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I G REAT. GREATER GREATEST BAIíGAlKS EVEí: Ul-KKUKÜ 1.859. J-nSí) I n tliiiC'ity, are now being oíTercii :tt tl: CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & 3 o tv & 1 ry JS t o r oTI! '■; Subscribir wnuldaay to ti;-1 citlzootol Ann Ar i.M'.i-. pa'rtictiW, iitui the'réM ol Wnbleiww Pniintv in r.-n.-r .1. ■"■■■ imhlrtjort IMPOUTED Pili IÍCTI. Y Irora KCIlOPK.s Treinendous Stock nf Wntches! Ah of wliiih ! blifSa'hini'icIftn pil CfrfctT'KR tbim c;m, i.'ujl'i vi s' ot Ni'w York My, Open Hace C'yliiulrr Wlche Imm í'í to í]0 lio rto I.cvcr u i!o 8 to 21 Flantlng ' (5o fio 14 to 33 tin da Cyltnde do do 9 to 28 Gold WMobet fram 20 to 15Ü I havo also xne CELE fíll ATEO AMKIt'CAN WAT CHES, whteh I wlll Mili Ur S3". EyeryVvatcb wmranttd to perfortn wcll, ur tíic mon.y retpndr:d. Cloclta, Jwi Iry, I'intcd Wri Fnnrv QtiuJa Qpld iVna, ftuslca] Instrumenta and .-'t rings, (t;t!ory, A-e., and in fart n vnríftj of evfry bing uhurIIy kopt 'jy Jew el ora can be HuffWt t'or :he next iiincty days nt yuf O W N i 11 I C E S ! Peráon büylnjr'miyfhlng nt this wHl Itnonn eet.ab lUbmo tit rnn r'-ly upon cretting good exnrtiy fl.s rep'i, (ir thf ni'iRpy relundod. (""illnnrly nd secure tli; b-.'Si imraitia ever otieríVJ jn thir í.'ity One word in renard ío Repairing : Wo ítrf prppvffld la malte any renjiirs onfino or coromin Ww ■■ ■■- . ■ ' i' t " nirtkiítc c pr the entfro wni. ] !f ni'ssn y. Rppaírtngr '■' f'lorke fllid Jpwpfry í,s twifli. AsotV rnitiiuntr'tiirint' oi RTKQP, BROOTÏÏP, nr aaything dnstrcMf, irunifHlTrni Gqld onjshortno' tire. Kncraviï'c in 11 ts hranchesoxcentcd witb neatnfda and tlisjjntch. J WATTS. A mi Arbo--, p. 2Pth'8.r!). 7Hw Important National Works, PUbUahod by D. All'Lr-rroN ft ro., 3J6 AND 3-18 BROADWATKEW YORK Tüe following (i M ks ai ■■ nt to Subscriberá :iï ftny part of th-i country, (opött recèiit of retail pricer) i'.v mail . ■ TUK M,VAMItIAV CYCLOPiEDÏA; A Pi pillar l!icti'in;:ry u -■ i I [ïuowledge. Eclited by T i V :r.. ( 'i A. I'.S.. iini'.l ., ui; ; s in uil branches of Scienpi, Ari nnd LittTitture. ïliïa ivoilt 15 largo ocjí vi ulumescach containln; 760 tw p;iges Vor. [., II., III., IV. V., VI.. Ml., Yll!.,c IX are oow ■ contnining near S.SOOoinal uü cles. Au aililitioniU vuiume will be published unco in about t i ■ Prlce,iu CtyHi, 3; Sbecp, SSOj Half Ku8sia,$4.öO each. N'cw American Cjc.y Har without be■ I wjinöut büiu : peilantic, compro ] i ■ ■ 1 1 - i liti; sjifS rit ntly riotaüftd, freéfroia i ■ rsoaal pïque anti party prej h and yti accurate, i'. is a cnm]lct( st&tenieat of a!l tliat is kaown upón overyïm])mí;nt topic wit li: ti tbe pcope of human ínteílígrice. - Kvory ifoportañi Hrtirle iiut iïns bwh speCííllly writtcn for il pagoi? by raen wbö ate autboTitiea upon thtopic on which tlii'.v spcak. T!n_v ure reuJredto bnng lli np in the pffOTent momeal : how t Rtabds nnw. All statisticsl informal loa i.- fróm the ipxnW; khageofraphiea] aooontits keep pnce with ■ ■ -f ciin',Hti' ■!- : historica! matten ïnchide the t-isi vi-ws: th bloffraphical noticcR odíale ni.t oniy of tliotleiL'l bui ;ilsi ut' tiie living. It is a hbrary (,f rtsetf AïilDGR?irEXT OF THEDEBATKSOF CONGRESS Being a I'olitical Ilistory of the United i States, Erom tlti nrganizfttion of the firs( Federal Con gT66io 1 7 'S" '■■ land compiled by Bou. 