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The Fight At Lavergne

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The Nashville Union contains th iollowing account ot the brenbing up üf the rebel camp of Gen. Andorson at Javergne. General KVgley ordered General Palmer t his comnifclid, and instrueted Colonel Mil Ier to co-operate in the niovement. Tiie whele torco moved prninptly at 9 o'clnok on the night of Montfay 6th, consistingof the Twentyiirst Illinois, Ciilouel Miles; First secüon of the Firt Kuutucky Kattery, Ii(iUten8t)t Nell ; part of the SpvgVb I.ennylvaDia Cuvulry, Captain May ; two secünny oi Captain HotalingV Illinois Ba'.tery, Qiilom-1 Stoke; First Midülo Toniiessee Cavalry. Palinar'a torco kuoping straight on the Murfi'üesboro road, while Millar, commanding four regiment of intantry, look a direction left of the railroad. Palmer arrived at Larergne al half-past threo o'lock on Tuebday norning. Miller did nut arrive in front of the enomy uniil the battle had begun, which was at dayliglit. Beiora the eucnuntr, Palmer took prisonera some nien whq wero on pickat duty at Lavergne, aüd sen! thein to Jiusivilie. The eneiny, under Gep. S. E, Anderson, oper.ed upon Palmar, and attempted to flank by throwing the Thirty econd AUiuaina on his right. Th üi ymy with ono gun opened upmi us, nul tlotaliiiga Jusauerv, ai-nort iistin,ce tittj retiirned fiiu froin eolions. Th seuontl shot lrom ur urüliery went through tha unemy's puwder nuteazine, w hicfj iiuinediutely U'Uw up. caiüjiflg the complete dettrucüon of the wliole woik and everyihing within respectablt distanoe uround it. About this lima the Altibiirmi regiment ubove reterred to maiie ; hom ile deiTionstrution upon Piiliiier's iluiik, hut Miller'n force, tiijiisjsling (it trie Eilueanth Ohio, Lieutonant Colonel tiivenj Twuni)et Ohio, {jieutonant C'lonel Niebling Snventy-oigliih Peons'ylvaniu, Colonel Servill; Fou teeiith MiohigaD, Colonel Sinclair, ai-riyect through u jcrn-field, and ratCeJ aw;iy, throwing his U'ïC acroas thu iront and on the Murfreesboro road on the right. The Sevpntyt-ighth i?eiH]s)lvaniu halted in iront p{ tha retreating neray when he attemptud to pass his liao to our left. Serwill threw liia regiment rnpidly by the lelt flank, complaiely in front of tne jnuiny. Dui'uig all this time, the ariillery vm pjaying upon them with tuljing effect. Tho cavalry dushed aguirist ttie line of the Seventy-igh,th, but 'was met by u succeision of vplluy pi muskeiry. The Thiity-uecond Alabainu quickly threw down their rms, and the cavu.ry elevated a white fing, tjijt tho Cuptuio of the artillery not sueing it, i;ept tiring The cavalry then flod in great confusión inlo the WOud. Meantime th Eighteenth Ohio had nrrivod nearly at the place where the enemy'a artillery made the first stuud, and by order of Miller deployed aw skirmishers to swepp the woods requpily fiocupied by th Alubarna regiment. !J;he men swept the woods clenr ba'jk by the camp, and took numerous prisoners, amnng the.m Colonel Maury. Miller, learning Palmer's infantry had g(;ne in the same direction, withdrew the Eighteenth Oh o. Firing in corn-fielda in ÍVontnf the batteiy had, by thu time become seattering and irregular, and si)on ceasej The Pourteenth Michigan and Twentytírst üliio had each talsen an activo part, und seoured lli:iny iri-tonor. - Neiiley, at an early hour on Tuesday 'morninfr, deeminsi il expedient to risk uu saj;nf,pa 't tn-ops, sent out reintoiceinent.s from Nashville, consisfJQg uf the Twenty-second Illinois, Tenth and Eleventl) Michigan and a batti-.ry, Negley taking inmediato mand. Reinforcements proceeded to vvithin a milo r the Insnns Asylum, when met bv S'i'ke-i nn1 his regiment. The first rërpark the Oolonel mnde 1o the General w;is : ' General, we've got 'em " "Bv fl-eorffe," eaulated Stoken, ' we've got every'hinar - two Coloneli", Sfvefiil nther comniissioned ofijoer, ntid neurly three hnndred men; all small arms, gnnn, 8oir, haoun nnd all the necessnries vo conld carry after fillinff onr own and nll the enemy's wnorons iind every speciuB of cart WP cruild prefs." The rehcla had but ono ?nn, which we capturpd. We also took from tha pnemv fonr hnndred omall nrm?. a regiment-ii color, fiftv six lmds of flmir, RRvernl hnndred weiarht i-f bwcon, iorty t,e9ves, nnd n numhpr of horpes. Onr los-í. ns fr as asccrtained, is four kil'ed and seven wonnded The rebel loss, thirty ki'lpd, eighty wounded ; nnmbeF nf pnrne'"s, over three rmndren ; two Coloneis, ffv rul Optairs nnd Lieuternnts, ordnance officers, nnd a sq'iad o Pereonnts nnd Copporals. Many of thfi nrioners ptnte thut thv were eick of the war, nnd quite willing to quit ftghtiiifl ard return home. Tho rebel furces wera nnder he commund ol General Sümiiel Ander, son, ifd th:it individiüil informed his men thatFainfofoetnentn ithto ne'iessnry nnil st:irted towards Mnrfix-enhoro fr thetn, ñná has not been haurd f pipce. The onvalrv wt;rn re-neotivöly unrlar Jnhn T. Morgan, Biffel and McEipsti-y.


Old News
Michigan Argus