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II o ií AU Ü Vv A I blí L 3 3 3 K r o a t! w n , S v v.' York fubllsher of Miulc niKlMiut) liiiol. M K:u i. : in Pinnoa. Melodeoiis, AU'xiindrc Organp Oigan Aeoorderns, AhirtinVcelebrated andother Gnihns, Violins, Tunor ■■ MS i' ' i MccüuSj Accovduons, 1' hn nu3j Finten, Füen, Triingles, ('Inri ïiieiis, 'i'uüinor Porks.Pipen nd i lammen, Violin iJows, l;st lialian Striñpp, Baso n.tniine!its for Bunds, Plano Stool?, and eown, ;nu1 :ill kiniN of Musical hwrrnnreí i t, L3 ix o o t iva: i s i c, ■;■ r i ■ iluttic .t;y buund; ilui-ic pni..Xs yf ilusuA t t hcLowest Príces. New I l a n o s , At í?5 $db, ?■.-'- ft, S050, m-dup to -"V gecopd lliind Ham Inmi . S45 ■ rw.i ■ ■ . nïne ■ ■ ■ i:nt to i ■ -r;r'. i-i' ü, 1 I SühpolR. St lililí;, r.-, r. 'l be Ii al Uío ui nal ■ ii. -ounis 'IVsUmotiIals of tfee llorare. Waters Planos Kiid Ktolademui John Hèwett, of Cñrthng; K'o. Vr!., v. !k bnn htd oneof the"HoractWtttni l'ianoa. writttLafbltom: - ;. friend "i mine. ■ purchas :i plano or I . : . T-.:-i I "r-.-i ji.w i M) piano i- be'comlng popular ii . ■; 1 i t,h,i ] can han! : i ■ ! tliuy will be more púpuUv tliaii :iny ofhfir m ikO." 'Ve have twu ■ ■: Wat -' Pianos in use in oarSemL nury, one OP wiñch has been i 1'or threjp yenes, and wpciin testifj ■ iudiiy and duruhilit v. '' - Woi ■'!, W. "II, ;'.. ■■■ . ' ■■■! oneof yonr Piano 1 'orlen for i ■■■■ o yenni past. I lia ve rnnud la ver y AtXOiZO Glt.lT, V i it fpa I r.rfio h?;i f, tiit ' ls S m tp a nj. "The Pian ! receivetl Isnn you continua to isf.Lctitti). 1 regard 'A ■ ;■ ■ 'i nitrumente ín tlic p!;ni'."f James U í Charlatan Va. "Tí ■ fi-r v cmr ; McCoRMick, Yarq- . 'LThe pino wis duly received tcamp n cvü.t.i con lition, an ! fn '":-v. rnuch :i !n Ifofl by mj i ni ■■ family, Accppl t);ni;..-i firr ípo (WiimplutM. "-■ RoBBKt CooPBB, lf'.irrf''!ii!n, BratfjOtd Co. Pa. "Your picaren us II. It is tlu1 be ■: one in o tu : couníy."-Tiioae '.- fiATTUX, faritpfteilUin, Ga. 'We ;ni' very i ■ i :::cr RÁnl BHOh :: iv For$"60." - lïïUN'i ,!Í!ÍL & CO#1 fítrffatn Democrat, (Jora e WaterS Píanos are known a&anionic tho vnry bwi : ' i. upeab of í i r ■■ i . tti vitfa oonflilenjw from ; rona,l L . u -. '. excflllAnt tin' mi ■! ir:lj! (ptality." - N. Y. '♦We cutí speak of the meritS oí the I!' f anoAfrom ptrftoiw1 knowlei, ís hitinc t!ic vítv ftuwji ■ Ckrintian Intrtüfencer. i '■ ! ■ . . ' :.:ü! ni.. ruüonel ni t erial. We luip no doubt ■ buyrscan ilt wctt,-]rhapM hcltcr, ni thisthnn nt dnj otherhouM in the Union,' - a -ut .huir uní, ■ ■ Ii ih" nláiic anyw liere i:i thu countr." - Home Jiurnnl ' líHorac Watera' Pina FoHcí ave of fylT, rich and reren tone, and powerfnl-JV. K, Mnnícni ítntim. 