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" T dnfi'l nve yon inv more. I vh ll.iit I could ut. vt' r ffti yiKir l::ce ip:iin " The !itcr,vphcincnt imrdKrtime fHm ]i -n lioRf miiíIi s i-ie like ihe sunshine dl llic tirM icw 'liiv, ;i i ■ rf ho vniee U ,TS M fl 111(1 SWtcl, tllitl "!lc;iSilllt tllillg IJ Y i IHMl :' Bnt il'e Itrw lidd nn tmnfhinf if etnilw ñu - mfH ihe pnf-iU'tuUe hhi'11 .( tilt' lelies cf Millfriirct [,("■ h:id ill ( ID !H F ( ctl'C-H. IK 'T HtffHCtl'B, The Ifirl a? :n orphiin, ind t'ic limthei' lioni thv nitdrenced m itirci' ye;irs hor fernor. Tliere rm ft strorff (ui 51 v üL'i'iicss hctwern tlie to; )mt ll'C sjic.-!-i('i) uliich riiirlrtnvd the f;u:e of the lü'i'ther, x'iiiyiii-hfii it for line - liis mms bïiter, Htfíet, liéis wis ílr-lifd, )iis,-ifnite. TI ('i'dore íjiiwe rose np. 1 th nk ilu' corii-e'oi pnrss Ihiit he had tullen ii'.tn jvil :ind (lirnccd himsclf and dure h s itel1 :i wrojnp, Ptniijr hiin iiímc ttififi her hniclest vird di'l.- "Vsiv c!l, T í- 1 1 : 1 1 1 nnt srive vnii Hfl i p icf t íi níty lo iiiMilt tlie like this, }y put liritr my fi.ce nhcrc you M see it very S'íí n nfrniíi." he suifl. Mírrüie! I.iHM', in her he;.t of (tvv% d d int Ik ed the covert tliivüi in lliH-e v (iiJ, luit slie reticrtileied t ntri av: r!s in sinr.iw, :iiid reprn;ich of spitit. ''T miiW Hde i' (mi 'f - i ït , for ne while, if' I were. in vour pluce. Tli'-i dort! J.' vv,'' he f=:ii1, with no ilmtement in the rnfrrV fpfrhn8Íi nf -her voiee. " For mV nwn ritir , I ini Hhbi tned t il'ii:k tlim whcreTet ynh po the Morv 1 lunt nifjtit will lie 1ld to yciir Hhnrr.e. :md mV disgr:ce, liec;nise yiiii j'p iiiv lifi.thcr " Tt n hh fiírlun.-itcilu t, ftt iií inornpnt, i diiiicslic tii'rH'd iiiid pvt :i snelden nol ii id in 'hp fnleiview. w!ini-'t' bi'ti'vncss .-i = ruily irtciisifi d lv ivords. Thcndore Lcvr i.orii np inri vvrnt nut v i" h ' ut sjvj: Í-: í i ! lt iijiiiip, pnlv hi. fnce whk i ' Ir, Illlil llc'c ;l fit ree ylfNlII 11 lic pyp W nif-ti ir it I - sis'ci's facp, Tic MMisi'ivc, hit; li epiliU-H gil1] nl fijititi-pn, c'Hiii.l_v ln.d citucv fur bitter II I I 'ifil llÍ'!. The bidllier had ncc'iiiipnniecl her tl.i' ■rrci'dii g evi iiinp-j in i piivi"e par tv, al liiili eie PKceniblod n m of thrir ri.l)tlin1 iiqiiiniaiicis 'l'hccdnie I.owe w :is ti h ftC li STO ttltfd In hiking wine, tuit ihis eveniDg ho drtinfe - more thiin ii: imuIimI. A"I en ! e rciiiiped td Ui paflire h v;is quile in (ixicaled, me) liécillio vocil ei i'i.s iu:d iii'jA'i tineül to stverul tit the CUVhtl. At bist, with lunch difiBcnlty, liis i-ister perminded Mm t'i iccotnpiiny her hdine, wiili Mieh tii.kiniis imd nuil lifieatiin nl Fpilit :is e;m liest be iiiüiiined j !ii;H ten ele met lier liiolliei the next m'i iiiiijr, iiftcr lii li.te lueiikl'iiHt, lier ] ent lip (tetiligs s ent themselves in i stdllll nl iieeusatii'lis - well liigh ;ipl llieniüs. Tlie V"(llitt i;i:iii Wiis (..II ik ci't:tiitive imd liifh-fpii iled us his i-iei"j md si lie wn;ki(J ii id V HiUMid li.uiK'ie's ftnix' tiere i m heiid Ixokkeeper. He feit ho !;ivvere() in-hisown selr -rei-peet, a i-unken in the i'steetti fl (ithers, tlijit h e ufriiOB w i 1 1 p d he wíjh d iid. Every bitter woni of Mmgnipl's teftred to ciirl it.