewiög Hacblnea thel" alze, pricefl, vrorklng oapacltlefl, and tü bost metbdds of 1 uiclinsiii};, can obtaio it ti y sendiag to e-, r.r -ín ni our BiinchOilices for u cpy oí I. M. Singer & Co.'í1 Gazetto, Whích is a beautlfiíi rlctorial Paper entirely devoted to the Kubiett - It wi btseitt gratis. W'e h.ivo maído tb b3re REDUCTION IN PRICES wilh the two fold vlew of beaefillug_tbepabboanxlour Bolves. T!if public have been winjöbvl M bpjucious machi ues made in tmitutioii 01 ours. T-.t mcíiU in tlnm, fröm the ir axting to tho umAllest péíce, 1 o! poor qu-ility. Tln-ir ÜWkfTB ÍSKW DUt tïst means to 1í their worb wreil. ï!li-v ñreh r.vnv in secret placen, whoie it woul'i be Irapóáslble t" have ;it thcir comfnnnd th'p prop er mccbanica.1 ftppÜADces. 11 u OUlj by floing :i prpat lnis:[ior;s,tmi ha ving i'x it-iKivc manufacturing eatablishments, that irood machines oan be made atnuutei'ftipvict'H. TI,-' beul rleidgncd tn icbineéi IiAlH.Y ÍÍADE, are ulwayK li:ib!t t fí1-I ut of ordr, and aresur lo ooftt coiisi'le::ibW' Iroubleaud monev to ktreptbeni in repodre '1 lio qnaUÜes to be loDked for in ji Machine ure : c -r talnty of correct aoiion atall ratea i Bpeednlmplfcity ol coiistruottnn., greal dutabi'itjt, aiuLrapidH; I ppeintiotí, with tbe leaSt labor. Machinen to roí ■ 's-.mti:il quftlítií'P, must bc Dmd-of tltc best me al bad Ö ni sil' d lo perf' ct:on. Wo have llio ay atid moanti, on )i granjéenle, to do this. Tho [uirchasers ot" machines, tvhosp'iru'lv brend ii may concern, will find tbat tbose bavlpfftbe abfixojialitien not only worfc cll nt rai'l a wt'H as r!w rulen t' spewlbui lasi longer in tli (inf.-t possible irorking firder, Our inachiw , ;is made by il-, will earn natirc omney wilh lena limr ilniii iiy ui)ht wluM lnr m fmM1 un o" on rs or imt , In fuct, they arechca oer thfin any "ther maclnnesaagift. " I. M. -JNi-KK . CO., 4&8 Hp'.Ldwiiy N-wVm-:. Bfir Pfltroit Olfico, 5S Yooav;tid Avenuo, (Mt-rrill niock.) éiitf M. H. fiOODRíCIT, Agervt, Ann Albor, Oyal Picture Trailles AU.I.K, srVI.KS and PMOEg jubt received and fori-ilt cbÁpai CHOFF & MILLER'S. Ayer's Cathartic Pilla II O R A C E IV AT E R S , A G B ft T 3 3 3 Rroad w a y , N w York Pnbii-iur ofMiti le ftnc'l .iiíait iíh:j Al) pttÉH I Pianos, Melodcons, Alejandre Organs Oygási Accordeons, Mftrtiu'pcc! tod and othet Quitare, Violitw, Tenor Viel; Viciliincellotj, Accordeons, Flutinus, Flute, Eife, TrianglosClnri inetts, Tilhing Pot ks, Pipos andHnmmerft, Violiu Üows, best I tal - ian Strinpff, Basa Instrumenta for Bun de j Piano Stopin. and covers, anti all kindn of Musical Inbtrumeot8. ÍS lx o o t IttE xx S i o, f:iii UI tli? publisbers In 11. S., BcrUnl's Huntin's, and Modern Solido!, ttad afl kinda ui Inntructiou ■',,-.:■.■ for the iilmvt inntrümenta; Otíxttch Hutfl Bodes: Muic I v lwmul; Mtuie iapei-, and all kiuds cf Muhic HerchaudUe, A t t iie Lowcst Prices. V e IV í' a ii o , At Hf6( W00, $336, $350, anti up to $$00. tfecoud i .i i Piano firoin L".'5 uj t iiluU; .s'.