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1 ■,. : J ARK.nlhV ui'bM.U. m..wi ki;om imbusiiiks AN'D Maiuifactui-rrd, ;t .V-w and Complete stock oí : i;AW & MLDlt'AL lOOKü, Iitítcdlancous Btmlt, Blank Rook, dan STATIONERY! Wall and Vimlow Paper, Mubíc. Juveuile Librarle, EbnlopM, Inks and C'HidK. GOLD And all otfier kinds of Pen and Pt-m-it Wiudow Coniict.1, abades aun KExturf, POCKET CUTLERY! A tu! orarythtag pvrtftlDiag to tltp 1 niiío. and more to vliichtlicv wuuld InviU tlie attentioa of tíio countrv. ín oonductlBg oar bb tinos, va nhall !' all tlint cnn WUtite,t t hut no rcaAonable rnaii, woning ur chiM símil Boíl anj t'auH. U. (Kissess facilitics whlch will er.nble us to nupply our.Htomers at tlit; Lowest Possiblo Figures. Wc proposo tonel] Cor READT PAY, ata smjvluul vanee. We expuct pnfit un nur gy3tl5 but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. The "EafPTKiHoox SrtHB," is manned by auooii 'otw(' nd they rfH alwíiys be fnuml on Uit "quartpr deck," rea'iy and willing lo aiu-iul t all wuii plOftSUtf, wUo wilt favor thein witti :i cali. Uemember the (t Empire Book Store.11 JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co Aon Arbor, Mit,Í8C0. 1c (hiCíigo liook Tiai'e. The í'iace to Buy BeJifíol J3cokt WHOI.FKAI.K Book & Statioiuiy House S. C. GRIGG8 & CO. PVBL.ISH Sanders Progressive Readers, Newly Electrotyirl.witli newand original illujtirntions, are the moat. beautiful as wfll as the best buoks extanl I. iiuders' Alj'hHbet ("anU, 6 in a set $ 'Q II. amU-is' l'rhnary ííob1] CharU, 8 on 4 caids, I 5o HI SmuhTs1 l'r'maiy Spelling Bok 12 IV Sandert' New speller and Dítincr, )$ ftuide.g' Any:a oí Knjtlish Wtftdtt, SO VI . S;im!?r's l' l'r mcr, (bounii) ... . 12 Vil Suade1 i.t'iiii:.n nía bagLwti Primer '0 VIH í?au(!ers" New Kirt Headcr 15 IX LandersNew Secnnd Readei, i8 X SandefM'KeF Tiiird Reader, 40 XI. Sni-itTs' NawFourth Raüer, fcö XII. Sanders' New tifih Reaier, 75 XIII. Saoders' Highdchtol lit-ader, o XIV. Banden oaag Ladien' lieauer, yt XV. tfanden'ËchcolSpker 1 CO XVI. Baaden1 Kli'cutii'iury Clthri...... 3 0 These readfllt are distinguishcd for tlu-ir Itrtetijpr jPMMim chara eter and practlcaladaptmtion io Oie yung. Tbej havo been reoelved with uQprvcedenled favor and by Dwclaai more favoralily tlmn by Practical Teacher whi) huve tented their nu-rits in tlie school room. cobinson's Cour se of Watheiaatios. BY HOKATK) N. ROBIN8ON, LI. 1). Late Professor of Matheinalics in the L. S. Nary I Robmson's 1'rogrcRsivi 1 r nnrv Aiilliuie'.ic, II. Ltiibiii.-un'a PnignwiT latalUisUwl Arilh. III Robinsou'if Hudimcntn of written Aiitb. S IV. KobiiiMun's FtogreMlr ñwetieal Arith. ii V RobiLtfon's Key Ut I'nictica! Arithmt-tic, 50 VI. Hdbiiiflon'f Pr -gressive Higlier Arillnn tic, 75 Vil. R biiwm s Kty t" Higher Arittijnetic, 75 VIII. Kobinsou's New Klvnicutary Algebia, 7ö IX. R binsun'j} Key to Klementury Alyebra, S Kobint-on's L'oiversity Algebra, 1 25 XÍ. R'ibinsoifa Key to University Algebra, 1 (JO XII R'jbinson'sGeumetry and 'lrigoiioinelry. 