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UÜRAÜJi; W A'J ÜilS, AGENT 3 3 11 r o a d W ay, N o w Vork I: i-ïilislit i ui Mul iin.l MumIc KioK AND PKAÍKH IV pianos, Meloduoní, Alexandre Organn Orgaan Accordeon, Murtinr celebra ted und athcr Guitiirs, Violins, Trnor Vin]?, ViolihvertuS, Accordeons, Fhttinitft, Flntew, Files, Triuagieff. Chiri ïiu'tts, Tunïng Pol ks. Pipes nnrttTnfnmen, Yïolïn Bowr, bestltulian Stniis, Jjuss Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covws, and all kinds of Musical InHM'iiim'hts. 9 1. o o t 3Vt xu S i o, From '11 the [lubliAwi in the 1'. s., Iterfoni' MuntinV :m-i MuU-rii Sclion!, a mt .til kind oi Entrnctton lluok for 1 1 ; ain.M: mntruiDouta; Cbui h Uiuiic Bonkt; il.i.-ic eli-?:intly buuud; Müjic papvr, and n.11 kiuü.i uf Mu.sie Mitrch;mli-e, A t t hc Lowest Prïees New I' i a lm s , At $175, S'JDO. 1525, $860, &hd ut to S0O. Second IJiinu ]';;ui"! fnnii 2ft uytuWOO; NVw MehMleonH, $45f" $G(), i7;. lnn. mid up to $200; Sccond Ilaud M.-N.ih-uuIr in SÖOtO $80; ilrvtinire DrjtaiUi, th Uw -1mj.s. $1HJ, iiinestonu, Kieöand $225;tWrtw;iitoii.$ 61, i-'TJj mul j.yon; Bftpt'D ilopi$8S0 uti't $376: A Liberal dicounl i i - .--win-ii, hurcheí, Ñibbatli Schuola, "Vniinuriw iii'l Twtehern. Tli 'Jrañe uupUei) al tlieu.suui traile dUcaupi '!'( stliuouliilK of the Horneo Water IMnnos ;. i - tl ,M iIikIcoiis. Joliq Hewett, of Cnrthae, Ne-w Vork, who hns had nn oi Huract Water l'lanoa. nritenaji fu.lows: - " A fneiid ni i il ii il ibw )'■ t pure ham a piaou 01 lier. !if IÍKch thr (ini" yu s"!( Im" !l ' ecunM?r, 86. i. ii:niit U ïK-t-inniiiLC p'i];;ir in Iliis pbCP, aii-l I thii.k J c.-iti IntMMÏuct' olie 'V wo more; they will hv mure jit,u1 1 than Ui} "il,r iirihi'." "Wc li:i t wu "i Waloni' l'ianiis in i tl t'jr s't-miiur t-nö ui" xvlmh l;a ljc'n M-vercly testcd fur throi -t;ir. ;iu we can teiitil'vti tlií-irK"o.1 qualfty uñ dum b 1 i t . '- Woi ii ; Üieifury, .l.'ouíí' Carral!, III. 'H. Wütfi-, Kitq. - I-KAM "ilt: Hiiviri' ' (inent" yi-in f:n.. Kcirii-H for tu'iiyeant pftrtt. l r,Ilu.i , Yl.r, MVperiOT I.iBirutneut. AU),y. i"K.w, Prmetpcl Hr'tak'yu heieht Smuuary. "ïlic I recóii cl ir m vu cnnttnuon tn k' vc -it .(tfuctioD. t rg&n1 it il op 'il 'li'1 't'1-- i n Hl niiiH'ht li tin r;.i.-.-. ' m PtARKE, 'liarlettm Va. '♦Ttic Mi-lniit-nii twMy artn ei. I Peel obl'K t" '"'! fury ur ltfnil illHïoimt." Rev. J. M. Mi('0RMit-k. rrvuV C. 'The [tiiiim wiis lii'y reeelTed, Itc;inif in rxcelleni conJition. mul s vfci-v mucli áHraireH by my numoruu t;i v. -cc'-'i niv th:inkrt fnr vuur pr ptnes."- Koiikkt Coohk, WArtrnham. Rrmijotd Co. Va. 'Vour piHni' pkaes u" ■. 'i '-1 Tli'' be.i une íd out cQiMfy.1 . - 1 1 r i;s .. 1,at:iam. atiii-eUton, Ga. ltWe ara vm v mucli ilipt"l t yu fortín vijicr neni Nc'n ftn lntruitièiitfwr$J50.' - Uiu.vk,IIkmi . Co., fhiffal Dnnccrtu. "The liorace Water Pwinsare knowq afimon tinvci-y beul Hiu uoirbled tu kpeafa nrtbeJw insirumonta witli coitfidotice frowi personal lcnowkdjtP ft thiir cx.'.-li.-nt Lm and 'lurbl' (4ftUty,"- N. Y Kvanrulim ' We Oftti -;]itik nf 1 lic nicriK uf thé Itctrncc Waters piiin'isf f'Mi prr-"i);il kuowlMifi, m hrfing the very ftobKi ii:ilty."- CkiíStiüM Intrtfigriicer. -■,.,,. [,.i .i. - W.iin - ii.iiim re imilt of tht' bet arni in...