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Great Battles In Maryland

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HeaJquarters Anny of tho Fotomac,) Thre rnüea Ueyond MiddletODj Septi 14-9.40 1. II. ) H. W. Halieck, Oeiuralin -Cliicf. Alter a very révere engagement, thu corps of Gen. Hooker and Gen. Huno have carried the huight.s commanding. Hegerstown ruad by storm. The Iroopa behiivud mngniticentiy. Thoy never behavcd better. Gun. Frunklin lias liu.-n hotly engáged on the extremo lelt. I do not ki'ow tho rosult, excupt that uring iudicatea progresa on his part. The nction cnntinucd till after dark and terminated in leaving ua in passessioii of tho crost. It has buun a glorious victory. I cannot teil w hut her tho Boemy ill retreat during ihe n:gtit, or appear in inoreased foroj in thu raorBing. I regret to add, that tbe gullant and able Gen. Reno is killed. GEO. B. HoULELLAN, Major General. Headijuarters Army of the Potomae ) 8pt 15.- 8 A. M. 5 To H. W , HaUeck, Gonoral-in Cliicf : I have jus!, lonrned frötn Gun Hooker in tlie advanee, who states that tlio infuriTiation is poriuctly roliable, that lliii enoiiiv is inakmg for the rivier in a perfect panio, nnd Gun. Loo slated last light publicly that he must adfnif that they had beun shockingly whipped. I aui liurrying everylhing fofward to endeuvor lo pruss their rotreat to tho utmost. (.Signod) GEO. B. McCLELLAN. Headquaitera Anny of the Potoraae, 8pt. 15-9 A. M. ) To H. W. Hallock, General in Obief: I am happy to infdrfn you that Gon. Franklin's succes oti the left wing was as complete as that on thu centro and rigbt, a-od resultad n his gutting posneesiou ot the Gap áfter a severe engagement in all parta of' the line. The troope, old and new, buhaved uiih the utmost eteadiness and gallünt ! ry, oafryiiig, with bat littlü as:stp.;,co frotn om1 own ai'tilii-ry and Lruatatry. I do not consider our loss very se vero, The corps of Gen. D. II. Hill and Longstruet were engaged with our right. We have taken a consderable niiinbet" of pi'isoners. Tho entmiy disappean.'d during the night. O;ir troo)s u-o now advancingin pursuit, iuul do nol know where ho uext wil! be fonnd. (Siyned) GEO. B. MoCLELLAN, Major Genc5ial. Headquarter3 Army of '„ïie potomae,? 3ept. 15-10 a.M. S To H W. Halleck, Geueral ia Chief : ■ Informalion this moment reeeivec conipletely confirms tho root and de moralization ot' tho rebel army. Gun Lea is roported w'ouoded and Garluno killed. Goneral Hooker alone has over l,00( more prisoners, 7UU having buen sen to FreHcrirk. It is stated that Lee gives his loss as 15,000. We are iollowiog as rnpidly as the men can move, (Signed) GEü, B. ilorLELLAN, il.'ijur General Washington, 8ept. lóth. Tho Star statos that nt 9 A. M. to duy, ihe engagement at Buriuüdu'ti po .sition had not bfien renowe'j. Ho was then in undisputed posession of the utlvanUtgeoua ponition on the rpountnin frotn which hu droye the etiemv the night bèfore. Tho fuing thatcom menced at.daybreak to-day, was an at tack of ibe onumy on Frauklin'a corps on the rond to Hurper'u Ferry. Ni direct comirimiioation was had wilh that corps ut 9 ü'clock tliiá morning Tho telegraph operator at Point i'.f liocka, reporta that Franklin was heavily eng ged this morning soine miles in front of liim (the operator.) The divi sion of army corps that yesterday rnorning ocuupieu Hagerstown, was not in yusterdny's nction thougb it has re'traued its steps in order to be in the light to-day. Neither Sumner's corps nor Conch's división wis in acion yestcjrdav, though both are doubtlesM snpporting Franklin to-dt.iv, as th-y irere in position co do po yesterdoy. The Army corps of Filz Jhn Porter passcd through Frederick to-day at 8 A. M., and was to have arrjv.ed on tho battle field at dood. Rebels vvho vvere in tho fight eavs that Beau regard expeoted tójoin thetn to-duy 'ith an army corps 40,000 strong. We have no dea that nny such espectation of theirs can bu reali.ed. liurnside'8 posin'on, won frorn the enemy in yestenlay's battle, cotntnands the only road from Il-igorstown to tho ])(siti)M where Franktin i.s figbting, we balieva to-day ; henee its great importance. To lose it i!l bo moet dumaging to the enemy. Greencastle, Pa., Sept. 15. The cavalry forcé. whioh lelt Harper's Ferry last night at eight o'clock, arri ved to-day at 1 o'olock, numbering 1,600. White, it suüins, was comnletely uurroundod. Tho Öarper's Ferry cavnlry obtained pennission to cnt their way out. After obtaininga guide they startod and succeeded in