-flf' in letters of fluttie helore liitn, und Iheie was iddefi to this mentid Htvgöinh Hint phvsioal revulsión vfii.'.'h (mllblly iii'L'ou . tules inv infl ii ltrtTH e in 'in:iihiiir'(r ücui.d. Thcodoie I.oue kiinnhal tii si.4i'l '.- il fii'V. I HOI ithible. w:is iltoyi ttit-r ;k!ii;i] Iim'cu her, hmed liimK 11 III' lis i-hiiue(1 m meet iny ol ic(]riii!iil!iiH't' j Ie Isiiilv viï:Ih-iI is ) e tiir.tirht over lile i'VL'ü's ol lliu iirci.'(!ii.i cveniiiL", mil :illhollj{h .thev diil hot i'.vi.-l vt-iy t.luai.'y n Int ijn'i(ii.iv. Biill lii' j;;iii{iii:itiou KUpfi'ifd nid luiuh. ll'NL'il 11 fj lll:it v;is WH.I (i H " J. ivirli I n flf;ul," n.iiliorcd Thpocinic I.oe tn h itiiJ-t-I f nrldiiii, is, il.-is, tiniimi) lüituif is ni ipt in dn. one sin to inother, in accordüir e wilh I he fuuiInl lofjiii i-f evil. "I fujii(ipi. this n it tei' hiII 'je ■.iljii-d i.vt'r iiid fliscii.c(J fur tlie nc-xt vir. mid erorJ'bodV kno.M' !iüi i i' .oí I mude t itivhvH I ve a üh'hI ntind to po ii, d jüirip $' .-ome piel, Hfl.d enfl ihis misel'ahli; nuitli-f.1 Al:d it. ;is just 111 this fl;iltie (tf tlllld, ;hit tKe yui g man mei twri-of hi oqiiain'i.iu-cs, lui d;id ji-it:,ed :i resl iinMit tl it (r io It-ave lor tn cufiiiing gtoünr) 'tic next diiv. 'J t hi'iiu h t pud.rtejiiy fl;islied !ici-nstj the yonnfí tiüín thnt le Ifrijfhi uve hirnmst uil fnithiT ii ortifii'iition by enÜHt irp. ind Ifuvina the i itv tt ttfiiso. flf Imsiily (■xll■■H('d lii llmnght, nd liif fHei ds peiii:!!.ed it vchi-ii cntlv, ó .-isiiny ifuit lic would be (loim.tcd th in 11 iiioti(f, ufiii ainted ;i oldieiV lifo in most itti;if(ive i-olm-s. Thtodore Lowe listened, wih the vi'uids nf Mxiffuret rifirinjf in hiw enr ; nd ii Hiir-h ui trii,in h uCi ovi r hini, fit he il oiiiht he cmild fti fiil lus thVent i)l kcei r.g out f he wiiy, with ejnptiHyiü mm1. Hin ni ele wiis iliKcnt, ind ilicji' vvms no fer ■ i' tht opjioxition hu slii'idd otlii v ise be fure t encnilf.ter I in iliüt qu-irter- in slmit, ilie iT)atter m:m pctll. d in li-i-s llnr fifiecn iiiintHfD. ind viiliiu un duur Theodore Lowa hd entered ihe ru.ijfc nnd ñv of mie ff tlie Mii-8ifliu.-etts regimenté. línrgíiiHl Lowe 'M bctfer thiin her woni ; ;is vf; ure Hi'iuctiit'ew. Af'erhcr Htotfn of tcniu md rejiioiuheH Jind ►pent tneTf, tl er was n ciilm nnd tl:e entrents of i-iiwly i'flf-ctii.n, wtifcb flo"".-fd deep urd etróng mtö tte yóuígí üiil's leart, hei theinselvi'S t work '.'::.'; tlieir oíd chaimels. As che s;i t at hir i umi i hu t fhnrninjf, the haih words s!ie h;td spoken, mina hiick irid lr in bied her mernory. "After :ill she h:id heen ti liü'o Ihi hard nn Thu tíore It wnsihi' fi t time hu had eíer I-Hen iuio teinpintion, nnd all imn uure üuble to ctii thi s( roetirtia, a1 d oiiL'ht lint to hc killed for I ::Iht," tri1 füi! the yiil, w'tli llie usuiil fi'ti.inine procln itv # inte' nil i' ff hei' rilicipWa ani) mij c nes. -'And thrn 'Ihcoilore w-ju ■ ilailine hroihcr. uftor al! - limv tuindmii e Ik; w.w - huw prnnrl lie ivn, huw hiüh spii 'led and fensuho, he wiMild ba piinihed MTitjfh firt" liis un-. furt u natu niWtñkOH