'lui. rXART BESTOS.'froiñ the Official Rêcordfl of Coogeess. Tbo work will be complet] in ló royal octavo . of 750 pagOach, 11 ■ re inw ready. Au ui. ui,; ijc publildied once in tJirvi' nii.ijt lis. Clotb,' ■■'■; La? ShLp, Half Mot., $■■ Hall C-.ilf. $4.50 each. A WAV oi' ]'Utri;nrG TnKCVCLOP.EDU OR DEBATID Fitih ;i club of Tour, aud remit the price oí lourbouk. and H?e c.rtpï.i.s will be sent ;it the renjiller's ex or for ton ubci-1crs, eleven copv will bp seöt u uur oxpense for can To Ajaji 1. 1. Ko olher worli will flo lbentlly reward tin exertloiïf of ygents. A.v Aoiïs pms Coi'Vty Term e catión to the Publish.Ms. Aun Arbor, March, 69O2a.-nt i Hev. Tii". v.'nu.jir, ;nt at Kfnofl ft Sfnithfl Dook Sime, Yisilíinti. I3!ackwoo(!'s ÏMagazinc AND TilK Bn'lish lïeyiêWs. GRE.4T SUBSCRIBE! PREMIUMS and REDlïCTIOlMS. I.. Si.'dlT i'o., NEW YOKK,con;ini!o to publish tb. foUowinj) loading British PerodlealS] vizi 1 TflKLOXnoN' GCTaTÍTEÍIL? JCÖnaTrvaTivó); t:ii; rnifnrricu wxvw .;;vhiff)t THE NORTil DBIXISB B8W (FICC ou„h) THE WKTJIW8TER REVIEW (liberal) 5 BI.ÁCKO'OD'S EDIXBURGn V.xM.WY. (Tory).. The present rritical itate of feutftppán attrr will renderihe#9 pablioatiooi umisuaüy IntorettUn ihe forti.'-, ajiiïjj y-.--. r. Xhjey will oc grouud between the hastlly ritten Dews-if-ra, crudo s[ii'fi)i.itiMii;;, ;lim! fiyjng rumora o the dajly JjOiirnal, and tbe jhltíhious Tomo ot tlie futuio nistoiian, wrriten living interest nri'l excili ment politieel eventsol t time ithall bai --.i v. Li is to theno Pefi ilícals tha1 reflders nm-t lobb for the ' i.'iilv i-i'iilv iiitrliiibU1 and reltable hintary oi curwn' evenís. and as sncli i:i addition L Lheij: wc l-caiabtiiibed literjiry, M;:e:.; ' éharaCor, we Qige .hem upon th40vnidyrntion ((' the icaÜn public. The receiit of Arivumr Sheets fröhi tbo Britïjh publihcr jfivéfl iii'ü'idnal valm1 to Uiexe Ré] rfnts, ■ii:isthcv iMinnMv u pUood i:i the banda ot subscriben ab mt n soob as the originnl ëctilioou. TEltM.S. (Regular Pnces') IVr fino, Forany oneof the four Review, - - - $3 00 Kor iny two of the four Review, - 5 0) For any t li rec of ilie onr Revièwflj - - 70 For all four ot UiaKeviewa, 8 00 For Black wood a M gasine, - - - . - 3 0' Kor Black woó'd -.n I . ,:■ K.-virw, - - 5 0") por Bluckwono aod (Xvó Rftvie%s. - - - 7 05 For Black wóod and thxee Pevlews, - - - 9 00 For Blacfcwood anl the ftmr Reviews, - - 10 00 Money current in the Siaic whrc issucdieitt be receivcd al par. POST Ai; E. The Postaok to anr pari of ïho rnftedStat6& will be bui Twt'iiiyfour C'intíí a i'ur " liln &#ood" and Nut Fourictn Oi:ts t for each of tíie Revtew. At tlie iibove prices the Feriüdical ivill bo furnifihed forl862i AND ASA Premium to EFw Subsor!bers, th'e Nos of the anre Perimlie t Is for l8i 0 flrillbefurpish6i complete, without additfouai chtrge. Uulike the mort epbemeral Magazines oï fho áay, Pe iodital.-í lst' Ii;i by Ef?e. Utfnoe, a full year of Ihe Nos for 1600, oh v be regvded uearly as valuable ,!,■;■-: h-'i:ii:T ftl 0 I'.'.1 WcS. Tút l-CÍ, WÏ11 bu SUpplitíd iit tljf ■ V UíWR.lTES. Splendid Ofiers for 1860, '61, & '62 Together. Por Blackwoo l's Slagtulno, tho Miree years, $5 00 Kor -uiy une lí i view, - ' " 5 0 Fórany tffoKeviews, " " 8 00 Foi Black wood and one Roview, ' 4í 8 C0 For Blackwood and two Re iptt, " " fll) Por Ui roe Reviews, ..." J10) For Ulackwood and íhrce Reviews, " " l.pi 00 For the i.Hir Keyíewí, " " 13 uO For lthn-kwuod iin-l th tour Reviews, " K 00 Any of t!n.' abnvc ■.vnikí will alio be furnished to Neto (he V ai i '-j , 8, and 0, At One Half the Recular Subscription Priccs. Thus a Jfèto $kbseribêr ma y obtain the ïïeprints oftht FurKeviov-í and Blácbwow. Seveu Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Which it but li 1 1 lo more than the jirice of the original vo}k$ fiirne year. As we sïkiIi nèver agaXn be likely to oíTer siich induce ment.