'Our fritíiv ■ ytpre )ie very bVsi asaorimfhi of flnsic ntid of IManAs ín hp fminfi in ■ the t'tiii'.'l Siateafttnd wc urjíc our Mittihem and wenterp 1 friU to (pve Ivim a cali wlieneyer üiey go ti N"(-w 's Magazine Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. . Sa b ba t h $ ch nn] Bell. IOO OOO isátíeft hl ten Montiis. Tho uoprPWdieated taie J thísboolf lias iudupod tbi puMUÍier : ■ '■ hymnn ti i(s pres , cXcejít nu tiir che.'. 1 A h ■'-■ tiie'maiiy betuitíi I ; mní: - al m '() I'll nd( ed 1 w di.'1 'I . i 1 from Ue HelLwer smt ..; ■'.; un . ■- :honl Anmver of tfie ' !. I'. ( hnrch 'it tho Acaeray f Muríc, wiib 1 great ;ji.í;i The Bell coi neariy 200 t.iiifs nmi lij-m ine if ihe tíekt colteetions eveHs!uecl S lVií"' i:,'c: STO ] ■ ; -!■■'., j:u: ly ln-inil. glt, -6c % -ü iipr ] l l' ba beén introduce - intnmaoyof the Public Sc' jI. Tlif ó is uhHihcÍ in nrtH nnmbi-rs entitie"! Aiinl.■ -. 1, -', 6, t -I, ín urderto acounnio late tlie mllllun; jirie f 2 . 3 per ! íiuii'lii:;! No. 6 Wll sni.tilir 1.1 ■!- coininPlicenicnt ul f nnother bnk. Alo, Rcvitnl Mnic Bt,Nj1 -'. 1 ,dv. t S re le. Vore llm.i 3OO,(KHi meí ttip pflsi elghfeen 'iiíft,v lnowKhJg - Publiah 1 IIORACK'VATKr.S.A.ent, l'r-a.lwavX. V. Publised by Hor aco Waters r No. 333 Broadwav, ew York i ■ ■ ; Worda can nererdfe;'1 (Tl c Angela totd 1 me ■ of ü.o w 1 ■' rUouchts -i ftod; ' f ' Civ toe ba ■ ■■.'■■! '■■ y Rreataí;.' C .t]1 1 ■ StUl; -l1-'. names;" . There' no dnrilnglíke mine;' l(Saiali -i uis l-t?i? ;" kítt i ■ of t!ip;';:' bl I 'ni ten-ving llii'i' it Sii nw ;" t lün: frf fcy;" ■■ I!, me of itur '■'.:.'.;" "Orave í.f Rosabel,'- and , !;k!v, wrakf, ' 25c earh. i Ixstki , or cinc"nff Pird Polka, ' ■■ ;" "Xlimro! Fkïhot. i tlRch:" Thoipaa i&ker'n t?chottisch;M "Piccolomini Polka, o5 ('.".cii. l'he. iboí'[.ier lavfhciiutiflj Vijrnetteft "Weln 'Arabian Wai cry March, th very lest; 'VaKiOtfiapnn DoniellH Mazarka; -'i!'-;i 1: iou; l'u-.-.'i ;" ''Cnií'ílin ■ ' ui g dtilV."'-'■ KeichV Quadrille;1' a ■ '' ""' pacli. . ■ '- oriftbratej Of;i ■ applrue.tf3t MaileU fr6. A targ lot of i ■ ■ price. Piamos MeJodpoiifl and Oigans The Fïorftee WatevíTpíanoA and SlèlodaAfi, for depttt puríty of tone and iurabillty, are un$urpasOd. ('rice y Ion -i'C'im.í Hand Planos nnd Melndeoo Erom $ífi tfi $150. Muic and llu.-ic: I fnstTuctinnaof all lowest prioea. Agent. ; N'. - NT. Y. TfWTiiioN'iAis; - -Tlif Ilnrnct' Wa,Wn 1'íühcs are known as among thevery bot.' - Pnaiweíirf. "'m ■ n ■ i; uí' iln-ir m '.'rit i; rom personal knov'l' - (;!, listrpu hifr'i'jft ■■. ■ '■- ,. --Vi. ■■■(;i ■_■ it 1 ' ■ '. roater excellence -"- !- Ckiirchman. J Waters1 Pl&nofl nu! M(-!o ioons cltrllengccompirií.