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Varieties Of Grapes

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In thd December numbcr of .Uovis' Mig'K'ia of IfutiouUuro. the editor givcs bis opinión ut length about in st of lbo Birls of' grtipes iv.iw in ge-nerul me ur abuut beíng introducid fot the purposr; ot' general oultfvation The opinión i f bucÍ nic'ii ia alwaya vuluablö', evou wners jvH uhollv tïee from tho sel interest of Durserymén, and in this case it mav srvo as i gntde to tlioso disposed to plvít a . few vines for home use the oomtfig Tha Cncord, Mr; Hove}' tliinks tlie uoivers;-! grupe i'or t.lit! million, aftcr suvoii years' trial, and wül bu pretrroJ to the Dolaw:ire. It ripeus porfectly at Bnston, and is hardv in VVïnter wli.'n thu Dianuand Isabelia ara kii'cd, and it is frao from mildew, and gives a erop every year. The Delaware, after figliting its w;y for nearly ten vcar's, is gaining ia the j timation of cultivstops. DelioiouB as! the Iruit is adinitted to be, nnd liardy as the vines aro, (iic berries lack tïaè iind appenrauco It 13 a little ton small, while ts color does noc m ike tliat. sliow th;it the ditrk prapes do, witl their r'nh Ijloom Tho vinos, too, waut vigor and robustnos3. Young vines do not tr.liö hold of the ground readily ; tlie'foüage mildews sliglitly, and the stender wo id does not cover the tieilis quick enouali. Bat, to make up for hese defeots, it is Lardy, produotivê, bears young, and is as early as the C mcoid. In its culture it ceeds genereus traatiaent, a good. soil, and plenty of manufe The Duvia is a very fino grapo ; Tune, however, has reve.ilc:! a few (efects. It is not so hardy as isdesiriiblo, for if kft uneovcred, a suverely oold Winter wül destroy the canos. It sotnetimss tnildews, and tho benies ripen unevenly, some being quite green when others aro niature. A svann, ger8roun soil, and Winter proteetion, are the requisites of a good erop. The Mebeeca is rathor unall; ripens as early as the Diana; the berpfeé rïoli, ber colorea, fine aroma, quality, when well ripened, superior, Growth slunder, and needs Winter proteetion. Tho Union Villaije is largo, hmidsonie, good, but too late for Not Eughind.-- auJ berriea larga vinos sírong grower?, and vrith Winter protection is valuable. The Hartford Prolifio maturos enrlic-r than the Coocord ; bunclics and barrios large, but Hablo to d'op ; fruit good ; vinca hardy, and freo growers; not incliued- to miliiew ; is a dosirabla variety because tho carliest, and bacause. liko the Coooord, viues gro'.v thaugb, noglected. The Logan is a medium sizcd, very dark grapo, of good quality, ripeuíng in September But its foliase is stated to be rather delicate, thouh it is called vory hardy, as it ripens its wood thor.oughly in Suiumer. It doeí not áppear distiüct enoiigh to becoino i popubir variety. Mr. Hovey recommuuds Ül'!'1 sandy, ntorraghly drained soil for vines and to avoid liardj d.tmp, siilí' loara, ;md not to tnako t!ie rich s iií too deep but keep the rieliness and tho roots ne:ir tiio surfaoe, whero the sun will w.irm thoiu and eveiy shower give them mois'urö. Near tho co -st, vines .liould be sheltered from casterly stonus by buildings, fenoes or trees. Light and air must be aJmitted by Siimiuer piuning, but pruning must no bo cai'riea to excess, so as to expose the fruit too tuach to sun and rain. Prune to secure long, well ripened canes, with mature buds, as astrongvine resista mildew tkat vrouid destroy a weak one. Until ve Boonro vines perfectly liardy, "Winter protection will be advisaUe. - This is easily dono by tho vine- on tho eartb and coveriug tliem w i t h a little soil, whiüh will make them quite safe, un1"! generally p:iy tho owuer for all tho trouble. l" " II a civil word or two will ren3er :i m;in happy,1' s:ii' n Frpnchman, 'ho must bo a wi-etuh in.iföfd who will not give i t. tt is likti liglittng tiDotbeí maii's candió with your owp, whioh loses Done of its brüiancy by what tho other gains." Ji!:d)igiin Jrps.


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