-! [boruuhly -ojíoboiI ptteríaL We hat nadoubl buy-wenn flu hu wélLperhop better, i (hlfthan ai jtuv "I iifT'i'ntM1 ni tl.i Í nii ui," - Aitvtif.atr a 'ui Journal, Siiter-' pj-vi" ;t;"'' meloUoonn cliHlli'nfre compaHmtn wit li :ii..--. male ftii.vwhcre iu tbe cuntry." - iimtr Journni "Home1 STatwri1 Pfano Forlen :■' of full, rlcb ami CV.-U ,...,. 1 i...-.v-1-r il - .V. t Wndcat licnñu.. "().(r frifmÏH will find at Mr. Waters' sir.iv iho very ,--t is-oi -lunMit of Muiic ;imi Of I'inlio.-i tu be foliad in thi' tni.t"l rtiateü,nnd ire ur(te onr ulhem nl wwtera frenlH t íIvp liini a t-all wht-iiL-.or tliej go lo NVw York.- OraAam Maraihti Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell. tOO OOO iMCed In tril MntitÏK. The unpreci'ilentM Rl "f th'is bnok has in.lucod tbe pubiMier i" ;i'li mune ÜO new tunoajipcl hymjm to Ita prent , ftitbiiut extm charge, except uu the abeap editiuii' Anidng he niiiiiy beautiful tunes aod hjuiu added tuajr be found: - "I ongbt to lïe my inptber:" "O ï'll be a K-nul chill. imlef-ti 1 will." Theneaiu) elght ottier frotn IV!l,were sunfrwi the SnnMay ïcl)om Anniver siuv .! the M. K. ('hurcli at the Aeademy i Muitte, with gnMii uppliuisc The IVU ':m.tiiin nvariy IZOOtdBegaJi'i li vuHK.aini is onp if the i'st coltecttonfl everismied l'Vic I8c; $H pM bundrwl, portaste 4c klegantly bmind. emboA-tfni nUt, 5(: " !"p llH ü -11S 1t'u" luWbdueed lulu niany of the l'nblic Sc' jla. TIn è ii publiitlied in mail number1 entitlcil Annl versaty aiul Sui.'la Sl-IiuoI Maafe Bnokt, Nba. 1 , 'Z, 3, .V 4, in order to aecunntodate the mltllou; price ï- i: y per hundted No. 5 wilt sAnilbe Iaüd- comttinktement ii ' mutther boofe AteO, Revival Mnsic BWÍ N, I -. pric SI & $2 p4?r loo. pn-tage lc. More tha.i 3fK),0uo : eoplM f tlie abnve bonk hT been laattftd the past eürhfeen monthB, and the dflmavd is rapi-lly toorettMlBf PublUhud bv H0RACK WATERS. Aent. ó$ Mrdway,N. V. Fublised by Horace Waters Nn. 333 Rroadway, New Y'ork. Voc;i!."Kiti'l Word r can neverdie;" "Tl e Angela told l me d:M "Willis of the W-st;" "Thougbtfi of O od; ' . OiTA'ine back fliy Slonntata Hume;" "lay nreams;'' - ! 'Mtandv i'tK-l Robla;" 'Tin with thee still ; Tetnamen;" : "ThereV n darilng IBie min;" "Saiab J me Ln;1uEr er "f thi'i1:'' wltñ leu ving thee in Aoprov;1' l Hirr if' : Ueanty :" if birth; "iïrave f Rosahel, ' and 'V:il-4', Imly, wakf-, " price ñc fch. , iNSTRt'MKVTAi. - l 'TVace (.arden, or cincing Bïrd Polka, 40c. "-winpmir Schot tischf," 'M1 rabel Rctafrti tlsch:" 'Tlwipan ttaker's Scbottische;'1 ♦1'ict-olomini l'nlka, ;J5 each. The tHve.iece-ihave bcautit'ul Vignettee "VVflmer Polka;" "Arabian Wai ory Marcl,11 the vítv la-t: 1Vhssovíhphh Ooniells Mazurkit; ''Real: ' Iiue Polka;' 'Crinoline Walt?.." ami "ljtncers' Qu , drille," 26c ech, 'Tlic Kinpireof ïïeïoh's Quadrille;" n mw dance, and "Tlie Blbertilan Quadiille' 3Sceach. , Mmiiv of these pieces are played by Baker'a oelehratexl Oiohrt rn with great apj)lruse.4fjh llailed free. A hirj;elnt nf Foreico Music at half pricc. I ;iiiM, 'n tfititii ;tiH Orfcailff. The Ihtracc Waters l'iimo and ofolodoOA, for dejith, j purity ni" tone nnd durnbility, ar mism iiasj-cd. IVcp eiv lot "ooiid Rand Planon and Uelodeonafmin $-.'5 v 9160. M u ir and Musici 1 Inrttuótioiw of all kinds, atthf " Irfwwi prfeea BORACR WATKIÏH. Acent, Mo. :i;3 Broadway, V. Y. 1 TfiïTtMtNMii:- "Tlie WWtn I'iani'H :ire knnwr I au inntir.' thevorv btt.f - PummfM. -peuk of iheir mrita trttm pennal knowl e1p." - Ckntfpn Intrlnenirrr. ■■Votïiinat the Fair liitphived greater excelVnce -"- Chiirrhmav. e tt'ati-iV Iiatio8 and Vftluuwma ehaltongaoomparfHiii t witli th" döOit miitleaiiyvrhiTvui cuunUy."