-,v bfetodeonif, $4ó(' $C0, $75,510', and up te J00; heeond Hand Meludeona htm SitO to $80; MexandreOrganA, wlrh Bvo stp. $160, iitnestopa, $185 and $225; thirtoi n stops, $'50, 3-75 and ;...■.. (,,!,., n . $::_hi itu-i $376: A liberal ducount ■.. :■:, iuirclu-s, Etabbatti Schuols, 8ei and ïi lüUera. The Traiie eujipiicd attlieusual linde i'.i ICOQDlH Testimoniáis of tHe Hornee Waters Piano &iid Melocteotts. Jfilin Hcwi-ti, of CjirtlKtfff, N'ew York, who has liad one of the Uoraci Watera l (anoe. irrites foUom: - " A frifii'l of mine irishaa ïuc t purchaafc a piano 'or her. sbe lil.v-, i you old me in Deectbher, TSiiri. My piaao la becoming popular lo thU pbiop, and I thiuk I c;in Introducá one or two more; tm-y wriU uu uiurt poi;uii r tliüP any m;ikt!.'' "Wc havo two "f Water ' Manon i ose In purSeml aary, oiie of whtrb hUs been tevcreiy teste! for Uiree yc;trn. and wp cao téftit v to theif grtoii quality ftp.d duraüility."- Woud ft (Jregory, Afoun' Carroll, Ui. 'H, WalèW, Csq. - lih.K .-ii:: Haring uéO one.f ynur I'iano Kortf.s Vor t.vo yvars ;i.i. i have fooud it a vt-.-y xuperior Inslrumnit. AVOMQ (-:av, ' Bróoktftv Rri$hu Sstniaarf. "The Piano I received from yo noutinjufia ' trivc s;itItfaotion. l regard It asoné of the be( inAtruments in the place." Ja.mi- l„ ('i..m:kic. f'itarkU)ut Va. Mfhe Mètodeon has mi iVlv nrnveu. l feel oll:jreii to jiu fory r liberal discount." liev. J. I. MiXoKMick, YartitítscilícS, C. "Titu nimo téi duly rftoeived. Itoam in excoiu-ni conditton, mul is very much admirad ivinv inum'nnr i'ümilv Accept mv tkanktt fr your pnnnptuess.1' - lïiiHKUT GooPEBi Warrmkam, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Vour piano pleaoea s wel). It is the best ,me our county."-TaoMaa ■ Latqah, CamptHum, Ga. "Wo are very mucli Obllnd to y0ï foT liv los utMit RMcta a fine instrument for $'-50." - Dkaxk,IÍklu í: Co., "Tlib 1 ii'. .n-o V;iters Pianos aro known ns ainonjc 1 1 1 = - ivtry betit We are euftbled i" RpMkk of tliese in1runM'iit.i u iili eonfldence. from personal knowlcdtre of tlieir exoe)ln1 tonp and ilumble qualfty." - N. Y. KnangJiH. , "Wecjui spenh of tlie merite f Uu ÏTorace Wiiii-i ij. snosfroin personal knowlelge, h bou-.g the reiy linest I quality."- ChrUtfah Int&Hgenect. i;Tiie Horaoe WaU pianos are ouüt of th bwt and rliotuUL'li! v seasoned materïni. we bee no doubt rct1, beCtér( a( th&thfto at ai,. oth rlio LHe in the tTnion;" - Aévooati4Jnsnwi. ■--,' pianos H nl melodgonH cliallenpfe cotspariRon witli tb Önest nau Ie anywiióre ín tbe oounlry." - fom "Horuce Wutats' Plano Fortes are of fuH. rich au even tone, and powerful - Y. kfugtcai Rencw. "Qlf frlcndn wl ! Bnd al Mr. Wati re' Blo iiie very best atntortmenl 'it fcíiwíc and of Pianoí tobe found in (frutal Siatei,And a urge outbern and wewtern Í frifinis to him a cali wheaoter thcygotoXew ; York." - Graham's Magazivt. