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o & - S rí) e - P n f A a ce .tá Q2 Si" f-fcf p o !rJ5 lio g ) 1 ' Ufo ö te ë f 'ï'B's M ISÍ p Si I c ö í fí Ü i If 5: í H L SB ■ Ë3 THE HEBELLÏON P Í1IGH PrtIGBS POR CLQTflI?jG. HAS COMMIÜIÍCED AT TUS 0L0 & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BL00K, MAIN St IAM now opening alarga fend variocl assnrtmont o .riiiganílSummerGooiia, nad in fíen ol t!u' rebell ion on highprietí.s geníTft Uy, wiU offer tliem to myffmnñ and eustom t the very lowest iigiires fur Cosh. - Tiogein want ut a iupríor ol Clotbs, Cassi mores ; or Heady-Made Clothing, - wfU cali onWM. WACNIR, wlio has jast roturnnl from the Eatt, with a large assortnu nt of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS ïvhich have boen purchased at the late LOW PEIOES! and can offer them at a lowcr figure than evtí luefore, Amougmy Assortment toay be found BROADOLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKTNS, VESTINGS of aii dèscrfptions. tviüiitliet witb superior assoriment uf Rcatly-Mailé Clothlng, ,1.1.. - vxTRUXK,a, CARI'ET BAOP, BLl-Jj Ü1IBRELLA8, nml iÜlBGeiitlemcn's Funiiliiiis GrOODS, ivith numPious otlirr articles usually four.d in similar UtabËshmAott. As an EMPORIUM OF FASHION, ,he siibscrihcr flatters lnm-self, that ïis Jqflg cyporjeppc ii,d gèncïl suQQeís, wül (enablehini to give the greatfíít tatisfüotfpH to all who may trust him in the way ol Mijuufactiu-ing Garments to order. WM. WAGER. Anii(inr, Aplil 9th 1802. 84Stf eLOBIOTJS News from "Dixie?" The Rebeliiqn abopt Crushed ! A. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAND CLOTHING HOUSE Keturu their sincere thanks to their numerous FRIENDS AND PATHQINS, For the liberal manner in whick they lm ve heretotofure pntronized them, and beg lea ve to aunounce tlmt they ;ue AGAIN ON IIAND With a Largo and well selectöd Stock pf SBFUNG &, SUMMER GLQTHING! GENTS' FURNISHING (JOODS, fíats, Caps & Trunks, which they will sell at Astonishing Low Pijces ! For further particulnrs Cali and SeO für yourstilvfis, and yo u iriH not goaway disatisfied, A. & p. LOEB, Hurón Street, a few doorfl wet of Cgok'a Hotel. Ann Arbor, May, 182. 3p854 DISSOLÜTION NOTICE. THEFIHM OF C. H. MILLEN k CO.,iathIa dy ala sniviMl by mutual oonaent. C. H. Hiltep [a aithorized tö settle all business relatiag to nUd l'irm. (;. 1!. MIl.LKN', C.Ii, TIIOMI'SON. Ann Arbor, Peptembe? 15, 1862, NOTÍCE. HArINT(; purobaud the interest of C. B. Thompson, in the Inte íiimofC. H. MillenífeCo., I símil continue at f'enlil stano, adopting ÏW fw as jms.siple tho c&efa Byettm of doing Duaínesa. Thaukful for past at ronage, 1 hopt to morit a contiodftnoe oí the liberal patrupagíí hereto'ore betowpd. Persons indi-bteil to oíd linn will plo&M cállanüsetite immeílately. 8V0w6 C. 11 Mll.l.KN. Oval Picture Frajpcs ALLSÍZÍS, STYLEE nd PRICÉ? Just ceoeivod ni forsale aaeapat CHOFT $ MÍLLEK'S. }60.Dec.26, 7SOtf Demand Treasury Notes Tur wiiich wa pay II. GTJITERMAN fe Co., Aun Ai-bot Qltobtr 'J, W''2, Ayer's Agüe Cura.


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Michigan Argus