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G REAT.GREAÏER GREATEST i ! V M ! AINS EVER UFFERED 1 ooi. Ss, ' """ In tliisCity, are uow behiL offercd at tho CIIEAlCLOC.KfWATCH, & J o -7 elry StorerriHrfitbscrihiT wtMitfiHiiy tn thrcitizflnenl AnnAr I hoi. i pnrtirulnV, and tbr rc.tx of V),sh[cnw f'"i:ni' in irflnor:!. thni hnha&juit IMPOKl'KD f)ItECTLV from KUKOpK.a Tremendons St'ck of Watehep! Ali ofwhlch hfl hinda hfrnsHf r H) fHKAPKH thHn cHii ti bous ht wpfl' rt Hcvf York fty. )pen Knct' Cyiinili r Wmches trom 86 to il o 'in do Lever d do 8 to SI lumjng rna o do do 14 to 35 do do Cylfnder do da 3 to 2flold Wmhetfrom 20 to 150 1 lave also tne O BLE Mi AT El) AMElt'CAN WAT CUES, -nu:. ï v,nl icn 4U5. Iv.'4-ry vatch warranttd to perform wnll, or the. inontïy rftfimded. C1üc!h, Jfiwrlry, Piated Vnr, Fnney Gnods Gold Pen, I ti sim) I net r tunanta and .Slringí, Cutlcry, &c, nd Ín fnrt n variefy of PTirybina uunjlv fcppt y Jew elri can be bnuchttor-he nexi ninety ciiij ii r vu r O W N I' R I O E S ! VrsoTiB huyini 4 ti y Uring nt thi-s wil known estahiPhrrn Hl pn rfly upnn gnttlng rxiicr'y rs w-ppfnt- d, orthrni"ïïy rTOnifed. Pallearly Hnd ittnn tb bP8t hnrL-ftiug ever ntlt-n'd in thi ity One wovú in renard ro Bepairing Vp rtp prrpnrd (o makr any rennir. otifini or comiiou Wiiu-lu-s. i-vi-n t in kinscpr the i-otfrr Wfttrr-, f nftenry. Rpalrtnji nf Hoekt "'■' .W'wn'ry bi utini Aloot1!'1 mniiMtVtnrhv ol lilNi BfiOOOHl3, r miythi'iff Hfiíred. r()mí'Hlf .ruin íiold on short poi'-1. BosnTtra In Hits t ranchesexeented wittenen'. '■h-j and -i '.'tt ■■h, J C WTTÉ. Anu irbn-. Jr. t?Pth'PÍ9. 74vr Imporcant National Works, Publishc.l I)V Al'l'LKTON A: 00M 346 AND 343 BROADWY NEW YORK The following works arv si-n to SMlcrilcr( in nuy pari of th.' country, (upon rectipt of rctiti! price,) by mai! r i-.rc-. prewdd: THK NKWAMF.RIA1V CITCTOPJEDIA: A 'ojmUy Pictlooary of Gnen.] novledge. Kdiifd bi !bO, Kiri.Kï nut ChjRLBB a. Masa, nited by & Dumerou eleci crps of writers in al! branchei of SciencM, Ar! nd liitt'ntture. Tltis work is btfinp publfsbed in ftboni 5 Utrge octaro vdliimcw.encli pontafiilng TSOtwD-eoInjDJ pagoa Vols. I., II., III., IV. V.. VI, Vil. VIII. A: IX ,re qow ri'inly. eacli contitning oear 2.6A0nrfgina] ;ui les. Au ftadjtlpmü volume witl be publislicd once II bbout tlircc montha. l'rict',in Cloth, $'J; Phwp, $3.50; Jlalf Russla, $4 5 ach. The New American Oyclopjedia is popular without btiijí inpiThtinl, Isarneri withuul balsg pedan tic. compre Hiiivi but Hullicipntly fietailed, frMfrom personal piqtH ii.l party prejmUee, fresïi nul yet nccurntc. 7i is n : i j. ■ ti'''. - st;ncnif-nt of hü tlmt is kDOWD upoo cwiv i in tortani topte withln the room of humaa ntelllgence.- ",vi'ry iitij'O!