-; els those here presentiïd, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! j) Remitt&noeo must, tn aUc&n(:8)be mado direct to Uit Pttbühcrs, for at tbese prices no couunission eau beallowedtu agents. LEOXARO SCOTT ft CO. No. New Vork Ann Arbor Marble Works. 1 I AS on hand a iine awortnúfoúl of American and 1TALIAN MA li B L L whiehheis preparcd to in.mufiicture into T O M B mJ iBfë TAHI-ES ir Ve(ili4in i WORKMA'I.1KK marnier DCd ■■■ th iMisincp: i,„ Hiitlci hlmnell Uial b wil) 1)0 ablo tu plie nl ■!,■■ m.y favor ma vflth 1 1 1 ■ . ; . -■ . r.-. II, s pric.' LO W ASTI1ELO W E S T. lÁnn't wlflllhR any tliinj in mr ivre IBnpeotfül) , ,,.;,!! I) C. HATCÜliLUEK. Ann Arhor. May St, 80UI ■ ■ i ___- - - - - - ] TO LET. 'piIK BRICR Hul Si: i tul Tarn DOW occupicl by Olney , I II:iwkiii. 1i ., "" Detroit ülreel.Aiiii Arbor, pos B688I0D glven 1-t df Ami I. j ril Btoiei u'ilruansin Buchox'w Bloek 1 u -it logoiirl atcady t,-ra.u- :it a verv luw rcnt,jmmediate s Sq L.R.BTOW. Sarsaparilla FOE, PUEIFYING THE BLOOD. And for tlio 8pQety cure of i'-: f IJowlng ciKnplnint.t : fcscvofuln f!xl Scrofuious Affect íoiis.h miU Iit - Tiiniojs, (' J tt'fs, Sores. 3'Lr llpttoiftflj Ftmplew, Pittnle, IHotcheit, Botls, lila i lis, aml a!) Skin Digeascs 0 ! ■."■■■. hi I.. BMi .Ti::i J. C. TBR A Cr. Cents: 1 teel it voy duíy te know ledge w li:it 3 unr Siu'HUini Mía )i:n dune P r in'. Hftvfiljï i uln-t itt-tl :. Serofulou&infe - Bnflered iïom ir, in ii mis w.iys fox SoiUpUlIiC it bttrst I ont i ti l'1'ir.'s on iny liuinls ainl hriiid : soni eUuu'fl it tanied inwMi'ii nntltlBtressnl nis at tino utomndlil Two ' yenrs jin it l.n.ku out n my li nú and a itixl enra wtlli ( ne íorv. wliich wmp piiinfnl iwd I lic-(ttil lifMTiwtum. I trlw] mnity niediulne$ inl WTvrnl prijjicïitii3, biit wtiïioHt iiitich rulh'f from iwy f Mug. In met, tlifl dUin lor groii '■,■■:-■■. Al lèngth I tras rfjnlooti ; te remi Iu the U -;■! [tleoaeugvr tluit you liad I ni niteiatlve '..-.. -:i;.:it il ha fiw I IcAüur fïoin ydiu ivmtatimi Unit uiy liiiii yon must he puit, I senfctft CiiR'itiiiHtiitiulgot H-, umi nswl il till il cmed ru it, iv yon ii'K ïm. in sinnll tloMR of ;i teoftpooufttl tiv.-r a m utb, iml n-n-d ;] tln-ir Imttto. N-.'u aud lieallby fciiin sumii bogitii to tin in uii'it i Ilie ücab, whicli ditera wdilö Ml off. My f=kin is now clrar, and i kiiow by my i feolfugR thal t !)■ (Uflean Ij;is nona froui nr. v, stem. ITon j can well betievc tliat 1 foei vytinl I ntu tyiug wIiqh I teil yi-n. ih;it I üold yuij ty b utip ui tlie iji-i,' i oj lito ng aii-l iL'tniuii ver liii-Uiily. Yiiius, A1.IKK1) n. ïhtiÈY, St. Andiony'a Fii-. Rose or lOrysifïelnH, nncl Snit Rh C II Hl, Sraltl llt uU, llin i in, Siirc I'jjch, mropsy Dr. itoin'it m. Ptobla mitos Ooöi SalflAi, n. ?., Ifth Sept., 150, llmt lio luía cureU au itvetoinU 1 Drops;, wliiih tlifeftteiied lo terriniiato fatal ly, by tlie peresrei log bm ofour Smvipiu il.i. mul nÜsd i ÜHOgeroBC Mul.i(pia?it E) . Lhe saino; buyi ! he cures tlio coimnon Ernpéiom by iL cónptantly. Bronclioci-Ir, OoUrc or Swcllert IVeclc. .i-l'iiion Sloan f lnvjipctj 'J'"xhh, irrït : "Tlirea boti tles of yoor P;n-s:i]vn ilhi -u!c. ïo froni n GtiifH - :i hfd' eous swflliiici on iliy Deck, wliUli I Iwtil éutleid '.