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Jntcüigeuco lias boen received from various sourcèi that the oneniy ba sueceeded iu evadhig or forcir.g the unes of the Confedérate bctiroen Mnnattas and VVasbingtoD) and ïoachod Arliugtoa its witli tlit wreek of liis army.- - 'Phis story lacks eonfirmation, but it vouice froin so mnny quarters that we L-ar it coiitninR but too umch tiuth. - Wc know (toni the Northern prfss thnt it jvua the iuteiitioD of their generáis, if deteated on tlie Bappahanaoek, to retire i') Arlingtoti Hekiüs. there to rmtw ilio War of the apade, utid ro-foriS thoir broken legiooi mid new linos düiiüg tb winter. Hut it as tlio hope aitd belief oí country tliat tLo arrangetueut of i'ue Coiifnideïute lE(lers had been such ? would liavo coiiipletflv foiled that ]-l:m. Il' li.e luw of their BQCCCfsful teireat iu Arlingtou Heightsia confirinid, it wiil bc anoilinr of those many disappointniuuts whieh we havo liad ti support, mueli resembling, and uerly as graat aa liie cseape of McClellan after the battle ol Cold Harbor and Malvern Hül. i Bi:t f .t is iinioed irue. wc hope tliat our foei themsolvts wiil be disappointed ! i;i their 'ex[eetati)ns ot' a afo'C Of ' ingt'.in 'i'he chiei prize of the late victories is DOt the possessiou of that city, ut the opportuuiiy whioh tlioy would j seeiu to fiord for (he eoinmentf inent of an offeiisive oauipHÏgo in the eneim's country. 'J he capturo of .Washington would produce an immense sensation. bat if unat tended by an iunncdiate advancc into rcui.svhaiiia, and a mctiaee of thu Nortliero capital, it is impossible to s:y that the faid BonsatioB would be ritogelher and neccssarily to our advuutage. It would be a prodigiJns mortifica! ion to the North, but wotild bot cosí it a Fatal, or evee a serious, loss ot" strength. The n;oral theck ui glit pcssibly occasion uegotiatiüna for peacc; but, if tho Northern people powcM any real courage, it would more ivobabiv result in n general rush to arm:-. P)BS8Íon of Washington is enly desiratjle as the open door to invasioi;; and ifit i.s cffeetually closed agaipst i:.s by tho oceupation of Arlingtou, we hope that this precious scason wiil not be euüsumtd ia pickiiig tho lock or battorini; it down, wiiile tho wall is full of brenches tbrough whieh yu may pass as m eü lieason indicates that the aim and ob ject of the Confederaov at this stago cf the war is, or should be, a transfer of hosiilitios 10 the enemy's soil. It is in Jact a matter of iiccessiiy that we should do su. It is difficult tu gc !io,v no enormous araiy can bo eiibsisted in Northern Virginia dnring the coming winter. - Evcrything that it cousameá wiil nave to be tran.spm-ted there from preat distancoS; tot it is no'.v lilerally aa nrmy in thu desert. Few w'uo have iiot visited it know the cxtent to which this unfortunate pnrtion of tiie State han been ilesoiatcd. At tho CLid of eigbtean moDths it has boen rodueed to a conüition nearly resombling tbat of Middle Gcrmanj, alter the tliirty years" war. The druiní and trattfpttagB of tlree corciiest3 have not prodaced elsewhero tire ravages and wasto which the strtiirgle oí tho Southern and thu Northern liosti b.ive causeé in Piedmont, Virginia, durínpj the pust uud present Buuimèrs. It wilí take one liundiL'd full yearí to restore that country to tbe c-indtion iu vrhich tho war fou;id it. DescrteJ ns it is by tlio mnjonty of its inhabitantï, it is üot onsily perceived how the seattered remainder of ita population hope to escape etatvatiou during the coming winter ; and the niaictenaneo of in Rftnv of olio hundrud and ö f tv thouanJ tuou tlioro, dopfnilont OU a Slngletrack railrcad, wheu the winter has rendered the other highwuys impassuble, will be au experiment not less dangcrous than costly. Even if that diffieully could be overeonu', it is evident tbat our army cannot waste its time in pvotracted opera tions for the possess-ion of a frontier city, uuless it desirea to loso tho only oppoitunity to make a real approach to tho end of tho war that we bftve i;ad siuce the be ginning of it. Such a delay would be uil that the enemy nnuld now dusire; for it would give hini just the time neoessa ry to orgauize a:id 'uring up his new army of bíx hundred thousand uisn; and while Washington sliould bo ueitlier clearly lost nor won. but a prize stil! at stake between the two eouutrics, tho difficulties of r:ii?ing tliat new army would be great ly alleviatcd. If ire cannot taks tratlung'on by coup de mam, ü must Ie ht to take care of ittplf. Tlt truc goals of our course are the ddiveranre of Maryland and the invasión vf Penn.illctinia ; and, i f we ever have an honorable treaty of peace with the United States, it will be signed on the enemy's territory and uot on our soil. War is a game of chance, there are uoaecountable runs of good and bad kick In tlie Jatter part of last winter and in tlie beginning of the spring, we had our scason of evil fortune. Mighap succeeded mishap, loss followed loss, and disaster pursued disaster in a meluncholy series, so long and unbroken that the üonfederacy could reaüze the sensatio'is of Macbeth, when bo asked : " Sliall thy line stretch out .to crack of doom ?" The tables are dow turned ; tlie cards run the other way. The North hos now its dismal peason ; wh lo tho winter of our discoutont is turced to glorious sumjner. Splendidly vietorious in Virgini; our first organized advance nto Kentucky is aitiO inarked by a suecess oven more brilliant. though of less ïuugnitu'le. The battlo near Richniond, Ky., although ten thousand only ot' the eaemy wet'e engagod, i oue of the most encouriig'ug incidonts of tho war, if tho report which the tclegraph brings is iudeed true, tliut the Kentuoky regnnents which the enetnv had raised by compulsory enrollment, marched over to the side of their conipatriots to dclivor up the arms whioh their tyrants bud furced i nto their hands., A largo proportioii of the new levics of the North ara to be drafted from the oppressed populations of conquared Southern States- Jïury land, Kontuoky, Missouri, and Tcnnesee. AVu now know what tlie troops will be worth to the DO and to ui?, and can indulge the hope that thcy will organizo, orín and equip as manv more reginwnts from those States ds the arru-beariug population will afford. The Keutuoky victory appearj to be so complete that we fear the details may weaken the iinpreseion that it leaves Bat it is at least ertain that we are vic torious in Kcntueky. und that our troops are upou their way to LexiugtOD. In the West as well as in the East, tho Binile of fortune is manifest, and the mesters of the nrt of v;ir a;i-ee with otlicr gamblors, that luc!; shouíd be pushed. - Tbe N. V. Eteniíig PoH K'ils a large story of the (reales ol liglitniug in iïniuco. A young eirl was Kiruek by ligbtuing and obaaged into boy. ■hei'oujx.ii i Western paper tftr iiaike: "Th vory tbing wsmted i tliis vieiuity. Our women me auxious ti) culist, but undw eicisting aiecu-instanoei tic governmenfwill BOt receivu them. - Pasa that ligbtung romu!. uiiJ Ut's have íí.. objei-tiöii rcmovoA.'


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