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-L lie croccdile, if tbe soaly o',d Iiypocrite lie is represetited to be, shoulil bo aceredited with siniles as well as tears. False smiles are, in tact, mucli more coinmon thau flse tears. It is the eusiost thing in the world to worl; tho sinile, whilo onlya few giftttd iodividaalu have aüñjiucnt wuïuoaod over ther eyes. to weep at wül. Few great tragedianc, even, have the knaub of laying on the waters of afflietion impromptu; hut wlio ever s:iw a supernuiijerary batjdit that oould not " isujíIq, and sinile, and hc i villain," or a cliorussiager or a balletgiri that did iiot lonk as if sUe had uot been in wly-ticklud acxoas tke lips with u siraw V Of artificial smiles, there are a groater nuinber ihan -we have spaoe 10 c!assiiy.- The Countea of Belgravia hxs her receiviug sraiíc, a superb automatic effect. Oouut Fa:o, the aistiaguialied foreignor, wlio is tryiog Iondcni this yeur becauao Uaden-Uadeu dtfegn't agree with liini, ehuffljs the with a siaila t!iat distraéis everybedy's atteiUion from Lis flnsrers. Miss ]J.agnet, wliose heart and üps dissolved partnership in very eurlv lifé, makes suth a Capid's bovrr of tho lattor whouever au " elyible match" approauhes, that fo. tunes nutter arouud her like moths round aflame, 'Lhe Iïon. 3Jr. Verisopht, wl)o wants to got into ParTtament, cultivates a popular sinila. In short, siuiiing ia a regular busitiess-accomplishuient of thousands of people ■whose souls have no telegraphio comipi}nication with their lips. Bat, en iho other lia':d- thank hcaven ! - there are a goodiy nuraber of peopie who suiile booausa they cau't help it - whosH happiness, bubbüng up from their heart, runs over ia siniles at their lips, or bursts through tbum ii! joyful laugliter, And there is a u.Serence batwecn the false and the true svijibo.1 qf joy, thut euables the keen observer to readily dist iiiguish the ona from the other. The natural oxpression of delighf; varíes with the emotion thst gives rige tt) it, but tho countorfeit sigilo is a stereotype, and the ioue of a hypoorite's laugh uever varies.


Old News
Michigan Argus