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SAMBUCI WINE, 1TKK, AM) I UUR TEAKS 01.11, Of Choire Cfcporío luitj KOR I'HY.SICIANS' UPE, FOR FEMALM, WEAKLY PERSONS & INVALIDS. Every fnmily, at tbi.s seaaon, should use the 8AMBÜCI W1NE, pelebraied ín Evope for its medicinal and beneficia iH.i'iii--; as a gontle Stimtilaxrt, Ton ir. Dimt tic ;uhï Hi '!' rifle, lifghfjp esU-ctned by eminent j-hysicians. uaed i European umi American Hospilals, aud by somc ui tli Brst fami'k'.s of Europe anl América. AS A TONIC, It liaa ao pQual, causirig nn nfpetite and building a ol the Hysti m being entircly 3 pure wine oí a uioa v;iluable fi uit. AS A DIURKTIC, If impar ts a healtbj action f. tin: Glandsaná Kiilneys inri l'nnai-y n!j;ins, vcry beneiicial in Propay, Gout,ani Hheirnutiu aUeetious. SPEER'S WIXE Is not a mixture or nianufactinrd art iele, bat is pur fmni tbe juice of the Portugal Sawbucusgrape, cultívate i ii New JtrsjïT , recommended byCnemists&nd Fhymcian is j-jossossin medical propevtits niperlof tfl aiiv othe Wlne in use, nn an excellent article for all woak an dfbilitatod ptrsodH, aiul the agcü arul infirm, inprorJD the appetite', rfu3 Bonefltipg lalifis axv oüiWren, A T.ADIES WTN'E, Becauao it will not ïntoxicatü as othor wtnc, as i ')nivi,, po ojixtöre of spirits or liquors, a(id is :i.(lniu- for iwncn, peculiar íUvor, aad nutritive propertiea impartí a lieall iy tone to the diglt ive orga nu, and a blooming, soft and healtby skin ;ynl complexión. WE REFKR TO A Pb wel] known gentlemen aml itliysician?, who have tried the Wine: - Gen. WiBfitbldScott, U.S. A. Dr.Wilwn, llth it., N. Y ÖOT. Morunin, N.Y. State Dr. Wanl, Newark, N. J. Dr. J. R. Chtiton, N. Y.City. Dr. DouRherly, " " 1). Pfcjker, N Y. City. Dr. I'an.-h. I'hiUdelphia Drs. Carey ainl Xiehn'I, Nnmt, N. J. Aml raany others too numerous t r publishi i Síooe gonuine unlesa (h gigristnre of "AI.FHKD Sl'KKK, Pa -:■ . L," ie ovr the cork of each bottie ÍMAKE 'OXE TRIAL ÖF TUIS WTNK. For F Ie by Wnyiinid, S(eli.in_ VVlUon, Ann Aibór. Traáe snpplicd íó Petroït by II. k L. ?1MONEAU. A. SPEER, Proprietor. VIXETARJ), Poasaic, New Jer'wy, OFFICE, : ns Broadway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOVr is, S34rn6 Agent for Franceaud (jermany. RISDON HENDERSO.Ñ 13 TT O IS. JES "Y E3 GRAI8M DRILL, Grass Seed Sower, Manufacturad at Springfie!ü, Obio. THE VERY LATEST IMPEOVEMEKT and botter than all ottiers; ndapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, liarley aad Oran Swá, lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. %d. Will soto all "kinds of Graln and Grass Seed. Bd. Never lunches the Grain ith. Wever hreahs the Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast lehindthe Drill. Qf'h. Has high ipheela and ]orvg JJaes, lias lona and w.ide steel points. %th. It has a land measure or Sitrveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. .0A, It has a sel ' adj iisting sliut off slide. .t ;s neatly aud substantiallj made. Tliero is har'Uy a Drill oüered in tlie niarket but can toast of motu of less FJRST PIÏF$ÏIUMSX hey are aboutaa indiscrimiimtcly bestowed as the title f ' " Professor," which Ui aométiraee Applied to the Jiddler" or '' booiblackj' They cease to convey the lea of mcrit. The Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibïtion at quite a timbar of State and County Fairs, and without speldug avor at the Ii;ui l ui' any Cuininittee, has received its uil share of l'rcmiumri. TESTIMONIALS : e give the following mmes of a few Farmers in th-s icinity wüo have boughj ind used the Buckeye Drill : Gudfrey Millcr, Scio. Jacob Polbeiaua ' ' Jacob Trem per, il Töpi'aitWb; NoribAeld. John Brokaw, (t Christian Kapp, ( Edward Boydep, Weijster. James TredwIl, Ann Arbor, Daniel O'Hara., " ' John G. Couk, Lorti. O. A. Marshall, " L. Edmon 'b, Saline. George CiX'psey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. Wo arealso Agenta for the 3hio ïleaper & Mower, cknowleilged to be the very best iu use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Cradles Wliicli we will sell Clieap. a kiTL'v asaortment o Grrass Scythes, Aüd the largest and best selected stock of BE1STT STUFF 011 CAKiïIAGESever bofore offered iu tUis niaikoc. We also keep a lárice and full A1I.S, GLASS, l'UTTY, PA1NT, and LIEEJ) DIL. A complete asortraent of STDYIÍS, TINWAEE, XD EAVE TR()UGlISalwa's 00 iiand anü put up at the iortcst Duttee. KliliiiN & HENDEUSON. Aun Albor, Juno 21tli , 1BÍÍ2. 8ü9tf Eïoward üssociation, riIILADELriIIA. ''or the relief of the Stek and D stresseed , ajftictedwiih ririüetX. and C'tronic Viseases, and especially for iht ■'l Organt, MEDICAL ÁD VIO E given gratis, by the Acting SurVALUARLE RKPORTS on 3perm%jorrboea,aod other laeaia of tbe 3exualUrgans,abd on the NEW RKM■'.)}Vy employed in the Dispenaary, sent in sealed UUtcr ■ . . í'ree of charge. Two or I li rt-r sn ui ps for ►stageaccepUble. AddraH, Dr.J. sKll.i.r. Ë0UG8 'OX, Howard Assuciation, Ño 3 ., l'hiln.lpUia,?. ■ HfiOyl JJLssolutioii. TOT1CE I herebj lí.-m tliai the oo-partpersnlp th1 i,. .r.iu' fi-ttnl (n.ntT Ui n:i ■ of John id i ! ia ui Van li'i.uiicnis iius-iiny üis8ol ed by mutual i mi sent ; an 1 t li;ii aUdemftn fa dae to aofl Irom Mie sikl nu will bf dettled bj fvhn Vaudebadtn, wlio ia duly uthorhcO to settle the ame. JOHN VAYÏtKHADFV, WILUAM VANDEKEEYDEN. Aun Arbor, Aug 2ö, 1863. flfrf Th uf making and sellmg briclt wiilbe jQtinued and cai r ed on aw u ■■-, -Ah] JOHN' 'ANTDEHADI


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