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The Republican State Platform

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Thu following refoliitions 'ere adopted at the Republicnn State Cïonvention heid on Wednesday of last week : Resolved, Tlmt tlio exis'.ing rebellion is without jüstifiablw cause; it hns nu parallrl in iho wnrld's history in its magnitude, exent, power, and atroci'y ; its wtokedneaa can bu measured only by the büiietioenco of the government it seeks to oyerthrow. liesolred, Thatour national existente, the interéïtB oí unborn imlhons, the hopea of constitutional ireedom throughout tho world, all (Jopond upon tho ulter annihilalioB of this nefarions rebellion, and it rnu6t and ühall bc subtl ned whatover bo thocostin trensure and in blood ; that it is thu paramo lint duty of the gover rtment to ncccmpliaii tilia object, without qualifieation or cumproinise, ia the only tenns to nnued traitors. Rrsvred, That tho proclamation of the l'renid.nt of tbc Unitud States, of the 22d of September instant, meets ' our ntiqii'ilified npprobation as n war mcasuit) [appliuise], right aml proper in itself, and necessary and cffective lor destroying this wicked rebellion ; and since thu administration is the only legal and constitutod agent of the peopie lor maintaining the existence of the government, we as good cilizens will sustain theni in the use of all appropriate tneans tor presorving the cotisütulion, whether thuy are the measures. of our choice or not [applause]; wilh or without our choice of inoasures, we are lor the gnvernmenl. Resolved, That the constitution of the United States is the freo net and deod of the people, in convention asBembled. It provides, on its face, tho only mode of change. It may be destroyed, but cannol be changed by violence or war, and, therefore, wheo the rebellion shall caase, we hall have, still intact, the oonstitution of our fetherp. Resolved, That, while this rebellion threatans the lifo of the government, ' we tender r.o othor issues to politica' iriends or foes, and accept no other from them. Resolved, That ro cordially approvo the administration of our State affaire for the last two yenrs; thiit, in titnes of unprecedented difficulty and embarrassinent, it has performed the ditficult task of rai.sing and eqtiipping our noble regimenté in a manner which has elicited the adrniration of the country, nnd at an expsnse far below that ol our sister States; thal it has presen ed a financial record without a parallel, and leaves the State, in time of war, in a condition of credit at home and abroad unusual even in times of peace. Resolved, That we tendur to oyr diers in the field our hearty thanks for tho noble manner in which they havo at the samo timo upheld the honor of Michigan and the glory (f oureommon country, and while Michigan is juetly proud of the name for valor nnd heroism they have won for her, she will nevcr forjlt the wounds thay have received and the blood they have spilied in her service. fSlight npplause.]


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