-l:inl lirttclfl init hus been BpAOlally writtri r its paes by men wlmnreatrhoritit's apon thetopü n nrhicb tliey spenk nny are requirodto brmg tin unject up to tho present mment: to state juut bov il tan'ls fio). AU the stfttístloBliBformatlon ñ trova he attt report; tfcfcgMgeanbica] accounts bep pace witti lie latertt éfpiornttons; mstorical matters fooludo thi res'ient just views; the biographical notices adv % nd nnlj of thedead but alsouf the living. It is a hbrary of tseir A R1DGEÏIE!VT OF THE DEBATES OF COXGRESS Belng a Politie! Hlstory-ofthflUnitei ïtates, frorp th trganizjtKo of the first Pederftl '"n(ressin 17S' to lftafi. Edltftdand compiled by llnti. 'Iini Iakt BBSTOX,from the Official Kecoils of (,'ongrexB. The vork 11 b6 domiüeted ín 16 royHl octavo roíame of 750 pageseitch, 11 of which art now rcady. Au ;niditioniil volunn1 will D6 publishcd once in thri-emonthf Cloth, $3; Uw Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Hal' Calf. Í4.50 earh. WA V OF PU0i:UHTG THKCVCLOP.EniA ORItKHAT Form a Mat of four, and n-mit the priéVorlbur booka, and íive copias wilt bt scht ut tharoejkittfrr'fl expeiMefoi curriiiffw; or for ten Mib-scribers, eleven copies will b suut at our expense for earriage; To As;fi U. No other work will so libeniiiy rcward the exertiontof y&ents. A. A(;kt wantki i. thih County Termh kiKiwn on applïcation to the Publiühers. Aun Arbor, Maich, 18&9. ti902ant -ij Be TBOB, Wbiuiit, agent at Kinne fi. Smiihs Book Store, Yp.silanti. Blackwood's Magazine AND THE Brilish lïcviews. GREAT IXDICEHEAT SIBSCRIBE! PRE ÏÏIÜM 3 and HEDUJ i I0WS. L. SCÜlï kCu.t NKW YOHKtcontinue to publish tht fullowiiiir leading Britisb Perudicaiis, viz: 1 TdKLON'DON QUARTERLY (Conrvative), 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THKNORTH BRITISH BEV1EW (KteeChurch). THS WKSTMIN3TER REVIEW (Libera)) 5 BLACKWOODS EPIN'nURGII MAGAZINE (Tory). The present ritical Htate of Europpan affaire will reniier tho.e pabliCatiOM utiusuylly latennUng duríiifr the frt h coming yeiir. Tlu-y will occupy a mtddii grouad belween ihebastiljr irritten news-itms, cradc spfctiliittiiK, uiiil fiyitit; rutimrs of the ihtily Jouroal, iiL'ltln' pomit'roti-t l'omi; ot tlie future historian, wr.tti'ii n'itT tne lirmg InteruMt and ecittment of the great polilii'iil evento of thu time -lui 11 have p:i -■: uwny. I: is to tbess ÍV'riiitlicals that renden mui look for th only really inteliigiblo and reliable blftory o( curivn eventJ, ani suni hi sOdMinxrcotheli we l-estabUfhitd liteniry, nd thevlogtoal charac'er, we ui ge .hem upon nÍdratiojiQi it-a' nijr public. ThereceJpt óf Ailvance Sluits (rum Ou Britidi publihtT. giv8 aililitional valué to ttíse lU'i'iints, ii.Msiunhas tbey ennnow be placed in tho huudx oí subsenbem ab 'ut as soun as the original P'i;'. iuu TKIIMS. (Regular Piices ) Ter :i nu l'orany (neof the four Review, - - - $ 00 For iny two ) the four lïeviewa, - - - 5 0"! For aiiy three of ihe our Reviews, - 7 i 0 For all four ol the Reviews, 8 00 ForBlackwond 8 Mguztne, - - - . - 30' Kor Hluekwuoil mul une Review, - - &(H for Blitekwooa and two Reviews. - - . 