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Five Days In Dixie

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The kjkm-ÍmI onvspniideia t the N. Y Wrld, v ho KttH reu'-nlly takel) i-iip live by the 0-iifi-d. rjiti-f, eivos the folliwiifí verv niCV desciï; li.iii of liis tl' jiiiniriijf in the land ui Dixie: Wlun I niltln veil List I WUÍ il i'iitlilesH iivuilvl' " cm: peil ut RimlUM, Miss. I mu now 11 "rvtii.ihle gen.tluniitn jus: ie iinifil I;in itu; Smitn." It me 1o iiss II lili :iv. Ou l'iiilny, Sfjiteiiiht 19, t i'üiiy ut iih rode out Frtun nar uninp somo inili;.- to Uie eït II a ci'iiiiiiiii) tliiiijj, ttiis hv ilry f-coDi i "g - usefii! in itx wuy inH ot ihviiVH (liinueruus. The duy w:is urd tlie gun wiiw setlinr oforgeoiif ly ,i e enten-d thu limtt lm which luiiil frijtn "Widuw fteete'ei" tovvi.rd llifiizi. 1IIE SKIHM1SH. Juft :i." we pacmtd ihe n'iddle of tlie ];ine - it is :i liülf a iiiile luiitr, aml the f'fiuie on eiUitT side eitjlit r nine ruilt h gli- a piiriy of jrucri illas rullupeii in ui itie msli'in ei (i I" n.e jt lis hi Imld ► c;iii is un v 1 1 evei' wit twice uur liniu quiid ir. laiinlier, inricd wiili doliblöliurreled tlit muis Htid pistols, tnd el! iiiounted. You smilu it hhot-guri" ? I,et me teil ymi ttnit Ht close qiüirlers, euti barrel loüflod with a rnuket !all md threo b'ickshot, they aro very i ffei ti ve. Mwdeety fnitiids me to deserib' mintitely io Briiiill i b:i'ile. Suffi. e it to sy tliat the bnlln whisiled meirily, 'ill, in iib"iit lun iniiiiites, tho " rtliable tieiitlftiian" md oiie of his wounded uoiDpanionK, a piivate gnldier, whol piiii -fiilly in the face, tnund thi.'inselves thf c-nter of' :in iNocelus irÍHliglt, two sid-i eomposi-d of ienoe ucnier, ti:e tfiird u IHi'k 't niiiunted foen. Wit!) sixteen iriiii-lüirrt'ln plilnily present d ' one'w breast it ík time In Mineiüler The Wt rnei-ciifre liom my retrtailtng f(iii)iitiiot]K fiin:e in ihi fiiin of t luillet lrom u SliüipV e;. i bine, h flew harmler-ely nwf n y litünl. In a mmnent tnuiu ihewoiinded mnn imd tli) Mihhcrilnr wtre iinddid on holmes and In.nitd iow;.rd Uiü suuth. DAI.I.ou's. A e!avin2 r'n!e of nin ■ mili 8 hrotlght 118 tl) ïhe h.lU'licle i f JtMTV lJiillini, a dtcect old man, lm "íüve us u ujper, a L'd ' ed, Hlid u chüi ce lo iiicfe iny v. oiiiideii man, ie we rodo np hi little dmighler look. d cuiinu.-ly at me. "Pa. tlm! ii YiinkeBV" "Yen. little deur," üil I. "and if I liad kiovMi I wiis coming li riüiko you i vii-it I wiml I luivt! vMirn my hnrttx." Wilh 11 füir lied a ol, utu1 no nu quito, 1 cuuld nul hut plfti mimikIIv, I silhfit iliu kiimii bp Pnthur nnidd. ' At lle:ikl:iM 1 lieani i plvafe liich is to l)t ui iiiim u in M i-tii i i: ' Will you tuve tinne ol tlu-m iiiciusMsiy tliertsnot be a eert ai n .hüulogiCul pt.ill'c-opliv illxUlt thllt? V tm .-hul h:i y tliiit nii:iHses 8 nut, ' ir ure nut u iioun pbiral ? ABoL'T MONEY. UieHkliist dif itclied, wa mnn lude lefl II ilif tu thií ulll!et to Hiildwiii, a linie station on ilii: Mobile hlid Uliio Kiiil-dud, twenty southeast id Uieiizi. Al Baldvin ve fir-t met tho motely curreioev i)l Dixit1 - Confedérate notes, cotton billis shiiiplasters, und, niiMt cu-1 riouH 'í iill, railiod monoy piinted nn fecond htirxi p:iper liich IükI I e;i uscd lor Ieders tiid diiy luniks - Tliinlc, ye anti u:iriins ol' iecuiiiaiy ' ptilii!iiwlwl I Huid tu tho offi;er of the Lrnird ; 'Yon eeln tti l:uvo plei:ty tf iimiiuy lierci.hoiits." "Olí, cs - :ill yon've pot to d) is to plint tlie head if N vvomuiii un n piuco if brown pHir, and i will pass" SAVAGK CIV1LIANS Such abuse hs we received carne j fnnn non coinbatunts, ortien, cViildren, ' and the lik"1. Onu of the pui tv of captives - the li.