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Speech Of Hon. B F. Granger

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Tho cordiality a:;d unanimity of the nominntion m:st havo been graiifyn:r lo tho memberá ol ttie convention, and cspec.ially so to Mr. Granger The noniination mis fiVst itiudo by the Union Convontinn, of which tho Democratie OonventioQ was informeel by a rifito frorn t lio President. A vote was thon taken in tliu Democratie Convsntion, Mr. Qranger having 23 votes, O. M. Barnes, of Ingham, 5, and David Johnson, of Jackson, 5. Tho nomination of Mr. (Jruneer was made unaniir.ous. Thu two oovontiuns havinjj; traaaaoUd all business roquiring separate action, and haviflg nareed npoa Ihe ohóioe of one peMón as their c.i-vli lat tor Qonk'ross, t was proponed to maot i:i j liat Convention, invito Mr. Gruner befure thern, and huar what ho hu! to say. But Mr. Gr-Miger wai ntin the pli v, bnt was (xpjc-led on tho emigrast train Ihun soon to arrivt;. Ho had p"yinptorily doelined bófng at, JiioSson on tho day of the eonventioíis1, bnt as tliodtlo fjates got togötjier, it was fouod that hií nomination waa a fo rogona ooiiclusion, and in obedionu to a gonei'idly exjiressed wish Bis Eriertdí te!gcaphtíd hÜD, reUÖStiflg liis pivsenre. Havinir no rrfr(j(l reason cH.sohö'ying thesummotín, ho ayailp.d hitnslf of the onlv a.ailal'iu enn, i'yamv, iirriviílg at J.ickson hutwtjen tlnx-o anl f o 'cd ciolt. The two (ïonviMi'i '.'is h : i ' i n jf in tho niuanliino mot in joint sesíoii, Mr Glan gor, on hi.s arrival, was introducid, K'id iipnn aniering the hall, was reoeived by thu delega tea aml iöl:4ors wiih risiiiij slumt tliai vy.iket) the echoes far and neur. Ha tiddresed thern aa follmvs : Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Cimwnüon ! I would imleod be inson sible did I nol uppftiaiülu the unusmil kindiifssni ihi j -uci'p'ion. [ can. h wc ■■■' i', auniiiKHiil nu t . 1 1 lt i j . - jr idgualf to the ('Jipivr.-i.i.i ol' il ijl nlitiiilu lor ils manifest en'lmsiasii) e.ii'nsl ne.-s int si ici'iiiy. f uan tmly í" .y tliat I kIimI! nut 8non forgot. it, umi tlnit il uill i, u tnri! be noy fiist deliro íind ''iinstiint tfiort lo provo to yim that I desryy it. Two ye:irs agfi I han the honnr to peoeive ('rom a party oonvcMition a rinmina'ion similar to thu one uhk-.h, I air. infoimed, vmi have just contorred upon ino. Since thal timo tliHt'O havo been Si'oat and important ohanüji's as wcll in tlu; status i polilical plalforniH and purttes as in the c"i1hif'n and pFospeeïts of oiir t;"iintry Thé prominont issues of that perird relatad to tiiH [ïrohibiliori of gÍHVery in Ihe Territorios, ihe granting of home'.s tu au na' suttlcrs, tho pvoincition of tho industria] inj.ereeu of the country bv a discrirriinaling adjustment cf tho roveimo impcists, the conutrucitloi) oí a railroad to the Pacific. OceaB, ml tho security and ennourafjjement o[' connneroö l;y natinnal apnropriutinna in iiid of rivor and harbor irr.provements 13 il t , most. happily í'or a Ijaion of ,-onti inent tina aclionj indispensable in the prt'aiunt ci'itiocil ail most pi-rilons june turo in the history of otir cuijntry, tho issues of 18C0, su productivo of fjerue, dissonsioii and r.ancoroiH party strife, huve ejthfci' bpeu djsposed ol by public n.tional legiiiilion, or