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o cus j ffi t3 ti ■ ki p . , cu e- % A M : d o „' .S fin s 1 o ■ cu cr ■" r) -á jllllil: W I " s Q N i H S : K lg'8 I h I: 8 í THE REBELUON ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THB QJjO & RELIABLE OLOTHINC EiyEPORIXJM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. IAM non opening a lurge and yaried ansorlmcnt of Spring and Sainmer üoüds, aud in view of the rcbelljon on high pf ces generally, will offer them to my friends and customiTi at the very loweet Ogures for Cnh. TLosein want of a superior article of Cloths, Cassimeres. or Beady-Madc Olothing, -will cali onWM. WAGNER, who has just returned frota the East, with a large assortment of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS which have been purchased at the late LOW PRICEBJ anácanoffer thepiat a lower figupe than ovtf before Amongmy -Hsortciept jjay b füund BROADCLOTHS, (JASSIMERES, POj:SKTNS, YESTINGS of aü descriptions, togethri witb a supesior asortmerft of Rcady-MadË CiotUIng, WJ-JM ÜMBRELLAS, and C3rOO13JS? with mimoiouB other artieles usually found n similor establishments. As an EMPORIUM OF FA8HI0N, the subscribir flaftcFE hinjself, that his long eïperieijce and gentral sucpess, will euablc him to give the gteatest satisfaclion to ali who may trust liira in the way ol Manufacturing Garmenta to order. : WM.WAGER. Ann Arbor, Aplil 9th 1802. 848tf GliORIOUS News from "Dixiel" The RebelJion about Crushed ! A. C. LOEB, OF THE CLEVELAD GLOTH 1G HOUSE Rettiru their sincere thanks to their numerous FRIENDS AND PATRÓN S, For the liberal manner in which they havo hereio tofuro patroqized them, and beg Uíave to annouüce thai tbey ai e AGAIN ON HAND With a Large and well selected Stock of ! SPRING &, SUMMER CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, , Hats, Caps & Truoks, whlch they will eell at Astonishing Low Prices ! For further particular Cali and. 13 o e for yourselves, and you will not goaway dissatisfled. A, & C tOEB, Huron Ptreftt, a few doors wesf of CüoU's ïlotcl. Ann Arbor, May, 1863. Um854 , , 1 ] DISSOLÜTION NOTICE. THE I'IRH OF C. H. M1LLEN k CO., is thi day dis solved by mutual consent. C. H. Millen is authorized to Betüe all busiqcss relatingto said Firm. O. H. Mll.l.KN', C.B. THOMl'SOX. Ann Arhor, September 15, 1862. I NOTICE. HATING purchasec the interest of C. B. Thompgon, in the late firm of C. II. Millen &Co., I shall 1 tinue at t'e oíd istan, adopting as far as possible the cash systim of doing businesB. Thankful for past pat t ronage, I luipe to merit a continuance oi the liberal patronage bereto ore bestowed. Persons indebtcd to the oíd firm will please cali andsetile mmediatcly. ) 870w6 C Í1M11XEN. , 1 1 1 , 1 r-r - t Ovai Picture Frames ALLSIZES, STYLES and PRICES juBt roceived and for3ale cheapat OHOFF & MILLER'S. 1860.Dfo.26. T80tf Demand Treasury Notes For which we pay M. GUITERMAN & Co., i Ann Arbor Ottober 3, 1852, Aysr's Ague Gum


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Michigan Argus