-t wan fellt-i as we proceedt-d - wjih loudly attacked with curfe bv i jieison in uniluiip, who roda up lo him in the iiiain ctreet ol Iuka. - The Illinoir fficer quiely reeptwclotl: "What is yoiu1 rank, eir?" 'First Lieutenant " " i ii Uib Quurtermaster's Dtpart mem?'1 "i ilmnght no." "VhV" 'liecüiiht' I h:ivp notieed, in both ' Hiiiiicc, thnt the inen h ale innst lifíiiwnt tiiward iirW"í''M ure tli"se wtin never eet whtji'e the bul ets uhií ti !" ((ireut discrnifiture of the Quartoritiii-ter, and luud hnis?hter ntid upp'uwu froui fitirn the rebel soldi' rs who ciuod by ) PÓL1TICAL ECOnMY. N'xt mwnirg we wrn dispatchod by rail to Tujielo, sume twen y ínih-n further Moulh on Üm Mobile and Oliii turné, I was niet at the fJCT by the Cnptain of Gen. MuMti' ftutl. Iu couvtirbution wth me ha iaid : "Yi'U cif tlic North havo eiii1rncteH n etuirnioiit' dt-bt. Huw uro jou go ing topay it?" 'Fund it and pay theintorest. And you of the Sonth have a !itt!a debt oí everal hiindred millionw. llow di Vuu ntend to ptiv that ?" "We do not inteiid tn pay it. As soon is llie war is ended we shall repudíate it." "Wil! :h;it behonoxl?" "Oertttinly; we ow it only to our own puoplê, und thfV imiV as dl lose the principal ontrüht K ll "'""P-'!1 ed enr nfter to puy ciglit, por cent. intt'iewt on it." Simde f' Ricardo - Imre asa new ideu in il.ici! coiiniiiy. "But," Mild I 'wiiuld tliiit ri"t be an oiitr:i);i' i IIm iii'Jivduul? Supposo ynir ntiiu tnrtune consis'.ed f Lmi ii'diu-iiie scrij.t, mid j-our neijnir'rt "f luAd iihJ iii-iiiDuM, would rtpudiution HÖecl y..u b.ith u!ikc?' "Uh, vi''ll (e iliit euoh nvtn ha: his [iinper ch-.ire t Cuf -dorulu "(Tipt !" pjjrhnpi ym ill buntlj: belfV Uii. r purt of "our taik; il i nuvi rihul.'s irue. On whul t l'"iiud;i i"ii ol' i i cal acid efiiQdUiiiialüua is ll'is C'onledersK-y reu red u ! CONCEIIM-VO B0OT8. Froin 'In inoiiient I ! c une an invi I antitry v r-i ■ in Dixiu I (uiiil iuyell an olji;c;t ol IHtUcsl. O .-rlVed wil II re.-qiecil'iil curii'wfty, ntnoui t ug in whii CÜ..K!. to H Ktrrt it revcreiu-e, I full a dulÍL'liil'j] vunity, and Miid uiti;iii my ,-clï -'U, lteliiil'le liieiitleiiion, yon iniiit be a niiiii ut uiort dinliiig,umhd :;pp-arancf ; poMiliy yoni liru Napulronic, yoiir eye emle, our inoustacne leiiitiu." AUis uio Viini;y if ty. Mv boots ere tlie attrauiion. Nu luat óf arm-1, or evident Mipeiiolity ui muntal endowmiuil mude me ttio eynou re of rebel eyen. Ia' Uier i-1 not in the ConleiJerscy - 'l'he BirlXK blcckade exclud.-s it. Mv boots were made by Jíulton a 'reet Brooke, cru if oavalry pat torn - w itli, perhaps, ten t!l!:ii'.s Fir.-tly, iny guerrilla fiends d4rt)d to HWal tliein vhile I wis usleep on the fiivl mght of my;vity ; n siys the the woutided soKiier, wlio luy nwakt) Bnrl hetrd them disuiis the plan. At Bitldwiif "ffi;ers ui.d nie.i ulike worhhii[i(.'d thcstj nots, :md are dxid ti vml)ul uilt:rat ion. At Tupnl I W tifiured one buodred dlliri in Coniedwille ccriut lor .hose boots. On the j turnev fi'om Tapólo t Ínckon t tall yoiiig 1 ex.iti s!o. d n tliü i!..tfoirn MMiia ihirtv niiniites and yazed at tne nh rapt Htttnlion. Tlien ba took coiirüfiL', CHine