- Hom e "l'tt ; LOOMIS & TRIPP, SucctrsorK to ,. Clmpin fc Loomis.andChapin, Trifp A Loomit 1 Hrm ï Uvömls Jfc THpp havinff purchasi-( I tin entiri' interest of tltt former Oüinphft' wil y eoctinin th hnsincss at theold ittumls, rhere they wil n ' 1h' rwiiy, n the hortwil ootirf , to fï 11 all order in th r ! line ol Castingsand Machinery, II ' in the most ivurkmanliktt manner, .md on u libera terina H: noy othr fhp ín the State, Amone th vari i,r. artioleniBiiufactured by ns, wp w-. enumera!1 -TKAiM KN(.INKS of all kind; Mili e:trinir and Pixtiirea, wronpht jtm caxt áll the vri"ns éantinffsfnr maklii and r-pjiirinc: ' Floree Power & Thiwlrnig Macbineí such í are at present, or hitTe fftraterlj been tai use il t é i k part f the State, hr well ns jilt the variotin kinds o oaatiag Hod nmohíiie wnrk oaXSfiñtai by farinyri an HreclinntAR Inlhln i et ion of fhf botín ry of al th va."iHis patti rnn; ap in ittaesapri prices. irlll h l.'-p ,:nii-it:iiit!y on hand, got the most modern and ira pmved myleü. THanftfu1 for fitrmer patronage to the fdd firms, w wki1i o)icit a cotitinujinrf frnm nld friendsjjind atria bv ill wishinc fnviinythinfr iimur line of huKwean, LOOMIS fc TR1P1'. Ann Arbnr.Vav ISth. 1S6Ö. 697t.f id TIlHESIII.Xa MACIIINliS. V VTKNTKD AND .MANL'FACTURED BY 5 Nichols & Sheppard, lía! (ie Creek, lich. 5 Improved for the Soason of 1862 In thi epirator the gí un soparatd fr-ino the straw by uv'HiK uf llftfDgflligei f, thiit toss t lic ir;i w Lip and d.uvn wi-li a-D'Miii molion fntn the lime ií lenve (he cyÜlJr until it passes to thestackei", :tmi tire gniln fulin ?ihnügl) a wittom madéoi late, clear from 'he -traw.'s confftimLg the-w flngtn and tuo Hjüit gtnlu lttin ma li' t vi tírate r wiog bao mira ind furw.tmI, vrhiob vforka i!i" -traw lo tne st;tc-er nd the gram 'o tbe hitm The supenoiity ut tlin machine ovir .ill otherH ooDliatt in t-t Perfroi iiiii'iilion il .r:in ' rom Straw, Giet -impliciiy hav n no plokers or bcatei-R to cl'fc up, .ui'l toog macbuiei'y than any other mach ne duw najde, Grpatciipncitv, asit w:ll not wtate when crowded. í Pprfeci ch'aiu r, ha t Ing largar sfivcs than any 'ther. I'jisy di'iilt , bötWr con.-trncied. simple and durable. Pe'nn?ylvania Iron Ilorse Power. I Wurranted to le. the best II rse Power in use. Made i willi ftfitid ! inn frnii" 'is prefertcd nnd 'liircslmrs oí Michigan 1 We offor you t .ci:K-r iA'"iilNK] i:sk. Better than ft ta'.Hall'i Fow ■Icrvillf. r anj' m;ichine huilt on their p: incipled lf yon intend bu-iny; a muci-ino of an.v kin.l t-i i pHir.phlft of us or uur Ajrciii. ainl satUfy ymir.-elf Pamplilet seut f ft. Ca 11 nnd ee,or ad ireuR MCHOI fcSHEPPAlïD, Battlf Crei-k, Michigan. Or M. RO'iFH-í. or MYRoN' BA3R, Agtnt. Ann Arbur;or I. V. Wakbhan, agent, Dexter. 850m3 Kloney to Lend. rOAW FURNI-H U0NSY on reMOlfeto terms and long tirav {jn ood. Fa.m Iftcurlty. , MüRGtN. Aun Arbor, Julj Ü2, 1862. 8C2tf


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Michigan Argus