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The Draft Will Soon Be Made To

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fill up tlioqnntu of this State The recent order han been generally nruundewtood, ind had the Adjut:int Gener al dusiyriod to inake a dmft iiucesw iry he cuttid not inoro effecfunMy have &:■ ompüshed it. The order rt-ad tluit f tlie qiitii =i was m' fiilod ivilhtn Iho time rainid nine uTonths wnbuhtaerH woiihl he received, and hu.ndred pr.feKring (o tnüst lm aiae raontha ineai of (bree years havo heen wuiting t'tiii ■#! nted timo it now Heeiris bat ninc (ngnif1" vuliinteers ure to b aocapted na mib? ■itltti'è!" for drafed men, n very diffr ent thing. Qrdeife fthouW ho so wikten that t'nn public cuunot mwunderstand tliem. f4L Witli 11 duo defereneo to the President we think tlie appo!iitment)f Gen. Mohkis, of Indiano, to bo Generar, with connii6son to date back to April 1861, ibus giving liim pay for a yearand a half hieh ho has not been in aervice ; and, worner, giving lnni rank above tliose uffioers who have been c nstantly in the face of tlie enemv, is an outrage. Proniotions fur frallant services in tlie field sliould be speedy to be vainable; a:id protiiotions for poli t ïe;il causen shoiild not be made at all, and if marie sliouid not be (hited back to give the reoeiver rauk nt honordMj won Síár Wenoticeth it Gen McCi.kllan 3 propo t'd as a candulate fr United States Senator botli in New Je'sey and Oluo. Whlü o can nee the point of sugeraeding Bv.s Wadk with -'littl.-. Mac.1' we hope that the true lrierds of the bitter wiM not force him into politioal life. Lel him bide his time like the modes', true hearted patriot be has proved himsef, and he vvill yet subdue the nest of pol'ticsl intriguers who have worked his reiuoval. LS" Lien. Col. William L. WiupPLK.of tlie 21st Micliigan Infai.try, dled at Nashville. Temt., on the Gth inst., ufUt an illnt-ss of only three days. Col. V. was a hrotlier of the late Jndgo WiiippLEof tbis State. He wás Lieüteimiit in the Mexioan war. and on tl.e breaking out of this rebellion ontered tlia servieu of his country as a oaptain in the Secind Michigan Infantry. His remaius havo been brouaht lióme for burial. ZS" Thwikjgiving has been proclainied at ast, and our gnod people will take notico and arrango acoordingly. We havü inucli to return thanks for notwitlistaiKÜng the war am! its desolation. TbdUgb out' bro hers and sous m-iy liava fallen n the fig'it, our homes have nut been desoía' cd, and our fair fields luid woste. See the proclamation of the Governor. 1 UST T"e Legislature will be nble to eleetlñiy man they picase to the United States Sonate. - Mate News. Pid our neiglibor of tho Newt ever ltno-v B Legi-lature that was not able to clect any man ' hei ph-ase ? " - Argus. Right smart, mighbor, and if we shall j ever be so rortunirte as to go to the Leg ' islature, tbuugb it be by the roerest chance, ai.d a tight squ--eze at 'luit. we hope to be ablo to learn sotnethiiig as , well as our cotemporary. - State New, Not so fast, rifiglibor. " The uierest chance and tiglit squi'eze " is not likely ' to hilp you into the Lcgislature, and, besides, if it tdiould, you give évidence of so little to opérate upon that there is slim hope that you would ' learn eoiiiething."


Old News
Michigan Argus