in, 11 nd put down by inv nde. His convursut'ou niay be ouitdetmed to tliir : "Fine day WTinr are you firm? - Yon culi never culjtigate the South. - We have plenty of uiinf, plenty of proviütwil, plenty ol' eveiytliinar. tíood Lord ! wlnit Bplendid boots thoe ar !" "Are boots scurce in the Confeder:icy ?" "I piid twenty-five dollar for those slics." And he pointed to the puir of flimcy pullij s h wore. "W 'liy doti't vou niiike lealher in the Coi.fvdèmcy?" I mM "Doii't liniiw how - hut they urem:ikintr clay iipes in Aiabain " And tin wils naid kh an air of ii 1 tiit i' ii, uri it to a red t:ly to hm-co pipe ere a ttiuinph tl mechuniu art. Ii st ern that ihus far tl e proseen tiiin uf the war has prove), to the S'iuth, a btotlese task. Furgive thu fuuble j"ke. I 'm va (Juring rny t"ip an oíd fe t hut, the igüeiton Lhin cu.itinent, wliioh had been thrnwn iwide ly iny (kolonel At 'l'iipilo I stiid Lm the geiiiul Guptuin bi ei.teitaiiiitd nse : ' If I luid l'iiit-8c-t:ii this visit I would hava woni noine deceul head gear.' "Hi.niph! thut luit ia vo;Ui thirty diillnrs in tiix liuvn " l'hu pijer lilnrkado pluvs eiirious trk'km 11 must lie nmdu uf wliat ím ciiUud cartri'Jgu piipwr. JACKSON AND TII.GHAM We reaulierl theoipital uf (5t'e ubdtit five o'clock ttundnv ui nio n, lett wo ere puruded in tren i ol I H.idqiiiirtei's and (Jenefiil Tllgham, of Fiifl Hcnrv t;une, rtoitd pic ureMjiiely on the itflwi i rev-eivo us. The miIic iber liapponed to be the only nffiuel' ainuiia the i riTonurs, and sn ti ino snbHciib r thu lovely Tilliacu in ulo tliis Hpet h : 'Lnttriant, you i!l tr tn Vicksburt; tn-in rriw inornina. In tht menliine JOU ill liave a private nmin ti tel up lor ii, and iiu meiU will lw senl t) vou frinn the hotel :it lhu Xptn-e ol the .ovvrnmext. We dewiia t inaKe ' yon is ronilortaMe u pi k1 Ie." ' We toiiolie'i our twai ty-fivu dollitr hut, and the 4Tod riHltld u gajwd in admiration if Tiihuti) nuil lht frov erinnenl uhioh, hrntigh hiin, uruiniKfd Ui (iüV tor oiir gniuor. Wa lit ed "iir himdied dollar Boots iï'i uherimte htep tnd iiiai'clitjd tnwnrd the pn a e room VVo reiiched the private room It wiib so ciill'd btícaiistí ii ciw t.iined niiie Jiliv:.tO nnldltT-. I II f:ict it WHH a jfUiird-rmrn. It was '' tilled up " uith tvo bioken sli m tt?r nd a huif inch of dcst lyintf on tre fl ior. Tlie ii'iitá priv:iti; foiiiiurc, lont derate, wery miiokintr, cliewiiif. uiid pliyinif draw poker. Thu room wa.s niiie ly bisteen Eight o'clock oatne, but nntthe sup per proiiiifed at th expense of Lbe gover nment. The l'itct was i luit 'hekeep er of ihe h:tel receiveil un ordur lor il, bui, like Louis Napi leon, wis not reaiiy t' reoogi '- the coiifoi'erauy. We rose in our vvrath. ".cifieMiit oí tf.opnatd.your General unido me rtouio vbiv ki id piomi.-es, hut they me not peiforuied. Shoul der vour musket and tuke nio out to eal." He obeyed; we marchad half h milt aud {jnt a Slipper, p'iyitig u doilur tuf it. You inty one (loilur per ineal 11 over the (jorifi-dei acy il is generally u curn me], corn-bruud,cru-uotft)e, uud (iuiii-1'ed b;tcon. Wo ie uniel to our priv;ite room, liir d a pieoe { blanket from tho Serpeant - ihey havo ho blankels in Dixio to ipak of - luid it in a nnrnw, inadu a pillow of one ui the brokun hhiuter, aud theie the lteliable Uentlumei. lay doun iind slt-p'. the wl)p ot' inuootincu BBBCKINKIÜQE. At the dej)ot, on hig way to jin P ico at Iuku, we taw tliat chiel of p itiial sinnars, John 0 lireckinridge, tho man who piayed a game for tho Prcfidancy, güt 'jsato, aud aow sus tu givo up the stakes. For I i hic(ni(!