7 00 For Blackwooflati'l three Peviews, . . 9 00 For Blackwoodau.l the fuurlleviews, - - 10 OU Money current in the S'.ate tcfurc isiutd icill e reccived ál par. POSTAUE. The Postaok to any uirt of the liite-l States will be but Tweitty-iour t.''ii( a yenr for " Bla kwood," aii'l but Fouitcen Ceiit u. year for each of the Rei Icww, A( tlie above prtces the Pc:iiJicals will bo furnished f 0 1862. AND ASA Premium to W=w Subscrbers, the Nos OftheMinftFerïodtatlafQX 18 U willbefurniHhed Complete, wilhonl ódditiuual chorge. L'ntike the mn v, ln-ni'-i ■■ I Ibgazfnefl oí Ihe day, thes IV EiidteaU luw by ae. Henee, a full year of the Nus. fr 18Ü0, may be rogardéd nearly as valuublt as f"r 1862. Snbiioribnv wishing alo the Set,, for lfffïl, will be sujijiüed althf lolluwuig SJTtUUaV-T lowbatrs. Splcndid Oflers tor 1860, lél,4 '62 Together. For Blackwood's Magazine, the three years, $5 00 tor nv une Review, - . "50 Foi any twoReviews, " 8 00 For BUtckwoocl umI one Review, ' t( 8 i.O Fui !ilackwotl and two Reviews, u " 12 00 ËDCtbCM Review. - - - " tl J 1 00 For Blackwood and íhree Review, " " IR 00 For the four Review.', " 13 00 For Blackwootl and the tour Reviews, u 17 00 Anv of the bove worka will also be furnished to New Subicribers tor the v ar 10t6-'i , (?, and Í. At üue Half the Recular Öubscription Prioöfi. Thus Nev Sitbwibrr OUJ obtain the Reprints of th F(tur Review and Black wood. Seveu Consecutive Year for $37 ! ! ! Wliirh s but UU more th4u the price of the original worka 6rne year. As we slialt never again be likely to offer such induce meuts fts tboae here presenltd Now i the time to Subscribe ! ! py Itemittances niu.t, in all cast, b,e niule direct to Uu l'uh 'tr,- Imi ut pricr, no comraissiou can bc allowüd to agents. LEON" ARD SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold streel New Vork Ann Arbor Marble Wors. o DBtttolxolca.GX' l AS on hunda fluo iH.soriment of American and II A L 1 A N MA li B L L which he is prepared to manufacture into T ON U MENTS. HE A D jBllJ. -@HQ OTONES T i ?I U X2lh2 lül TABLES inüllth6ir varieties,ancl:na W(RKMANTUKE manner Il.iilnir hart conRiderable expurience n the busmsi he flatters hinnself that he wïll be able to ploaHc all wlin tnay favor me with their orurp. His pvicet ÍO W AS THE LOWEST. thoe winhlne any thipj in my l!n Kri" rcapcctfulj in -ited to cali D. C. BATC11ELDEK. Ann Arhor. Mav 20, 1861. SOltl TO LET. "pHK BriOK HOUSE andBarn now occupiefl by Olney I Hawkins, Fq ., on Detroir streel, Ann Arbor, poaKpssiongiven Mif lt of April. A fco severa! stoies aju rooms o Buchoz's Block to ot togood stfaly tcnaiits at a very low rCDt,immediatú posesbion eiren. Inquireof L.B. BT7CKO7. Ann Artor. ilarch W, VMI. M9tl


Old News
Michigan Argus