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New Yjrk ooiety. The animal meeting of this Sjciety, for h. elcction of officei'8, will beheld at the Monitor. House, Tuesday erening, November 25th, at fo'cluck. No gapper this year CHARLES A. CHAPÍN, 8ec'y. Noy. 18th, 1862. S3H"J5L HOTJ3E F3R SAX.S. Eitlier of the oncfeniigned will receivo proposals tip to We;liiesday, Nov. 26th, at 4 o'clock, P. M. for tli" pn-chae of the South Sohool House and Lots, generally kuown astie " OM Aiadcniy. " E W MORCAN. ) W C. T0ORHË1S, J Finance Oom P. ACH, ) METHODIST CHÜRCH 4NN ABBOH. Vicior Hugo's G-reat Sensatitm Worfc FRIDAY JÍVENING, Nuvember 21st, at 8 o'clóck. Pi of. Siddoïis will c-ni.iieii:e ;i 9Tit)4 ( ij.i IQ( fruiu LIS INilSTlUBlESt follón ed Ij y BCtlitii ir in LicLeos, Lover, .-het)dant AJnkÍMfi'm 25 cvutft, Tickets to be procured ut the bookxiores 1862." NËW' 1852, WINTER COQDS! 'O MACK & SCHMID aio nmv rt'ceivn g a Large & Attractiva Stock of taplü ar.' Fancy Dry Gjoüs LaDIES' DKES3 G0ÜD3, Fültrf, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &ct in great vnriety of the niQst desirablq slylt'ti and qn uilif.s. A gom] íS'irtment of KII3BONS. TKIM.MIXaS, GLÜVE, UOSIERY.&o, Also a cli'iiuu stock of gnods for Mens' Wear, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. HATS .ISTID CAïS, Fresla Grooeries VROCKERY, cf-c, cfes., hich wül :il! le Kuld at (he Lowcst Cash IPiices MACK & SCEIMID. Ann Arbor, Noy. 7, 1862. 878tf ' 10E. ICE. ICp ■ ÍWOUIA) rpj]ectfuiV7 unntiunce tn all m.r fnraer cuítoro ikuI Irii-n'u Uut I .11 11 m.v Ico II-.iuo rliirlliK lliccmiiilfT iviliti-r, aiül onll lii (fiad to furnil tin-m. Hn-i.ili persuDS w.mfio ICÉ aaring tho ojoo O.i .iccount of my m-n &nt . ff tn wr ni Wrins ini', nl vriou lifflcultirs, 1 w "W P"! '" Klí.circulaiiiil! mv !coi!'n-ii li rt tim-1 ..onfrhn I hould „t :■ ■■iveio!io. H r:.f.-cl to t abie to iuppij allj.orsiinB Hilin; n1 wilh ECil ICE AS TIIEÏ MAY WAR I willf:irill filtniüi'S W'ttlSO lb per ■! iv. SttirUr 4(1)1., Ml f: ll.irüithem.nlh-orM.vanl Jub $. ,,..rm.nth n il, n." -f m-ii ' l.-O P" .""■ H..(el, MiloiM..udUutclier -h, ili u furuwhed as lien-tufnre, at -O cm pI 100 lt' í76w6 CLÜMKNTR THOMPSON. 150 BÜSHELS TIMOTHÏ SBEU For S.a.1O lay BACU&riÜSQN. Ann Arbor October 1, (36& FABVI FOR SALE. The undersisnedwillsell, on ti-n vrar limo if desired 80 Acres of Land In Webster, Adioininglhothi farm ol L Borden. Tho frm wcll Icpced, iiüiino '"" fcult 'Htinn, hita a fnimrrl hoMSe.a youoí tbrifty orchard, and is conventent to njarktt ïrm given on auplic&lion. 1) HTOININO. Xnn Arbor. Beft. lfth, 1862. RTl n3 KTOTIOE'I'HE NN'UAI. meetinï of the (Jortniin Farmers" Fir I ingurancfl Compan will bo hM at tbe houne of JounKoeh, Lodi, Dec.l, 1S6Ü, at lOoclock, A. M. JOHN" KOCH, Sscy. Lodl, Nov,8lh,18 3 Ayer's Sarsaparilla I


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