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Military Order

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Adjctaxt Gehibal'b Office,) Detroit, Oct. uu, 1802. ) i.i.AEIiAL OKÜKK, Nu. 186. The Cointnissiooers appointcd to tupi rintt'iid tin' Umft iu the different countifs tlmmghout tliO State, having from iioocs.-i'v ivquirtvl ffiore tune to make cxcinption.s and complete the lista for twi' the 1 ra ft irlo effeet, than vrai tii st anticipated, and coneequenlly havo not had uiuch timo to devoto to 6 Hing . tlia quotas of llieir respective eouuties by volunary enlwtmeofs, aud u consideration of which, tlie time for etilisting and rcciiving men to fil! the respective quotas ot i!:e several cuuntics is liereb extended to the first dav of Deeainber nest. It having been deemeá impracticable, tiUr a fair trial, to complete at this, the quota of the State by enlistmetits lor the old Cogiments, nnd in order to iiflwd iuducemeiits to voluuteers nnd to give botter opportunity to i ties to fuinislr the men required from eath. the Governor 'aas authorized lbo rojaing of the following new ' to serve for thiee years or duripg the war. wliich he has no doubt can be doue, tbercby fully completing the quota of the State. Seventh Regiment Michigan Cavalry, now organizing under the dircetion oi Colonel John Btockton, of Mouut Cleui cns. Niiith liogimeut Ficliigan Cavalr}-, ; tr.idor the direction of Ohptain Janes J. E-íivid, First Regiment Michigan ahy, oi Trenton. Twynty-eiphth Kr'mont licliig'in In fantry, ui der the direutioa of Colonel Jidward Dn) Ie, of Detroit. Fi;-st Regiment Mrcbigno Sliarpshootei-s, Bodör tiiu direotioñ of an olficer tu be heitat'tei' design;itcd. Offieoreof the above named regimenis j v'M be authorizod to recruit companies ' for tlicir respective régimen rs and credit will be given to eount'os as laid down in General Order No. 185, for all men enlist ing from them into said regiinönts, and also for thofic to cnnplete llio Twen ty-sixth and Twen'y sevoiith Regiments Should thv quota pf the State not be raised at the expira' ion of the time above Bpecified, the Govero'or will then receivc volunteers for uine uionths to niake up nny doSoiuucy thcn cxisting, wliich will thereby relieve the State t'roui any draft undur lbo present calla of tlie govcrnmeut. The Con-missioDers and others authorized to enlist men ia the sevenil oouuties ■ for the old regiiUOata under General Order No. 185, may continue to do so, as it is very desirnble that as many men 6hould be eolisted tbr regiment as po-'sible, aud all meo so euliStod will be iicoreduod. to tliu eouuties as lu:d down in the ordor reit-rred ta. T e lists of mail Uu ble to do military du' y in tbc sever;-.l of the átalo, will be eompleted a:;J: EQtnvned by the ('n:n:iiissioners a direeted in General' Order Nu IS t, the same as tí' this order had not been promulated, for the pur pose of moeting any future neceasity of the govermnout for a draf't ai'ter the pres ent cjuota bas been furuished. Tbe cncourageinent ifforded to tho joung men of the State, by the high stand that the Michigan troopá have aequired in the iinuies of the nation by thsir bravi'ry and gallaot bearing on every battle field in which they lave been engaged, ns well as by their general good conductonall occasions, under all circumstanees, and in all seetions of the country in which they have boen i el, th remarkablc loyalty of tho 8tate, as exhibiti'd in thfi prompíncss with i which it hus sent fortli its brave sons to i defend and perpetúate tho existence of the nation and its hooor, give tle üov ernor a confident assurance that these regimenté will be speedily raised and ready for the field, so that they may go forth to give ncvv vigor and j ment to those already battliüg for the preservation of the nation, and that the people of the (ree and loyal State will take the cause in hand and give to the govemnicnt the whole quota of Michigan, of men cheerfully and frcely volunteer to eerve their country and defend its ilag. By order of tho Commander-in-Chief.


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