naking their way around the enemy wilhout being discovered. Oa reaohing tho Williarnsport road they dincovered a train ot 50 wagon, wbich they captiii-ed. It belonged to Longsti-oet'.s ainmunition train, which had jnst left Hagerstown, af'ter snpplying that división w'nh anununition, the wagons being still about half f'ull. - Most of them proved lo be wagogs taken from Pope's anny it Centrevillo About soveiity-fivo piisonei's were captured at tho same time ; some .f thorn havintr fnnnerly lived i:i this vicinity. - Col. McCImo. wilh other officftrs, lf:d oonaidwrable troublo to keep the crowd from hunging theso double-dyed traitors, on tl;o way to the prison. Capt. Palinur to-day, proceoded ti) Hagrstuwn and found tho rebels had gone, and I learn noiv is in pursuit ot' them with a large forje of cavalry and infuntry, which joined h'nn to-dny. The cavalry whioh camc Ihrough from Harper'i Ferry, sny tliat if rcinforcements cume up before noon to-day, they wonld be s:iín. A dispa'cli has reached boro that McClellao dafeated and roqtcd Longstree and Ilill yortrday, with groat slaiiühtor, and that the rjsbels Were ílyng in every direction to get out of Maryland. Bakjmore, Sopt 15- .Midnight. The folio wing is from the American . Frederick, Sept. 15-12 P. M. News that has reached liere from he front, coming throngh a variety of (powès, is nl! of a glorious, ging eharacter. Onr treops have been (inving the eaemy over Mtice they luft Frodorick, and yesterday fought them iui' fixir bours ia a general engagement, dufeated them, and went (.hem flying in rapid retreat l get out of Maryland Washington, Sopt. 15. An officer tlightly wounded in tho butilo yeéterday, who iirrivod here lato to niijht, representa that that the fight toob place tbree or four miles west of Middiotown, at tho foot of the first mountain goittg west. The enerny was stronglv posléd bilt our men, with the moet deterfnitred courage, drove them up the monntain, throiigh a strip of woods, cornfiold", nruJ o.en ground. - TIn: rebela made ocoasional tands bohind wall.s and ('enees, bilt were driven thenoe to the top ol the moiintnin and over inUrtho valley, when it being night our troops were called from lurther pursuit, Not ooe oí our men fallered. This p.jint of contest was maintained by our tronps ol tho centre. Two Colonels were umong the sluin rebels j fou'nd on the fietd this V. M. The buttleS wero fouht prinoipally wilh iüf:tntry on oar side, it lieing iropraotiouble to bring artillery into iull play. Gib!:oiih, however, with ninoh toil, succeeded in geil ing a battery npon the inountuin to the. right ol the inianlry and did exucution. A captured rebel Lio i) tenten t said it was their tntenticii to maa uil their i'iirces to-day. Ilatch is reprosented anjjhaving been wounded in tho leg. ITarrisburg, Pa., Sept. 15. Stragglers from tho rebel army ure ücuitered a'l along the road to Williamsport, where the enetny is no doubt crossing. Citizens who loft Chambersburg and Other pfaoéa in the valluy are returning to their homes. General .Sioneman lias been asaigneJ to the co m' mand of Keurney'a div'sion. Boonsböro, Sept. 15. Thobattle of South Mountain wns fonght yesterday, reiuiting in a co;nplete victory to tne Army of the potoinao. Tho battle-field v;i3 located in a gorgo of tho r'ountain oti a turnpike road betwon Middiotown and Boonsboro. Alout 12. o'clock Eeno was ordered to ai-cend the mouniaiu on the Kit and make an attack on the enemy's flank. At 2 o'clock Eono'a troops got in'.o action, Tho battle of musketry for huif an hour was ten ible, when the eneiny g-.ive wiiy, loaving our men in posües=ion of that portion oí' the :idge. Tho loss on both sidei was considerable. We had not a General ur field officer injured at tliis point uxcepling Reno, wno was killed by a Minia bult passing thraiigh bis body. Hooker, cornm:inding McDowell's corps and Pennsyl .ania resorvus, OOcupied tha inountains on the right lor liie purpoo of making an attaek on the rebwl'a left. He got his traopa in position, and moved down upon the en my t.rto houra betore sund.nvn. Here, as in the caso on the other snlo ot thu monntain, our troops were Rucceesful, diiving the eiiomv befare them with great shtaghter. ïhe rebela líere suil'ereil more ttian Rt at any olher point on thü battle-fiüld. Huluh cominanding il división under Hooker, was wounüed in tho leg. öibboii's brigade, ci:mposed of the Second, Sixth, and Soventh Wisooneii regimeuts, werfc ordered Jo tn-ive up the gorge vl the mountain. This divi .