--m : over two yt-ars." ' Lrurort luni orWhil vh, Ornrtnn Tumor, Uterliic I 'let v, t o ii, lViiinlc Disenses. Dr. .7. K. S. ClniiHiiiiii, f Non Vuik Qily, -.viif.s j -I most cheei lUlly coinfiy willi lite rOïjncsl ofyoiir ngent In fi'-u'I iiftvo ftuiil yonr SfuvniiarlUnitinofttjé alterativo in t hu iiiiiujcitiiifl cnnplnitits fur wjiirli vu eniploy nncli h remetty, Irtit owtcdnlly in of Ilio Sctofiilnm ilinffieMlft I Imto cMréd nmuy oi etrftte cfiMM t' Inii'ii Im'.i by ir, rimI boihc wjioro ili complnhit vn eftiiMti ly tdcBftitiflri of (lic uitfttt. Hté hlowation (solí waasooii cuiml, Nolilux xvüliin uiy knowlcdjtrt eqniils it fhr tíiéne fámulo iiefftiigoniéhfa." l'Mwni'il S. Mnnmv. of Newliitry, Ala., writw, " A dinPimi,4 ovarían tumor m one of feinttl) in tny fainlly, whtcli lind dcfit'il nll tliï rcnifitios we conld ntiïóy, has nt ii-imlii hiMii ci]ii 1 ■ - r ■ - ! v (iircil by your lixtiai:t óf SarftapAiilln. Offlr pliyuictun thoulil nollilngliut extfrpatioti coti1l afford refif, bul he nAVfeed Hu r i in] if yor Sarwpai i Ma m tlio lust reuirt bfore cuttiu, mul it pro vod eíTt-cttml, Afror (RKfngyoar remeUy t-ilit wotUa no ■ i n i . c . mi t.r ih" rh-i. ■;..-■.■ reiuahifc" SjpUiliH aud Mercurial ï)lcns". Nfw ÖRT.ÏUNS, Slb Aligué l?6!. Br. J. O. Atcr : Pir, I rlietüTnlly CÓfltplj wirli tim roqncst of jfoiic aceiit, iiiid report to u somo OÍ llie cílouti J ltavi' voülizcl with yonr S;ii-;ip;nillr. I Imvp etin-tl with t, iu my prurtlce, moot of (lifl cnmplaintft fyr wlilcli it ím recomiueiidedj and have fbiuid ita effictfl tinlv ivi[i].:rlul iu the CTifë i t !,.,. ilnnH Mn- curial Distase Ono of my pntienis lind SypliUUIc vjoeni in Ih'n Uiroat, wbfcli were coiiBunting bi.i jjnlnte nul tlio top vi lii-t uoifUh Yiöur Sarsnp0rIlla, titeadlly dal en, curtid hint In fíva neekn. énutlior wita iittuckeÓ Uynec omj.nv syntpLohtA in bU nose, l Ute iitottratinn jiad ejitt-n tinay ; cojHtftkirablu ;ni. '■!" it. s;t (liar I Jm-Ih ■.-.. im disorder wuiild nooii rt-acli lii bmhi umi kill Iiiiii. liut it yletfled to my íiihiiiniiiniíoii f ymir S:T.-:ip:nil!:i : tire ulctrfl tiealwl.ttud lic 'i wvll ngHiii, nt of cunnw wiiliout Mine dlslignmtton lo liis Dice. A ururpan wlio Ii Ireated lor the itaiiie Utaprdur by meivnry vttu EOiflbiing frorn ihis pulson Iu iioi Uie. Tbtjy liiul Uocpiua .-n rtií.fiv.' tb the w, -:i r l : tint on H damp düy elie RufTerctl ex- crucJutiuK '.uu in ber jtiinQs nnd boue. tttie, too, va cured eiitiiely by your raifinjtai-Hlii in few wpeks. I kilOM fnmi jt (uiinulji. w Iiíí.Ii yiiyr jigi'nt gave me, ilmt tliifl I'n;i;uii1imi lioin 3OUr Juliuraloiy must 1y ii gieat rentwly; consequently, il,.- imly u-iuaikablo leeulta Mlli il liaV'.'. in .E HirfH [wil llie, Fmlernally joui-8, G. T. LA KIM EK, V. B. RUcumattsiti, Gout, Ta ver Coniplnint. lmEPKMDKKC, l'ir-I.D O., VtU. 6tll Jlilv. I.V.'. Dr. J. C. Aïtr: sir, 1 havo been iiflticteri wiíh n patnfni cliroiilc lihfvmi'lisrut fer a long linie, wliU-h baüled tlio kill of pbyslcluus, alid sluck to me in pite of uil iho,s] ,,.u].l lii-l. .nuil l trfoü ynp8réTrMlA. Ono bottlecuitnl in in tyvo woekfli and resWi'ed iiiy general health Bu iinti-h tbat I nm fnr luit i thnn Uifiii-ei was ftttarked. 1 Ibiuk il u woii.lerliil nu-dulnu. A. l'KKAM. Tules Y. Úetchell, of St. .vU. wiiten: t-I havo Wen rïflilcted yinis wiih au affrciim f ( Z-irW, wbich dvatroyeil my beuIUi. 1 ii i .1 i-v-i v tWnfcandt'Wry llring failed to ivlii'Vi' inc; ainl I have U-cn bi-Akeii-down man fur Bonte yi-!tift (Voiü no olUf cjinae tïmu ünruvgemtïit f Vit Liter, %ïy beluTt-tl i'.