1 5ü X1U Kobisison'H urvi'yill; and N;iviti::ttill, X 60 XIV Rob non's Aualytical Ueomelry ucd Conic iectionn, 1 50 XV HubiiiA(jir liirereutiat and Integral Calculua 1 50 XVI Rofrnson'B Elementary Awirommy, 75 XVI, Hnbittsün's Uaiveri-itj Astronniny, 1 75 XVIII KobJDHon' Xlathi matical OpervtitiDi, 2 2a XIX llub nson's Key o Algebra, Cieometry, Survt'jing, Kc , 1 50 Forming a KL1.1. MATIIEMATICAI. rQl'RSE, embratinx iitlimetie anil Texi B.iok in the Higlmi Mntlimatlca. For extern of re.searcli. íaclit y hihÍ apTneu of lllUMtmtlon and (iractic-Ll u-eminent, the ;iuthi' oftbfa spries issurprtssed by uu maihi xi-.aticnl writer In this country. Thin series has bwn reconimeudetl by the beijt Maltu-inulictuuti in all neclions ol tüe country. Gray's Series of Botanies. six books. Hitubcoek's Sohuol Anatomy and Pbjsi1 ology, $1. Hitchcock's Geology, one boak. VVelI's Grainniars. two books Well's S'Mentifie Series, incluriing (Jheniistry, Philosopliy. etc Tliree books. Wilson s Serios of Histories, five books Fasquellu's Frcnch Se.-ieB, eiaht boüki. VVoodbury's Gt'rmau Series, seven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keeping, tliree books. ' Speiieerian System of Pentnanship, nine booka. And Mnny olhrr Valnnble Boofcs. Wholesale Dealers and Iïetail Pureb men ' Will find at our toreover Four Thousand cüfffront ar f ticles uf m'l Thr-e Hundred Thouwmd Vo OCBIM of bouks, ('rom which te make tlieir electiun c'nutui. a tnortniei t not rivaled by anyother boo iiuube in tlie l'ui'ed staten. S. C. GTdGGS & CO. Are Special Agnt. for Messrs Ilarper & Bro's Publicatious. " I). A pp], ton & Oo's " " Ticknor & Field's " Cnmld & Lincoln's " " J JJ. Lippiucütt & Co's " And furnisli all (helr Bnoln at hattn prices for cash. Note Piipera Lrtter Papers and Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinds of TTIO'KltV, at the price SI. (TUS by tlic dusnor case. ' B_Strani;fTsnnd tnir)M visiting Chicago irtll (li it hMretiiig tct linger for au liouramld tlie iutermtnab jiilts of literature ut Ó'J anti 41 Iika ritrtet S. C. GIÍIGGS & Co. Agents Wanted. ttf Vet tJI ontly and mluabla Snicription Work er iiiiv noble vork upan Religión, I.itvriituru,3cence, o Ait, Udrea s. c. (ilUUi.s ca. PLEASK KKMKMnKR That there ïb no bookstore in this country krepinga be ter or more extenaivuiissurtmi-m tliau al wars louu it !-y .iu-1 -il itreet. RKMK.MBKR. That Public or Prívalo ljbi-aries can bí supplied with llrBt cla Standard Woik by S. J. ti. k Co. ujjon bittur tf rins Iban to .send 1 ast ain nay Irtlgbt Bi.WostiTn I.itorarv and Profawiowl mcn.Touclicrs, Scuoun ín all drnrrm-nt oC "f ih world of Istten, anlaWtad t" make .9 inl 41 LaVe atnat their placo oí resrt in lU'umntsof Itisure. a. c. griogs & co., Wholesale and Kvlall Bookucllars and SUtloRera ■'9 fc 41 : ikoStrcut.Cliicago. '■ '■■ I K42in3 K. L JAMSIX. FOK. S-A.JLE. W. S. SAUNDERS i fFcr bis Homestcmt For Snle. Will be n Aun Arbor the last week in September, Prioe iXT-icrl Terms Ctm be by calhng ut. this Ojkr. 1862, 1802. NEW FALL GOODS ! Now opening, a piemlid ttnoh af Xew Goods fop tho FUI Trad at C. H. MILLfcN'S Acn Arbor Soptcebc; 15, 1865. ITOtf


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Michigan Argus