íin h tv.f Ineat made anyberoln "the country." - Home J JiMiyyj. T19W f LOOMIS Sc THIPP, Su - - y Cliapin t Lonmift.nntlCbapin, Tiipp A Loomis ?s ... - ■ n --- M rwHEahove ftrm "1' Loomli & Tripp havjng parchara r. tu. . . nei c mpau'a wtí '.v oontinuf the buRlneiW ;it thcoM stiind, where they will 111 be ready, on tho tUorwit nuiico. to Ml all Qrdera In i Jr line o& Castíngs and Machinery, 11 ín the most workniatalUw loanner, and on ns libera ■i' "hup in tlu' rrlnle. Ai:itn .: the vari ñus articiwmanutacfured by , w would enumérale KTEAM KN(,INKS of all líin'ls; Mili Gearfng and l'ixtnrcs, wroughtnnñ1 cast; alltho vario usjefltings for makiiiK nnd r; pair ing líorse Powers &Thre8hing Machines lach a? a. i. '■ ]■:. fu; m". !;, been in use n tniï part of [be State, Br wel 1 .i. .'lil the vario us kinds "í oastingi) and machine work called for by farmeri .and mecli;mirs Inthis SGOtion of the conn ry. of al! the va.-imis pattt rus, up lo sizeaand pticea, rül be tep' coDstantly o haud, ut tlie muht mo'itia a.nd improvtd style.s. Thankful for fitrmer patronage to the oíd firms, we wou td solícit a contín nanea from ld frcti(ls,iin;l a trial byall Yi&hiuff foittnything ín our linenf bnsiiifF-. LOOMIS .- TR1P1'. Ann Arbor,Mnv 18th. 1S5Í). 697t.f id . THlíESIILXG MACHÍN tS. Ö rr. P ITEXTED AN'II MAN'JKACITI'.KII BY ti 5 Nichols & Sheppard, íkitMe Creck, Mich. '5 Improved for tho'Soason of 1862 la tlilu ?yparatpr thr riin s arutd frnni the -tV.r.r by raoan-í i) -. thut tss tr;iw up and 'liwii wuh a sud'U'ii ■ . i tho iiii' ii le;ive ;!i" cylhulrr uutü 1 pa-fiM lo siaoker, umi tlrt grjiin :.ii., (t llintugli :i t.ur.i ni tho straw, The pints con'í . ■ fl'PH :!l)'l CllC Mghl bolt. mi mrl' to vlltraté r wrín lic iwtrfl anH frwat-d, which wurK.s tho riwv lo tue stacker Hnd tlie ueriorily oí' tUm machino o vi r iill lítiier cnnsitts iu [■ . . ■■ni Rtrow, ; Greut initlioity. hav nc no pickerw or b-.-ators to clog ' Op, and Ie.8 OiacUhieiy tli.ui nny other macli ao ni? made. ö GrMtctpncitv, ü.- it w;il no! wasie when crowde'fl. Perfect cloftitcT, ha ving Jn i'giT ves thun nny 'ither. Easy drait , " tlpr toUftruclvá, simple and dumble. í -nnsyl vania I ron Hórse Power. rf_ Wjirranted to l-c best Hran Powftr in uso. Mude ''- wirh' wood ni ir n fr-im" as pnferred Farmops and i ;i -íht íi MíchV nn '. Wo offer fóu !.,(■ HK-T MAHiVK KU'K. llmnPi ts', HalPa Kcnvlcrville. or ;i ny ni i chine built on thir . i no i pie ]f yon intend bu"lng a mac in of atiy kind (?! a liet of u or "ir Agf-nt. aii'l :tti-fy yourFelf.- l'iiui ;:',t:L ;■.:;! 1: íw. Cali and ce, or ud h (■.; MCIIOLS & SHfiPiMRD, ñ Hulilt' (V.'tk, Michigan. Or M. ROSJSBA, OC MVKON líASH, Ak.nt:. Mm Arbor; or 1. V. Waiíkm-, agí nt, Ituxter. 830m3 . 1 Money to Lend. rCAN FDRSHISH MQÜUS 90 reasonabl 1erms and long timo on good i'a: m sccmity . E. W. MORGAN. Ana Arbor, July 22, 1862. öö;tf


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Michigan Argus