nre boin iorce.d asido bv public sentiment tis nuil Jinii uoworthy ot nttention muid the iriif:!t5t'(ï tnjgglo novv going on for naUunul life. The distinguUhing features of tho republicim platform- -nou extensión of slavery, free homesteads, tbo re-adjust ment of tho revenue imposts, and th speeHy cbnetruótion of araoTfio railroad, tlio latter also a prominent plan!; in tb e democratie platform- have all boen Settled by legislation, wliile otber iss] mere polii-y hav.e ce'aged to ócpupy public attentian. Tiiu i[iiesticn to doy is not liow or to yvljat exieui Qongr.ess hall goveyn the natiopal Tcrritorics, bnt. wbèther we hIiuIJ continuo to ppssej any Tenitorjes: wliéilii'r, Lnaeèd, via shull liereafter exercísií anv Federal jurigdictjon over a single toot of the bro:d expaus" bitberto known as thu Unitiid States of America ; not wbether we sliall dtseriminate aj)i appropria,te in aid of the i-ndijstry, comDicrce aud weallh pf thy naüiin, but whethcr, in faet, w'osliall hayo aiy tintionel cxistoiioc ; not wlitthor we sliall provide " Vee homes for fi'ce i]icn." but wbetber anywhere, iu tbi's Jand of the' free, tho olipsen h'nn.e ofljbsny, the asylm of tho oppre'8sêa, we sh.ill in futQre have pither reu bunios ur iVoc nun ; not whethcr wi; gllúll niiitii thé jaci':o with the Atlantic Ötfltefl and binil thoitl , guther bv 'he strung bo ds of ' cial and fraternal eympathy ; but h hei her we sliiiïl preserve ih ■ ;i'eat Unimi of ; tuit whetbcr thu or i!i;it tjueation of nationaj poiicy is huncitiOned by he constitiition ; tut whetluT that sacred instrument, assailed bv rcbël.s and j aced by tréason botb open and ooupcajc I, sliall be vindieuted, presurved aid pefpotuated. Tlrs is the grehl issue mw présented to tho American' peoplc; nn issue devoid of HiUn: l'-nns ;tnl ;i lisfr.-ots, and t'ull oi' sulitiiiioe ud vitalitv; nn issue invul vDg not only llio li('i of the iiation, bu! lliu foto ol t'ieo n.-tiiutiuiis ind ;he bcSpa uf civil Ifbwty trtwuúgtout 'the world. - j All IriSliU wiltU ■ lito , cauce a'.l ofhor issues, appealá to lnyal nuii rvi-iy '.'.!, cro to forget tbcir party divisioiis, party prejudiees and party lies, and u:ilQ as onu people, ui II oue puipose, uüO baniicr, n whioh shall be luscribcd t!lO oiily Olie sentiment : - " (Joiistiiutiuiiitl libi-rly and the federal Uniói:, aliku imp'üisbabld and inseparable" But tbe occasion fuïbids that I shouM im-pése upiin y ou ftny luiiliiy iviimi 'ks. I uppcar bi fora you in nMpoiMMi to tlic IIOtiliftaticiM of 0111 COIUHIltd'O 1 1 : 1 1 V'H Iiüio tf!nit:rc-d to luit Ijjc l.oi.or ;i;;d re sp'iiisiliüilv :1' tliii liomi:;i ti -:i ivlucli tlie puople have p!a:ed at yoúr dispossl. - 13ut, böfore iiceepting tlmt iKiiiiinauun, I dèeni t to bo my duty to duclafe to you the views aud motives by wli liavu buiüi governed 11) my CoiigrüSslODiI service, and by wbich I sliail continuo to be góverned, in tle evént of my ré-èleotiüïj. It ü$ beo:i wi 11 said that, ii; tliis hour of thi' pe'ril, it i,s not dishonor t'i bc ïüisund T.s'ood, bilt it is cii:n nal nót to be outspiilteo. I propose, t!n-ivf''re, to fratikh expresa lo you my politioal fa i tb 1 bi lii 'va, then, in tbü constitutinn of tlio United States as tbe souiee of intion;il lili1, as thu foiiudutjoi] i)i' a! eral Autbority, as tho Standard uf 1 ■■.'