-inn did nnt get into action lili noarly nïne o'clock. Tha brigade lost 120 .cilled and wounded. Among the wounded was Captain Ualdwcll, Second Wisconsin. Tlie rebels wero driven back about a mile when Gibbons' brigade was re lieveJ by Turners corps, who held the position during the night The rebel troop engtiged wore Long streel'i, D. II. Hill's and A. R. fiill's corps, liad our troops had two hours longer of daylight tho greater pnrtiun would have been taken pnsoiiers. ae they ompleteiy surroundid on a(l Mttex and only made theiy escupa through a narrovv defilo through the mouotuin, wfaicb arüilöiy woulcl soon have mude impassable. Among ttie rebel officers killed were Garland, of Leefbuiy, and Col. Srrong, of tho Ninctecnth Virginia, The body of the latter was obtaioed to day by a (lag t truce. At daylight this morning our worst feurs were realized-. Tbfl reboli, undoi; cover uf thé night, had lolt on their way to the Poioiimo. They went to a place Iwo miles f rom the mountüin, and there tOuk a lo Shurpsburg. ïhey léft all their doad on the fiold, and thoso then wounded not able to walk wefe found n churuhes at Boonsboro. McOlollan was on the fiold duting tho -hole day and night, conducting all the rnoveinents in persen. Between 1,200 and 1,500 piisoners were taken dim o 3 tho day, mostly by Booker'ei troops. Yesterday Franklin's corps were scattored in tho niountain pass, six tniles nearer Harper's Frrv, und e n iigud the enoiny, holding that pass tbr about tliree liours, resul ing in tho complele ront of the enemy, with heavy loss. Our loss in this actioo waa 250 killed and wounded, and the robel.s was, iluring tho day and night, tully 15,OÜO killed, wounded and missing. Loe noknowledged to citizens of Boonesboro thnt thuy had buon def'oated with terrible loss. Our loss in woaniod will probably rench 3,000. We lost but few prisoners. Later. ■ . Boonsboro, Sept. 15. This mornina1 ut daylight, Pleasnntown, with 1,400 Illinois cava'iy and FjtohttlPs IJaltory, started after the eno niy at Booneslioro. Ho carne up with the Ninth Virginia Cavalry, wiih a battery aoting :is rcar uuid' The Illinois cavalry charged through tho town, and t.wo inilfis out on Ilagerstown turnpilte, capturing two guns, and killci!, wounded and toofe prUooera thirty cavalry. Ric'nardso'i's rlivisinn, bcing in advanee, took the ro;id froto this place to Sharpsburg, two anü a half miles from which town lm eame up ilh the eneii y in larga forcé; who oecupied a lona; idge o! hills. Tb0V shuwi'd u lino ol attle a mile and a half li-rg. The afternoon was vpeiit in nsceraiiiing llio posilion and foree of tho ebels, not a milfioient nurnber ot' our rofijM baviúg come up to bring on an ongagemeiH. Tueeday Morning, Sept. 16. Diiring lust night tho larger porlion of the army aiiivad on tho grotmd. - t is now S) o'clock, and n engagement s tüdng jijace, Tho rebelis are rnpidv moving across the river. La! Hsiiriíbuig, Sept. 16. Dispitluhes just rei:uived U ! quimera s;iy Juokaon li-.ia rewossed llie Piitomuc :md MoClellaa h:d eng:iL'd liim witli trcüiiendous foroa this t-iilo of Öfcmrpsbug, ton milus from ihát place. Tiio wliulu robel :inny in Maryland wil! bu onthilted or ouptured this night. Nu rebela cun bo tound ubout Hitgnrtawn and Williainsport, and ninti tivo ipiles 6n Ihú oüiur side oí tho Potomao. F:;ederick, Sept. 16. Tho following is to tlie 13;iltiuiore 1 : IntelligeDce from tlie írovt ' tliis luorning, is of tho most oheering eharaeter, ïiotwithstaoding bad nuws from ilarper's Ferry, öenerul MeClellun was purguing tliem with a vigor most doslruotive to tliu BneniJ. Gun. MaCtellan pursued tho encmy on Munday mort) ing witli li is reservoa and a large body of !t rsh truops. The enomy toolt tito road towaras tlie river at Hïrper'a Ferry and Sneparüiitown, and ' ho was pnrsuing and sliclling tlieir re trcat with great luss lu several con, tcst.s on Mondny, v horo they inade a stand, our troo'ps ohwged o) tliem wilh such vigor that they feil back from point to point u grtat haste. Tlie battl'i.s and advantages obtained Mondiiy uro thought to be superior in import. metí to of Suiutay. Drayton's South Carolina Brigade is er.invlv gono, citbcr killed, wottnded ur prisonurs. The Yllh Michigan, a ntio regiwnl, dono up this brigada, mí icilh bUUett and i uitk bayoncls. llowull Cobb is wounded and taken prisouer Gun. McGleüan was pushing ou thein last évening ulosely, and liad alrea'íy sent to the rear 8,UU0 prispners ur.d íour batteries,


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