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A Dollar That Pays Well

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One of the bt casonable enterprises, now before the public, is tht of the Pulilishr of the American Agricullurist. He lias socured fur hi Subscnbers fine colored editiona of two plendid Mapsof localities of great interest. Cne of these covering a space cif more '.han ten square fiet, shows the entire 3;at9 of Vir GINI4S0 completely every eounly. tuwn city. village, rier, brook, mountain, hill, and principal road, is readily fuunJ. It also embracea the principal parta of Mnryiand nnd Pennsylvania. The other Map, coviring' about 15 square fert, gives nll the Souihern or Slave States, inclüding Minouri, K;n tucky, Virginia, Maryland, Deleware, and al outh of thra. Though not po minute as the Map of Virginia, this shows all the counties, principal towns. rivera, etc., of the Southern State. Any person subscribí ni; now for thel Agriculturwt. is presented with achoice of th0 sbove two Maps. In addition to this, every pew subscriber for 1863, (Vol 22.) recuives the Agriculturist for the rest of this year tcithout charge. We have long received the Agriculturist and can testify loitsreal merits. Every number is well illustratod, nnd con tains a very large amount of really useful, practical, reliable informntion for the Fa'm, the Qarden, and the Household, inclüding, a verv interesling depa'tment for the little ones. No one ctin f,úl to ge!, mnny dollars vorth of Uicful hints froin a volume of te AgricuUuritt, whle tbe rnnps now are so much extra. We have sent for two ooies of the ooper so ni to get both mnps - Send for ihe paper on our recomrnendal .n, or if you prefer, irnd a dime for o sinule copv, and airaino ( for yourself. The ddress of -he Pabl(ber U ORANGE JUDD, 41 1'aik Ilusv, New York. ET Paul the Apoatle sp nks of Luke ns the " beloTed physioian " and few endrar themaelres to ua more than those wlio hk "minUtering angels." bring us he healing bdlm in sbknpss So t is with mdicir.ei that cure; thouijh we never sse the m;iktrr. yet we get a feelir.g of ngard for him ihro' them How many have reason to blcBs Dr. Atxk for bis invaluabio remedes, so chenp nd yet o effctual! A'hat public b ncfao or betier dceerves rstcim than thos? who rs eoe the body frora discase and premature de#ayl?- Pertsnwah (ff. H.) Gazett.


Old News
Michigan Argus