■ alty, as t!ie mensuro of treasou, is (bo palladiuui of libcrty, tnd tbc bojid of ljnii)i). I do uot believe that ilmt saorcd iostrunieut, t!e product of the put rioti.-m and wdom of uur fatkers, possessea withhi itself lbo ek-niüirs of diasolution, or the power, ei'her in 0d, syllable, letter or spirit, eitbor of coctraotiou or expansión neithei' du I believe that Vrj tuay til will abaalve í Ivés f'roin its u!iig:iti'ii:s, or tli;it, liku the by-Jawa of a Bilino! house debating sooiety, it is pusceptibk af suspensión upon íhe deniaud oí the eapricious or t'aoitious. As t was in tin? begiiiuíng, ?■■ it is nuw, and ever will bc, uutil döstroyni i.iy tra i tors, or changad by tho free will of ijïepeojile wlio are it s insisten, I bnütivu i:i tliü Union oí' tho Stages ai tho o:i!y source of natiosial jafuty, pros jicnty and and I beüevé not on!y in tho Union of the Status, hut of the right8 of tbc Statca undcr the cy::Btitutioii, the great boud of union. I believe in punishing shu rebüllion by coerqing it into Bubiuission hy tlic military and naval power of the ovorument, eiercised aceording to the us tcs of modern w.niari!, liqjited onlj by tho coustitution ; and I bfliove in pun ishiug trenson uecor'ding !.) the aw of the land, euactëd and adnunistcred i: pursuanOO uf all constitmional guarantees. I ola i ra no nniiunity for eithor rebels or Iraitor, but eetry liniDunitj for the OODglitu ion whicb lts saiielity, safaty, and preservaron detlioiíd 1 deMjf to tliL' uiivei-üinent no r nsoesshry for iis pteservation ; yet 1 do nul. accept the modern absurdity that it is necessary to di-stroy to save; that t i; neeegaary to subvert kb e eonstiMitiou to vindícate its autho-itv; that-lt is r.ecisaiv to deinuliHb the títates to perpetúate tbeir uni in. . I believe that tlie President truthfully eO!iin-eheii(h:d tlie pnrpose of thtl war iu whicb we aro now o unbappily involvad, when he nddro.s.scd to lii iiHs-aL't.-. dedaring that '■ the eontest, on the side of the Union, 8 .1 s'ru;':' 'u for iiaitit ' iiiinj in the workl l'ui'Bi aud Bijtbötauoe of gnvernment wbroa leadmg object is to elévate the coodiüan of man ; -o elear llio p;iths of laudable pureiltt lor al], and to uffotd all au IMifottered s'art and a f sil' cliflufif in the f I t(e." And I bulievu lliat t!iat puipose wa.s fully set lorlh in ll(i' resolution ut' Mr. Crittenden, whioh piifaed. tin; body jf wllicll I havt; 1 1:0 llQttOf to be 1 IK.'llt ber :it the la'e extra, rd ma i' y .se.ssiou, de claring " tliat tUö ftiUfSDt deluiable civ) vr liaa bi'i'ii t rw 1 a))'n tli. eou itry b_v tin; lUtiinioniMH ot' tliu ouiitliei'n States, iiow in :rniti ai"ui:d ihe capital, tliüt, in lilis nalionai emergciiey, '! -ii gresa baaiisliiug all teulings of uure y issi'in and refonlmeut, will r'eo!;ert nly its duty to tfac wliole COUJjtry ; '.luit tiiis war is nol w age tl, on tlicir part, in any spirit of oppn-ss.ou or fnr any purpose of nvBi tiirciuing or iiterfering wiiL the riglits or establislied institutions of those States, but tn defend and tuaintain the suprema cy of the cunstitution and to prefervt! the Union wit!; all tlie diguity, cqnalit.v, and richts of tde sevcral States uiiini! aired, and that as soon as tlie-ío objpcts aru accoiuplished the war ouglii. lo cease," [ believo that this w;is good doctrino at the time it received Ooiigressioiipl iipproval. I believo that it ia uri"l i - trine n iw. and tliat t. will cmitinue to be good doctrino until the close oftlie war La-tlv, I bi'lieve in Abraham Lincoln, not as a partisaíí J'rü.