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Proclamation Of The Governor

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Aniiihor yc:;r has passcd awny ntO history. It bas b"en n yoht ofgreat eveflts; nyearef civil war anJ H the bloody Baerlflees; lwrnssing doubu BSd lUlcmatin;; trifimphs aiul daféat whk'li snroly Mlow in ilH Iracií. Vast armiüs taiped [ram the (nidst of ilie peop'e, hava ■. om orih to Hgn't o'ur country B battleí. With a courage :iiid const:iiicv whieh will brirhten the. hUtory of the KrpiiUio lorever. Uiey-have beuten back the liQ.-:ta oí cebellioii nnd despotism from the loyo) Suites, imd saved ciui lifmes trom ilio horror of' Onr Kbarties ar:d . o itill i;;.' ! veil i" i;:. uiid llie powar of i)n L;iivf rriünMn la ííiüiin.illy hut ütirejy beinji t'stnhlislieil over all tl' in ritdry of llic Union. HclioUioii lu'inif [ir.iiisluiti. ;iiil iition the wiek■I nuihors of iliis cuspcnily Bttife a fulling tlie siireVewniii ui' il.cir nnpunilleit'il sin. Tlio wht is Ciirrifti inrotiK' nïi!si of ilicir, ;nd the vlctofiovia annii.'s ol tiio Union hastn uu tt inkP t'it'i :i iiiii] blow in tlie stronp liulds ui' tho fnr South, 'l'liere are sciliii prounds of liope fbr paedy vi tofy nn pánannrat peoces WL'l" m;mv ol Din" hoiuOR aro mado desolate hy the inevitable tnsiialiies of war, ;unl ijl niouro ilie heroic dead, tliereis couxolatio'n in tho Èiith lliat tho b!o;iJ of't'ao liue pütrioi ia liever slicd In vahi. Onr poopie, undr nll tlies trinli, Rtill clingr wiih unflinching ItrmneM and liitt-lity 10 tlieiti: stitutions aii(! ftoTernmeut olonrcoiinirv. 'l'rustt 1 1 lt in (tocI aod tho riiihteousiicss of our t.';iust, rhoj" oro rendy to incur groater Faerifices ai?d lica lic iviof in ilie confdenoeindhow that the fnUne wili moro tli.m compénsate Ibr the past. a:Kl tlnit tlie lilesginss of libcrlv win i'P permanent!; ïecyred and greatly iucreased to onr poFterity, Tlio ic'sttiiiLR of na lóns and individual are in tlic bands of God. For boinitifiil linrvests, for penr-ral heakh ïtmonir tlie poople. for civil and reliyious lilierly nnd tbc dlffusion of kiu.w!, ed e nnd êdiication, for tho contlnued existence ol the liepnblic and ths {rinmphs of its arm?, and for all lbo prooi and pood frifts óf n beniirn Providenco onr aoknowledumenls and yr.ii.eare dnfl to Iliin alom?. Tbat we wny sniiabSy .-icknowledsre onr dependence upon Almijjlity God. nnd with reverent tlianklnlnes.s give gloiT to Uim. ' dn borehv pet apart and nppoirir Tluirsday. tho 27ih instant, as a diij' ol" public tbnriksfivinff and proísO. I róqncst tbat upon llvtdnv tliepeoplemay nSr semMe in tlieir plneèï oftiWic wors-hip anti in ilioir home. n:id keep tbis d v in the sprint in wbi li onr fatberskept it. wtlli pure rebgiousaml patriotic hearrs, fnll ofl:iiih and l'ope. (iven under niy band and ibe great scal of tlie State at the Capital, n tlie city af [r.. s.] Ijonrinjt. on the 5 1 li d iy of Nov.. in the yra! ofo'irl.ord fne thonsand eigblluin"dred and sixtv-two.


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Michigan Argus