-rüt(! gfuuhlfcp lcx.k downon hini vvilh coiilempt. He seemed to be n ffiHid heulth, wore u unen ct nml s-rt i J{ wv col ,r urul Waétt. en.y t je'.ect in hu mauner u .iiind ill ut ea.-o. VlCKSBUitd. Aboui noon we íolled iofp Vicks liurjí ui:d were .■sout ti) the W.ishmgtuu Ilixáit the liest house in iho city. There you pay SI per dúy und livo mi corn bread without mijt i: it. Nu milk, mi ton, no (Öee, in butit-r, no he;.tcii bit-ad. V wi-ro kimily Urld that it w ln'l tío C"ii!i'dcruta nimu-y uur bil' mild bu jihjíI hy iho gDViirniiwnt We ! nd no Ciiinif'ediM'iite nioiicy. Nest iiHirning delivoTuncu cnm und ili uiiDijiüiiy M;rj'ir Watts, ttiu port Iv Omilidoriilo C'ti'iiiiii.-iniiti1 iho eXoliani' if UTMfNMtl', we Ixml'di d ÜIO -t Htner P.n.l Jones and suiLd I nr tiair-tit" irnue Seo, wliioli lay tevun inih's aliovo. I Lñ Uout, eiyrhl in iininb.-i , luid jfi biiiuírlit down tliu rebel pñitinvi Hom Johnson' l-laiid, Aln'11, Cani D iiü íiiid Oiiiii Uiíler. And iiovv, tiile 1 wriie, we una goinj; very sl(ly up llie muddy MinsisBippíi THE SPIIÍIT OF 'ÍUE SOUTH. To the cal eless n su'VtT ttie SoQth illilfhi 8(!em lo be n unit in ils hn)i, i lm h for ihe nresiint ainl bt l'ninre, The im-ii wlio lulk wi'.ti .i isoiJtíit ior lile UKUtt palt uiltje II1H CU' g " We nevor will .submit." Yet undci nu.itli lilis exlernal same iiüss lio ihe torees ot disseut und levo Illtioll. On onr jonrney dora Tnpolo to Vukr-burtr wo ticu drank wi;h rebel ífoe rs tliis tast : " The rento rut on of the Union." We were tiiíd t' conrso tluit th're vvere no Union men ir üie South Yet two üompHiues oí Mississinpians were la ely recniíted and diiilod by our offiuern ut lukjt, und uiany uioru indi viduallv joiued Northern regiments. Au Illin is Captain, wlm tielpcd to drill tíHiii,told me that wilh two liiiudri'd uava'iy it coiiüiiaiid he 'oulil havu í')ne into ihi hill coui.try oí Norih Alabainu and theie ralse a brigade uf fonr thousund mtn. The pniMT nf Norih AlaliMina, us of Eusl Teunee has boun fr mi) iliu beg nn ng " Coma ovor und hi-lp ns." One ttiing I especiully observed in ei:iversation vvilh soldiers anj jitizeiis - UH'dt'rato and radie il - an intense dt-siru tor pe ico. ' Wlieu will the war end ?" was iho satl, weary qnrHíio.i uddresed lome u hundred linies. SLTPLIKS. Suppües ure str.uiiful v oarce ia Dixie. I have spoken of bon und hats Flour w worih $52 n barrel in Vieks burtr, bacon 'venty-h've cenls a pouiid coffee from 82,50 to $5 u pouiMl, and none to bo had 'i'here i- nu tea even for hospita!. All llie sil is taken up tor the iruiy - so [ ws Uld at boudij-iarlers in Tupelo ; yet when Prii-u's torees cap; ured soine of our stores at luku, nis men were neen running about the stree'.s with their hiind:! I uil ot alt und lickintj it up like oxan. Thev also ('Hptureti tive ciiri'! i f lucifer uwclitsf, and Dltu ut their ulii.-uri ro niuked t hal thord were muro in ihiwo bxXM ttiuii in all llia rct i' thf Confederiioy. Ou tl e line I truvttled ehfokwM mn s'Ki ful1 a dnllur, auJ watermelnns frum ono to fivc ddllars it piece. A decent ciat fiir au i fficur was wcrth one hun iirl sind i'ity l(illarn. I rill nol lm ttdina-i- uffii!ö it to sav thal evei y lb:ng fle, Miva sugar and inilsi bure t ciirrusionil ng i rico.


Old News
Michigan Argus