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The City Of Ann Arbor And The State University Of Michigan

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The city of Ano Arbór on Úw. line ui the Michigan (Vntral J. R., so.iiö forty miles from Detroit, m tlio site of oiie ol the noblest educutionul institulioiis of the United otates, ytjt few who travel thiit road, evB wlien uiibaras.-od by buaratjss cares, dt'fem tho piuco thy oi a vi?it. It is a Hoe tmvn wkli beautiful rotiiilf-nceH, noblo old shadü lrKj and a reíined, in'ellectuul socioty - u univcisily lowfl in fact, delighllully rural, vet cömbiniog most of tho advuntugex ui the old eueteni oollegesites. We (iu-s'ioii muü!) if the olussic jriiincts of J'lutu's KI Academia wero moiu filted i'or iinparting t h at culll) tnuuta] ftioüiig so essentiul tü tho süccess of tho student. Tho toivn nuinbors Komoeix thousaml iijhubitaiiti, and íh tlio couniy seat of that peculiar); fertile and agrioultttrafv ïich scction of Jtichigon inciudüd withta the limit of VVushtonaw County, and yet, withai, a perfect rus in urbd, where the inhabij tants load, duiing the vaualion, a Idreutuy, ideepy-hollow ort of a liíe, but are active and wida-awnke I enough duiing tho "semesters" of tlie I Univi'isity. Tho peopleof the Stato of Michigan, inste;ui ot wnsting tlieir noblu appi'o I pnution from tho Gonerul üovorninent, by dividing it among tlio various relig ious sect., Ihcreby creatrog a nu nber of miiiur ooileges thioughout the State, wisely resolved upon the endowmeiit of one Univemity, comprehensivo in iï.s curiculuin of study and liberal and göfieroua in it govennnent. Henee, we tind in the town of Ann an iníilitution oí whii'.h the oofmiioowealth, as well the wbolo country mm' well be proud. Organizad on toe b"asiá of tho Frussian system - oniveYeuHy adiuitted to be the wisest and most benelicent o iill üducatiooal schemes - it is the ennvning glory of her Uèautiiul uid uselul mlilio Bchot)! System. It eomprehenda a corps of twenty neven protèdxors and asatstanta - ibutruotora in the various depnrtmuDts of law, medicine, pt;ilosophy and litnralure, whieh ooDlitut i university pruper and dïntinguish it trom the Colleges of the United States. The buildings are Inrge and commodious, si;uated in the centre o!' a larga campus, end compriew a litorary department, n law depnrtm"ent, une of' medicine, one ol' practical and applied ehemistry, and ono of practical astronomv, each with tho pnruph,örnalia and appurtonances re(jiiiitc fór tboroogh in?ti'uctioji. Tbe libiary number'j soiri ten thousand; thé museums ai e well supplied witli spi-'ciirjiiiis of natural I. istoiy - the resdts of the varjous setentifio surveya óf the State, as wöil üs ol judicious puro.iiase - tógëther with specimens oí tnorbid and natural anatoiny wbich wil! delight tho most enth'isiastio student of medical fcienco. The analytical laboratory is tho best arranyed and most complete in the U";iited States, and has working rooin for over iixty students. The expense lor any one courso at this inslitution are but slight, being bilt ffve dollars por year with a rnatiicuiatton feo of ten dollars (paid but anee), in aclclition to tho orciinary experrses of board, etc. The instituUon !s an annual income of eomo 40,000, mainiy derived from tho interest ol certain fonds ücruing iro;n the sale oí thc landa of two towiiahipa grarrtöd by the United States Government for the endowineiit oí a Stute Collega. lts cata logue last year showed sin attundance of over 600 students in the several dopartnients, frpaj all sections ol' the Xortii.


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Michigan Argus