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SCHOFF & MlLLEUjl 4 RF.áTILLON'H.Nüiit tlioiroldStauü, No. 2, Franklin Block, wi'.h tlicmost complete iiHsortu.out of I Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, a SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CÜRTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, L STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. l Ever offered in this Market ! ;ind they would suggest tothosc io purauit et anythingin n SANTA CL A US' LINE ■ $! that tkcy cao secure a t Hl Doublé Christmas .Present ! L by purchapïng from this Htock, as each purchaer getf an additiouul present uf Jewelry. &c. , 1 J oi , Ilanging invaluc trom 50 ets. to $50. h Thpytrust that their lonsj expñrience innolcctlng ? goods Tor this market.and strict attention to the wants of Customers, may entiile them to a liberal alune o Patronage. '; Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 18G0 777tf J! JLIFK IJSUKaNCE. I The Connecticut Mutual Life ín surance Company. h Accumulated Capital, - 83,500,000. WILUNSDRE UVES for any amount not exceecUnff f $0.000 ::r the whole term ofLife orfor a term of years,on the most favorable torra. c N. B. The Company is purely mutual and the policy , Kolders get alt the surplus orer tbe exact cost f Lnsurjj anee It accomodates the insnrecï in the settlemont of their premiums ON .VK POUCIES, il' desired, by taking & a note for onc half the amount, hearing interest at six per cent, per annum. _ Dividends are Declared Annually! L and since they now araount to fifty per cent on the v rnium, cash anj oote, anl are increusing they muy be n applied to cancel the uotes. t j(jr" The rates of premiums arcas low as anv othpr reBponsible Company and Uu; Urge aceumiíUtéd fund of a $3,000,000 is sccurely invested, as may be seen by q toce U the statement made according to Uw, on file in bhoofflOoCthe County Ann Arbor ."ül 1( JAMKS (iUODWIX, Prest. Gut R. riTKLPS,St.'cy . Kor t.nrticnlarsappiy to JAMES C. WATSON, 7631 Ageut at Ann Arbor, Mich. v _ __ 3 Great Reduction in the Price of e SINGKB, & CO.'S ï Standard Machines . 5 Well knotcn to be the Best for Manufacturiitg Parposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, ' merly sold at S00, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for rnerly sold at $100, reducud to $75. ! SINGER'S LETTER AMACHINE I Is the bost Machine in the world Cor Famfly Sewing and f.tght Manufucturinff lJurposes : (witfi Hemmcr,) and f bi'iiutifully ornamentfd $50. $ Th Nob. 1 and 9 Machines are of great capacity and p appiication for manufacturing purpohes. ] OurNo. 'ó Machines are especially adapted to all kinds I of liglit and heavy Leátber Vork, in Carriage e ml og, lïoot and Shoe Making, Harneas Making, etc., etc", i They are of extra si.-, and nith an ann Junr onough to cake under it and sfttcb the largeat 'jfa& áasnes. Tliere i ia scarcely any part t a Trimmers' Btitehiog that can not 4 be Ijetter doné itli them than by hand ; so, too, the 1 .sa ving oí time anl labor i ve-y great. Thetableif t these machines is 24 inches long, and thesbuttle will hold six thnes.the usual quantltyrof thread. Thelargo machine works au fustas sm:ill ttnes. ( We would ank for our Jjctter A Machines, the ] cial attention of Vest Makers and Bress Makers, and all those who want Uachineafor Hght manufatturinfi purposes, Thtry embody the pridciples of the standard machines, making likethem. tbeinterlocked sitch, and are destincd to be aseelebrated for Famii.v Smrnro axd tigfa manufacturing purposea as our atjindard machine are for manufacturing iurpose in general. Wc have always on hand, humminü gavcks ,-BitS TTTI81 I.1XFX ANI COTTO.VTIIKE.iD, O Sl'OOLS, UEST MACU1NB OJL in bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Jeetllts,and would warn all i persons using our machines not to buy any others. We ' know that there are needies sold of the most inferior ; quality at highor prices than wechnrgï for the best. ' The iieedles sold by us are manufacture! Hptcially for ( our najMDee. A