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The Retreat From Cumberland Gap

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Grekndpsborg, S.J. Oct, 4. Last night, the rear guard of the last brigado carne into thia place, after a day's march of twenty üve miles. This morniag I washecl tny face in the Qhiq River. T'he dimisión has boen in motion ver since I wrote laat. Niglit aud day ïavo the weaiy troops pjodded along. 'hey have furaged all tlio way. Nuary every one carned with him his gra ter made of a ti n pinto, and he grated his owii meal lqr fajed or MM A halt had hardly been made, if ouly to allow a traiu to move on, but that the uien would have out tlieir milis aud be at work. O ne of the principal sourees of trouble been that, owing to the very long line on the road, and the uecesity of keepirig it in motion, the regiments have uever known when or how long they would be halted. except now ai4 theq wb,en a general halt has been made. We have traveled between 225 and 250 miles. John Morgan, with a foroe of about 2,000 cavalry, ha hovered a round us night and day annoying ua both ia front and rear, destroymg milis and grain, and blookading iu front of ua, and pioking up any hungry soldiers whose hope of getting soine fruit, potatoes or pawpaws tempted lim Irotu the roadside. VVe h ive had to )ig new roada around Durned bi idges, cut out tree for miles, dig and dam for water, aud bivouac for ninteen nisbts without a aohtary tant. No property has been unnecessarily destroyed, but tlin road behind us has been left ban en of provisions It is a must unfortunate thiug for an army to travel through a üountry and nut be reguUirly suppíied with rationp, Very few acoideuU huvo oeenred. All the tioops have como through in ex cellent health - bet'er tliau we had in camp. Sore feet and stitfeiied limbs aru all our illa now. Wo havo had skirmish ing moro or less every day, uutil we eacbed Grayson, at liich place ilie enemy loft usfor Mount Sterling, sweariug t was uo use to try to stop the d - d Yankees, as they cut out of tbeir block ades taster th;in tliey put ihein iu. I doubt vury much if tlie war should lust ,en years longer whether any troops will make a harder or a longer contituous narch than General Morgan's división ias made It is the seeond hard maroh the regiment I am attached to (the Thirty.socond Indiana) has made. I bope it will ba the last. I wish I was permitted to etate the forcé General Morgan brought through with so much skill Very little has been said of it in the papers, aud the people will be astonishod to luarn that so largo a forcé bas been brought through au almnt barien country, suppüed tor miles and miles with only toattertng pools of water, warm and inuddy. Perhaps uo división in the army bas as rouob or as good artillery. But I ara mak'mg my letter too long We have notbiug left us but our guus, amtnunition, and sotne wagons. Many ofnur troops ara barefooted and nearly naked, bardlv fit to be aaen in respectable society. We ate our firsi hard bread here last night, having found some going up the river in a small boat, miirlied 9li)t O.V.M., Ironton. This morning two more small boats carne up, but I have no' learned what they are ladoa with. We could eat up a half dozen good sized boats, boilers and all. The división is now lowly crossing tho river, one brigade having gotten over. &gr It Í8 said that Jonah wrote to his fatíii'F after the whale had gwallowed hiui, that Le had found a, good opeuing fnr a youug mau going into the oil I bus'uioss. fíST The onfftn of Danitsl Webster was opened at Marshfield at tlio reGenl burial of his son, Col Fletoher Webster. Decuy had niiturilly done ira work, but the marked peculiarities of that maasivo ! head ïadfRcc-"reolear!y distiüguishable,


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