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell. 1OO .OOO Issre.1 in ten Montlis. Tlie unprcce'lenlfd ale ofthiiboobhM tndueed th publisher to add noiiw 80 new tunenand hymns tu ite pree ent size, without axtnt Charge, except on tlit clieap edition- Among the many beantiful tunes and hymns mïded mav be fu.m.ï :- '■ l ougbt to love my mother ;'J "0111 . !,.■ s (jood cliild, indeed í u-ill." Theee-aod etgbt others j frnm Bnwere iiungfci theSunday Sohooli uurai .;;...■ oJ the ■ ■ urch at the Academy of Musfe, with great applause Tlie Dell ooi tains nearïy 200 tunea and }ivmii,nn-l iftone of Ihe bwt coHeehons verisnued. Prïcfl 13c; 610 pirhundi-ed, posiafre4c EWgany buanA. embosca rííí, -J5:. $-0 jipr 1U0 Et haft been introduecd jntomanyof tlie PublicSe1 jIs. TJit; e is published in 11 numberfl entltled Annlvmvi! y -,n Sui;liy Schunl MusicBoobt Nofl. 1,-, 8, 4, in urlerto accomraodate the milUuu; prke 92 & 3 per hundied No. 5 Hl sooube Iteued- commenceiaeni of another book. a-m. Reyival UuhIo Booa, No, 1 i; -, JriOfl $1 íc 2 per loo. p-siaLrp lc. More Um.i 300,000 copias of tlie dbovi booka have been iiwued the pt 1 eightAO monlliB, anü tlie dexuajul is rapidly iucrcuEiiii PuulUusd bv HDRACEWATERAfcent, 3S3 Urnadway, N. V. Publised by Horaco Wato's o, G3Í BfOdwvy New YorK. Vocal, "Kind Wordacan oeverdiev ''Tl. e Angelatold (,,■■ so;" "Wildo of. tlie ftVsl;" "Thoogbta of fiod;"1 M3iv.i me bsch (nj Wountin Iliiuie;'' "finy Dreams;'1 'Mamlj CockRobin;" 'Tm wüli Uieo still : ■TetAaoietf; ;" "ThüfèVno dar Intf tTie mi&;M l-iah Jane Lea;' 'Ev. pr of tii1-:'" "l'm leHvinir in florrow;" "Blfdof Beauty;" ''lliimf of uur brth;f1 "Grave f Roéabel,'1 and Waké, l.; , w,.k(-v' price 25c eaoh. 1 ïNSTRrMKTAt. - ' 'Palace Garden, or tn(ftng Bird Polka. 40CÍ 'Swingin ;i-:'' 'Mirabel Schottiscli:" Thomas Bakert Schot tischp;'1 "ltecotomini Polka. 86 certa each. The above piecharebeaatiful Viffnüttee WeUuer PUta;' "Arabian Wai ory M;tvcli." the vei v In -t; "V:i-n íítiki Donfetlí Mr.urka ; 'Ri I: in-r Polka ;" 'Crinoline Walt," and ♦Lancera' Qn drille,"25c uu-h. "The Empire of Reich's Q ladrille;11 a new díuine. aníl 'Tlíe Milwrnlan Quadrille,11 Sftceach. Mauy of these piece? arc pluyed by Baker 6 oelebrated eroUei ra nith K"lílt applru.áf' lUHed free. A targelot of Foreign Muaic ai half prtce. pianeü, Mc!oilri!s and Qrgaiw The Horace Waters Piano and'Melodeons, for 'lepili, pur: i y of tone and fluraWUty, are unsnrpaased. Pricn very low ooond Hand IManoM ad Melodeons from $'-'5 to $160. M ii sic aud Musical Enntrueiionii -f .-ill kiods, aithe lüwest prices. HÜIUCK WATERS, Attent, Ko. 3:13 Broadway, N. V, TR9TiH0ïUTL; - lThe Water l'iauos are known a amone; thevt-ry best.1 -Fvantfdht, "Weoan peal; of their merite fïoin persnal knowleigf," - Christien nUetufcnctr. J'Nothlnpat the Fair .