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When Will The War End?

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From the Hichmond Dispntch, Pept. ST. Thïs is a qncstion oftener asked than nnswered. We have been asked the question repeatedly; but i any one 4onld ask lis " When will the worl.1 end ?" we should be just as able to o-ive an opinión. Oui convic'.ion is thnt a good many people wil! come to an end befofe the world does, hnd that in ke mnnner tlie war will 6pish o ft a good many before it is finished itself. I'hÍB is n'ponibre view of the future, but we wish we conld sec any streak jf light to indícate the dawn of day. The only way thut the war ean end s by the exhaüslion of the North or he extermination of the South. The STnrth has detevmined (.u subjugaté or innihilMte U8. It uives us only thisalcrniitive- "The Union pfVdeath.' - fhat, in surn and subetance, is all that te nioBt coinservolivepnliiicinna propose. t 11 in viiin that pmc of thein deny he cniei determination that we havo ndicatcd. Is there ono oí them, congervativa Rejiublican or oonservative Democrnt, wbo will proclaitn that bo refere the sacrifico oí '-' the Union " to he externiination of the South? The [Jnion is the god of a!l purties alike, xoept the ultra-al;olitionist, who tninge to pV, are tho only .Tien in the North willing 10 "let it ülide.-' The wat has been carried on from tlie beginling by the oonservative classes, and eearoely an aboli'.ionist is to be found n its 'armies. If the " Union sentirent " which so pervadpe the North were genuino patriotism, we might have orr.e hope of iln abatcrrient, or, if it were mere fanaticism, the grab of pussion mipht bowl itself out; but it is tlie iraetieal, eubstantjal greod of goó, which will liever let go it? grip as loug is liftj vemains. The North is fighXing not only for the Southern trade and commerre, but to rnake the South pay ihe cnormon debt accumulated in this ar. Not only this but it is fighting for its vt'iy being. The idea is cornmoiittial it is the South alone which is eoflteivding for nalional existence. Iïut if liie Mc::'th "Itimatelv fiiïls in this war she wil! (all as fust and fa $ Lucifer in tiis tlescent from lleaven. The irjghl6Rt iew'elis f hef crown wrestcd from het' grisp, the chief sources of her revenue withdrawp, and a natieoítl debt half us as Eoiland's pilud upon hel' s!ioli!t!el's; )?T cili8 solitary, ñei" !);ruóre deseiiefi.lisrmïinufaciories silent, her military capBcities so paralyzed that she ean neither cominand respect abroad nur insure good order in har own incongruous popvilalio", composed of a seething mass of ihe igno rant, depraved and fanática! ot all n:itions, she will cling to "the Union,'1 and to the war, by which slie only hopea to preserve it, as tho hipvvrecked marmer clings to the last plank that lies between him and the fathornlees depths of eternity. Wo must bear these fiictsin mind when we are temp tt'd wiih the sycen songa of hope to look for a ppeedy peaee, and to relax the exertions which ulone can savo our tbroats from the thmU'e of a powerful nation, engngcd n a fearful and final struggle for life oí dealh. Wo wish we could descry a liighter pro-pect, but we sue no rciison for Biieh prudictions. The unmanly expeclation of foreign intervention which so long deluded our people has long ago proved an idle drearn Europa not only refuges to intervene, but rcjoices in her heart over the American troubles, be cause they are exhausling and rondering impotent lor injury to despolic governments that continent whose free nstitutions ha f e always kept her in n nightmare of iilarm. England, the chief instrument in tho disrup'ion of the o!d republlc, preserves rigid neutrality - that in, she furnishes the Nottli material nnd the South moral aid; bhe permits the North to purchase munitions and materials of war, which the S'iuth, by rcason of the blockade. is only partially able to do; and she praises the South fur its military prowess and patriotic devction. She puts weapons in the hands of the Northern combatants, and she pais the Southern combatants on the head, nnd cries 'Brave boys, pitch into him." We are beginniriK to understand all this, and to dismiss trom our minds the monstrous delnt-ion of foreign intervention. lf, howevtr, the war gives no sign of com'Dg to a speedy end, we believe that by proper action on the part of Congress the honor of our ring will continue to be ustajne(tj the public sécuri ty increaeed, and the capacity of the encmy for mttschief and anr.oyance greatly jiminished. In the moíintímc we must feek to be pulier.t, nnd, il' pos sible, content in a condition Jrom whiih mnnkind hus oever been excmpt, and liich Providance sees best for our triaï and discipline. In the Bpiril of the mun vvho, when he broko his les, thanked He:iven it was not his neck, we rnay console oursclves with rtflectinp; that there are natifntd and individua) culamities greater und more irreparable thantboso of war, and be thnnkful wo have etraped them. E Vby aro husbandd like dougb ? Becauso the '"onsen kncad them.


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