-itl'-r.t, not as the ciinscrvcr of mere seetional or party in terests, not as the " rcpubliean iif republicans," but as llie great of tha nation, as the representativo of the digtrïty and nuijesty of the AnicricMii people, and as the sworn fruiirdiau of t!;e eonstitution, laws and kbartrasof Dt common countrv ; and I belL've that in every legitiiuftt-eAtid consti' ut ion:i I tïffort. to n u!i OUt rebellion aud restore the blessings of peaoo to our distiauted land, whetber wisely chocen or not; in short, wh ether, in our judgment, riulit or wroiig, hu is entitlfld to the sympathie and co tion ot true mc:i eviM-ywlKTe, aiul tliat, f necd be, to the sbüiMtiQjJ of t i i f ; la-u, dollar of loyal treaaufe and the dniiuftigof the fust drop rf lnyal blood. Wuviug afiy expreselöu of opinión up(;i iiii!stions ot' moro policy, 1 luive cxpressed to you i'vankly my views of thu one'great qustáoi}, which ought ;i: the plT.'L'Ut ■jülictuvc: tO "Ot-UJiV (IIIV altülitiou. Vïou: viMir tVr muil luanifeetaticM of approval, I have alnaiJv ni'crred t hut ■■ni agres with me. But tberë should be no aiisuuderstancling us, and if ■1 uuquulifiedlj it ia best tliaf we shöuld part now and hcre. 1, tlierefore, submït to you whether I am right, or wrqng, and app&il I to answer. [Kight, riglit] W'ull. I think we are botli right, and as v,-e are miw well s;iti;:!icd mi that point, We WÍ11 from this moment Bjbrtk'c hands and go abead. I accept the no mination ot' the joiut'iti mi. ar.d irótorH yon niy biuciere thanksfor the honor conferrpd upon me. I have ofteq Mí the utter inadüquacy of wordsin tlie attetópted ■-, ion pf .thpught and emotion; but n'eVer so rauuli and so painí'ully, as oh this occasion. .Fiiiii would I tell you hów üiuch and how ncurély t!i:ink yon, but ci cry att'émpt imist i ilvfe itsolf into these ili:-co comnaratively expressionless and cold wnrds- 1 thank "ii. Wlintci-er ($ v be the tesalt of this thiy's éfént, I shail Bever ceásfc to regard it witli feclinga ofthe utmost satisfaction and pñifie. ipressiob bf contidence hnplied n 1 Ín; íioniinatioü, whi'.-h, without Bojicitfttion, yon hai tp 0Ofóï upon un-. oL wliich any i:ian high ifl public esteeni, hpwever just and.peri tory hiíi claiius upon public QPDsiQWÜop, niijlii wull bprond. í-íwwpí U IWVi ot as an evidence sololy oí FWW ■ team lor me poistiuallv, but ni'.ln.i NV in behalí of tboss doetriurs WhicE I have just enuuciated, and whi.-h, I un pnmil I -i -iv. I hftV'f tofore, un3ei mueh iiIju-'1 aud dotnictioD, uücu-'IÍiiv to tiic best i f' iny ability ind strengt!] Ü iolldW. :■ iis to uufurl our : n banner bearing qo vaiu uisenption of party policy, ■ but evcrywherc owcjred all mw with clmr. of living !: ■■!:!," hiwroiight with fd StripcS, thut tn. . Aaierieaa I Libel '. mi! Union, uow and furever, Ie." T'iuler ts 11 y ft'i' tbc vindica. tion of the i nstlfutioi ;md the laws, and wiih Lt lel is go forth to fliu contest, coiifident tiiat the God oí' truth and right is wiih us. and will give us the victory.


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Michigan Argus