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Dr. Wm. B. Hurd?s DENTAL REMEDIES, ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, INSORINQ HKE TEETU & A SWEET BRBATU, AND Curing Toothache & Neuralgia. Do ycu wish tobe blossed with and admired for Pkarly WfflTHancl 8oupd 'IKITU? Ue Dr. V, H. HURD'S ÜH KI VALLED TOOTH POtPlJER, warranted free from acid,alkali, or any injurious substauee. Price, 25 cents per box. $3, Beware of the ordinary cbeap Toolh Powders, which whiten but dostroy. Po you wiah to be certain tbat your Fïkeath a pure, sweet, au l agreeable to husband or wife, lover or f rienda? Use Dr. Hü'RU'-S t'ELEBRATEÜ filUUTH WAS-H. Price, 38 cents per bottle, This astringent wash is also the beHt remedy in the worldfor Cankkr, Bad Bkeath, Uuhs, Sokk Mocth, etc. It bas cured bundreds Do you, oryour cliildren sufier f: om Toothachk? Get Dr. HURD'S MAGIC TUOTHACHE DROPS. Price, 15 cents peí bottle. Are you affl-cted with NEURALGIA? Get Dr. W. BHUHD'S NEURALGIA PL4STÏ.RS, The most effeotive und deligbtful rtmcdy k#own. f They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and cliarm pain away. Try thern. Price, 18 and 37 cents. - ilaucd qii receipt ui price. Do you wish a complete set of DENTAL REMEDIES and a TRKA118K on Pkesfkving Teetii? Get Dr. rtUKD'S DENTAL TREASURY, the neatwft and most vatyable prssent that onefriend can make to another. Price, $1 tíent by mail ou receipt of price. For sale at all the best stores througbout tha oountry. Caütion.- As there are dealers wbo take advantaee of our advertisements to impose upnn thftií cutomers infeiiorpreparations,it is nuceasury t iusist ujjou buving what you catl fur, and you will kt the bkst, tl.orougly teated, and prepared by an expenenced and Bcu-niiflc Den tis t, Treasurer cf the New York State Dentist'a J jsociation, and Vice President of the New York City Dental Society. Address WW. B. HÜRD & CO , New York. ÍS. Dr. Hurd's Dental Kemedits are for sale in Ann Arbor by ítebbins 4í WjtsOK, Ebekbalh & Co., and Oke.williííí Küllkr. 860tf THE HOÜSEKEEPKR'S NEW IÜRNITURE POLISII Prepared from an mproved recipe by the proprietor of tha ''ÜROTHKB Jo.vatha.v Polish," is certified by all he leading New Vork Furniture Dealers and PianoForte Makers to be the best in the worM for Removing tfcratches, Marks, and Dirt, and restoring a high and asting glo .-.- to al kinds of Varnwhed woik, from Kurniure to Lea i lier. It is cheaper and better than Varnish, lrie imuiediately,anl is easiïy applied. With a picce of Cantón Klannel and and a bottle e two of this Nkw rri(MTuiiK Polish, a Housekeeper can work magie in the urniture of & house and keep it looking like new. Now s tho time to "shineup" your T.ible, (Jhairs, Desks 'iano?, Piet ui e FrameH. Carriages, etc, and make them ok 50 per better. This is true economy. For ale by i urnit ure liealers an l ritorekeepers generally. - Jrice 25ai)d 50 cents a bottle. Depot No. 1 Spruce St New Yotíí. ïrpeci;il Agent Wanted. Address, Box 972, New York P. O. The Hou-ekeoper's New Furniture Polish is for sale at Ann Arbor by G"eat Books in 3?ress. THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE GREAT REBELLION; OR rhelleroism of ourSoldiers&Sailors, 1 vo?.t largc 12 mo. Pricé, $1.25. The critics and the public aro right in predictingthat tlis will surpass,in grapbtc narrative, exciting interest, d extftnsive popularity, all other histories m the War orthe Union, lis theme wül be the beroic daling, paent sullerings, and hair-breadth eenpes of oi:r Boldiera nd &ailors, nncl its incidents will ferm the theme ofconersation at innumerable firesides for yeai a to come. It il! contain, in addition to its sturing details, the philoophical Amljala of the Causes of the War, by Joun' jjturüp itio-i-ty, LL. D , Author of "The Kise of the utclv Republ'c," etc, tbe dates of all the important vents froin the John Brown rp:d,and an accurate .vnd uvised account of the principal battles, with engra,naw. One thïrd the proceeds of allSubscriptions sent direct 3 uk will be given for the Relief of Disabted Soldiei-s, ud all persons who wish a copy of the work, and also ,o benefit the stldie ,should eend their name and adressat once. Also, any office r or private, or person iu ny section of tbe country, buvÏDg knowlcdge of a heoic act or stirnng incident, will oblige us by ending ua n accountof it. Bookse]!ers, Postmasters, and Canvassing Agents will e furniíibed with a Subscriptions Prospectus, on applica on to tbe PublisLers. fgl A liberal commission given to soldiers desiring to ctas agents in takingsubacriptions, II. THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, from 1608 tol860. By Dr. J . Lkander Bishop. 2 vols, 8 vo. Vol I. now ready, Vol II. nearly ready. Tbia ia probably the largest and most important work ow ia the American press. We have also just published new editíons oí the folwing useful and popular books: The Business Man's Legal Adviser; r, How to Save Moticy, by Conducting Business accorngtolaw as expounded by the Best aad Latest Auïorities. 400 pp , sheep, Price $1. 0PPORTUNITIES for INDUSTRY ; or, A Tkousand Chances to Make Money. otb, $1. This bas been republished in England. Every business man and clerk should hare these books. ley will pay the buyer a hundred fold. Every parent ïould get tliem ior their suns. All thee books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of rice. We pay parttculnr attention U mailing books, rapping them carefully, and will procure and eend, ofctpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt of publishcrs' rice. . Address FREEIJLEY & CO., 861tf Tribuno Buildings, New York. TJsm 3E3 SABATOQA EMPIRE WATER FOR dïspstion or Dyspepsia, Conftipntion, Nervoug Debility, Loss of Appptite, Comraon Colds, diHt-asts of the Lungs, Headache, and Feverish state oí the system. SoM by MAYNARD, STEBBIN3 & WILSON and BKRBAÓH fc ff).. Ann Arbor. lg28Vashtenaw Mutul Flre Insurance Company iHE Annual Meeling for choice of Officere, and othcr businefs occurs on Satarday, 4th of October next, t 11 o'clock, A. II., at the Court Hou'f. M. KENNY, Sporctary. Ann Arbnr.Sept. 16, 1S62. 87Ow2 PARltt FOR SALE. 'he underaigned will sell, on ten years time if desired SO Acres of Land In Webster, Adjoining thethe farm nf L Bovden. The farm is ell lenced, in a fine stJite of cuH vjition, has, a frfraM ouse. a youncr and thriity orchard, and is convenient o Term.s given on applioation . D HKNN'IXG. Ann Arbor, Pept. lfHh, 1P62. P70m3 Ayefs Ague Cuf&.


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