bad ncedlemay render tht best machine almost ustless. Our cuslomcrs may rest asatired that air Mir lïranch ' Office are furnished with the l genuino actiiL " In case of smal] parchases, the mone may bti sent in ) postaee stampa, r bank notes. t Correspondent h will plean irrite their namendisti netly. lt ia all inporttint that we should, in cachease, know llie l'ost (Jflice, County, aod State. jjfg Ail persons reqniring information about Sewing Machinen, theii sizc. prices, workinp capacities, and tho best methods of purclmsinp, can oblain it by sending to k na , or any of ou r Branch Offices for a copy of i I. M. "Singer & Co.'s Gazette, Which Ís a boautiful I'ictorial Taperentircly devoledto the subject- It will besent gratis. #&■ We have made theabuve BE3DÏ7CT1ON IN PRICES with the two-fold viv of beneütin(r llie public and oursolves. The public have been swindlod by spurious machines made in imitntion of ours. Tiie metal in them, from the iron casting to the smaUcst peice, isol poor qurtlity. Tlieir makers have not the means to dn their work weil. They are bid away in fiecret places, vhere it would bi ïmpOKsibht to have at their coniniand tïio proper mechanical appliances, It is only by doing a preat buHinesB,and having'oxtpnsive manufacturing establishmenta, that nood machines can be made at moderatprices. The bestdesigned machines, BADLY MADE, aro (j always hable to {jet out of order, and aresure to cost considerable trouble and money to keep them Inropaire The qualities to be lookedfor in Mucbineare : ctTtninty of correct action at all ratea oí Bpeed,simplicity of construction, great darabitity, and rapidity of operation, with the least labor. Mu chines to omnbine these eflBential qualities, must be made of the best me:al i.nd finishtrd to perftction. We have theway and means, on a grand scale, to do thifi. The purchasers ot' machines, wliosclaíly brett d itmiy concern, will find that those haviogthe abovequaltties not only work well at rapid as wcll as bIov vaten cf 0 peed ,[but lutlonger in thp flnest nnssible trorklngttrder. Our machinen, a made by us, will earn more moncy with leas labor than any others whothcr in imitation ) et' ours or not. In tact, they are chearer than anv other inacbinesasagift. I. fcf.SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway NcwYork. 5 aS" Detroit Office, 5S Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) 81 Uf 5 M. H: GOODRICH, Agent, Aun Arbor. o ... __ 5 Oval Picture Frames A LLSIZES, STYI.ES and PRICES just receivcd and foraalo chcapat CHOFF & MILLEE'S. g 1860.Dee.25. 7S0lf FOB SA.3LiE!. W. S. SAUNDERS cffers Lis s Homesteart For Sale. Will be in Aun Arbor the last week in September, ra Prioe and TOxxxls Can bc obtained by calhng al this Office. - ann Arbor City Ice House for Sale Cneap. rWÏI lilbierfbor olTers fr Kle bis Tcc House, with Sta 1 ! ;ui'l!i'] attachcd, hin Dvclting, .■■til ' abtiul 2) acres ti IfDd .ljinninfi, togetljer wltb Horses, Wagons, Tool?, &c. , verj chefip. BnX% sir.iill proportiop reuired down una the balance can leinuin ou time. A 8T0w3 C1.KMKNT li. THOMPSON. Tr: ■ r-yüT" EMPIRE WATER FOR Indigestión or Pyspepsia, Comtlpation, Nervou Debillty, Loss of Appètlto, Conimon CnldR, difit-nRes ▼ of tliH J.ungs, Hoadiiciie, and KyvoriBh state oí the jd system . Sold l.y MAYNAHD, STKHBIN3 & WILBON nnd KUKItnACH k CO . AnnArlmr. 1R28. M Washteiiaw Mutul Fire Jn surance Company D5 rpiIE Animal Meeting for clioice of Ofticcrs, and other or JL businvi n occurs on %' Saturday, 4th of October next, at 11 o'clock, A. 11., nt the Cour! Houe M. KKNNi', Sewtry. Ann Arbor, Sept. 15, 1S02. B7Ow8 I IpartvíTfor sale. 'i' Tlie uncleiKignecl will pil, on ten yonrs timo if ilcsired 80 Acres of Land In Webster, Adjoining thetli farra ol L. Boyden. The farm is vil hnci'l, in t state of cult.vatinn, has a frntned hiusi',n younï and tbrifty orchard, nd is convenient to inarket. TermA given on applicatiou. D. IIKXNI.V0. - Ann Arlmr, Scpt. 18th, 1862. B?0m3 Ayer's Agüe Cura,


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