wiihmit her tunntn and repniiichea It was reallv ornel, the wav shi hüd jrone n Shu eerliiiniv diüc'cr] shc must havo l)i ti :.i sidi' luTself; nnd ihen 'hat if the vvnids had Miiry him Into ()esH-r:nirin ind he -hmild tri, o(T nnd f i'l Bgnirt, the f ti tilt WiHiM he hers, iiltoielher. The ponr fi-llciw needed kind wnrds nnd encoiirayement, inktend rif hia feelinyn hnfrowed pr1 n ttit wayl " It his( iiiother ind hei-R haH heen ivifüiat iriirniiiti, fhe vvinilij not have re] t'ii;,cln'd and tannted her ImiV - she V.oi.ld have si'iitlu d :.ii1 iuiir:lor'ed fiirti, ihd lit) onld lia i' irnne uvvav fpitfll his iiuihuiV tcMrs and ki.-e 'ith ffmid hö t, and i iiiiilii y resolvo that lor ut l'e oi.lcl nevel f:ill atraill " jtid MalUiliel ivinruibrred lllat hei iinthei' ia!l tlmt i'i'inanici, of' ii bro ;i-n tainily npon earlh, and Ihat st.e l'mfi, as lar as ghe iiiiihi, in ttn: place el' Ittn Hio hut novv, and il seemed au hongt) theclo-ed ey'S, sluepinir f o lonji ;d M)ilhd under tl:e simiiner grassen, "okeii with rpourniid reprouoh down n her i-i in The tears swelled artn into the i tv'.ffiil liviiq eyee ''I v ill lie verv kiuf! io Thendoii' wtien tie yoinon hmne tunight," re.-olved the iinpulsive girl. Th i ndoii' fji)vvi mant to BHl'i y the tlr.niruff iti il hiyh h ;■ íi í4, ;iüil teil liis ■isU-r m ilio.conlöst wuy poHriible hut he h;ii eniisieil, ind fboukJ set off to umi i'iii , ii nd shu woiild nut, therefore, ha tiiiulilud wiih lh( nlght if hi hiot any liwre, is he bad promi-ed lier - l'hü yi'iintr man led bis prido ind antrir f(ir :;viili i,m m rtV nge in ime lor liiin füilie vm-I knew iht1 cunsleniiition whicli wmild tukt poj,HB"ifin uf her htn lie Mi Ipnily cur.vinced lliüt he hüfl juined the ailliv. Bul ' the diiy oio off a beller spirit begim lo lüke poíseinion of' him. i feeling of len3i'JT.uH iiid PadoSB stolt over him is he lh(ii;ílit of tho fuir y'Bf)j{ sister vvlmin he ■ about U) ieave - il might be foii;ver. And bufore he reiu-herl homo, sifter the on hurrifd day of n, t)ie trjiiiliph wns i'l tri. ik; Iioiii lie:irr , uncí lb young muil fli'ended to deliver the meïsagji hich he brought lo bi.i Mster ' Why, Thenclori, we'va bon b ; -i ing (ea for ynu u liole hom!'" saici Murgiiret j,owu :is her bróther opi'iied th" door and ihere ivh i)n ikfigoi' lij hi r vnire luw, nol evpi) tnpatience, nnly H kii.tJiy .■■■(■ hiitudo Therc was n drawing buck now - Thendoie Lowh lell thal the he tiot the woids out the better, and s tliey crtme. " Wei], I must, swulloW iny siiier in ;i hi:rry to-ni li t ftip I ve got to be off oiiflv lo mniTow morninti, as 've enliskd in Otipt. FuHlt's coiiipaiiv." "'V.)il doti't mean triat ? Oh, Theodore!'' She asked the questii.n as though her b.other's word.