-i'..r. Mie ituv. Mr. Kji;, advteèd iïïo (o Iry yonr Sui-BHpanitti, Itccanse be suid kreft jmi, and any tbëiK yon Miaifa s worth hynu'. Uy tlie biening of Vu A it. littR curtid im.1, and liafl ko ]i:m!: d piy blpod as to ninke i new nnm of me. I f cl yotihg ngaiu. Tho best tbat oiin bo aaid olygu in uot Uiüf gootl enongli.11 Sc Ii lrriis,'niicr Tumor;, liiljiri; meitt l'lci'i lioïi, Curies nnd Kxi'ol iutiou ui t Ii ii lio it i ■ . . A gieat TQi'lety of CftSefl hatelrtAh rrpm-tod lo nswhero eines of Uieae furiitidttblu fotuplHitilM bavo n-.-mlu-d from un "f tam rernwiy, i ut oñr spáco bere wlll not ndnilt Unin. Boidq of thciii uiity le fowitl iu sur ftmertetni Almanac, whicli tïio agenla bolow patud are jjlemsed to ftnni-sh tniis t all wIk ödl tor tiiern. Djrjipepsin, Hcnrt Disenso, Fits, Kpllepnyrf 1 1 ■ 1 : 1 1 1 I m 1 1 ■ , cii i' ! 1 1 :; ; i M;iny romnrkiiblO ttirts ■■( t!n-e ftffifCtloiÁ luive Tjípii Biado l'V Mi'1 ülf' iüüm' pnucr oí liiii !iu'ii( hieï Jt Ntiniulatefi the vital fu nel ion h hito vlgorona acti n, nnd tli uh ovc-riMNU's dl ÉijNléra iOiili Woum &e siii-msi-1 l.cynud ir h rc-itrli. Sticli n ífluujdjy lias loiíg been reqniiwl by the iïcj■ f tbè ] :■..,:■:■■.■ .i ■■■ muiuiliii tliis will do for thfui ;ill tlmt medicine cita do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Tolt TUK itAI'TI) Ct'UK OP Couc;iit CoW, 1 tiiiucii,n, lloni'MoncsS, Ciiiup, Br om Ik il Is ipi%nt Couui)i)tioi:, nn:ï for fhc Helicf Of iiiiMiin liilvo J'nttent ii ii I ñrrtl Hl nf;etè Of tliv Dlfli Tlils is a rwipéy. en uní fel l !■ piirpnps my otbcr for tlio cure of lhtt&t and hmp cojhphunS, Iliat it is nselin In-re to publftli tlie evl((einof Ita vittu.-s. lts uiniv;i!lod excvücnce for k.uiIis atn] t-oUU, nnd its trnly won clcif i il nirt-s of pnlmonary dlwi, have iii:iio it knuivu tinoiijrhoiit lliH civitKid nations of tlie r-ailh. Few aro the cpninitinftles, or even families, amonji tbem who Imvo oí somt' pprsotal expei1eiicof Itóeffectí - Bonn' li hig tii'i'My iu Muir miilr-t ol its victory over Ihe subtls and dangcroufl diiörderi" of tbe throat aud hins. As all lïnow the dn-:ilful IMftifty of tbew disonter-, ünd aa they know, too, Ute eflj ris 4 tliis remedy, we nt-ed not do morb tfián to aspire uieni flial it haa now nll tlw virtues tlmt it rijd havo lien niaiting ÜK cures whicH bura won so stron-rly upun tho coufiduce oí mankind. Propared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Masa. Aiil I 'I , Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FAIÏIÏANI, HIIKLKV íc O. , l!etruit. 8üíyl J H. nÜKRlU.rravellinííKL'nt. NEW GOODS For the Spring, 1862. o MAGK & SCHMID Wou Id reapectfully announce to the Citizens of Washtenaw and adjüitiíng Counties tliatwearo now receivlng Direct Jrom the Ecutern Markets} A full and complete supply of Sftjplo and. Fíiixcy DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Sliocs, GKOCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. rurfbapecl by onc of orr tirm for cash, and notwithstffndïcg tlie huía times wesbail cuntiuuu to Acid Weekly Aclditions To our stock in order To Aceommodate our Cusió mrs ! wl ", -(.'rythiDg they may need toaslt for. And we wiil farther pk'dge ourselves to sell as chfiap AS TIMES WILL PERMÍT :n.I whii-h is ahvriys as 7.s Low as tlie Lo-west. At the samo time webopeour frionds nnt customers wililit-ar iu mitid Vbat tin üint-á couipel ub to scll our goods For Cash or Ready Pay. Aun Arbor, Mnrch 28, 1E61. 8J5U" , i 1 Fruit and Ornamental i T BEES, 1 .A.T TuO-W ; BSGKlBEKSroiMvw preparod to receivo or. f ! ■ r all kinds of Fruit ani] orriani' Trees, i Shrulft; Plante, Flcm ers :ü' Viïh'm of --vc ry (teanrlpÉTon , ui. t viiriity. t'T thi'Kall if ïsy and Sprftfg uf t:i.