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We have t ikeu 500 rcb,el pnsonrs, sick and Wüun.K'tl, at Perryville, Danville and Harrodsburg, Ky. Gen. Anderson, of Fort Sumpter fame, is with liis family, at Heuderson, Herkimor county, New York. His health is not yet restared. Bragg is reported to have said after hia retreat to Perryville, " I believe I can outmareh the Federal troops, but. Lord ! how they do fight ! " A party of six Oincinnatians, while journeying from Naahville to Owensboro, ïenn , were waylaid and robbed of $3000. in gold and greeubacka, by a guerrilla band. There aro now 13,000 convalescont soldiers in Washington, large mirb'Ts of whom are daily rej lining their regiinents, under ihe w.itohful and euergetiu rule of Gen. Bank. The , message of Gov. Holb.rG.ok, of Vermont, says tliat brive little State ha raised in all l'OOO men for the war, fully 1 000 more thau her proportion under all requisitiona. The reason that Stuart's rebel cavalry, qn their Ute a,u,dacioas raid, didn:t go to Washington and take what horses wo have there, is explained by the íict that the rebels don't use sueh a poor kiid. An Englishman just arrived frora Riohni'nd teports that oue of our Uniou sur geons ia in prison in that city, in a cell tkree and a half f eet high by fivefeet hng! He was with oue of Pope's regiinents. G. W. Jjwir.g, who was draf'ed on the 13th inst, in Laporte eounty, Ind., pur posely shot the fingers off his right hand to disqualify himself frcra service in the army. This. however, will uut relieve b,iui frQn.1 service. The rebel killed at Antietam swelled up, and in two hours aiter deatn smelt ranker a id more offensive, if possible, than while living This is supposed to be the result of their scanty und u,nwholesome diet. The Legislature of Vermont has determined to pay tho nine tnontha volunteers frora that State S7 per month ia addition to the Government pay. The three years troops all reeeive the same, making their entire pay $20 per month. A new regiment of Union troops is to be furnished by the 8 ate of California. A regiment of 1,000 men is also to be organized at San Francisco as a private enterprise. The cost of t.ransportation for a regiment froin California to tha Eastern States is $83,000. Col. Kingsbury, of the llth Connecticut Rrgiinent, gave orders before going nto the battle of Antietarq, that the naino of every coward and skulker in the regiment shoul4 bo pubüshed. The acting Adju'ant accordingly publishes the n;imes of 28 skulkera ia the Connecticut papers - a shameful record. The War Depirtmnt is now rapidly increising tlie Oavalry branch of the service; and it is said that sinco the Stuart incursión, horses can be bought very cheaply in the Southern tier of ambities in Hennsylvania. The farmers woiild rather sell chf-ap to Uucle Sam than give away to Juff. Davis 1 In leas than sis hourg aftor Diok Flawea was instalb-d as Provisional (Rebel) Gnvernor of Kentueky, in the capítol buildings at Frankfort the wliole party - bnjius Gnvernor and suite. Cora manding General, Provost Marshal and all the ragtag and bobtail followera of Braxton Bragg - skedaddled towards Lexington. The rifle bilí cartridcres used by the rebela at the battle of Porryville, as proved by soine taken frora the pocket oí a dead rebel, were minufaetured at Birminchain, aud bear tLe name of a írm there. Thua the Br'uish, whilo calhng upon the Americana to cease their l fratricidal strife " and abusing the Federal Government rouudly. are furnisbing the rebels with the indispensable means of keeping up that "strife" Better stop preachingandgo on aa a merG shop keeper Johnny Buil A rebel soldier who had one foot sho away by a cannon ball at the battle o Corinth, reportel bis name as W. T Garner, of Northern Arkansas. H said tliat he wat uressed intn the service that he and bis father were Union men and thnthe attempted last winter to joii G l). Curtís' anny, but wasoaptured, anc h 'S been ever s'mce under guard. O the moruing of the battle he was placed three paces in front of the colors, and so, at the point of thu bayonet, was marehed into battle. The dead body of the color bearer lying by hitu, attested the triith of his statement The trials .of naw