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Amendments To The Constitution

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The Legislatura f Michigan, at iis regular seKÍu in ) 86 1 , proposed severa! mímenla la tha inperfavl, hiihimiIimis C' of' line Ö-tUe, wlufli llie (iile are 10 vuie tipon l ita inning November eleclion. We present io otir tenders tlie irnp(isi'(i ainend'iueiii' in l'iill, so tlwt i uu deliberalton may be 1 1 1 tlieremí, and cvcrv vnier muy ba a chance to d.posil bis ballot "ƒ!" or "tui" iiitollijifinlv. Tlic tirei proposcd nmcndmenl, lostanl as Beet ion ciglit, of Rrüclu le!vc is as followi : -Tlie fl.ivernor itlia!] liave powpr, nnd il .'hall be Iib duty, eïCPpt at sncli liirie hh the' Lflatnre may be in pi-ssimi io cxainiiie int.) the cur.dition and adininisIr.ilion df anv piiMic olliccr. t-laotive or appointfd, Io rrinove Ironi nfflee fot ginas t.rylci-l nt (Int)', nr lor c ■riup' coiulucl in nflicf-, or any otlicr tnlsfeHCfince or mi}leiiSHiice llinrein, cillier (il llia l'oliawiiijj ciffieer, in nu : Tl Atturnay Qeneral, tjlale Tr-a?(irpr, ('oirHliiSrtioiK'r of tliu L-.uid Office, SeCietaiy of Stad', Audit T (ient-ral, Supeiintciulent of public in slnieti'i, or inenibers of the Siale Board ol Mdiicalion, or any other officer of tbe Siaie, except legiolaiive and Jtirücia) elpciive or npioiiiied, and to appoint a success.'r for Ihe reinainder of llieir respectivo unexpired lern) of office, and report tío causes of s'ucli removal to llie LiC'fii.-laluie al its next session." Sicond aint'iidment proposed 3 as follows: "Art iele fifieon sball be amended, so as to rt;d as fullnws: Sec: 1 . Corporation nviy b formod lindel' gí-ncral laws, bul sllttil DOt be crcaltftl by act, except for niUDicipal pnrpnse. All laws pawed pursnmit to ibis section rrmj be atnndoid, altared or rcpeak'l. Bul lbo leüii-lalnre inay by a vola of Iwo-tbinls of tbe nirjiibers electcd lo cacli Hoiish, cieatu a, singlo bank wil II bianclies." l'Uat feciion two, artiele fifieen of raid Conglilutioil bu ainanded so as to read as follows: Skc 2 No Genoral banking ]aw, shall have elFect muil Uie same sball, al'ter its püs-inH, be sutimitted to a vote of tin; electui's of tliu State at a (reríeral elecüon, and he ápproved by a inajirilv of ilie votes cat ihertun at sucli elec tion. Ainendrnont pivpnsed to seclion Cour of au iele fifieeu ot saiil ConslilutioilJ reaMs ïis l'ullows ; Sec 4. For al] Imnks orgnnized un der genei al law?, llie Legislatura shal pioïidt) lor Uie ri'jjisirv of uil bilis or lióles usiiei], ur put in circiUtiop as inoney,Riic tliáll rrqnirv security to ilie full amouut ui mués and bilis so rpgielewl, in Staie oi tjuiud Siüii's ptoclts, liearirjj interest, wliicli sliall !a dujposited witli ihe Smte Treasurer for ilie rdeiii]iüon of such l.ills i;r notes i specie. Tli il. Hci'iinii six of arlicle lliivteen lie so ainemlcil a to FeH.l as follnws: Skc 6 TIn-re, sltali lie ójecteil in the y-ai 1803, i liie limo of ilio t-lecli.m of a j'isti.i;of lli! S ipiome Court, nighl ray. nis of Hio Umveisilv, to of wlioin üluill IioM lliirir nllici) fur Iwó yéars, IWo tor f i ii eais, mid two r six xe.its. nol IWo fur eij;lil t-H.r-i 'l'ln-v Bliatl Cntfer llie (lunes Iheir' olBce oo ' lio ltof Jmmary ix-X', Fuccci'ding iliajr i-Mciiot!. Al every rcguUr elcclion of a Jus' ie of iliy Supreir.a Couit, tl ere shall l.e fClttl to revenís vvliost; leun of i'fiji'6 sliall e i ü 1 1 1 years. Wlu-ii a vacanc}' sliall ooour in llie office it ri?gent, it sIimII I'. lillud liy aji[iiiiii!iiióMiL of llie Gtjvemor. Tle ii'ieuls tlius fli-cied, sliall Conatilule He U)nii ui legtínls ol' lb Universiiv of Mullican. TlifiL seotion pix of arlicle nineleen of saiil CoiiSljlution lo ameinie l, so as to riiad as foTlowe : Sec 6. Tliat clcctions for all district w eoiinU ufli er, Siata Señalóla or Jieuee!ilativc-i, wüllin llie 1'Oiiiulaiies de tined in t li is nrlicle, sha'l lake place on tlie Tufgilay sncci-ed iig liio Hrst MÓD'lnv in NtivemtuT, in llie reapecüva veura iii liicli ilii'V inay le leqniied ; the counly canvass suall be lit-l.i on Üie flrol Moiiday ihcreft'ttr, ttnü tliu diatrict canvassoti tLe fliiltl Moiiday ot sa:d November. ïlim sectloii IWO üf arlicle twenty of saii 1 Conslilqiion be 60 tuieuded s to read as follows: Skc. 2. At ilie general eleclion to be lield in Iïï5i, aii-J in acn sixléenlh yoa tliereaCiHr, and ajr;,; at sncli oihef Imih-s, as iha Linislatiire, inay liy h [troviii, tile que.-lloli ot tlie g lieial re It-loii of tile Uiiii-ulution sliall Uu subnmied 10 llie eleclois qiialirie'l lo vote lor iiienilicis ol tlie Ll■g.lature; and in Case a inajoiuv of tbe eleciors so qiulitied, voudj; at nicli elcctimi, sliall cleckle íd favor ol a Convention for tucli nupoie, lli Lcgisiaiuie ai tlie uext eesaiuo Eiiall próvido bv l.iw i'oi llio election ol' sucil delégales lo sneh conveiilioii. All the aiiiendinents sliall lake effect at llie coininer.ceuiuut of tlie aller tlieir adopiion.


Old News
Michigan Argus