- W.. have B lkTgp BtOck now erowin(r, aml intf-nl i ■ t in;tke Urge impm tatlons froio iiiur (■ tinv1 as t]u w.tius T tho country deus iol We Invite fhe eoj Ie '■ ii:i',ni'iir cqniiiti"l wlttoar (kUlt(és (r dolDgrbusi a aess, puxchaung elnwbma. V irnH vaoür.i to tin Uu to gimo, and to iralthv Kpcclmfni'. Atfcnmmrmicntion wlll be pn rusponaed to. Our o(Bc in Rokoi1 Asricultiual - :., Min A.r.bor, Micti. DuBOIS, CARE & CO. XnrAr:. 1S88 PSBtf Chnneery Sul. 1 I Orsttfl ''n.irL fi.r Co.mtv „r V..ltr.T.h' t]! I ue Ivtirteeiit . i',ay u Jttfy . V0 . 1839, in h certiiin ■n pending, wj, . N". :; KunwuA i comii'uiti. nu nd'Aïitorttt ■ ■ : ■'■ an i Mülia ' ■!'. 1 ■ ■ :k1 II. . 'I t.,] A . ml, John (VeWr-s nn.1 l'homiis P. I. mr i i 'eJI I Of tlreCuurt IIoua' in ihe city of .nn Ar'jnr Wh? imw 'uunty. Mil rfhito . Mi.-!,i;;ni, f M j.-j k m tl. fofilï lay, r.HluwIng ■■ ireel .,f landt .11 tliat i;n tiiiet fu i inow" ■ ; the -,. i ïmli" of the sonth-eüit (mrt : ■ : : ■ . ao ! l! ■■ eaat lialf ■. ■ uorib eaitt quariei u iwfinv.iwi. nnl tut lY.t-st hall --r ii!ö npn, f -■'■tidii Wo. tnenty-threc in Ton out K'"itln] i-:.. . :n tlit u Miohi-jn n huadreU ui. i niuety-five acuca, be"li luch l herent a ioy b) noo. thv 'J(crL-t' in this cous wuh i mere t an i cos(s. n. s. t'.vitciikij., Circuit Con:' I .. ■ :, , Co , Mick I' J. Bkkï, - .'■ Uui :■:■ i' mplaU)at. . . Moi ;!o. WUKNUA-i ,:u,l has i'ffn rode in the condi. ti'tüs ol aotjitain ndenture o f in tvtgage &toka. David S. H tyw ■ ■■ ll.i'.-.v , ,-. of -ïjtii,,,, lunty, Michigan, n the first (lay of Jal A . I . 1 i tn jAje w d i.v of Awruit, A, H I-'1'' N". 13 -f Uoit'igi o ()i I-IJ iu t'ic ' rtr ÍVMs anÍ I in Mor tho sni! county 4 ■: i-v .1 an . 11 pon .--.ii ([Ju :'■!■■ ,i:vl !i ,i 1 ■ i [];) in the 8iim of f. .;,..■!- 1:, i an I fifty nVj l ü. ir: u4 ■ ó -Ju), inelu Uti r.'fjrmblic'i.trifi'pï foran tVt, and no Ruit at Uw onn, ■r ihe :i'rid or tice U hcreby fci7ea I ■ ie i - - ■.klroort, ■ ■ i ti) the highest biddff. - ■ " next, at {i ■■■ , t the iront itour i t ■ In wil ■nrl St ■-:-, tl . '. ■ i m D,iiij m.([. i 11 st qurlf outli of ranjt; I Htid Ifi u i-wit: ' n the south bv tlis' "" ;i S' r n.' ■ ■ I n-if li by Iimdiiowii. éd by ll'i".-ll Brlgs, oq thr; cast by Ian4.i owdíH br T.i-t..:i Koet!, - ■ ■ ■ " ■ lini.iM th9 pro[)?rtjr o:i rhicli th áohjjltr Muis ar located. CLEB 'AN IIUSAV, -M'rtgH. ' : w, Detroit, Se] Mortgagc S;i!c. l 1 KI'Af'I.T luivina; Iwcn (r:fle in the paymeol of ly Mini ni i. !j_v ,-x mortgage uxecut&j by Jolin ■'■ . .1. llÍ5 TiU , in l.:ii:ir!es fl. the nintli iaj of Decoinber, A U, ISjS] . ■ ■ I the Cotiutyof Wiwhtemiw in the tata o( Miei I ■ r S'o. 6 I M : . ■ ■ ■■ ■ ;., ■■ 792ton thu elwt'oth ■ Ihv of April. A. I. lv u al I ■■■■"'y minutes pat una o-l'hck, iJ. l .. b which Ict'iiult ti-c power uf silu C'o. ittortg;iLij bfcam&Qperatire; nnd uo auit - ! -r i 14 t r-cys#f t lic rtebt sim''. . . 'I i i.'-i ■■ !'■', ir hu y part li'-rtiif; aai ■ t( flve thoiiHand -i. f il thirtjt-tïiht dolUrii beipj ■.cm. lotice if theiefon hcrv&y jivon luii said mortage tvill bc forfoloscd bv ;ill nf lh IB ■ : : AH llr : tan ! - tuate Ijlug anti buing io ■■ oí Aun Arbor, Couö'y of Washtontw and l autl doEcribed s ollon, '■::■■ hundred -txt" n fect aal ou : ;i r ruta ith-easi corner of block No. ooe (1} north of r:ii!i'.' three (3j enst Munc; wist om; hunitrcil n 1 two in'i, thtiicü uortb Bf'eeu anda half fi-tt, ■ snulh lioe of lot N'o. tight (8; in eaid b!ock tlieneo west thiity fcet to tbi west line "f north bine and h half fcet, thencc easi ;long tb sou til üne of Cbnrti's 'J'liayei's !and, and al (touth line ol Chmlft.s L'hayêr'si store in Mund'sblock to Haio stn i-t, Hionce south to the place of bpnoiitj j deed from John Locktrood and wife tJ John W. ll;iy],:.ri ; aiso the íoltawing describo iarctl of land: lieginnipfi at ll:. cenirc pf the tnghwir whieW runa on the eat line of the flr.