tronps, aeting as piokets, a e thus s%etched by an array correspondent: " In the night tinie ttiey transform trees into mounted men, shrubs into piokets, fences into battle lmes, and even rooks into armed rebels. At one ma they haatily rallied their rankn and )"ired a galling fi'e into the outcropping ■ooks in the river, believing them to be a Confedérate (orce fording the bubbling current. Even in the day time, on ona occasion, a few of our men who had crossed to the large island in the river for grnin, were firod on by the whola frightened line of pickets, and only gaved thenneWes by falling below the fiunwales of the larjre flat boat. To these raw troops a cooncry or owl scpeech bccoines a bu'le cali. They need the exporience of a cainpaign to oool tbuir imaginatious and temper their zeal." EOSECRANS ON PüRSUING AN EnEMY. Those wbo know Gen. llosecrans, his vehement ene gy, bis soldierly raaxiras, bis resistlcss will, need not be told be pursut-d the rebels " sharply," Of oir two hundreH Generala, none bave eiven sueh aïsurance of bitter pur guit as Rosecrans. " Follow close; force theiu to faoe the rear; oimipul tbera to forin of en in line of battle, nd so harrass and disoourago theuj ; prevent tbem from oomrauuioating from front torear; give them no time to distribute subsistenoe ; don't let tbem sleep.1' Suoh are bis rnazims Serve with bim and ynu will discover that bis sbarp advioe is not mere lip servioe " Wbcn you desire to put a man out (rf your house, gat hun fairly started and only half the orditmry forco is required to keep him going. So witb a retreating enemy. Moral discouragement roba him of half hi trength - Make him turn ui b;iy and rest easy - He is worried. You are at easa." SucU are prt of the military ideas of Gen, Rosecrans. Why did Grant order him to halt frura carrying thutn nut, after the late battles of Corinth and luka? The hospital nursei in New York c:ty have made u requeat fop (JuuatioM of wurm cluthing by the eharitabl to be usud tlio comfort of the 'sick and wounded sol Jiers sent there, who are now suffermg lor want of urtioles of the kind. Kirby Smith made tho people of Li'xingMui earry all their cookingstoves to the foundrics, to be cast into shot and uhell. He prnbuWy considered that, as he h'id 8;iz.tid and apptoprinted everything that hitd to conk, cooking stovos wero to thern a supei tluity. The Commissianer of Pensions states that if tlö mother of a deeeased soldier has a husband living, who is not provd to be either unable to support ber, or in such a situntion that she can not enforce her legal claim upon him for subsitenoe, she is not entitleu to receivo a pension by reason of the service and death of her son. S'ntw P:pe feil bacl? on Wa?hington, 10,000 hornes have been suppüed to thearmy o{ tha PtpfHHi, unj moro are stiïl reqvred Thi ínct demonwtrate the treint-ndons consumption of horse fl'-sh in carrying on the war. - The Q artermastèr's Department s buyiiiK all the horaeu t')t aieofcred 8t 'air erices. Army surgeons, it is said, are constantly bribed to let men go on the jronnd of physical disability, and the irmy is srowias lesa throuh the est opeiation. Powertul friends of siek soldiera, eonatactly throng the War De partrnent and the Surgeon General's office, in the endeavor to obtain discharges for tbeir frieuds. Willard's hotel at Washington, was hst week perfectly crowded with military men, froin Oenerals down to Corporftlfl. and althoagh it is pretended that intoxiuating drinks ara not sold anywhere in the city, scores of the aforesaid genlry preseuted the apptarance of being jolly overmueh. This spectacle, taken in con nection with the apparent quiet of our great armies, is calculated to depress the most sanguice lover of bis country. The Louisvilie Journal perlinently aska. if flour cannot be had for less than $42 per barrel in Georgia, and $Ó.Z i Misissippi, now, jnst after the wheat harvest, whut will be the condi tion of thiriQfs in those Statos, ttrid other Southern States, during tae next twelve months, supposino the rebellion to continue ? Ciin any ono think that the risjhts of propbrty ill be respected at all? Will not rol.W'fy and anarchy run wild through tne land ?


Old News
Michigan Argus