-s had been a blow M hich hnrt hw 11 Yts, I mean il, Margaret. You'll g' t ri.l of me, nmv, yon see." II e i-poke in a clicorful vioe, or tricd tn, ind di8 not mean thut his words f-hould wound her 13ut she tat dowij jrirti a very white face. I " Going to the svar - gping to the war ! " she niuttercd, in a yay wliich proved tlmt the shock lmd bi'Cl). for tlie inoment ahnit tco ijiuch fui' lier. "Of coun-e I mi, sis. Yon wouldn't want your brother lo stay ;it bnntfi and be a cownrd, wuld you, when his country wai.tcd liim ? Cïine i ow, don't take it in tliis way. don","' and lie rtmi to ward his sister and luid lus hand tenderly on lier linir. Slip iliri'w up her uring, with a quick gestut e of' despair umi terror. " It is all becuust; of nhat I saici this niorniug - it was thut mude yon enlist ; nnd i )v you aie {!yii'g awnv frin int, and I slüill nwer sec you again I " A crcat storm et subs tili'io'; to and fro the tigure of Margiirot J.ojrc. " itV liüthirtg,1 was the enger response of the y'opn'g mar , and he was at the iiioiniiit jicrfce !j' unoonseioiis 'Jiai lienta Jifjt êffakiiijj the 'nith. ' Dmi't 'ffCt such a iintion :is tllat int'i vonr fnnjiiitl head, little sister l've Bad the thing on iry ïnind tur sí inctinie It is my duty to do sóiiiPtbii'g f'oi' my country in lier day of peril. Gome, now, loo); up and be a soldicr's ster. and giye )ne a God's fperd." F)ie did look up, with lit;r fi;ir yonng face (Jreiieiied in tears " O, Tl't'ddrre. you are all the biothcr f have got i;i the wïild- our fiiiber ai d inothtr aru dead, and Buppflrpjiig y„u shoiild die otf therc on scnie drendful balde field. No no, I ean'l let yiu ga. I ein"t," and she oliing to him, sobh'ne aml shivering. Tlieodore Lcwe'a heart sui k wMiin liini, as he witnessed the distress if liis sistiT, fur he lovud lier better thatj anyt{li(lg n tlit; trliole wurld " Don't cry so darling; be a good girl. Om1 of these days I intend tncine bnok i n ti (ifficir, ar.d jdii'll )be prond of me tlien j iittle sister. Dry uji ymir tesre, md be strrn f nd brave, and don't lonk upon the dark of tliings." And sn be tricd to clicer and comfort ber, and succeedcd part-ly at tbe last, but hor fainl smjie gliowed that just bevond it lay aves ff bittor teurs - tcars wliich nlie would slied softly on louely niglits, lyinr on lier pillow, Tlie'dore Jj uve romained with liia sis ter until late n the evening, md íhen lie liurried off ti complete bis last prepnr.i tions; but wlien he ii'turned after mid niht .Le wy watcliin for bim, and ber long draw, ; O, Tlieodore," touclied niut-h that inoro w(ir.ds coild nol. 'l'hey hardly iiiutehed uu hour'g sleep tbat night, and wliat thcy said to caeh nflier O, reader, listen to your beurt, and kii"W. jEarly nrxt morning, thero was a brief, agoniziiig parling, such parting-i as luring tlie last ycar have tninspired tliroughout the Jand, in whieh was ahsost thd bli'.-e:E8SS of deafb, ' I M;irí.-n't Lowe jearws and hopei and pr ys fur her b.othrr, gone to thu battle, as wivcs and ututliura, and sistiTS do in maiiy lliuusand Iiomua but somet ms the iiii'inory of tl) Die bitter aiigry wmde whicL slie spoke to her brotlicr orí the last MiDiiiiiig lliat iliey pas-td logctlier, cnnig b.ick to gtirte lier, stingmg lilfe a serpent; ouuing like a sword, ai.d tliat prayer wliicli n'iláa in it the only mortal hcnling is birathed ancw ainid te;irs of reptntauce amJ hiiiiiiliatioii, ' ünd forgive un!" Dpar roadiT, God will answor, if you havc too tlms pruvod, reiucmbering yonr b'-loved who have '■ etil isted ! eulisled!" -


Old News
Michigan Argus