ít la 't out '■.bn ■t Ann jKmit, at the ootth-woit corner f th Iiomt ■ i forpjerlj ■ ■■ ipicO by ticurge W. Jt'ivett anJ now öwqed bj K. Wells, and theace noi tb lo xhe auith wt f h of laii't beidigin to l'.-xn ii. MiHvrmqq tU (9 ■ ríy on émid Mtller'ij Itbetiïi-nty-tifo tlierly parallel with tíaid higiiTíy ni ii r )'N ■ i-i . , t henee westvrly paiallel to pniíi Mi]ir lint' i ■.st-niy-! wii roi's (.2), cootainíng one aern f land, ■ Int of iati'l emvfved hy Oeurge '. JeHTife t: .)v)liii VV. MaynsrJ by bt-ed bcaringdató i. H .:. " i.r Rome prut thereof, . t public rendu at ijie.Court Uouseiu t!ie City of Aun AiI'it iu sai1 cíounty,on the eighth tlxy of November n-t at owñ. CIl.UíLLS CLlTKlí.Murtgage. Oro T anfortr, Atfy, DatQ.l, August 14.lS:'a. fifi-',!,! Moríígage hale. PlEFÁULT hftTícg Been m.ide in the eondftfon of a 1 mi: t:;M.' . !.tniL"i Hatft-v. of Kreeow, i ouuty f Wasliteu;:'.v, teml íí.iñ of M Maich, A. D. ÏS52, and recorded !',!■■ í-'.t's oiiicf ■■[ said county, al : Xi ,inUb!t 18 oí Mottgages, page 265, ,va ::i' v assigne'J b_y tiie saiJ ! ruii.'i P.Keyea to Thomas UitiTjy on tbe 18 th day o( VVbruarv. '' !■-. ir;. nr.'l ri'cnnlt-d On the S8th da y of May, 185-7, ■ '. 'l , :n líber 18 of I terwards assigned br '1 h ciI ILilT.'v.on theUthday üf .'ulv, 1 158, au i ■ ■ ■ " '■" liíonr ■ f April, S62j .i o'clock, A. M., ín I.iberlflof Moi - 5, - ; - ctaime I to be doe at the date beroof, threc hundred nm] thirlyooc dolars and ■ . .i ;,.", n i SU g" ftt UnT Uviñg be 'ii instituid t debt oow dn ox ;mv berertJ and ihe noirer of in .:i''l Éairtgnte bavinc become i e, Slot ice d hereby fiven tht On L'íVh.i r, 1 8í íí, at 2 O'clock ín hn afternoon of aidday,fvt the front door of the Coyrt ín i'n '■' ur.'y -r Waahtenaw, aDd Stafc of I ■ will b" oW r.t public vcndtie to lh :■. (lio latidsdtfficribod ín saiö nfitiíngr, ui so much tböTC ifmi ni-v b? noros-ary to sntisfy tli atuunt 'lue at the date -f Uii notice, with Ihe Pifen -■!'. v;: All that crtaln rfiece or parco! of land iyinq ín tí:"1 town of K reed om aforesaifl, nnd lescribed :-; rollón, Hz: Vhe w -: half nf the porth-west quar tor o! section Number live township threa soih range four eatt, contnining flfty-sijï acres aod Ihiity eilfht hui 8 :. Hci'O. -.W5LTIÍAFFEV, Awigaee. John N. (ïott, Attoroey, DftlM, Julv 21. 136'; Estáte of Jumes Stevens. QTATF OK MICHIGAN, Cóunty of Wa&btenav,u: wi At a sesston of tii Pröbnte rourt f'-r the Countr oí Wahtcnaw, holden at the probate Office, ir: the Qity of Aun Arb'T, on" Wednesday, the twentieth day of ' ne thousftüd eight mndreJ asd aixty-two. Present ,TIn ma Ninde, Judge f I'pobate. In the matter of the Kstafe of James Stevens, lateo Joseph McMahon and Olí t er Hih, Exeeutors of id estáte, curac into .:': t and Eapreswií tbul Uur are now prepared-to render theïr fiual accoupt as fuch fcixecutor- , .i rui asks that a ttmn umi piat-e may bií t (or Ihe cxamtnipg an 1 al)owinL 't' such account, anl Tii.,' notfce-tlirenf may be given to all persona ínterested insaidesUtC) in such mauncr as ss d Couri hhaJJ .ür-rt .p'n it i-í Or lored, Tli.t Friday, the nïm-tcenih day of SepTember oe-xt. at une o'clock En the afternortD( )ji? asfgnd i' r ihe bvariog dfscifd pviftion, and that tha tittvisoep, legati - at law of mud decaaed, aaJ alt otftfr persons intere-ted in sa ld estáte are reqnircd io appear at a i 1 Uurt, then to Ij e ljW!fB at tn Probate Office, in toe Cíly of Ann Arbor. in snit Ccunty. and sliow cattse, if anj there be, wliy tli sald ■■!