Ürj.I; ved gveater excellflnce -"- Ckurrkman. Waters' Pinnos and Hftloueona ehAllüngecompai-i.sou with tlif 4cest made anywhei'e in the country." - Home JrmnuU. ïlWf LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succe-sors to Cliapin & Luomis,nnlChipin, Tripp & Loomii - - n HT]ah(ve firm of Loomta & Tripp having purcïiiisft the entlre intatrat of tlie fonuer comf:e wil: contlnuf (lic businem ai thecld tand, where they uil! r.aily, 'n the shortent n;tice, tn fill ail onk-rh in tin line nl ' Castings and Machinery, in tlie most workmanlikw mannor, and on as libera terms ah anj other hoP ín the State. Amoog the vari ous artlcleFma'nufaetured by us. we ironld enumérate STEAM ÈNGÏNKS of all Icinfls; Mili Gearing nntl Flxturea, vroughxand uiint; alltlie varlous caatlngs fop muking and repairing Iíoise Powers &Thrcíshinií Machines sticb as are at present, or have fonnorlj lü?eu in use in tliia part of thetftate,&s welt as all the vurioufi kinds ei casting? and muohiiw work oaUedftirJjy farmáD juid méchame inthis sectlon of the cnn ry. of ali the rafioQi patferua, up In siz'.snnilprict's.ii]i be ;., .,1 ,-..!.-T:iiiily i-u h:i(I,got the most modern aud improved siyli. Thankful for former patronage to the oM 0rniRtw vk,1'! suticit :i coutinuanco from ld friondsjand atrial by all-wifthing forauythiüff in our ïineof bosioi LOOMIS A TRTPP. Ann Arbor.Mar ISth, 1859. Ö07tf TIIüESIIIiVG MACHÍN hS. IHTE.VÏliD AM) MAN'UKACTrHEI) I1Y Nichols & Sheppard, Uattie Creek, Alich. Improved for the Season of 1862 Ia this Sep iritov tbe r.'in is scwi'.it"0 frin the tnw by ui liftingilligers, tbat t"- tlio Ktraw up anti l.)vi! wiih 11 --U'liK n ni.iii'iu irmn the time it lei re Ihe .-■- n . r imtil it ■ ■■'', au ! tlie fc-'i" faliri througb a Imttimi dl r lata, cU' ir fr.mi 1]if elniw. The paris contaiuiLg tiiL-r Angora aud the ti'l gruin bottumare inrii' tu ribrato "i" winï tïACRArd aad tot ;ml, whicli works Viv tl'a' tí tho stuckcr ni'l tlie gfuiqtoOiQ Mfvr.s The HMpenorUy üf tlns machine orvr uil nthi'r-i cönsiBtH in it-t Purfect Miniii'iitidii nf (.iiititi T'; m Ptraw, G-reat imiil:i'iU - liiiviir; m pleklt{ OJ li.'üïfrs to o.l"g lip. -ml lciS IDttObinery thm any othcr mach ne uuw Orfat canacltrt a It w'U i frt? wh"n ctnwdea. Pei feci oleaner, ii.t ing l-ir'-i" 8el 8 ;.m anj other, ■.i y dralt , cotjtrucu-d, ninple :ntl Surablp. rennsykaniti Iron Ilorse Power. W;innni(-fl to t'e thf !■:!! -ri' I'(vcr itt use. Uftde with úoud ni ii' n trun' as preferied l' anil niresber ol M cln:.-ui ! We ofr.T yoo t Iill' MA'"II1S'K IX (JSE. Blte; Hum i'i t-', II.iH's Fowlerville, or auv macbiafi huilt ni their prtacfples lf urn niliinl n n mat' .me. ejf iiuy kij.r] get a painphlet of us ta uur AgeJit. an-1 sati-t'y yoarteif. - l'amiihlet eut f:te. Cali .1:1 ..- .!!'-- MCJ1O1.S i SHEl'l'ARD, Bütt e Creí Á. Mich-gan. Or Si. RO"KK, nr MVIKiV i:.sil. .. 11 1 - . Ann Arbor;(.r I. V. Wakkx.i.v, h ut , Dexter. f50m3 Money t Leurt. r('.N ITBNH! MONhY od rcasuuublo tirms and tlan - . wMiit;. I '.V. MORCAN. 1 Aas arboi IIi Í2, IS69. 3C.".f '


Old News
Michigan Argus