■■ hjni Bhoúld nO1 be aüowed. Andit is furllu'i i): .'..-ri-f, that aaid ExecntoT gir# noiTcê to the pet-nona interested in nsid estáte, et the ïc-ii.:. in-v of s -i i pf'ili.ri. ,-iinl tli( hfarilU' t lirrci.'f l'T u eopy of t li w order io be publishcd in t Ivv Michigan Argüe, u. newwpapfr printed ;ini circwlatiiHt ii? said County ") Washtenaw, thrve succossivt; weeki previo uu tu .s;ii! day ot" heartñg . (A truc copy .) TUUMAS NIN'pK, Jmlge of Pro batí. A GEM FOR THE MILLION. MMS. DEV1OUEST?S r.TNNixc; sTlTCfi Scwing Machines. mi CE FIFE DOLLARS, o AriïAIIi'M., r,r,il, rfficient, and durable sowing macli to a l;ir;ro proportion of fnmily sewing, nr fur in iniir'acturinEr purposes. Ir is ntal,nnd so licht and portable, ( sre'ghing toêa uo pound) that it can bc convcuieutly cairieilüi the iockel or reticule. Itit operaticm i so v,ry simple Ihat it requires but mí 'M v ofjudgnient to useit. , simple turn ing "(' a crack wíth ore hniiíi, and (ruiding the work wiMi the silcntly y;t verf rapH iy vith ; common nee Ho makes the running .sliich exactly liko tho hand sowing, unly more perfect and retrular. It vvill hem, gaiher, rnfllo, shtrr, tuck, run up brcaltliAi etc, wil h a single or doublé thread on any adapied to tl. e running ittch, from the Ijgbi est nnd thinnest np to twn t'iicknesses of ordinsry sili or musün. The linpest, Dsu.-uiy 1 lie nkoat difïicultto sfiich y ntl'cr niichinei, bcing sewcl the eaünilu ForiádlM1 ítn.1 ehtldrenfl apparí, and oíher artfelei ui :■[.■ ,,i light f;.lyrii;ii, it will UierefofQ be founO aJoai inv ihmble. U ig attachert to tb lable fike a pewfn? bïn!, ao-i hnvin,; no ten-ion, and no lubriction or chanircof Htitcli, i always ready f"r operatïop, ard such a marvel of simpliclty that a child of t.Tt or eiglit i toderstaoa il Igunediately, aadusfe it yuccessli.lly. It is oot at all hable to get out of order. Ffich machine is put up n a neat box, accTnpRnied irïtb fulliUidexplii'it direclions, and twtnty-Gve needle#i Sent to any nililres-i ir the United Rtats on rcrJpt oi , imttottag ilie aninunt, or may be collvcU-d by n deliverjf '.f machine. I.ibira? ;rraniemeuts mailt' frr agenciOS. Kverv Mi'tlur. Drem Maker, M'Uiner, and jLady should tiave oue of these machines. MME. DFMOHF.-T, (8(iSiO '-3 UroaJway, N, Y. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Tust Publishíd, in. a Sealed Envclopc. friet Siz Cents. A LECTÜRT5 f)N' TJ , TREATMENT AVO UDICdL CUKS OF at'KHMATuKFHEA or cmioxl , Involuntiry I-.m ssinu, St-xu! LiebiliTy, ed mpedimenta to Murfiape geneiatly, Norvouhoasa. f'onuu.!i. ii, RpilApsy ;mi 1 Fita ; Mental andPhysioat laLity, from Self-Abuse. kc. liy ROItl". -'■ ri.Vi:i;V I.I.. U. D., Authornf the Green Bonkte The world renowaed authnr, in this admirable Io mIv pptves from own t-xpenioniice t - ,vvful oonxeqnenci ■ of Belf abuse may ïo efltctnally eioTd without medicine and without dangerou cal operftiions bougie, bastí ufncntg,ringH. or cordlal lointtnjt out i mode ■.( md otual, y which every fuitTorrr. n matter wlmt hts can ï:iv i e, may cure himself cheajjïy prïvatcly, ánd rn i-, 'Ihi'ï incture will provo a boon to thousaisiï"11'1 Sent un Ier senl, in a pTatn envelope, to any addtfaSi n iiie icceiptof wíx cents, or two poatnge Btajfljpjby ld reasing, . .... Pr. CHAS J. C. KLINK. 127 Oowery,Xow York, Post Offic Bot, 4& „ . - - - Ayer's Ague Cum


Old News
Michigan Argus